Israel Caught Red-handed Aiding al-Qaeda in Syria

America has a very convoluted foreign policy when it comes to the Middle East.

We are helping Iran to fight against ISIS in Iraq.

While at the same time supplying weapons to fighters against Iranian backed jihadist's in Yemen.

You can of course prove this from a non partisan source
What US and European media have been slow to figure out (or ignore), is how Israel is up to its neck in fueling the long dirty war next door in Syria.

Letā€™s be clear ā€“ once again Israel has been caught red-handed providing aid and comfort to Islamic militant terrorists in Syria, as reported by the Wall Street Journal (see full report below). Understand that this flies in the face of all of Benjamin ā€˜Bibiā€™ Netanyahu and the US Republican Partyā€™s lyrical proclamations and hollow platitudes about how Israel is ā€˜leading the fight against terrorā€™ in the region.

This is not the first time that weā€™ve reported on Israelā€™s direct intervention in Syria on behalf of al Qaeda, al Nusra and ISIS. Previous reports in February 2015, and in January 2015, inDecember 2014, and also in October 2014, all clearly demonstrate a pattern of Israel providing various levels of support to the different western and GCC-backed terrorist groups attempting to break-up the nation of Syria and overthrow Bashar al Assadā€™s government in Damascus
Popular conspiracy theories have it that al-Qaeda and the ā€œIslamic Stateā€ (also known as ISIS or ISIL) are Israeli- and/or US-intelligence creations. While thereā€™s no evidence for that, itā€™s certainly true that the US-UK invasion of Iraq in 2003, and its consciously sectarian occupation regime of the country thereafter, created the conditions in which al-Qaeda in Iraq (later known as ISIS) was formed and thrived. Veteran journalist Patrick Cockburn demonstrates this most convincingly in his essential new book The Rise of Islamic State, which I have previously lauded here.
Wall Street Journal Israel Caught Red-handed Aiding al-Qaeda in Syria

So Israeli aid to al-Qaeda in Syria may have been ongoing for as long as nearly two years now. But what is sure is that Israeli aid to al-Qaeda in Syria has now been confirmed.

Humanitarian medical treatment, and aid to FSA
Not the same as aiding al-qaeda

you are grasping at straws
Ridiculous Retort......Israel will be hoping that al-Qaeda will leave them alone....They WON'T...really Aris why are you defending the indefensible and their hypocricy....
Freedom Fighters? I knew you supported ISIS Nazis.

Freedom fighters :lol: :lol: :lol:

Some patriotic American you are !
US made vehicles


Military surplus that can be bought anywhere. Have you heard of the American plumber who sold his pick up only to see it pictured in Syria 6 months later as a gun carriage. Still had his name on the side.

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