Israel blocks terrorist Omar, Tlaib from entering country

C McC ⭐⭐⭐✝️⚾❤️ on Twitter

View attachment 274517

Oh these two ............. need sent back and put into prison you two whores need to gth out of the US and leave our rights alone you won't win bitches! Twats like you never win fairly.

Good hope they are turned away..
They are US citizens, asshole.

They aren’t citizens of Israel so Israel has the right to tell them that blocking their entry gives Bibi a calming feeling.
It is shameful that our president singles out two elected representatives of a co equal branch and encourages a foreign country to ban them for no reason but their political views. If you cant see how unAmerican this, then I have no words. Imagine if Obama had singled out a couple of Jewish Republican reoresentatives, told them to go backto where they came from, and then encourage a foreign country to ban them.

I have never seen anything like this. I dont CARE what their political views are, this is not good. Not at all. And I am sad thatpeople seem to support it.

These 2 representatives were among those that sought to ban President Trump from Dayton and El Paso- cities which President Trump is sovereign over.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander
C McC ⭐⭐⭐✝️⚾❤️ on Twitter

View attachment 274517

Oh these two ............. need sent back and put into prison you two whores need to gth out of the US and leave our rights alone you won't win bitches! Twats like you never win fairly.

Good hope they are turned away..
They are US citizens, asshole.

They aren’t citizens of Israel so Israel has the right to tell them that blocking their entry gives Bibi a calming feeling.
It is shameful that our president singles out two elected representatives of a co equal branch and encourages a foreign country to ban them for no reason but their political views. If you cant see how unAmerican this, then I have no words. Imagine if Obama had singled out a couple of Jewish Republican reoresentatives, told them to go backto where they came from, and then encourage a foreign country to ban them.

I have never seen anything like this. I dont CARE what their political views are, this is not good. Not at all. And I am sad thatpeople seem to support it.

These 2 representatives were among those that sought to ban President Trump from Dayton and El Paso- cities which President Trump is sovereign over.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander
Again. That is not a foreign country. Big difference. We should present unity and respect when it comes to other countries. Yet another aspect if gios governance that seems to be ditched in the intetests of personak thin skinned vendettas.
Israel blocks Omar, Tlaib from entering country amid pressure from Trump

Israel is now defending American democracy better than the USA can

Israeli officials have decided to block U.S. Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., from entering the country as part of a planned visit, a reversal that comes amid pressure from President Trump and concerns about their support for Israel boycotts.

The country's deputy foreign minister announced the decision Thursday, despite prior assurances that the congresswomen would be allowed in.

When you a title on your threat that's nothing but a lie people just get disgusted. More lies.

When you do that people stop believing anything you post.

That woman isn't a terrorist. She has not committed any act of terrorism. She's a congress woman who was elected by the people of her district.

Do you realize that people are sick and tired of all the lies? Do you realize that you drive people away from the republican party with all your stupid lies?

Keep it up, you won't have supporters anymore if you people keep this up.
They are both terrorist who support the destruction of Israel

Enjoy your ignorance

C McC ⭐⭐⭐✝️⚾❤️ on Twitter

View attachment 274517

Oh these two ............. need sent back and put into prison you two whores need to gth out of the US and leave our rights alone you won't win bitches! Twats like you never win fairly.

Good hope they are turned away..
They are US citizens, asshole.

They aren’t citizens of Israel so Israel has the right to tell them that blocking their entry gives Bibi a calming feeling.
It is shameful that our president singles out two elected representatives of a co equal branch and encourages a foreign country to ban them for no reason but their political views. If you cant see how unAmerican this, then I have no words. Imagine if Obama had singled out a couple of Jewish Republican reoresentatives, told them to go backto where they came from, and then encourage a foreign country to ban them.

I have never seen anything like this. I dont CARE what their political views are, this is not good. Not at all. And I am sad thatpeople seem to support it.

