Israel Defines Humanity

really? how nice-----capt blei tells me that Israel is GROWING------like by leaps and bounds. In fact in 1967
it became THREE TIMES larger than it was in 1966. At this
rate the earth will run out of dry land. NASA knows and is WORKING ON IT. -------after all-----Spock was a jew
No, I told it Phony and it is a wikipedia claim. However, here´s the map, apparently you have no idea what you are talking about:
really? how nice-----capt blei tells me that Israel is GROWING------like by leaps and bounds. In fact in 1967
it became THREE TIMES larger than it was in 1966. At this
rate the earth will run out of dry land. NASA knows and is WORKING ON IT. -------after all-----Spock was a jew
No, I told it Phony and it is a wikipedia claim. However, here´s the map, apparently you have no idea what you are talking about:

Look again at the maps and their legends, blei-----those are not actually maps of Israel. Israel became a country in 1948.----you have maps of Israel/Judea aka Judea aka
Palestina ---up there------ The people who TODAY call themselves "Palestinians" -----were not "Palestinians" until
something like the mid sixties----You are working on a silly
fraud. from the first century AD until more than half way thru
the 20th century----the ONLY people called Palestinians were
JOOOOS. My hubby's government papers call him a PALESTINIAN-----I think those were the ones drawn up when his family hit Egypt----sometime in the early 1940s. If he had
been a muslim baby-----he would have been described as either a Syrian or simply "arab"
Again you are pushing double moral standards since what you say about the Palestinians actually applies to the Jews who all weren´t Israelis before 1948.

no---all the jews in the WHOLE BRITISH PALESTINE MANDATE were-----PALESTINIANS----which is an alternate
name for ---JUDEA (the roman first name of Israel/Judea)
None of the arabs were called Palestinians----until well into the
1960s when they DECIDED to be---"Palestinians". There is no issue of a moral standard-------there is an issue of reality.
The arabs of the MIDDLE EAST---fought with the Palestinians
of the middle east (aka jews) and that civil war resulted
in a division of land (it happens all the time---BANGLA DESH
was part of Pakistan in 1970----in 1972 it became a separate
country----to wit BANGLA DESH)
"The first clear use of the term Palestine to refer to the entire area between Phoenicia and Egypt was in 5th century BC Ancient Greece,when Herodotus wrote of a "district of Syria, called Palaistinê" in The Histories, which included the Judean mountains and the Jordan Rift Valley".
Timeline of the name "Palestine" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For as you are seeking the total correctness, this all is Syria. I already told Roudy, since his maps he/she hopes are proving there never was a Palestine label the entire lands Syria, all the lands must be handed out to the Syrian government.

wrong AGAIN capt. The greeks called a LARGE AREA---
which ----what had been the KINGDOM OF JUDEA----and JORDAN and SYRIA something close to PALESTINA----but the Greeks bit the dust when the ROMANS came along.
That which had been called ASSYRIA kinda got busted
up-----(Syria had not existed at that point) At some point in
HISTORY---ASSYRIA was invaded by greeks-----lots of today's Syrians look very GREEK. ---Cleopatra was an ASSYRIAN--
and grew up speaking greek (is that not interesting?) You want to give "Syria" back to Greece? ok with me. The romans (who worshipped the greeks) renamed the
KINGDOM OF JUDEA----which is actually the combined kingdoms of Judea and Israel------JUDEA-----and some time
in the first century they renamed Judea---Palestina. Got it
now? but they did not hand PALESTINA to whatever Syria
was by then. The re-established the boundaries as the old
JUDEA ---and a bit more---
I will help Capt. Blei--------to be ABLE to understand----
Capt, for almost 2000 years-----the ONLY "PALESTINIANS" in the world were--------are you ready? JOOOOOOOOOS
The word "Palestinian" mean a JOOOO in 1850 1750---
-------even during the crusades PALESTINIAN IS A JOOO.
I once came upon a really, really old copy of a travel guide---It was something like the late 1800s-----and it had pictures of
Jerusalem------arabs were described as arabs----and the people who were OBVIOUSLY JOOOOS were called PALESTINIANS.
When I was a little kid ---I thought the word Palestine---was
Hebrew-----or maybe Yiddish----I had no idea that the greeks
invented it. -----the word synagogue---is also greek.
Capt. to unconfused yourself----when you hear the word PALESTINIAN as a reference to anything prior to 1960----
What the clown is a "JOOOO"?
I will help Capt. Blei--------to be ABLE to understand----
Capt, for almost 2000 years-----the ONLY "PALESTINIANS" in the world were--------are you ready? JOOOOOOOOOS
The word "Palestinian" mean a JOOOO in 1850 1750---
-------even during the crusades PALESTINIAN IS A JOOO.
I once came upon a really, really old copy of a travel guide---It was something like the late 1800s-----and it had pictures of
Jerusalem------arabs were described as arabs----and the people who were OBVIOUSLY JOOOOS were called PALESTINIANS.
When I was a little kid ---I thought the word Palestine---was
Hebrew-----or maybe Yiddish----I had no idea that the greeks
invented it. -----the word synagogue---is also greek.
Capt. to unconfused yourself----when you hear the word PALESTINIAN as a reference to anything prior to 1960----
What the clown is a "JOOOO"?

