Israel Defines Humanity

Capt. Blei-----whom are you accusing of claiming that
there was never a place called PALESTINE? Have
we not discussed the issue of "PALESTINA"---as the
GREEK word for a fairly large body of land ---invented some
2500 years ago by Herodotus----and later---ie first century AD---used by the ROMAN INVADERS as a word to describe
what they previously called JUDEA ???. I am a jew-----
I am descended from people who fairly recently sojourned in the area of the world called the AUSTRIAN HAPSBURG EMPIRE. The Austrian Hapsburg Empire-----was part of the "holy" roman empire.
I am neither hapsburgian or roman nor did my ancestors
so style themselves . Had any of
my ancestors migrated to PALESTINE-----centuries ago ----
they would have been called PALESTINIANS ---which would
mean "JEW LIVING IN PALESTINE" the erstwhile JUDEA.
Had one of their catholic neighbors migrated to Palestine-----
they would not have been called PALESTINIANS. They might have ended up in the ARMENIAN QUARTER of Jerusalem but I do not believe they were called "ARMENIANS" Arabs who, in 1950, lived in the erstwhile "Palestine"----were not
called 'palestinians' nor so styled themselves. Most were
called, simply---'arabs' some 'syrians' ----from what I got
from reading old travel brochures------some people called
them "Turkish" ??? well---that was Ottoman empire
So you can harass your secret services with details you bravely obtained? You better take care they don´t sent you the guys from the mental house.
No, I'm just curious. They are well-equipped to figure out everything they want to know about you on their own.

Criminals and terrorists often get away with their activities until someone starts looking for them. Once law enforcement or intelligence agencies know where (or who) to look, they can find out all they need to know without help from little ol' me.

Nice dodge on your immigration status. I'm guessing your parents brought you to Germany to escape the terrors of your home country but you want to go back. You should.

Divine----capt. blei is no terrorist------he is a BAATHIST-----
and armchair BAATHIST at that. It is true that some of
the most violent terrorists in the history of islamo Nazi
terrorism have been Baathists. Gamal Abdel Nasser was one-----he obtained nitrogen mustard gas thru his pal ----
"grand mufti al husseini" and actually dropped it on
civilian towns in Yemen----in the early 1950s----he is
DISTINGUISHED as being the only known person to use
nitrogen mustard gas after world war I ------it was a german
invention----GIFTED to AL HUSSEINI by the Nazis who
so admired him. Any use of Nitrogen Mustard gas is
considered a war crime. ------Sadaam had barrels of the
stuff and gifted lots of it to ASSAD. The USA is so concerned that there are protocols in place----should the
US population be subjected to the stuff in the course of
islamo Nazi ---machinations. STAY INDOORS---and follow
instructions----radio, TV, sky writing, cops yelling from
the street. There are thing that YOU MUST DO if at all
exposed. The stuff HANGS around in the environment----it
even STICKS to bushes
Hey, it is not the Turks who try to prove there was no Palestine. You do!
Another reason why you are obviously poorly educated. I can't prove a negative. It's up to you to prove the nation of Palestine existed before Israel. History of the region is well known to educated people.
I don´t have to prove anything as I didn´t make a point here. Again, it is your argumentation that denies Israel. You have been constantly bullshitting. Sure, your maps don´t show a Palestine, but they don´t show an Israel. Only Syria.
Look, arguing with Zionist flashbulbs is not prohibited in Germany. We are also not in the land of unlimited opportunities, they need a court´s decision in order intervene in someone´s privacy.

