Israel blocks terrorist Omar, Tlaib from entering country

Israel blocks Omar, Tlaib from entering country amid pressure from Trump

Israel is now defending American democracy better than the USA can

Israeli officials have decided to block U.S. Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., from entering the country as part of a planned visit, a reversal that comes amid pressure from President Trump and concerns about their support for Israel boycotts.

The country's deputy foreign minister announced the decision Thursday, despite prior assurances that the congresswomen would be allowed in.
Bullshit. Netanyahu just did what tRump told him to. He got his tongue firmly up tRump's ass at this point and will do whatever he's told.
That is how allies behave. On the other hand Israel is well aware of what a Muslim terrorist is
No. That is how dogs behave.

You cannot have it both ways. If you unleash Israel then you cannot whine when they wipe out the terror regimes and their supporters.
Where did I say we should unleash Israel?
Israel blocks Omar, Tlaib from entering country amid pressure from Trump

Israel is now defending American democracy better than the USA can

Israeli officials have decided to block U.S. Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., from entering the country as part of a planned visit, a reversal that comes amid pressure from President Trump and concerns about their support for Israel boycotts.

The country's deputy foreign minister announced the decision Thursday, despite prior assurances that the congresswomen would be allowed in.
Bullshit. Netanyahu just did what tRump told him to. He got his tongue firmly up tRump's ass at this point and will do whatever he's told.
That is how allies behave. On the other hand Israel is well aware of what a Muslim terrorist is
No. That is how dogs behave.

You cannot have it both ways. If you unleash Israel then you cannot whine when they wipe out the terror regimes and their supporters.
Where did I say we should unleash Israel?

Well if you are in a position that we butt out and don’t apply our influence they will be left to do as they please. Including using their military might to take Gaza and the West Bank and expel the squatters.
Your anti semitism is recorded

Lol, good luck with that. I was in Israel last month. I have some very good friends there. I'm not fond of the current government, but neither are many of the Israelis.

So you can take your antisemitism accusations and stick'em where the sun don't shine kid.
You called Israel or isralies dogs

Enjoy your hatred
Nice strawman.

I called netanyahu a dog.
And you demonstrated that you are an anti semite
No, I demonstrated I'm not a fan of Benjamin netanyahu.


I like him. He is anti Radical Islam. A huge plus!
Bullshit. Netanyahu just did what tRump told him to. He got his tongue firmly up tRump's ass at this point and will do whatever he's told.
That is how allies behave. On the other hand Israel is well aware of what a Muslim terrorist is
No. That is how dogs behave.

You cannot have it both ways. If you unleash Israel then you cannot whine when they wipe out the terror regimes and their supporters.
Where did I say we should unleash Israel?

Well if you are in a position that we butt out and don’t apply our influence they will be left to do as they please. Including using their military might to take Gaza and the West Bank and expel the squatters.
That's not the sort of influence tRump is likely to apply.
Lol, good luck with that. I was in Israel last month. I have some very good friends there. I'm not fond of the current government, but neither are many of the Israelis.

So you can take your antisemitism accusations and stick'em where the sun don't shine kid.
You called Israel or isralies dogs

Enjoy your hatred
Nice strawman.

I called netanyahu a dog.
And you demonstrated that you are an anti semite
No, I demonstrated I'm not a fan of Benjamin netanyahu.


I like him. He is anti Radical Islam. A huge plus!
Not really, no.
That is how allies behave. On the other hand Israel is well aware of what a Muslim terrorist is
No. That is how dogs behave.

You cannot have it both ways. If you unleash Israel then you cannot whine when they wipe out the terror regimes and their supporters.
Where did I say we should unleash Israel?

Well if you are in a position that we butt out and don’t apply our influence they will be left to do as they please. Including using their military might to take Gaza and the West Bank and expel the squatters.
That's not the sort of influence tRump is likely to apply.

Forget the presidency. If we in general butt out then Israel should be able to do as they please?
You called Israel or isralies dogs

Enjoy your hatred
Nice strawman.

I called netanyahu a dog.
And you demonstrated that you are an anti semite
No, I demonstrated I'm not a fan of Benjamin netanyahu.


