Israel Defines Humanity

good point---but what did the Ottomans call it? Fret not---all will be repaired ---Russia and Turkey are going to
establish a NEW OTTOMAN CALIPHATE. Iran will cope if
the New Ottoman empire hands it the important port cities
around the red sea and Arabian sea and calls them PORTS OF SHIITE
According to this link and map, "Syria".

The Ottoman Empire - All About Turkey

According to Zionist flashbulbs this map proves that their cannot be a Palestine as it doesn´t show any Palestine. Consistently, according to you, there cannot be an Israel, either, as the map doesn´t show any Israel, as well. It only shows Syria in the region, which was occupied by the Ottoman empire back then.

Tell me, how does this map back your points?

It shows that there was never a nation of palestine until 1988 when the illegal immigrants created it on Israeli lands. Israel was created by Jews on Jewish land in 1948 granted to them by the lands sovereign rulers.

What your C&P shows is the LIES put about by islamonazi's and Jew haters that have no basis in reality.

When did the arab muslims get sovereignty over Jewish lands ?
WRONG as we can see all this in your many posts, and you are not coming over as a very nice person
It is just because I have to deal with persons with dishonest motivations. Persons that only follow their propagandist guidelines and have no interest in Israel, the Jews and their wellbeing.

No it is because you hate the Jews and follow your teachings
You're trying to explain things to a psycho who says Hezzbolah fights against terrorism.

Si true. Anyone who claims that if he goes outside like he has and states that the police are throwing little boys at him is a psycho. Besides, you have to remember that many Germans still have a bit of Nazism in their souls when it comes to the Jews. If you have the time, Google the following:


by William Grim

Mr. Grim, a non Jew, happens to live and work in Germany.
The psycho is you. Also, Sally is the eternal Nazi. Here is a dictionary of Jewish surnames, which are almost all German. So in general, your separation of Germans and Jews doesn´t exist, it is another result of the Nazi´s actions.
Category:Jewish surnames - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For many years, Germany was the home of the Jews, the Jewry.

Today, Jews don´t exist. There are only "Zionists", whatever that is. There is no Jew who simply wants to live his life, they all are Zionists seeking for Lebensraum and power. What crazy nonsense.

More LIES from the hate sites, and the wiki article was originally sourced to an islamoinazi propagandist, who has since been banned from wiki for his illegal activity
What confuses me about this how does this make all Arabs to have to vanish?
It doesn't. Arabs, like any peaceful people have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What they don't have a right to do is support murdering others.
It takes two to tango. Realize this. Israelis and Arabs should sit down and calm the waves. Why should there be no solution that is good for all?

Because that would go against the arab muslim religious commands to rule the world
Report me to what you want, you clown. I am German. CIA and NSA do have no say in my place. Anyway, they could read what I write and see that you are a bullshitter.
They share data with the BND and BfV. Yes, they can all read what you write here and elsewhere...even your emails and monitor your phone calls. ;)
Look, arguing with Zionist flashbulbs is not prohibited in Germany. We are also not in the land of unlimited opportunities, they need a court´s decision in order intervene in someone´s privacy.
It is just because I have to deal with persons with dishonest motivations. Persons that only follow their propagandist guidelines and have no interest in Israel, the Jews and their wellbeing.

No it is because you hate the Jews and follow your teachings
You're trying to explain things to a psycho who says Hezzbolah fights against terrorism.

Si true. Anyone who claims that if he goes outside like he has and states that the police are throwing little boys at him is a psycho. Besides, you have to remember that many Germans still have a bit of Nazism in their souls when it comes to the Jews. If you have the time, Google the following:


by William Grim

Mr. Grim, a non Jew, happens to live and work in Germany.
The psycho is you. Also, Sally is the eternal Nazi. Here is a dictionary of Jewish surnames, which are almost all German. So in general, your separation of Germans and Jews doesn´t exist, it is another result of the Nazi´s actions.
Category:Jewish surnames - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For many years, Germany was the home of the Jews, the Jewry.

