Israel blocks terrorist Omar, Tlaib from entering country

Goddamn terrorist supporting economic boycotts.

Did the threshold of terrorism suddenly drop, oh wait, they're Muslim women, never mind.

There are plenty of Muslim women that live and visit Israel, idiot.

Good job by Trump and Israel not giving these two buffoons a platform to spew their hate.

They're scared of what these Congresswomen might say?

So now you’ve changed the topic. Predictable. They’re not scared of what those idiots have to say, they have Arabs in their own government that openly call for the destruction of Israel. They banned those two dumbasses as slap the face.
Actually after all the political bashing of the Israeli's these two are guilty of the only reason the reason the Israeli government considered allowing them in was out of respect the US government. Once Trump voiced his opinion they had no problem banning them both. Now they have reconsidered on humanitarian grounds for Tlaib so she can see her grandmother. There will be no political grandstanding allowed, I'm sure a lot of the liberal networks will be promoting it as must see TV, this woman visiting with her grandmother.

Omar is still out, as she is a cancer to Israel obtaining true peace.

Tlaib does any condemning of Israel to the media while there throw her out. I expect that is what she will do once she has a face full of mic's. she just can't resist.

If Israel wants to ban someone for their words that is one thing. When our president supports that, it is another.

All the president did was assure Israel, he would not demand repercussions if they did forbid them from entering. These two stand before multiple media outlets voicing hate and the destruction of Israel.

Tlaib was on the local news yesterday spewing how she was going to continue the "fight" to visit the west bank. Now it sounds like some back channel begging went on "can't I go see by grandma".

No, he encouraged it.

Good. Hamas is a terror regime. Why would they want to visit an area run by our enemies? We are still in a War on Terror and Hamas is an internationally recognized terror group.

The libs hate the State of Israel.

But what I want to ask them is what if they are successful?

Suppose they get their beloved Palestinian State and Israel is defeat, millions of Jews become refugees?

Will they be willing to ship those millions to the United States and give them free health care, housing, checks, and other benefits they give to Muslim minorities?

I don't hate Israel. They mean little more or less to me than any other country. I despise when they try to force is into their wars though.
If anybody could recognize terrorists, it would definitely be the Republicans. They have an intimate knowledge on identifying terrorists.

No, he encouraged it.

Good. Hamas is a terror regime. Why would they want to visit an area run by our enemies? We are still in a War on Terror and Hamas is an internationally recognized terror group.

Nobody commits more terror than the U.S.

Subjective. Are you American? Probably not. Hamas is an internationally recognized terror group. Period. End of story. If the US is so bad then why do so many try to come here both legally and illegally?

Nobody is dropping bombs or destroying our infrastructure. No one is undermining our way of life like we do in other countries.

If you were a parent in Syria, wouldn't you rather your kids be in a place where you do not have to worry about bombs dropping on their heads?

So then we are not the biggest terror regime. If I were in Syria or any Muslim run nation aka Sharia run, I would try to escape at any and all costs.

If the argument is 'who is actually the biggest" the argument is a bad one.
If Israel wants to ban someone for their words that is one thing. When our president supports that, it is another.

All the president did was assure Israel, he would not demand repercussions if they did forbid them from entering. These two stand before multiple media outlets voicing hate and the destruction of Israel.

Tlaib was on the local news yesterday spewing how she was going to continue the "fight" to visit the west bank. Now it sounds like some back channel begging went on "can't I go see by grandma".

No, he encouraged it.

Good. Hamas is a terror regime. Why would they want to visit an area run by our enemies? We are still in a War on Terror and Hamas is an internationally recognized terror group.

The libs hate the State of Israel.

But what I want to ask them is what if they are successful?

Suppose they get their beloved Palestinian State and Israel is defeat, millions of Jews become refugees?

Will they be willing to ship those millions to the United States and give them free health care, housing, checks, and other benefits they give to Muslim minorities?

I don't hate Israel. They mean little more or less to me than any other country. I despise when they try to force is into their wars though.

Fair enough,I guess.

