Israel Defines Humanity

Yes, you know so much sitting in your little room at the home for the mentally disturbed living on benefits from the German government.
Actually, I am living in my flat that I am renting on a solely normal basis. XXXX -- Mod Edit reference to pedophilia.

By the way, I once had a German boss who worked on the V2 program. I saw first-hand his attitude toward the Jews. Now go back to becoming Baghdad Bob Jr. since it must give you the pleasure that you don't have in your actual life.
You may have missed it but your German Nazi boss lived in an anti-semitic environment.

Mr. Grim also has an article about the anti-Semitism he sees in Germany. Perhaps you should read it. After all, he gets out and about, unlike you who doesn't know what is going on in the outside world.
"Mr Grim" must be a funny clown. I never encountered anti-semitism. Even the new right-wing movements are "pro-semitic".
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It takes two to tango. Realize this. Israelis and Arabs should sit down and calm the waves. Why should there be no solution that is good for all?
Absolutely correct. However, despite all the "land-for-peace" Israel has given up, it's the Palestinian terrorists and their supporters who break the peace. Now, you have to reap what you have sown. You wanted war? Now you have one. Not only are the Americans pissed off a this constant 7th century behavior, but now the Euros are getting pissed off too.

$1000 says you're too much of a fucking coward to pick up a rifle to defend your side. You'll just sit in your cozy little closet and bitch like a spineless coward.
So Israel gave up land for peace? Sure, why not? They have stopped one or two Settler villages but created hundred new.

However, I am very pissed off. Your way to argue is bullshit. As I stated before, I am not siding with Hamas. But I wonder, why it is not you who runs around with an assault rifle in one of the settlers´ villages, calling the Hamas to confront him.
It is just because I have to deal with persons with dishonest motivations. Persons that only follow their propagandist guidelines and have no interest in Israel, the Jews and their wellbeing.

No it is because you hate the Jews and follow your teachings
You're trying to explain things to a psycho who says Hezzbolah fights against terrorism.

Si true. Anyone who claims that if he goes outside like he has and states that the police are throwing little boys at him is a psycho. Besides, you have to remember that many Germans still have a bit of Nazism in their souls when it comes to the Jews. If you have the time, Google the following:


by William Grim

Mr. Grim, a non Jew, happens to live and work in Germany.
The psycho is you. Also, Sally is the eternal Nazi. Here is a dictionary of Jewish surnames, which are almost all German. So in general, your separation of Germans and Jews doesn´t exist, it is another result of the Nazi´s actions.
Category:Jewish surnames - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For many years, Germany was the home of the Jews, the Jewry.

Today, Jews don´t exist. There are only "Zionists", whatever that is. There is no Jew who simply wants to live his life, they all are Zionists seeking for Lebensraum and power. What crazy nonsense.

your post is nonsense------capt. What does the fact that jews were ASCRIBED SURNAMES----in Europe have to do with ANYTHING AT ALL. The use of surnames is----something fairly new-------and also something that historically was IMPOSED on Jew by shit like you. Arabs do not really have surnames either--------it kinda happened as an adaptation to
European forms. Your posts are getting clownish
The shit clown is you. As the Europeans villainously imposed surnames on Jews, their anti-semitism is out of question. It was the German Kaiser who invited the Jews to the HRE in order to boost the economy.
So Israel gave up land for peace? Sure, why not? They have stopped one or two Settler villages but created hundred new.
Your ignorance is underwhelming.

land for peace.jpg

However, I am very pissed off. Your way to argue is bullshit. As I stated before, I am not siding with Hamas. But I wonder, why it is not you who runs around with an assault rifle in one of the settlers´ villages, calling the Hamas to confront him.
Translation: I'm not betting because you are 100% correct. The only fight I have is with people via a keyboard. My spine is too weak to go into the field and fight for my beliefs. Someone else will have to do it. I will, however, tie a yellow ribbon around a tree for them.

BTDT. I'm retired military and have been to both Israel and Egypt. Israel was a lot nicer and cleaner.
Yes, you know so much sitting in your little room at the home for the mentally disturbed living on benefits from the German government.
Actually, I am living in my flat that I am renting on a solely normal basis. XXXX -- Mod Edit reference to pedophilia.