Maybe Obama should go on another apology tour?
Israel blocks Omar, Tlaib from entering country amid pressure from Trump

Israel is now defending American democracy better than the USA can

Israeli officials have decided to block U.S. Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., from entering the country as part of a planned visit, a reversal that comes amid pressure from President Trump and concerns about their support for Israel boycotts.

The country's deputy foreign minister announced the decision Thursday, despite prior assurances that the congresswomen would be allowed in.
/——/ The truth comes out. Israeli minister rips Tlaib for nixing trip, says ‘her hate for Israel’ overcomes ‘love for her grandmother’
Antisemite Linda Sarsour Falsely Implies Israel Banned Tlaib and Omar Because They Are Muslim
David Lange
August 16, 2019
As has already been posted, Israel banned congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar from Israel – the rationale is because they planned on using their trip to strengthen the boycott against us and deny Israel’s legitimacy. Whether or not you agree with the decision, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made this veryclear.

But this matters little to the haters like antisemite Linda Sarsour, who is yet again trying to exploit the situation to stoke the flames of hatred by claiming our decision was motivated by anti-Muslim/palestinian bigotry:

Make no mistake about it. Gaslighter-in-chief Sarsour knows this is a lie; the Israeli PM had published his post before hers, and when the trip was announced, there was much talk as to whether would ban them pursuant to Amendment No. 27 to the Entry Into Israel Law, which “prohibits the entry into Israel of any foreigner who makes a “public call for boycotting Israel” or “any area under its control.” Besides, the law has already been invoked in the past to ban Jewish BDS-holes like Ariel Gold.

I know there is tendency these days to misuse the word “evil” to describe someone who you vehemently oppose. I pride myself on not falling in to the trap, and reserve it for those I truly believe deserve this descriptor.

Linda Sarsour is evil.

Update: Israel is now allowing Tlaib to enter Israel on humanitarian grounds if she vows to respect ‘any restrictions,’ and refrain from promoting a boycott during her stay.
Yes, with only a few exceptions, the Arabs sold their land to Jews beginning during the Ottoman days, and then going forward under British rule. During the Mandate, British courts examined thousands of Arab claims that their land had been stolen and found nearly all of these were without merit.

After the Six Day War, Israel adopted the Ottoman land laws for Judea and Samaria as the4 British had done before them and built only on state lands at first, but security concerns made it necessary to procure additional lands, so Israel purchased these lands under the doctrine of eminent domain, just as governments do in the US and throughout Europe. While there were some early abuses of this doctrine, Israeli courts have examined these cases and have often given the land back to the Arabs who had owned it. There were only a few instances of abuse and some of these have since been corrected, but on such a small scale that there is no justification for labelling the process land theft.
Well, you are talking about history and the precarious but internationally accepted turn of events. But here we are today with already decades of land-theft by an organization (Zionism) that has morphed from a suitable philosophy into a treacherous Nazi state similar to Germany's Third Reich. What it is doing is illegal by the standards of international law set up by the very same entity that that afforded the diaspora Jews a homeland in the first place.

In essence, the Zionists are saying, "We have a legal right by U.N. decree to a homeland but we do not recognise any U.N. decree or considerations to the Palestinian people to have their own homeland".
Thank you, U.N.
Fuck you, U.N.
In fact, it was you who was talking about history, and I was merely responding to your question of whether the Arabs sold land to Jews. They did. Now you are apparently posting this screed to show how vast and profound your ignorance of all things past and present is.

The UN did not create Israel, the Jews living there did. The Partition resolution from the General Assembly was not a binding resolution but merely a last desperate attempt to prevent a was between the Arab states and the Jews after Britain announced it was withdrawing from the Mandate. The UNGA asked the Security Council to issue a binding resolution enforcing the Partition resolution, but the SC declined, merely asking the Arab states not to attack the Jews. Here is the the response from the Arab League:

' it would lead to "a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacre and the Crusades."[1]'

Azzam Pasha quotation - Wikipedia

Clearly a genocidal threat against the Jews right after European genocide.