But the question is whether you would be willing to accept millions of Israeli Refugees into America if the Palestinians were successful at expelling them?
All the president did was assure Israel, he would not demand repercussions if they did forbid them from entering. These two stand before multiple media outlets voicing hate and the destruction of Israel.

Tlaib was on the local news yesterday spewing how she was going to continue the "fight" to visit the west bank. Now it sounds like some back channel begging went on "can't I go see by grandma".

No, he encouraged it.

Good. Hamas is a terror regime. Why would they want to visit an area run by our enemies? We are still in a War on Terror and Hamas is an internationally recognized terror group.

The libs hate the State of Israel.

But what I want to ask them is what if they are successful?

Suppose they get their beloved Palestinian State and Israel is defeat, millions of Jews become refugees?

Will they be willing to ship those millions to the United States and give them free health care, housing, checks, and other benefits they give to Muslim minorities?

I don't hate Israel. They mean little more or less to me than any other country. I despise when they try to force is into their wars though.

Fair enough,I guess.

But the question is whether you would be willing to accept millions of Israeli Refugees into America if the Palestinians were successful at expelling them?

No, he encouraged it.

Good. Hamas is a terror regime. Why would they want to visit an area run by our enemies? We are still in a War on Terror and Hamas is an internationally recognized terror group.

The libs hate the State of Israel.

But what I want to ask them is what if they are successful?

Suppose they get their beloved Palestinian State and Israel is defeat, millions of Jews become refugees?

Will they be willing to ship those millions to the United States and give them free health care, housing, checks, and other benefits they give to Muslim minorities?

I don't hate Israel. They mean little more or less to me than any other country. I despise when they try to force is into their wars though.

Fair enough,I guess.

But the question is whether you would be willing to accept millions of Israeli Refugees into America if the Palestinians were successful at expelling them?


Would you also agree to accept South African Honkies who are being dispossessed of their livelihoods and thrown off their land as refugees? A number have already left the Union of South Africa for Australia- which would be less disruptive for South Africans who are used to water draining in the toilets backwards.
That is how allies behave. On the other hand Israel is well aware of what a Muslim terrorist is
No. That is how dogs behave.
Your anti semitism is recorded

Lol, good luck with that. I was in Israel last month. I have some very good friends there. I'm not fond of the current government, but neither are many of the Israelis.

So you can take your antisemitism accusations and stick'em where the sun don't shine kid.
You called Israel or isralies dogs

Enjoy your hatred
Nice strawman.

I called netanyahu a dog.
And you demonstrated that you are an anti semite
Looking over these posts from these right wingers, each one more stupid and idiotic than the next.

These women are elected to the US Congress. Their job is to oversee what happens to the American money. We’re giving billions and billions of dollars to Israel we have a right to know what it’s being used for. They’re trying to do their job as outlined in the US Constitution. But Republicans can’t see past the skin color because of their racism. That’s all they know is how to be racist.

Tell that to Israel, they seem to have taken offense to what these two women have said about their country. They have a right to say it and others have a right to react to it.

Maybe they will one day grow up and act like politicians instead of stirring shit up.
Good politicians stir shit up. Bad politicians lie. And no one lies more than Donald Trump, even his supporters have to admit that.

Good politicians stir shit up. Bad politicians lie.

Every family will save $2500 a year...….
Read today's news. Isreal has backed away from Trump's stupid political trick and will allow Tlaib into Israel. Trump is becoming dispised and rejected even in Israel.

To visit her 90 y/o grandmother and with conditions.

See the evil Joos are not heartless devils

Telling a US Congresswoman she is not allowed to voice her opinions

If she is not happy with how her grandmother is being treated, she can’t say anything

Telling a US Congresswoman she is not allowed to voice her opinions

Who could shut up that obnoxious whiner?
Read today's news. Isreal has backed away from Trump's stupid political trick and will allow Tlaib into Israel. Trump is becoming dispised and rejected even in Israel.

To visit her 90 y/o grandmother and with conditions.

