Israel blocks terrorist Omar, Tlaib from entering country

If you want to keep your land stop trying to murder and attack Israeli people.
The American Indians gave up fighting for their land and look what happened to them. And what the hell do you mean by "attack"?
Apparently you know nothing about history in either Israel or the US or you wouldn't attempt to make such a stupid comparison.
Apparently, you know nothing about history in either Israel or the US or you wouldn't make such stupid comments.

You have described the Israeli apologists to a tee,could not have said it better myself. :thankusmile::udaman::yes_text12::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Why is this asshole still around? He adds nothing but odd emojis and never debates honestly
Trump and Netanyahu are playing a dangerous game politicizing the US Israel Relationship. That is one alliance that has always had strong bipartisan support.

What is the endgame here?

A toxic rift opens between Democrats and Israel after the nation refuses entry to two members of Congress
To be fair, didn't Obama do.a lot of politicizing also. Even help fund elections
What specifically did he do? And how did he attempt to make it partisan?
Reminder folks, this thread has a topic, it has been derailed several times.
Reminder folks, this thread has a topic, it has been derailed several times.

Obama did the same thing to members of Knesset in 2012. We should be allowed to block entry and so should Israel. BDS is the movement to eviscerate Israel. I have Linked proof. Israel has every right to deny entry to those who support that evil movement started by a terrorist.

On Topic.
Trump and Netanyahu are playing a dangerous game politicizing the US Israel Relationship. That is one alliance that has always had strong bipartisan support.

What is the endgame here?

A toxic rift opens between Democrats and Israel after the nation refuses entry to two members of Congress

Endgame is that BDS stands for destruction of Israel not a two state solution. Hence they have the right to block entry of anyone who supports the country’s destruction. least that is what the pro Israel faction would have you believe.

On the other hand...Israel is the only country we are not allowed to boycott.

You are so evil

BDS: In Their Own Words

In their own words the end of “occupation” is not enough. They want the end of Israel and its people. Period. End of story. You’re so dishonest.
Not exactly an unbiased source is it?

Again, boycotts are a legitimate form of protest, unless it is Israel.
Reminder folks, this thread has a topic, it has been derailed several times.

Obama did the same thing to members of Knesset in 2012. We should be allowed to block entry and so should Israel. BDS is the movement to eviscerate Israel. I have Linked proof. Israel has every right to deny entry to those who support that evil movement started by a terrorist.

On Topic.
What “same” thing? Did he ban Knesset members from traveling here?
Trump and Netanyahu are playing a dangerous game politicizing the US Israel Relationship. That is one alliance that has always had strong bipartisan support.

What is the endgame here?

A toxic rift opens between Democrats and Israel after the nation refuses entry to two members of Congress

Endgame is that BDS stands for destruction of Israel not a two state solution. Hence they have the right to block entry of anyone who supports the country’s destruction. least that is what the pro Israel faction would have you believe.

On the other hand...Israel is the only country we are not allowed to boycott.

You are so evil

BDS: In Their Own Words

In their own words the end of “occupation” is not enough. They want the end of Israel and its people. Period. End of story. You’re so dishonest.
Not exactly an unbiased source is it?

Again, boycotts are a legitimate form of protest, unless it is Israel.

Those are his quotes!!! Why does it matter who sourced it? Google it. They are everywhere. Do you believe they made up the quotes? Seriously?!
I was reading where trump instigated this, link below. Good time to cut off all funding to Israel.
Israel bars Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib from entering country - CNNPolitics

It would be nice if that would actually happen but we have the most corrupt government in the world next to Israels that that wont ever happen with all these criminals in washington running the country part of the corrupt two party system of demopublicand and reprocrats,a ONE PARTY system disguised as two so the sheep think they have a choice in who gets elected.

as long as we have this fucking corrupt two party system ruling our lives and unable to get independents and libertarions that answer to the people instead of the bankers,then our fucking corrupt government will NEVER cut off aide to Israel i am afraid.
Reminder folks, this thread has a topic, it has been derailed several times.

Obama did the same thing to members of Knesset in 2012. We should be allowed to block entry and so should Israel. BDS is the movement to eviscerate Israel. I have Linked proof. Israel has every right to deny entry to those who support that evil movement started by a terrorist.

On Topic.
What “same” thing? Did he ban Knesset members from traveling here?

Yes in 2012.
Trump and Netanyahu are playing a dangerous game politicizing the US Israel Relationship. That is one alliance that has always had strong bipartisan support.

What is the endgame here?

A toxic rift opens between Democrats and Israel after the nation refuses entry to two members of Congress
To be fair, didn't Obama do.a lot of politicizing also. Even help fund elections
What specifically did he do? And how did he attempt to make it partisan?
Netanyahu pollster: Obama role in election larger than reported

What else was it?
our school system here in the states is so fucking corrupt with propaganda they teach in history classes ...
You said it ..... "propaganda". That is exactly right.
... it makes me sick and disgusted,you are right it is downright appaling what they teach in our corrupt school system here in the states hense WHY you see so many posters on this thread that cant think for themsleves or outside the box,they just listen to what the corporate media and our schools taught them.
Yes, but your next sentence explains it > > >
... they dont know any better and are unwilling to look at alternative media sources NOT controlled by the corporate controlled media.
"They don't know any better." How can they?
Reminder folks, this thread has a topic, it has been derailed several times.

Obama did the same thing to members of Knesset in 2012. We should be allowed to block entry and so should Israel. BDS is the movement to eviscerate Israel. I have Linked proof. Israel has every right to deny entry to those who support that evil movement started by a terrorist.