a JOOOS is the southern USA pronunciation of the
word in Hebrew----approx. YEHUDIM. In the bible
the people who are JOOOOS are called "children of Israel"---because the progenitor of that people is Jacob----Jacob
dreamed that he climbed a ladder to heaven----had a fight
with an angel and was renamed ISRAEL. One of his sons---
I think the third one----was named YEHUDAH----
On his death bed ISRAEL (Jacob) named his son as his
heir to his power------that was YEHUDAH which americans
call JUDAH. The "royal line" for da children of Israel is supposed to be started by JUDAH. I hope I did not confuse
No, I told it Phony and it is a wikipedia claim. However, here´s the map, apparently you have no idea what you are talking about:
An inherently dishonest graphic for multiple reasons; least of all is that there was never any such nation as "Palestine".

Much of the verbiage and revisionist history is skewed too, but considering the source (occupiedpalestine), that's to be expected from Jihadists and Russophiles.

Let's not forget most of that land acquisition was after Israel had been attacked. They took a lot more, but gave it back in several "Land-for-Peace" deals. We all know how that worked out.
No, I told it Phony and it is a wikipedia claim. However, here´s the map, apparently you have no idea what you are talking about:
An inherently dishonest graphic for multiple reasons; least of all is that there was never any such nation as "Palestine".

Much of the verbiage and revisionist history is skewed too, but considering the source (occupiedpalestine), that's to be expected from Jihadists and Russophiles.

Let's not forget most of that land acquisition was after Israel had been attacked. They took a lot more, but gave it back in several "Land-for-Peace" deals. We all know how that worked out.

all true----but jews did call the area that the romans renamed
"palestina"-------at least in English "Palestine"-----I have no idea what anybody else called that area----like 500 years ago
all true----but jews did call the area that the romans renamed
"palestina"-------at least in English "Palestine"-----I have no idea what anybody else called that area----like 500 years ago
It was called the Ottoman Empire.


good point---but what did the Ottomans call it? Fret not---all will be repaired ---Russia and Turkey are going to
establish a NEW OTTOMAN CALIPHATE. Iran will cope if
the New Ottoman empire hands it the important port cities
around the red sea and Arabian sea and calls them PORTS OF SHIITE
I will help Capt. Blei--------to be ABLE to understand----
Capt, for almost 2000 years-----the ONLY "PALESTINIANS" in the world were--------are you ready? JOOOOOOOOOS
The word "Palestinian" mean a JOOOO in 1850 1750---
-------even during the crusades PALESTINIAN IS A JOOO.
I once came upon a really, really old copy of a travel guide---It was something like the late 1800s-----and it had pictures of
Jerusalem------arabs were described as arabs----and the people who were OBVIOUSLY JOOOOS were called PALESTINIANS.
When I was a little kid ---I thought the word Palestine---was
Hebrew-----or maybe Yiddish----I had no idea that the greeks
invented it. -----the word synagogue---is also greek.
Capt. to unconfused yourself----when you hear the word PALESTINIAN as a reference to anything prior to 1960----
What the clown is a "JOOOO"?