Today, Jews don´t exist. There are only "Zionists", whatever that is. There is no Jew who simply wants to live his life, they all are Zionists seeking for Lebensraum and power. What crazy nonsense.

More LIES from the hate sites, and the wiki article was originally sourced to an islamoinazi propagandist, who has since been banned from wiki for his illegal activity
Look, arguing with Zionist flashbulbs is not prohibited in Germany. We are also not in the land of unlimited opportunities, they need a court´s decision in order intervene in someone´s privacy.
Of course it isn't. You can send money to ISIS and Hamas plus post your support for them on Facebook all you like in Germany. Amirite?
Look, arguing with Zionist flashbulbs is not prohibited in Germany. We are also not in the land of unlimited opportunities, they need a court´s decision in order intervene in someone´s privacy.
Of course it isn't. You can send money to ISIS and Hamas plus post your support for them on Facebook all you like in Germany. Amirite?
You should report Obama and his royal household to the CIA and NSA. They are aiding ISIS!
American aircraft dropped weapons to ISIS, says MP - Iraqi News
According to Zionist flashbulbs this map proves that their cannot be a Palestine as it doesn´t show any Palestine. Consistently, according to you, there cannot be an Israel, either, as the map doesn´t show any Israel, as well. It only shows Syria in the region, which was occupied by the Ottoman empire back then.

Tell me, how does this map back your points?
Did you flunk History and Logic in High School or just never took it?

1) That map is of the Ottoman Empire and was posted on a Turkish website. The last time I checked, the Turks weren't "Zionist flashbulbs".

2) Nothing in your rant refutes the fact Palestine never existed as a nation. Ever. When the Brits and French carved up the Ottoman Empire, the Brits revived the old names of Ottoman-administered regions, such as “Palestine”, “Syria” and “Iraq”. Palestine was an internationally administered territory, not a nation.

3) A year later, in 1917, the Balfour Declaration was made to establish a national homeland for Jewish people in Palestine. This declaration was incorporated into both the Treaty of Sèvres and the Mandate for Palestine. Nothing about a national homeland for Palestinians.

4) You're declaration that anyone who disagrees with you is a "Zionist flashbulb" is amusing because it is both illogical and has the maturity of a young teenager. It also has the tacit admission that you believe anyone who supports Israel to be a Zionist and, therefore, anyone who supports the Palestinians to be terrorists.
1) That map is of the Ottoman Empire and was posted on a Turkish website. The last time I checked, the Turks weren't "Zionist flashbulbs".
Hey, it is not the Turks who try to prove there was no Palestine. You do!

2) Nothing in your rant refutes the fact Palestine never existed as a nation. Ever. When the Brits and French carved up the Ottoman Empire, the Brits revived the old names of Ottoman-administered regions, such as “Palestine”, “Syria” and “Iraq”. Palestine was in internationally administered territory, not a nation.

3) A year later, in 1917, the Balfour Declaration was made to establish a national homeland for Jewish people in Palestine. This declaration was incorporated into both the Treaty of Sèvres and the Mandate for Palestine. Nothing about a national homeland for Palestinians.

4) You're declaration that anyone who disagrees with you is a "Zionist flashbulb" is amusing because it is both illogical and has the maturity of a young teenager. It also has the tacit admission that you believe anyone who supports Israel to be a Zionist and, therefore, anyone who supports the Palestinians to be terrorists.
And? This is why there cannot be a Palestine?
You should report Obama and his royal household to the CIA and NSA. They are aiding ISIS!
American aircraft dropped weapons to ISIS, says MP - Iraqi News
How does that help you from being monitored as a Jihadist supporter and propagandist?

Thanks for the tacit admission you send money to terrorists. ;)
Watch my threads and then tell again something of "Jihadist supporter who sent money to terrorists". Next time you post such claims, I will report you to the forum staff.
Report me to what you want, you clown. I am German. CIA and NSA do have no say in my place. Anyway, they could read what I write and see that you are a bullshitter.
They share data with the BND and BfV. Yes, they can all read what you write here and elsewhere...even your emails and monitor your phone calls. ;)
Look, arguing with Zionist flashbulbs is not prohibited in Germany. We are also not in the land of unlimited opportunities, they need a court´s decision in order intervene in someone´s privacy.