As everyone expected, all The Arab states declared war on the new state of Israel moments after it announced it would accept the Partition proposal, and the 600,000 Israelis, at first armed with only homemade rifles and mortars, sent the armies of all the Arab states scurrying for home with Israeli troops in hot pursuit. It was only in 1949, that UN, in an effort to save the Arab governments from further humiliation, offered to recognize the new state of Israel and offer it membership in the UN if Israel agreed to accept a truce.

The UN did not create Israel, it simply recognized as it saw the Arab armies running for their lives that the new state of Israel, created by the Jews who lived there without any help from the UN was here to stay.
Read today's news. Isreal has backed away from Trump's stupid political trick and will allow Tlaib into Israel. Trump is becoming dispised and rejected even in Israel.

To visit her 90 y/o grandmother and with conditions.

See the evil Joos are not heartless devils

Telling a US Congresswoman she is not allowed to voice her opinions

If she is not happy with how her grandmother is being treated, she can’t say anything

Telling a US Congresswoman she is not allowed to voice her opinions

Who could shut up that obnoxious whiner?
She was elected to serve the interest of the USA and to a lesser extent the wishes and benefits of those who voted for her. She was not elected and is not duty bound to voice her objections to Israel.
Read today's news. Isreal has backed away from Trump's stupid political trick and will allow Tlaib into Israel. Trump is becoming dispised and rejected even in Israel.

To visit her 90 y/o grandmother and with conditions.

See the evil Joos are not heartless devils

Telling a US Congresswoman she is not allowed to voice her opinions

If she is not happy with how her grandmother is being treated, she can’t say anything

Telling a US Congresswoman she is not allowed to voice her opinions

Who could shut up that obnoxious whiner?
She was elected to serve the interest of the USA and to a lesser extent the wishes and benefits of those who voted for her. She was not elected and is not duty bound to voice her objections to Israel.

Or to encourage BDS.
That is how allies behave. On the other hand Israel is well aware of what a Muslim terrorist is
No. That is how dogs behave.
Your anti semitism is recorded

Lol, good luck with that. I was in Israel last month. I have some very good friends there. I'm not fond of the current government, but neither are many of the Israelis.

So you can take your antisemitism accusations and stick'em where the sun don't shine kid.

Israel is a Democracy so most do support Bibi and his stance vs Islamic Terror regimes.
Not really the impression I get from being there.

It is an election process so if they didn’t support him he would lose.
C McC ⭐⭐⭐✝️⚾❤️ on Twitter

View attachment 274517

Oh these two ............. need sent back and put into prison you two whores need to gth out of the US and leave our rights alone you won't win bitches! Twats like you never win fairly.

Good hope they are turned away..
They are US citizens, asshole.

They aren’t citizens of Israel so Israel has the right to tell them that blocking their entry gives Bibi a calming feeling.
It is shameful that our president singles out two elected representatives of a co equal branch and encourages a foreign country to ban them for no reason but their political views. If you cant see how unAmerican this, then I have no words. Imagine if Obama had singled out a couple of Jewish Republican reoresentatives, told them to go backto where they came from, and then encourage a foreign country to ban them.

I have never seen anything like this. I dont CARE what their political views are, this is not good. Not at all. And I am sad thatpeople seem to support it.

I am so sick on your biased BS. Israel is its own country and may do as it wishes especially when one said that the Holocaust gave her a calming feeling and the other said Israel has hypnotized the world. Both hang out with Israeli and Jew hater, Linda Sarsour. You’re so ignorant Coyote, that I do not have any words.
C McC ⭐⭐⭐✝️⚾❤️ on Twitter

View attachment 274517

Oh these two ............. need sent back and put into prison you two whores need to gth out of the US and leave our rights alone you won't win bitches! Twats like you never win fairly.

Good hope they are turned away..
They are US citizens, asshole.

They aren’t citizens of Israel so Israel has the right to tell them that blocking their entry gives Bibi a calming feeling.
It is shameful that our president singles out two elected representatives of a co equal branch and encourages a foreign country to ban them for no reason but their political views. If you cant see how unAmerican this, then I have no words. Imagine if Obama had singled out a couple of Jewish Republican reoresentatives, told them to go backto where they came from, and then encourage a foreign country to ban them.