a JOOOS is the southern USA pronunciation of the
word in Hebrew----approx. YEHUDIM. In the bible
the people who are JOOOOS are called "children of Israel"---because the progenitor of that people is Jacob----Jacob
dreamed that he climbed a ladder to heaven----had a fight
with an angel and was renamed ISRAEL. One of his sons---
I think the third one----was named YEHUDAH----
On his death bed ISRAEL (Jacob) named his son as his
heir to his power------that was YEHUDAH which americans
call JUDAH. The "royal line" for da children of Israel is supposed to be started by JUDAH. I hope I did not confuse
What confuses me about this how does this make all Arabs to have to vanish?
good point---but what did the Ottomans call it? Fret not---all will be repaired ---Russia and Turkey are going to
establish a NEW OTTOMAN CALIPHATE. Iran will cope if
the New Ottoman empire hands it the important port cities
around the red sea and Arabian sea and calls them PORTS OF SHIITE
According to this link and map, "Syria".

The Ottoman Empire - All About Turkey

According to Zionist flashbulbs this map proves that their cannot be a Palestine as it doesn´t show any Palestine. Consistently, according to you, there cannot be an Israel, either, as the map doesn´t show any Israel, as well. It only shows Syria in the region, which was occupied by the Ottoman empire back then.

Tell me, how does this map back your points?
The fact you are an "anti-zionist" aka anti-semitic is clear. Nice dodge on being pro-Russian and/or pro-Putin.

Assad is a fucking asshole dictator. That is well proven by history. What do you feel so compelling about Assad and his family? Why do you support him?
Lies and nothing but lies:

""anti-zionist" aka anti-semitic"
"Nice dodge on being pro-Russian and/or pro-Putin"
"Assad is a fucking asshole dictator"

WRONG as we can see all this in your many posts, and you are not coming over as a very nice person
It is just because I have to deal with persons with dishonest motivations. Persons that only follow their propagandist guidelines and have no interest in Israel, the Jews and their wellbeing.

No it is because you hate the Jews and follow your teachings
You're trying to explain things to a psycho who says Hezzbolah fights against terrorism.

Si true. Anyone who claims that if he goes outside like he has and states that the police are throwing little boys at him is a psycho. Besides, you have to remember that many Germans still have a bit of Nazism in their souls when it comes to the Jews. If you have the time, Google the following:


by William Grim

Mr. Grim, a non Jew, happens to live and work in Germany.
Lies and nothing but lies:

""anti-zionist" aka anti-semitic"
"Nice dodge on being pro-Russian and/or pro-Putin"
"Assad is a fucking asshole dictator"

WRONG as we can see all this in your many posts, and you are not coming over as a very nice person
It is just because I have to deal with persons with dishonest motivations. Persons that only follow their propagandist guidelines and have no interest in Israel, the Jews and their wellbeing.

No it is because you hate the Jews and follow your teachings
You're trying to explain things to a psycho who says Hezzbolah fights against terrorism.

Si true. Anyone who claims that if he goes outside like he has and states that the police are throwing little boys at him is a psycho. Besides, you have to remember that many Germans still have a bit of Nazism in their souls when it comes to the Jews. If you have the time, Google the following:


by William Grim

Mr. Grim, a non Jew, happens to live and work in Germany.
The psycho is you. Also, Sally is the eternal Nazi. Here is a dictionary of Jewish surnames, which are almost all German. So in general, your separation of Germans and Jews doesn´t exist, it is another result of the Nazi´s actions.
Category:Jewish surnames - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For many years, Germany was the home of the Jews, the Jewry.