On Topic.
What “same” thing? Did he ban Knesset members from traveling here?

Yes in 2012.

It sounds like Ben Ari was a member of a designated terror group. If so, it is understandable that he was not allowed entry.

And again, because you seem to keep missing this: Israel has the same right as any sovereign nation to determine who can or cannot enter. I have no argument on that.

My issue is the behavior of our president in this and added to that the fact they had permission to visit until Trump tweeted they should be banned. It is OUR president’s behavior towards OUR people’s elected representatives that I see as dangerous.

Do you think this political polarization of the US Israeli relationship is good for Israel?
Trump and Netanyahu are playing a dangerous game politicizing the US Israel Relationship. That is one alliance that has always had strong bipartisan support.

What is the endgame here?

A toxic rift opens between Democrats and Israel after the nation refuses entry to two members of Congress
To be fair, didn't Obama do.a lot of politicizing also. Even help fund elections
What specifically did he do? And how did he attempt to make it partisan?
Netanyahu pollster: Obama role in election larger than reported

What else was it?

It was exactly what Israel lobbies and other countries do to try and influence election support.

But no. That is not what I meant. That did not affect US support for Israel or attempt to break it along partisan lines.
Reminder folks, this thread has a topic, it has been derailed several times.

Obama did the same thing to members of Knesset in 2012. We should be allowed to block entry and so should Israel. BDS is the movement to eviscerate Israel. I have Linked proof. Israel has every right to deny entry to those who support that evil movement started by a terrorist.

On Topic.
What “same” thing? Did he ban Knesset members from traveling here?

Yes in 2012.

It sounds like Ben Ari was a member of a designated terror group. If so, it is understandable that he was not allowed entry.

And again, because you seem to keep missing this: Israel has the same right as any sovereign nation to determine who can or cannot enter. I have no argument on that.

My issue is the behavior of our president in this and added to that the fact they had permission to visit until Trump tweeted they should be banned. It is OUR president’s behavior towards OUR people’s elected representatives that I see as dangerous.

Do you think this political polarization of the US Israeli relationship is good for Israel?

Trump said they can do as they wish but he would ban them. Honest statement. Many photos of Tlaib and Omar with terror groups and their support of BDS equates to the destruction of all Jews in Israel.
Good for them, Those two like Issa up there are hell bent to destroy Israel.
What is truly comical is that they both thought Israel was going to let them in and wonder around in the west bank.
Furthermore the democrats that are speaking out condemning Israel are total self centered trash, it is the Israeli government's decision and should be respected.

Lets see,lets not destroy the government of Israel,a government that is always starting wars with other countries all the time and that has all the corrupt politicians in washington in their pockets. another paid shill of Israel to add to my ignore list.

You may as well ignore me too. I'm a staunch Zionist and supporter of Israel and it has nothing to do with Muslims.

Dude myself and many others have known for YEARS now that you are a warmonger the fact you are are a zionist,you give it away IMMEDIATELY in your avatar that you are a paid shill of Israel and a zionist :abgg2q.jpg:

. thats pretty well known from us true patriotic americans that you dont believe in the constitution of the united states here and are in favor of a country murdering women and children around the globe, another traiter to america who needs to get the hell out of the US nsd move to Israel.

its just unlike all these OTHER shillls for Israel that have penetrated this site,you dont troll in ONLY this section like they do,you go into other sections like the sports section where you actually DONT troll and go by facts in that section is the ONLY reason i dont lump you in with those sick other monster trolls of Israel.:abgg2q.jpg:

Otherwise if this WAS the only section you trolled in as they all do ,i would add you to that ignore list in a hearbeat but i like seeng your comments in the sports section though on sports since at least in THAT section you dont lie and evade facts that prove you wrong. and unlike in this section,are actually objective about something.:2up:

I don't lie about anything. Truth and facts.
Trump and Netanyahu are playing a dangerous game politicizing the US Israel Relationship. That is one alliance that has always had strong bipartisan support.

What is the endgame here?

A toxic rift opens between Democrats and Israel after the nation refuses entry to two members of Congress

Endgame is that BDS stands for destruction of Israel not a two state solution. Hence they have the right to block entry of anyone who supports the country’s destruction.
not to mention that it is the increasing antisemitism of the Democratic party responsible for the fact there is no longer bi-partisan support, not Trump.

The two subhuman bitches in question may be the most obvious, but Obama tried to meddle unfavorably in Israeli affairs and the democratic party as a whole is turning increasingly hostile towards Israel.
Trump and Netanyahu are playing a dangerous game politicizing the US Israel Relationship. That is one alliance that has always had strong bipartisan support.

What is the endgame here?

A toxic rift opens between Democrats and Israel after the nation refuses entry to two members of Congress

Endgame is that BDS stands for destruction of Israel not a two state solution. Hence they have the right to block entry of anyone who supports the country’s destruction.
not to mention that it is the increasing antisemitism of the Democratic party responsible for the fact there is no longer bi-partisan support, not Trump.

The two subhuman bitches in question may be the most obvious, but Obama tried to meddle unfavorably in Israeli affairs and the democratic party as a whole is turning increasingly hostile towards Israel.

Even Bill Maher blasted the Democrats over the treatment of Israel. That tells you something.
C McC ⭐⭐⭐✝️⚾❤️ on Twitter

View attachment 274517

Oh these two ............. need sent back and put into prison you two whores need to gth out of the US and leave our rights alone you won't win bitches! Twats like you never win fairly.

Good hope they are turned away..
They are US citizens, asshole.

and that is about their ONLY CREDENTIAL----citizen of the USA---like almost all murderers and rapists in the USA------asshole!!!!!

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