I have never seen anything like this. I dont CARE what their political views are, this is not good. Not at all. And I am sad thatpeople seem to support it.

These 2 representatives were among those that sought to ban President Trump from Dayton and El Paso- cities which President Trump is sovereign over.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander
Again. That is not a foreign country. Big difference. We should present unity and respect when it comes to other countries. Yet another aspect if gios governance that seems to be ditched in the intetests of personak thin skinned vendettas.

Israel has the laws and rights to ban those who support BDS. You’re saying we should tell other countries what laws they should have?
C McC ⭐⭐⭐✝️⚾❤️ on Twitter

View attachment 274517

Oh these two ............. need sent back and put into prison you two whores need to gth out of the US and leave our rights alone you won't win bitches! Twats like you never win fairly.

Good hope they are turned away..
They are US citizens, asshole.

They aren’t citizens of Israel so Israel has the right to tell them that blocking their entry gives Bibi a calming feeling.
It is shameful that our president singles out two elected representatives of a co equal branch and encourages a foreign country to ban them for no reason but their political views. If you cant see how unAmerican this, then I have no words. Imagine if Obama had singled out a couple of Jewish Republican reoresentatives, told them to go backto where they came from, and then encourage a foreign country to ban them.

I have never seen anything like this. I dont CARE what their political views are, this is not good. Not at all. And I am sad thatpeople seem to support it.

These 2 representatives were among those that sought to ban President Trump from Dayton and El Paso- cities which President Trump is sovereign over.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander
Again. That is not a foreign country. Big difference. We should present unity and respect when it comes to other countries. Yet another aspect if gios governance that seems to be ditched in the intetests of personak thin skinned vendettas.

Ms. Tlaib does have a thin skinned vendetta against her President as well as against the Jewish people.

One would think from the amount of venom she spews against Trump and Netanyahu, that the entire district that she is supposed to be representing would be in tremendous shape. However, that is not the case, Detroit is a sewer.

Thank God Almighty that we have a President willing to speak out, and speak Truth to Power like he did in Manchester last night.
They are US citizens, asshole.

They aren’t citizens of Israel so Israel has the right to tell them that blocking their entry gives Bibi a calming feeling.
It is shameful that our president singles out two elected representatives of a co equal branch and encourages a foreign country to ban them for no reason but their political views. If you cant see how unAmerican this, then I have no words. Imagine if Obama had singled out a couple of Jewish Republican reoresentatives, told them to go backto where they came from, and then encourage a foreign country to ban them.

I have never seen anything like this. I dont CARE what their political views are, this is not good. Not at all. And I am sad thatpeople seem to support it.

These 2 representatives were among those that sought to ban President Trump from Dayton and El Paso- cities which President Trump is sovereign over.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander
Again. That is not a foreign country. Big difference. We should present unity and respect when it comes to other countries. Yet another aspect if gios governance that seems to be ditched in the intetests of personak thin skinned vendettas.

Israel has the laws and rights to ban those who support BDS. You’re saying we should tell other countries what laws they should have?
Nope. They can whomever they want.

Aftetall Israel is the only country in the world we are forbidden from boycotting.
In fact, it was you who was talking about history ... .
I don't think you know what you are saying from one minute to the next.

..... the Arabs sold their land to Jews beginning during the Ottoman days, and then going forward under British rule. During the Mandate, British courts examined thousands of Arab claims that their land had been stolen and found nearly all of these were without merit.

After the Six Day War, Israel adopted the Ottoman land laws for Judea and Samaria as the4 British had done before them and built only on state lands at first, but security concerns made it necessary to procure additional lands, so Israel purchased these lands under the doctrine of eminent domain, just as governments do in the US and throughout Europe. While there were some early abuses of this doctrine, Israeli courts have examined these cases and have often given the land back to the Arabs who had owned it. There were only a few instances of abuse and some of these have since been corrected, but on such a small scale that there is no justification for labelling the process land theft.
I don't know what you think your above paragraph proves but that's a whole lot of "was" and "did" that have nothing to do with the present Isra-Nazi, Zionist land-grabbing of today.
C McC ⭐⭐⭐✝️⚾❤️ on Twitter

View attachment 274517

Oh these two ............. need sent back and put into prison you two whores need to gth out of the US and leave our rights alone you won't win bitches! Twats like you never win fairly.