By the way, I once had a German boss who worked on the V2 program. I saw first-hand his attitude toward the Jews. Now go back to becoming Baghdad Bob Jr. since it must give you the pleasure that you don't have in your actual life.
You may have missed it but your German Nazi boss lived in an anti-semitic environment.

Mr. Grim also has an article about the anti-Semitism he sees in Germany. Perhaps you should read it. After all, he gets out and about, unlike you who doesn't know what is going on in the outside world.
"Mr Grim" must be a funny clown. I never encountered anti-semitism. Even the new right-wing movements are "pro-semitic".

Do you really think that the viewers have such short term memories that they can't remember you posting about how when you go outside, the police throw young boys at you? That statement alone showed how nutty you are.

Strange how the other German who worked in the next office and who worked on the V-1 program in Germany wasn't at all like my boss when it came to the Jews. Some Germans are anti-Semitic and some aren't. For someone who doesn't go out, how in the world would you encounter anti-Semitism? Even if you never went out again in your life, there is the Internet to inform, you of all the anti-Semitic acts in Europe. In fact, I just sent my French neighbor an article about a Jew being stabbed just recently in France, with the perpetrator shouting Allah Akbar, and she said that she would never go back there except that she has to visit her elderly father who refuses to leave his long-time home..rim

If there was a contest about who is a funny clown -- you or Mr. Grim - hands down you would win.
More proof Hamas are murdering thugs who only attack unarmed people such as a rabbi and his wife:
The murders of Rabbi Eitam and Naama Henkin

Near Nablus, in Samaria (the “West Bank”): On October 1, 2015 Palestinian terrorists machine-gunned to death Rabbi Eitam Henkin, 31, an American citizen, and wife Naama,30, in front of their four children, ages 9, 7, 4, and 9 months. Security forces arrested members of Hamas cell responsible.

About the Henkins

From the Times of Israel:

Eitam Henkin was the son of Rabbi Yehuda and Chana Henkin, who moved to Israel from the United States in the 1970s. […]

Eitam, born in Jerusalem, studied at the Nir Yeshiva in Kiryat Arba and served in the IDF Golani Brigade. An ordained rabbi, he was also a historian, Israel’s Foreign Ministry said. The family moved to Neria three years ago. A noted Torah scholar and author of several volumes of responsa, he lectured at his mother’s college. He was completing his doctorate.

Na’ama Henkin was a graphic artist who owned a design studio.

Rabbi Eitam and Na’ama Henkin with their children – in front of whom they were murdered by Palestinian terrorists.

From The Algemeiner, a eulogy for the Henkins from one of their closest friends, Rabbi Barry Gelman:

As one newspaper put it, this was a “dream couple.” Both in their 30s, they already have had a profound impact. They lived the ideals of religious Zionism with a deep and profound connection to Torah and to Medinat Yisrael. Many here, myself included, would be proud if our own children would emulate them. […]

Na’ama Henkin was a gifted graphic artist. Many of us have decorated our sukkot with a poster she designed portraying the well known midrash explaining the Arba Minim (four species). […]

Rabbi Henkin was a young outstanding Torah scholar who was destined for greatness and had already published widely.

The Henkins’ funeral was attended by thousands of Israelis:

Do you really think that the viewers have such short term memories that they can't remember you posting about how when you go outside, the police throw young boys at you? That statement alone showed how nutty you are.
How does this make me the moron? I actually wrote the Schweinevolk, not police. However, police has been harassingme since the Schweinevolk boyfans, when they aren´t busy "babysitting", are on tour to spread propaganda against me. If one is to believe them, I don´t eat, I don´t sleep, and of course I am close to obtain world domination as I am the devil in person.

Strange how the other German who worked in the next office and who worked on the V-1 program in Germany wasn't at all like my boss when it came to the Jews.
So I am another other German who doesn´t swim in the mainstream. Today, though, as you can see, having an opposing opinion leads to strange things in this country, as the government doesn´t supply the means to oppress people. That all has nothing to do with Jews, though. I also think your various V-1 bosses maybe don´t exist.