I am fascinated "Zionist flashbulb"??? Is that a new word
in the islamo Nazi lexicon?
Report me to what you want, you clown. I am German. CIA and NSA do have no say in my place. Anyway, they could read what I write and see that you are a bullshitter.
They share data with the BND and BfV. Yes, they can all read what you write here and elsewhere...even your emails and monitor your phone calls. ;)
Look, arguing with Zionist flashbulbs is not prohibited in Germany. We are also not in the land of unlimited opportunities, they need a court´s decision in order intervene in someone´s privacy.

I am fascinated "Zionist flashbulb"??? Is that a new word
in the islamo Nazi lexicon?
flashbulb, blitzbirne, is someone who doesn´t think "too fast".
Report me to what you want, you clown. I am German. CIA and NSA do have no say in my place. Anyway, they could read what I write and see that you are a bullshitter.
They share data with the BND and BfV. Yes, they can all read what you write here and elsewhere...even your emails and monitor your phone calls. ;)
Look, arguing with Zionist flashbulbs is not prohibited in Germany. We are also not in the land of unlimited opportunities, they need a court´s decision in order intervene in someone´s privacy.

I am fascinated "Zionist flashbulb"??? Is that a new word
in the islamo Nazi lexicon?
flashbulb, blitzbirne, is someone who doesn´t think "too fast".

oh----blitzbirne-----how poetic. I did German 101 and 102
in college-----and was very attached to poetic german
lingo. But that was Kafka and a very LONG TIME AGO
Report me to what you want, you clown. I am German. CIA and NSA do have no say in my place. Anyway, they could read what I write and see that you are a bullshitter.
They share data with the BND and BfV. Yes, they can all read what you write here and elsewhere...even your emails and monitor your phone calls. ;)
Look, arguing with Zionist flashbulbs is not prohibited in Germany. We are also not in the land of unlimited opportunities, they need a court´s decision in order intervene in someone´s privacy.

I am fascinated "Zionist flashbulb"??? Is that a new word
in the islamo Nazi lexicon?
flashbulb, blitzbirne, is someone who doesn´t think "too fast".

oh----blitzbirne-----how poetic. I did German 101 and 102
in college-----and was very attached to poetic german
lingo. But that was Kafka and a very LONG TIME AGO
So you can read German?
Hey, it is not the Turks who try to prove there was no Palestine. You do!
Another reason why you are obviously poorly educated. I can't prove a negative. It's up to you to prove the nation of Palestine existed before Israel. History of the region is well known to educated people.
They share data with the BND and BfV. Yes, they can all read what you write here and elsewhere...even your emails and monitor your phone calls. ;)
Look, arguing with Zionist flashbulbs is not prohibited in Germany. We are also not in the land of unlimited opportunities, they need a court´s decision in order intervene in someone´s privacy.

I am fascinated "Zionist flashbulb"??? Is that a new word
in the islamo Nazi lexicon?
flashbulb, blitzbirne, is someone who doesn´t think "too fast".

oh----blitzbirne-----how poetic. I did German 101 and 102
in college-----and was very attached to poetic german
lingo. But that was Kafka and a very LONG TIME AGO
So you can read German?

no-----LONG LONG ago and no contact with the stuff since----
it was a requirement for "science" majors in my time----completely unnecessary-----French would have been better.
I do treasure my HISTORY of having read kafka in the original and some of the other really MORBID german crap. "Ein hungerkunstler" ---was one of my all time faves----SO GERMAN!!----dull and miserable.
So you can harass your secret services with details you bravely obtained? You better take care they don´t sent you the guys from the mental house.
No, I'm just curious. They are well-equipped to figure out everything they want to know about you on their own.

Criminals and terrorists often get away with their activities until someone starts looking for them. Once law enforcement or intelligence agencies know where (or who) to look, they can find out all they need to know without help from little ol' me.

Nice dodge on your immigration status. I'm guessing your parents brought you to Germany to escape the terrors of your home country but you want to go back. You should.

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