Good hope they are turned away..
They are US citizens, asshole.

They aren’t citizens of Israel so Israel has the right to tell them that blocking their entry gives Bibi a calming feeling.
It is shameful that our president singles out two elected representatives of a co equal branch and encourages a foreign country to ban them for no reason but their political views. If you cant see how unAmerican this, then I have no words. Imagine if Obama had singled out a couple of Jewish Republican reoresentatives, told them to go backto where they came from, and then encourage a foreign country to ban them.

I have never seen anything like this. I dont CARE what their political views are, this is not good. Not at all. And I am sad thatpeople seem to support it.

I am so sick on your biased BS. Israel is its own country and may do as it wishes especially when one said that the Holocaust gave her a calming feeling and the other said Israel has hypnotized the world. Both hang out with Israeli and Jew hater, Linda Sarsour. You’re so ignorant Coyote, that I do not have any words.
Oh please. Sometimes you biased pro Israel groupies are over the top.
They are US citizens, asshole.

They aren’t citizens of Israel so Israel has the right to tell them that blocking their entry gives Bibi a calming feeling.
It is shameful that our president singles out two elected representatives of a co equal branch and encourages a foreign country to ban them for no reason but their political views. If you cant see how unAmerican this, then I have no words. Imagine if Obama had singled out a couple of Jewish Republican reoresentatives, told them to go backto where they came from, and then encourage a foreign country to ban them.

I have never seen anything like this. I dont CARE what their political views are, this is not good. Not at all. And I am sad thatpeople seem to support it.

These 2 representatives were among those that sought to ban President Trump from Dayton and El Paso- cities which President Trump is sovereign over.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander
Again. That is not a foreign country. Big difference. We should present unity and respect when it comes to other countries. Yet another aspect if gios governance that seems to be ditched in the intetests of personak thin skinned vendettas.

Ms. Tlaib does have a thin skinned vendetta against her President as well as against the Jewish people.

One would think from the amount of venom she spews against Trump and Netanyahu, that the entire district that she is supposed to be representing would be in tremendous shape. However, that is not the case, Detroit is a sewer.

Thank God Almighty that we have a President willing to speak out, and speak Truth to Power like he did in Manchester last night.
What truth to what power?

The predident is the power and his thin skinned reactions sully his positions. He should have stfu up. It was bad enough when he made his racist "go back" comment.

I dont what Israel does. It is their country. I do care what that thing squatting in the oval office says.
They aren’t citizens of Israel so Israel has the right to tell them that blocking their entry gives Bibi a calming feeling.
It is shameful that our president singles out two elected representatives of a co equal branch and encourages a foreign country to ban them for no reason but their political views. If you cant see how unAmerican this, then I have no words. Imagine if Obama had singled out a couple of Jewish Republican reoresentatives, told them to go backto where they came from, and then encourage a foreign country to ban them.

I have never seen anything like this. I dont CARE what their political views are, this is not good. Not at all. And I am sad thatpeople seem to support it.

These 2 representatives were among those that sought to ban President Trump from Dayton and El Paso- cities which President Trump is sovereign over.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander
Again. That is not a foreign country. Big difference. We should present unity and respect when it comes to other countries. Yet another aspect if gios governance that seems to be ditched in the intetests of personak thin skinned vendettas.

Israel has the laws and rights to ban those who support BDS. You’re saying we should tell other countries what laws they should have?
Nope. They can whomever they want.

Aftetall Israel is the only country in the world we are forbidden from boycotting.
Are you lying or just ignorant? You are not forbidden to boycott Israel. American organizations are forbidden from joining foreign boycotts. You need to become better informed about all the things you hate.

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