I am fascinated "Zionist flashbulb"??? Is that a new word
in the islamo Nazi lexicon?
flashbulb, blitzbirne, is someone who doesn´t think "too fast".

oh----blitzbirne-----how poetic. I did German 101 and 102
in college-----and was very attached to poetic german
lingo. But that was Kafka and a very LONG TIME AGO
So you can read German?

no-----LONG LONG ago and no contact with the stuff since----
it was a requirement for "science" majors in my time----completely unnecessary-----French would have been better.
I do treasure my HISTORY of having read kafka in the original and some of the other really MORBID german crap. "Ein hungerkunstler" ---was one of my all time faves----SO GERMAN!!----dull and miserable.
Literature is vastly overrated. The famous, and celebrated "poets" and "philosophers" basically have no points. I once read Camus and it was vast bullshit.
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You should report Obama and his royal household to the CIA and NSA. They are aiding ISIS!
American aircraft dropped weapons to ISIS, says MP - Iraqi News
How does that help you from being monitored as a Jihadist supporter and propagandist?

Thanks for the tacit admission you send money to terrorists. ;)
Watch my threads and then tell again something of "Jihadist supporter who sent money to terrorists". Next time you post such claims, I will report you to the forum staff.
What is your nation of origin and when did you immigrate to Germany?
So you can harass your secret services with details you bravely obtained? You better take care they don´t sent you the guys from the mental house.

capt blei ---what's in the bottle? Even if I could read german-----I cannot make out the blurred words
I am fascinated "Zionist flashbulb"??? Is that a new word
in the islamo Nazi lexicon?
flashbulb, blitzbirne, is someone who doesn´t think "too fast".

oh----blitzbirne-----how poetic. I did German 101 and 102
in college-----and was very attached to poetic german
lingo. But that was Kafka and a very LONG TIME AGO
So you can read German?

no-----LONG LONG ago and no contact with the stuff since----
it was a requirement for "science" majors in my time----completely unnecessary-----French would have been better.
I do treasure my HISTORY of having read kafka in the original and some of the other really MORBID german crap. "Ein hungerkunstler" ---was one of my all time faves----SO GERMAN!!----dull and miserable.
Literature is vastly overrated. The famous, and celebrated "poets" and philosophers basically have no points. I once read Camus and it was vast bullshit.

camus-----I once read "THE STRANGER" ----I did not like
the book much but it did provide some insight into French
Algeria. The book itself seemed really FRENCH to me ---which--of course--it was. Sorta reminded me of GUY DE
MAUPASSANT and his morbid short stories. Short
stories are a good way to get some insight into this or that
culture----The Stranger---as a novel is ---short enough for
even an illiterate like penny to get thru
Divine----capt. blei is no terrorist------he is a BAATHIST-----
and armchair BAATHIST at that. It is true that some of
the most violent terrorists in the history of islamo Nazi
terrorism have been Baathists. Gamal Abdel Nasser was one-----he obtained nitrogen mustard gas thru his pal ----
"grand mufti al husseini" and actually dropped it on
civilian towns in Yemen----in the early 1950s----he is
DISTINGUISHED as being the only known person to use
nitrogen mustard gas after world war I ------it was a german
invention----GIFTED to AL HUSSEINI by the Nazis who
so admired him. Any use of Nitrogen Mustard gas is
considered a war crime. ------Sadaam had barrels of the
stuff and gifted lots of it to ASSAD. The USA is so concerned that there are protocols in place----should the
US population be subjected to the stuff in the course of
islamo Nazi ---machinations. STAY INDOORS---and follow
instructions----radio, TV, sky writing, cops yelling from
the street. There are thing that YOU MUST DO if at all
exposed. The stuff HANGS around in the environment----it
even STICKS to bushes
Blei's lack of a spine prevents him from becoming a terrorist, but that doesn't stop him from being an armchair supporter of terrorism. As you correctly noted, Baathists formed the core of the Iraqi insurgency. Later, many evolved into terrorist Jihadists.

Regardless, it's not my place to figure out what he does. I just report and am happy to let law enforcement and intelligence services take it from there.
another novel "the spider's house"----provides some
insight into French Morocco-----also a fairly short novel
(not camus----I forget the name of the author)
capt blei ---what's in the bottle? Even if I could read german-----I cannot make out the blurred words
It's soda pop "fassbrause". Fundamentalist Islamics don't drink (not supposed to drink) alcohol. Hence the comment to offer the beverage to a neighboring terrorist.