I like him. He is anti Radical Islam. A huge plus!
Not really, no.

No no he is. I am too. Are you?
Lol, good luck with that. I was in Israel last month. I have some very good friends there. I'm not fond of the current government, but neither are many of the Israelis.

So you can take your antisemitism accusations and stick'em where the sun don't shine kid.
You called Israel or isralies dogs

Enjoy your hatred
Nice strawman.

I called netanyahu a dog.
And you demonstrated that you are an anti semite
No, I demonstrated I'm not a fan of Benjamin netanyahu.


Prime Minister Netanyahu grew up in Pennsylvania, you know.

Great guy, IMHO.
He named a town after the don too
Omar and Talib are claiming they have a right to boycott Israel, but are whining when Israel boycotts them? Then they claim their free speach is being violated by Israel (when it's not) only to see them violate Israels rights of speach, then they claim Israel is violating Palestinian rights to sovereignty while they both violate Israel's rights of sovereignty.
Seems to me Omar and Talib have defeated their own arguments and if they looked in the mirror, the one they hate is themselves, so does that make Omar and Talib racists for hating themselves?

Fact, they could have went with the rest of the congress for what the trip was for but decided to politicize the trip and lie about motives, and we saw it blew up in their face when they refused the trip not Israel meaning they hated Israel and the truth more then the one loved her Mom & her brethren.
Not surprising to me that Israel refused to allow these 2 to use Israel as a stage from which to propagandize against Israel.

Easy call, IMO.
Not surprising to me that Israel refused to allow these 2 to use Israel as a stage from which to propagandize against Israel.

Easy call, IMO.
Well Israel does like to control its oropoganda.
Not surprising to me that Israel refused to allow these 2 to use Israel as a stage from which to propagandize against Israel.

Easy call, IMO.
Well Israel does like to control its oropoganda.

Yes, they do, without a doubt.

These 2 also pretty clearly had an agenda of their own as well.

I'm not surprised by any of this one bit, from either side of the fence.
Israel blocks Omar, Tlaib from entering country amid pressure from Trump

Israel is now defending American democracy better than the USA can

Israeli officials have decided to block U.S. Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., from entering the country as part of a planned visit, a reversal that comes amid pressure from President Trump and concerns about their support for Israel boycotts.

The country's deputy foreign minister announced the decision Thursday, despite prior assurances that the congresswomen would be allowed in.
Bullshit. Netanyahu just did what tRump told him to. He got his tongue firmly up tRump's ass at this point and will do whatever he's told.
That is how allies behave. On the other hand Israel is well aware of what a Muslim terrorist is
No. That is how dogs behave.

You cannot have it both ways. If you unleash Israel then you cannot whine when they wipe out the terror regimes and their supporters.
Where did I say we should unleash Israel?

If you said d it, it would be the first smart thing you’ve ever said. Israel is the only country is the world that is expected to tolerate terrorism. If I was prime minister of Isreal I would wipe hamas off the face of the earth and tell the international community to go fuck themsevles.
You called Israel or isralies dogs

Enjoy your hatred
Nice strawman.

I called netanyahu a dog.
And you demonstrated that you are an anti semite
No, I demonstrated I'm not a fan of Benjamin netanyahu.


Prime Minister Netanyahu grew up in Pennsylvania, you know.

Great guy, IMHO.
He named a town after the don too
They're bother equally repulsive, and tRump is shallow to boot.
There is more to this then meets the eye... People just need to do a little research on their own and look up Hannan Ashrawi and her Miftah organization who wanted these two to come to Israel...If the people who elected these two representatives to the house don’t mind them being used to politicize the BDS movements and use Israel as a platform to paint Israel in a bad light then they should continue to elect people like this after all it is their right... However Israel is a sovereign nation and it has the right to refuse entry to these two woman if it deems so just like any nation ... The humorous part is that Israel will get bad press for this as it always does and those two woman can meet in another more neutral country if they like with Hannan Ashwahi and they can have a hen party clucking away about the perceived ills of Israel and the press will eat it up and the uninformed and anti Semite will nod their heads in agreement...Some things never change...

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