Some Germans are anti-Semitic and some aren't.
The vast majority isn´t political and you cannot talk with them about politics. If you say something anti-semitic, they will agree, if you say something pro-semitic, they will agree. The most anti-zionist (which is different from anti-semitic) movement is the leftist movement. Members of Die Linke, the former Die Linke/PDS PDS SED-PDS SED, even traveled on ships transporting food to Palestine. You can find right-wing pro-zionist websites like this one:
You are being redirected...
The mood is anti-islamization and anti-foreigners and ranges from slightly anti to hardline anti. But its always few people, the left is far superior in numbers and sides even with foreign right-wingers and nationalists, as long as they aren´t white.

For someone who doesn't go out, how in the world would you encounter anti-Semitism?
I have been in many places, know about many things,

Even if you never went out again in your life, there is the Internet to inform, you of all the anti-Semitic acts in Europe. In fact, I just sent my French neighbor an article about a Jew being stabbed just recently in France, with the perpetrator shouting Allah Akbar, and she said that she would never go back there except that she has to visit her elderly father who refuses to leave his long-time home..rim
Allah Akbar is not a typical European phrase.

If there was a contest about who is a funny clown -- you or Mr. Grim - hands down you would win.
The contest is Mr. Grim vs Mr. Gutsy and Grim wins. Gutsy can be funny but when we traveled around we spotted various Raiders, Deathclaws and Ghouls but no one of them has been labeled "anti-semitic" by Mr. Gutsy. I wonder what would happen with Mr. Grim by your side. This is why he wins.
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Do you really think that the viewers have such short term memories that they can't remember you posting about how when you go outside, the police throw young boys at you? That statement alone showed how nutty you are.
How does this make me the moron? I actually wrote the Schweinevolk, not police. However, police has been harassingme since the Schweinevolk boyfans, when they aren´t busy "babysitting", are on tour to spread propaganda against me. If one is to believe them, I don´t eat, I don´t sleep, and of course I am close to obtain world domination as I am the devil in person.

Strange how the other German who worked in the next office and who worked on the V-1 program in Germany wasn't at all like my boss when it came to the Jews.
So I am another other German who doesn´t swim in the mainstream. Today, though, as you can see, having an opposing opinion leads to strange things in this country, as the government doesn´t supply the means to oppress people. That all has nothing to do with Jews, though. I also think your various V-1 bosses maybe don´t exist.

Some Germans are anti-Semitic and some aren't.
The vast majority isn´t political and you cannot talk with them about politics. If you say something anti-semitic, they will agree, if you say something pro-semitic, they will agree. The most anti-zionist (which is different from anti-semitic) movement is the leftist movement. Members of Die Linke, the former Die Linke/PDS PDS SED-PDS SED, even traveled on ships transporting food to Palestine. You can find right-wing pro-zionist websites like this one:
You are being redirected...
The mood is anti-islamization and anti-foreigners and ranges from slightly anti to hardline anti. But its always few people, the left is far superior in numbers and sides even with foreign right-wingers and nationalists, as long as they aren´t white.

For someone who doesn't go out, how in the world would you encounter anti-Semitism?
I have been in many places, know about many things,

Even if you never went out again in your life, there is the Internet to inform, you of all the anti-Semitic acts in Europe. In fact, I just sent my French neighbor an article about a Jew being stabbed just recently in France, with the perpetrator shouting Allah Akbar, and she said that she would never go back there except that she has to visit her elderly father who refuses to leave his long-time home..rim
Allah Akbar is not a typical European phrase.

If there was a contest about who is a funny clown -- you or Mr. Grim - hands down you would win.
The contest is Mr. Grim vs Mr. Gutsy and Grim wins. Gutsy can be funny but when we traveled around we spotted various Raiders, Deathclaws and Ghouls but no one of them has been labeled "anti-semitic" by Mr. Gutsy. I wonder what would happen with Mr. Grim by your side. This is why he wins.

Oh, lookie here, it is the middle of night in Germany, and the putz is still posting. Shows you that with no friends to hang out with the forums are the only way he is able to have any communication with people.

Go read Mr. Grim's article on anti-Semitism. He can see what is happening while you are what is called "a stay at home."
Oh, lookie here, it is the middle of night in Germany, and the putz is still posting. Shows you that with no friends to hang out with the forums are the only way he is able to have any communication with people.
So this is your reply? Ridiculous! Haven´t you posted some Islamist terrorist propaganda in the meantime?
....However, police has been harassingme
Why do you think that is? Because you are a terrorist sympathizer? Because people like me report you to the CIA and NSA?