"Bashar" is the first name of his hero, the mass murderer Bashar al-Assad.
You should report Obama and his royal household to the CIA and NSA. They are aiding ISIS!
American aircraft dropped weapons to ISIS, says MP - Iraqi News
How does that help you from being monitored as a Jihadist supporter and propagandist?

Thanks for the tacit admission you send money to terrorists. ;)
Watch my threads and then tell again something of "Jihadist supporter who sent money to terrorists". Next time you post such claims, I will report you to the forum staff.
What is your nation of origin and when did you immigrate to Germany?
So you can harass your secret services with details you bravely obtained? You better take care they don´t sent you the guys from the mental house.

capt blei ---what's in the bottle? Even if I could read german-----I cannot make out the blurred words
The translation is barrel soda or barrel lemonade.
Literature is vastly overrated. The famous, and celebrated "poets" and "philosophers" basically have no points. I once read Camus and it was vast bullshit.
An oft-spoken lament by the functionally illiterate and book-burners.

Divine----capt. blei is no terrorist------he is a BAATHIST-----
and armchair BAATHIST at that. It is true that some of
the most violent terrorists in the history of islamo Nazi
terrorism have been Baathists. Gamal Abdel Nasser was one-----he obtained nitrogen mustard gas thru his pal ----
"grand mufti al husseini" and actually dropped it on
civilian towns in Yemen----in the early 1950s----he is
DISTINGUISHED as being the only known person to use
nitrogen mustard gas after world war I ------it was a german
invention----GIFTED to AL HUSSEINI by the Nazis who
so admired him. Any use of Nitrogen Mustard gas is
considered a war crime. ------Sadaam had barrels of the
stuff and gifted lots of it to ASSAD. The USA is so concerned that there are protocols in place----should the
US population be subjected to the stuff in the course of
islamo Nazi ---machinations. STAY INDOORS---and follow
instructions----radio, TV, sky writing, cops yelling from
the street. There are thing that YOU MUST DO if at all
exposed. The stuff HANGS around in the environment----it
even STICKS to bushes
Blei's lack of a spine prevents him from becoming a terrorist, but that doesn't stop him from being an armchair supporter of terrorism. As you correctly noted, Baathists formed the core of the Iraqi insurgency. Later, many evolved into terrorist Jihadists.

Regardless, it's not my place to figure out what he does. I just report and am happy to let law enforcement and intelligence services take it from there.

Baathism claim to fame is their somewhat mendacious claim
to "SECULARISM" ----actually it is highly ARAB
NATIONALIST----to the point of fascism -----and---absolutely
ISLAMIC. There have been some sociopathic Christian leaders who have been attracted to its filth. Beware the
Christian who claims the magnificent "toleration" of
Muhummad and his terrorist manual ----AL KORAN
Anyone who claims that the PACT OF OMAR (or ?? umar)
is a lovely democratic treaty----<<< from that person--RUN -as fast as you can....
('toleration' is a real word-----muslims use it all the time)
I don´t have to prove anything as I didn´t make a point here. Again, it is your argumentation that denies Israel. You have been constantly bullshitting. Sure, your maps don´t show a Palestine, but they don´t show an Israel. Only Syria.
Of course you don't. In fact, given your lack of education and disdain for literature, I doubt you have the ability.

Obviously my points about the Ottoman Empire and events of post-WWI were too intellectual for you to follow. No matter. I'm sure many others were able to follow the points.
You should report Obama and his royal household to the CIA and NSA. They are aiding ISIS!
American aircraft dropped weapons to ISIS, says MP - Iraqi News
How does that help you from being monitored as a Jihadist supporter and propagandist?