Today, Jews don´t exist. There are only "Zionists", whatever that is. There is no Jew who simply wants to live his life, they all are Zionists seeking for Lebensraum and power. What crazy nonsense.
What confuses me about this how does this make all Arabs to have to vanish?
It doesn't. Arabs, like any peaceful people have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What they don't have a right to do is support murdering others.
It takes two to tango. Realize this. Israelis and Arabs should sit down and calm the waves. Why should there be no solution that is good for all?
I will help Capt. Blei--------to be ABLE to understand----
Capt, for almost 2000 years-----the ONLY "PALESTINIANS" in the world were--------are you ready? JOOOOOOOOOS
The word "Palestinian" mean a JOOOO in 1850 1750---
-------even during the crusades PALESTINIAN IS A JOOO.
I once came upon a really, really old copy of a travel guide---It was something like the late 1800s-----and it had pictures of
Jerusalem------arabs were described as arabs----and the people who were OBVIOUSLY JOOOOS were called PALESTINIANS.
When I was a little kid ---I thought the word Palestine---was
Hebrew-----or maybe Yiddish----I had no idea that the greeks
invented it. -----the word synagogue---is also greek.
Capt. to unconfused yourself----when you hear the word PALESTINIAN as a reference to anything prior to 1960----
What the clown is a "JOOOO"?

a JOOOS is the southern USA pronunciation of the
word in Hebrew----approx. YEHUDIM. In the bible
the people who are JOOOOS are called "children of Israel"---because the progenitor of that people is Jacob----Jacob
dreamed that he climbed a ladder to heaven----had a fight
with an angel and was renamed ISRAEL. One of his sons---
I think the third one----was named YEHUDAH----
On his death bed ISRAEL (Jacob) named his son as his
heir to his power------that was YEHUDAH which americans
call JUDAH. The "royal line" for da children of Israel is supposed to be started by JUDAH. I hope I did not confuse
What confuses me about this how does this make all Arabs to have to vanish?

It is certainly true that lots of arabs are fleeing the filth of their bretheren------but what makes you imagine that they are going
to VANISH? Comprehensive genocides are rare in history---
In fact most have been fomented by arabs UPON NON-ARABS-----lots of groups of people disappeared during the
"GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST"-----but it wasn't arabs. The most successfully COMPREHENSIVE genocide
in all of history was accomplished by an arab----to wit the RAPIST PIG OF MECCA
WRONG as we can see all this in your many posts, and you are not coming over as a very nice person
It is just because I have to deal with persons with dishonest motivations. Persons that only follow their propagandist guidelines and have no interest in Israel, the Jews and their wellbeing.

No it is because you hate the Jews and follow your teachings
You're trying to explain things to a psycho who says Hezzbolah fights against terrorism.

Si true. Anyone who claims that if he goes outside like he has and states that the police are throwing little boys at him is a psycho. Besides, you have to remember that many Germans still have a bit of Nazism in their souls when it comes to the Jews. If you have the time, Google the following:


by William Grim

Mr. Grim, a non Jew, happens to live and work in Germany.
The psycho is you. Also, Sally is the eternal Nazi. Here is a dictionary of Jewish surnames, which are almost all German. So in general, your separation of Germans and Jews doesn´t exist, it is another result of the Nazi´s actions.
Category:Jewish surnames - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For many years, Germany was the home of the Jews, the Jewry. Today, Jews don´t exist. There are only "Zionists", whatever that is. There is no Jew who simply wants to live his life, they all are Zionists seeking for Lebensraum and power. What crazy nonsense.

Yes, you know so much sitting in your little room at the home for the mentally disturbed living on benefits from the German government. By the way, I once had a German boss who worked on the V2 program. I saw first-hand his attitude toward the Jews. Now go back to becoming Baghdad Bob Jr. since it must give you the pleasure that you don't have in your actual life.