Is it all our fault or do you accept any responsibility for your actions?
Report me to what you want, you clown. I am German. CIA and NSA do have no say in my place. Anyway, they could read what I write and see that you are a bullshitter.
Oh, lookie here, it is the middle of night in Germany, and the putz is still posting. Shows you that with no friends to hang out with the forums are the only way he is able to have any communication with people.
So this is your reply? Ridiculous! Haven´t you posted some Islamist terrorist propaganda in the meantime?

It is after 5 in the morning in Germany right now, and this clown has been posting throughout early morning hours in Germany when other Germans are asleep because he has no outside life. Mr. Demented thinks that when anyone post articles which aren't to his liking, then you are posting Islamist terrorist propaganda. Go catch some shut-up, Mr. Demented.
I will help Capt. Blei--------to be ABLE to understand----
Capt, for almost 2000 years-----the ONLY "PALESTINIANS" in the world were--------are you ready? JOOOOOOOOOS
The word "Palestinian" mean a JOOOO in 1850 1750---
-------even during the crusades PALESTINIAN IS A JOOO.
I once came upon a really, really old copy of a travel guide---It was something like the late 1800s-----and it had pictures of
Jerusalem------arabs were described as arabs----and the people who were OBVIOUSLY JOOOOS were called PALESTINIANS.
When I was a little kid ---I thought the word Palestine---was
Hebrew-----or maybe Yiddish----I had no idea that the greeks
invented it. -----the word synagogue---is also greek.
Capt. to unconfused yourself----when you hear the word PALESTINIAN as a reference to anything prior to 1960----
What the clown is a "JOOOO"?

a JOOOS is the southern USA pronunciation of the
word in Hebrew----approx. YEHUDIM. In the bible
the people who are JOOOOS are called "children of Israel"---because the progenitor of that people is Jacob----Jacob
dreamed that he climbed a ladder to heaven----had a fight
with an angel and was renamed ISRAEL. One of his sons---
I think the third one----was named YEHUDAH----
On his death bed ISRAEL (Jacob) named his son as his
heir to his power------that was YEHUDAH which americans
call JUDAH. The "royal line" for da children of Israel is supposed to be started by JUDAH. I hope I did not confuse
What confuses me about this how does this make all Arabs to have to vanish?

It doesnt, just those that invaded between 1875 and the present day, the ones like arafat and co who are not from the area
No it is because you hate the Jews and follow your teachings
You're trying to explain things to a psycho who says Hezzbolah fights against terrorism.

Si true. Anyone who claims that if he goes outside like he has and states that the police are throwing little boys at him is a psycho. Besides, you have to remember that many Germans still have a bit of Nazism in their souls when it comes to the Jews. If you have the time, Google the following:


by William Grim

Mr. Grim, a non Jew, happens to live and work in Germany.
The psycho is you. Also, Sally is the eternal Nazi. Here is a dictionary of Jewish surnames, which are almost all German. So in general, your separation of Germans and Jews doesn´t exist, it is another result of the Nazi´s actions.
Category:Jewish surnames - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For many years, Germany was the home of the Jews, the Jewry.

Today, Jews don´t exist. There are only "Zionists", whatever that is. There is no Jew who simply wants to live his life, they all are Zionists seeking for Lebensraum and power. What crazy nonsense.

your post is nonsense------capt. What does the fact that jews were ASCRIBED SURNAMES----in Europe have to do with ANYTHING AT ALL. The use of surnames is----something fairly new-------and also something that historically was IMPOSED on Jew by shit like you. Arabs do not really have surnames either--------it kinda happened as an adaptation to
European forms. Your posts are getting clownish

He's very childish, He closes his eyes to all the anti-Semitism in Europe and the Muslim world.

a better descriptive term for Blei is----HE IS A BAATHIST---
baathism is nothing more than ARAB NAZISM
Report me to what you want, you clown. I am German. CIA and NSA do have no say in my place. Anyway, they could read what I write and see that you are a bullshitter.
They share data with the BND and BfV. Yes, they can all read what you write here and elsewhere...even your emails and monitor your phone calls. ;)

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