Thanks for the tacit admission you send money to terrorists. ;)
Watch my threads and then tell again something of "Jihadist supporter who sent money to terrorists". Next time you post such claims, I will report you to the forum staff.
What is your nation of origin and when did you immigrate to Germany?
So you can harass your secret services with details you bravely obtained? You better take care they don´t sent you the guys from the mental house.

capt blei ---what's in the bottle? Even if I could read german-----I cannot make out the blurred words
The translation is barrel soda or barrel lemonade.

oh----I thought it was booze. In the past----pious muslims
bought their booze from priests (if there were no jews around)
capt blei ---what's in the bottle? Even if I could read german-----I cannot make out the blurred words
It's soda pop "fassbrause". Fundamentalist Islamics don't drink (not supposed to drink) alcohol. Hence the comment to offer the beverage to a neighboring terrorist.

"Bashar" is the first name of his hero, the mass murderer Bashar al-Assad.
Do you want to talk with me about democratic rebels?
Baathism claim to fame is their somewhat mendacious claim
to "SECULARISM" ----actually it is highly ARAB
NATIONALIST----to the point of fascism -----and---absolutely
ISLAMIC. There have been some sociopathic Christian leaders who have been attracted to its filth. Beware the
Christian who claims the magnificent "toleration" of
Muhummad and his terrorist manual ----AL KORAN
Anyone who claims that the PACT OF OMAR (or ?? umar)
is a lovely democratic treaty----<<< from that person--RUN -as fast as you can....
('toleration' is a real word-----muslims use it all the time)
A slight disagreement. Yes, Baathism started out secular and was heavily fascist, but now it has strong ties to Islamic fundamentalism. Syria's biggest supporter is Iran. Saddam turned religious toward the end, no doubt as a ploy to stir up Jihadist terrorism.

Still, secular or not, a terrorist is a terrorist.
You should report Obama and his royal household to the CIA and NSA. They are aiding ISIS!
American aircraft dropped weapons to ISIS, says MP - Iraqi News
How does that help you from being monitored as a Jihadist supporter and propagandist?

Thanks for the tacit admission you send money to terrorists. ;)
Watch my threads and then tell again something of "Jihadist supporter who sent money to terrorists". Next time you post such claims, I will report you to the forum staff.
What is your nation of origin and when did you immigrate to Germany?
So you can harass your secret services with details you bravely obtained? You better take care they don´t sent you the guys from the mental house.

capt blei ---what's in the bottle? Even if I could read german-----I cannot make out the blurred words
The translation is barrel soda or barrel lemonade.

oh----I thought it was booze. In the past----pious muslims
bought their booze from priests (if there were no jews around)
No no, its really free of alcohol.
Baathism claim to fame is their somewhat mendacious claim
to "SECULARISM" ----actually it is highly ARAB
NATIONALIST----to the point of fascism -----and---absolutely
ISLAMIC. There have been some sociopathic Christian leaders who have been attracted to its filth. Beware the
Christian who claims the magnificent "toleration" of
Muhummad and his terrorist manual ----AL KORAN
Anyone who claims that the PACT OF OMAR (or ?? umar)
is a lovely democratic treaty----<<< from that person--RUN -as fast as you can....
('toleration' is a real word-----muslims use it all the time)
A slight disagreement. Yes, Baathism started out secular and was heavily fascist, but now it has strong ties to Islamic fundamentalism. Syria's biggest supporter is Iran. Saddam turned religious toward the end, no doubt as a ploy to stir up Jihadist terrorism.

Still, secular or not, a terrorist is a terrorist.
Boeing sells planes to Iran. Has Boeing converted to fundamentalist Islam and even Jihadist terrorism? I mean, their planes were used in Islamist terrorist attacks in New York, right?
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capt blei ---what's in the bottle? Even if I could read german-----I cannot make out the blurred words
It's soda pop "fassbrause". Fundamentalist Islamics don't drink (not supposed to drink) alcohol. Hence the comment to offer the beverage to a neighboring terrorist.

"Bashar" is the first name of his hero, the mass murderer Bashar al-Assad.

the neighbor would be far happier with a bottle of booze.

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