Mr. Grim also has an article about the anti-Semitism he sees in Germany. Perhaps you should read it. After all, he gets out and about, unlike you who doesn't know what is going on in the outside world.
WRONG as we can see all this in your many posts, and you are not coming over as a very nice person
It is just because I have to deal with persons with dishonest motivations. Persons that only follow their propagandist guidelines and have no interest in Israel, the Jews and their wellbeing.

No it is because you hate the Jews and follow your teachings
You're trying to explain things to a psycho who says Hezzbolah fights against terrorism.

Si true. Anyone who claims that if he goes outside like he has and states that the police are throwing little boys at him is a psycho. Besides, you have to remember that many Germans still have a bit of Nazism in their souls when it comes to the Jews. If you have the time, Google the following:


by William Grim

Mr. Grim, a non Jew, happens to live and work in Germany.
The psycho is you. Also, Sally is the eternal Nazi. Here is a dictionary of Jewish surnames, which are almost all German. So in general, your separation of Germans and Jews doesn´t exist, it is another result of the Nazi´s actions.
Category:Jewish surnames - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For many years, Germany was the home of the Jews, the Jewry.

Today, Jews don´t exist. There are only "Zionists", whatever that is. There is no Jew who simply wants to live his life, they all are Zionists seeking for Lebensraum and power. What crazy nonsense.

your post is nonsense------capt. What does the fact that jews were ASCRIBED SURNAMES----in Europe have to do with ANYTHING AT ALL. The use of surnames is----something fairly new-------and also something that historically was IMPOSED on Jew by shit like you. Arabs do not really have surnames either--------it kinda happened as an adaptation to
European forms. Your posts are getting clownish
Si true. Anyone who claims that if he goes outside like he has and states that the police are throwing little boys at him is a psycho. Besides, you have to remember that many Germans still have a bit of Nazism in their souls when it comes to the Jews. If you have the time, Google the following:


by William Grim

Mr. Grim, a non Jew, happens to live and work in Germany.
It takes two to tango. Realize this. Israelis and Arabs should sit down and calm the waves. Why should there be no solution that is good for all?
Absolutely correct. However, despite all the "land-for-peace" Israel has given up, it's the Palestinian terrorists and their supporters who break the peace. Now, you have to reap what you have sown. You wanted war? Now you have one. Not only are the Americans pissed off a this constant 7th century behavior, but now the Euros are getting pissed off too.

$1000 says you're too much of a fucking coward to pick up a rifle to defend your side. You'll just sit in your cozy little closet and bitch like a spineless coward.
It is just because I have to deal with persons with dishonest motivations. Persons that only follow their propagandist guidelines and have no interest in Israel, the Jews and their wellbeing.

No it is because you hate the Jews and follow your teachings
You're trying to explain things to a psycho who says Hezzbolah fights against terrorism.

Si true. Anyone who claims that if he goes outside like he has and states that the police are throwing little boys at him is a psycho. Besides, you have to remember that many Germans still have a bit of Nazism in their souls when it comes to the Jews. If you have the time, Google the following:


by William Grim

Mr. Grim, a non Jew, happens to live and work in Germany.
The psycho is you. Also, Sally is the eternal Nazi. Here is a dictionary of Jewish surnames, which are almost all German. So in general, your separation of Germans and Jews doesn´t exist, it is another result of the Nazi´s actions.
Category:Jewish surnames - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For many years, Germany was the home of the Jews, the Jewry.

Today, Jews don´t exist. There are only "Zionists", whatever that is. There is no Jew who simply wants to live his life, they all are Zionists seeking for Lebensraum and power. What crazy nonsense.

your post is nonsense------capt. What does the fact that jews were ASCRIBED SURNAMES----in Europe have to do with ANYTHING AT ALL. The use of surnames is----something fairly new-------and also something that historically was IMPOSED on Jew by shit like you. Arabs do not really have surnames either--------it kinda happened as an adaptation to
European forms. Your posts are getting clownish

He's very childish, He closes his eyes to all the anti-Semitism in Europe and the Muslim world.

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