See the evil Joos are not heartless devils

Telling a US Congresswoman she is not allowed to voice her opinions

If she is not happy with how her grandmother is being treated, she can’t say anything

Telling a US Congresswoman she is not allowed to voice her opinions

Who could shut up that obnoxious whiner?
We all have opinions. She's a terrorist and will do anything to destroy the United States as we know it.
Looking over these posts from these right wingers, each one more stupid and idiotic than the next.

These women are elected to the US Congress. Their job is to oversee what happens to the American money. We’re giving billions and billions of dollars to Israel we have a right to know what it’s being used for. They’re trying to do their job as outlined in the US Constitution. But Republicans can’t see past the skin color because of their racism. That’s all they know is how to be racist.

Tell that to Israel, they seem to have taken offense to what these two women have said about their country. They have a right to say it and others have a right to react to it.

Maybe they will one day grow up and act like politicians instead of stirring shit up.
Good politicians stir shit up. Bad politicians lie. And no one lies more than Donald Trump, even his supporters have to admit that.

Good politicians stir shit up. Bad politicians lie.

Every family will save $2500 a year...….

Omar committing tax fraud, is that stirring up shit or out and out lying?
Good. Hamas is a terror regime. Why would they want to visit an area run by our enemies? We are still in a War on Terror and Hamas is an internationally recognized terror group.

The libs hate the State of Israel.

But what I want to ask them is what if they are successful?

Suppose they get their beloved Palestinian State and Israel is defeat, millions of Jews become refugees?

Will they be willing to ship those millions to the United States and give them free health care, housing, checks, and other benefits they give to Muslim minorities?

I don't hate Israel. They mean little more or less to me than any other country. I despise when they try to force is into their wars though.

Fair enough,I guess.

But the question is whether you would be willing to accept millions of Israeli Refugees into America if the Palestinians were successful at expelling them?


Would you also agree to accept South African Honkies who are being dispossessed of their livelihoods and thrown off their land as refugees? A number have already left the Union of South Africa for Australia- which would be less disruptive for South Africans who are used to water draining in the toilets backwards.

I'm not interested in reply to a reply presented like this
C McC ⭐⭐⭐✝️⚾❤️ on Twitter

View attachment 274517

Oh these two ............. need sent back and put into prison you two whores need to gth out of the US and leave our rights alone you won't win bitches! Twats like you never win fairly.

Good hope they are turned away..
They are US citizens, asshole.

They aren’t citizens of Israel so Israel has the right to tell them that blocking their entry gives Bibi a calming feeling.
It is shameful that our president singles out two elected representatives of a co equal branch and encourages a foreign country to ban them for no reason but their political views. If you cant see how unAmerican this, then I have no words. Imagine if Obama had singled out a couple of Jewish Republican reoresentatives, told them to go backto where they came from, and then encourage a foreign country to ban them.

I have never seen anything like this. I dont CARE what their political views are, this is not good. Not at all. And I am sad thatpeople seem to support it.
Israel blocks Omar, Tlaib from entering country amid pressure from Trump

Israel is now defending American democracy better than the USA can

Israeli officials have decided to block U.S. Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., from entering the country as part of a planned visit, a reversal that comes amid pressure from President Trump and concerns about their support for Israel boycotts.

The country's deputy foreign minister announced the decision Thursday, despite prior assurances that the congresswomen would be allowed in.

When you a title on your threat that's nothing but a lie people just get disgusted. More lies.

When you do that people stop believing anything you post.

That woman isn't a terrorist. She has not committed any act of terrorism. She's a congress woman who was elected by the people of her district.

Do you realize that people are sick and tired of all the lies? Do you realize that you drive people away from the republican party with all your stupid lies?

Keep it up, you won't have supporters anymore if you people keep this up.
The Somali and the other skank are not the first anything, although I'll give you whore, incestuous at that, but then you're a muzzie too I guess.
We should deport the first whore and her family, cant even speak English properly following your patriotic standards.
sometimes you dont either....should you be deported?...
If you deport her first, why
so you agree with me when i say you frequently sound like those you bad mouth?.....
I just hold the mirror for them.
here let me hold the one for you.....

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