Israel decides to reintroduce death penalty for terrorists

They need given a choice.
  1. Death by being dangled from a tall building's flag pole (the higher the better) by your foot smeared in bird food until the rope breaks.
  2. Death by high-frequency electrocution where the current is slowly turned up and the frequency turned down until you are dead.
  3. Death by lion where your only way of buying time to escape is by sawing your own foot off so you can hobble away then bleed to death. You get one minute.
Sure, if you want to go easy on them you could do that. Skinning them alive is probably more appropriate though. :dunno:
I guess Hamas was not guilty on Oct 7---in your addled mind---when they executed over 1000 innocent civilians in an early morning sneak attack. And you have the gall to fault the Israelis for retaliating--at least the Israelis gave advance warning before attacking as well as adhering to a week long cease fire to allow more time to get out. Try again.
The number of innocent civilians killed by Israel just since 10/7 is greater than the number killed by Hamas on that day by a factor of 100 or 1000.

The number of innocent civilians killed by Israel prior to that date is equally great. Israel has been practicing terrorism and genocide ever since 1948. It's that religion thing, you know? Religion and fanaticism go hand-in-hand.
The number of innocent civilians killed by Israel just since 10/7 is greater than the number killed by Hamas on that day by a factor of 100 or 1000.
And?!!! Whats wrong with that? If Israel stopped attacking the moment Gaza reached 1200 dead, that would mean that Hamas remains in power, right? Why would anyone possibly expect that from Israel? :cuckoo:
Exactly . You are a Fighter for Freedom .
Unfortunately the Israeli Child Killers are advocates of Ethnic Cleansing and have become the leading practitioners of filth and now are seen as disgusting across the world .

You must be ashamed to give them any sort of support . .
Im quite proud of my support for Israel. Killing scumbag muslims is one of the most noble things a human being can do. :dunno:
Exactly . You are a Fighter for Freedom .
Unfortunately the Israeli Child Killers are advocates of Ethnic Cleansing and have become the leading practitioners of filth and now are seen as disgusting across the world .

You must be ashamed to give them any sort of support . .
I give them 100% support.
The number of innocent civilians killed by Israel just since 10/7 is greater than the number killed by Hamas on that day by a factor of 100 or 1000.
Hamas should have taken the risks into consideration before they launched a cowardly sneak attack on an unsuspecting civilian population. As for the civilian casualties in Gaza--they allowed Hamas to fester in their midst and they were given ample warning to escape as well as a cease fire that allowed Hamas to regroup. Try again.
Sure, if you want to go easy on them you could do that. Skinning them alive is probably more appropriate though. :dunno:

I stop short of the same kind of inhuman savagery they used against Israelis, as then it would be hard for Israel to maintain that they had taken the higher road, but simple imprisonment or execution by the normal humane means is too good for them.
I stop short of the same kind of inhuman savagery they used against Israelis, as then it would be hard for Israel to maintain that they had taken the higher road, but simple imprisonment or execution by the normal humane means is too good for them.
It can all be done in secret. No one needs to know. :dunno:
Hamas should have taken the risks into consideration before they launched a cowardly sneak attack on an unsuspecting civilian population. As for the civilian casualties in Gaza--they allowed Hamas to fester in their midst and they were given ample warning to escape as well as a cease fire that allowed Hamas to regroup. Try again.
It wasn't a cowardly sneak attack, everybody knew it was coming, including Israeli leadership. Egypt warned them, and so did others.

Israeli leadership let it happen so they could begin the genocide in earnest. It worked, even as Israel is apparently taking significant casualties.

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