Israel has fallen into a Hamas trap once again.

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In its press release, UNRWA’s spokesperson said that the discovery was made during a routine inspection of the school, “which was closed for the summer and not being used as a shelter.”

“All the relevant parties have been notified,” UNRWA said, without elaborating which parties. Hamas, the terror group that controls the Gaza Strip, has launched over 2,000 of rockets at Israel in the past month.

“We condemn the group or groups who endangered civilians by placing these munitions in our school,” said UNRWA Spokesperson, Chris Gunness. “This is yet another flagrant violation of the neutrality of our premises. We call on all the warring parties to respect the inviolability of UN property.”


Rockets found in UNRWA school, for third time

Evidently those rockets made their back into Hamas's hands. That renders UNRWA an active combatant and their "schools" legit targets.
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In its press release, UNRWA’s spokesperson said that the discovery was made during a routine inspection of the school, “which was closed for the summer and not being used as a shelter.”

“All the relevant parties have been notified,” UNRWA said, without elaborating which parties. Hamas, the terror group that controls the Gaza Strip, has launched over 2,000 of rockets at Israel in the past month.

“We condemn the group or groups who endangered civilians by placing these munitions in our school,” said UNRWA Spokesperson, Chris Gunness. “This is yet another flagrant violation of the neutrality of our premises. We call on all the warring parties to respect the inviolability of UN property.”


Rockets found in UNRWA school, for third time

Evidently those rockets made their back into Hamas's hands. That renders UNRWA an active combatant and a legit target.

Is it just me or do those rockets look a hell of a lot more production line made than DIY projects like our dear Sunni Man proclaims?

LOL.......they were selling those same rockets 3 for $20 at our local fireworks stand the last 4th of July. .. :lol:


that's nice sunni------get some and use them for parties at the mosque----I mean the ones at the
UN school-----the best way to use them----is get all the kids together and ----light up two or three--
the out come will be terrific-----make sure the kids are all yelling ALLAHUAKBAAAR
Only 15% of Britons think Israeli air-strikes on Gaza are justified, according to polling by YouGov yesterday. In one sense this is surprising given that most of the British press has traditionally been stridently pro-Israeli. But it also says something about shifting attitudes towards Israel as pictures of dead Palestinian children start to dominate the news.

Internationally, Israel is becoming a pariah state, backed stridently only by the United States. Two years ago, a global survey by the BBC found that Israel was among the most negatively-rated countries in the world, sitting alongside Iran, Pakistan and North Korea. Attitudes towards Israel were on a downward trajectory, with around 68% of Britons viewing the country negatively and only 16% positively. Germans and Spanish rated it even more negatively, while Australians and South Koreans weren’t far behind.

These negative sentiments aren’t (primarily) driven by anti-semitism or Muslims, they are driven by Israel’s own actions in the Middle East. People can see what its doing and they don’t like it.

In all the commentary that has predictably erupted since the bombardment of Gaza, little has been said about how badly Israel is handling all this. Again.

Until recently Hamas was struggling – financially and politically. It had lost support from traditional allies such as Syria, Egypt and Iran. But by goading Israel into an invasion again, it has ensured its own survival.

Israel has fallen into a Hamas trap | LabourList

The left usually sides with the little guy.

In this case they're siding with the bully.

6 million Jews vs. 100 million Muslims that surround them.

Who really the pariah here?
In its press release, UNRWA’s spokesperson said that the discovery was made during a routine inspection of the school, “which was closed for the summer and not being used as a shelter.”

“All the relevant parties have been notified,” UNRWA said, without elaborating which parties. Hamas, the terror group that controls the Gaza Strip, has launched over 2,000 of rockets at Israel in the past month.

“We condemn the group or groups who endangered civilians by placing these munitions in our school,” said UNRWA Spokesperson, Chris Gunness. “This is yet another flagrant violation of the neutrality of our premiership. We call on all the warring parties to respect the inviolability of UN property.”


Rockets found in UNRWA school, for third time

Evidently those rockets made their back into Hamas's hands. That renders UNRWA an active combatant and their "schools" legit targets.

Since 2000, Palestinian rockets, which include the Qassam, alongside others such as the Grad rocket, have been used to kill 22 Israeli citizens and one Thai national (as of January 9, 2009).[7][8] These rockets cannot be fired precisely to target specific military objectives in or near civilian areas. Human Rights Watch issued an analysis, stating, that "such weapons are therefore indiscriminate when used against targets in population centers. The absence of Israeli military forces in the areas where rockets hit, as well as statements by leaders of Palestinian armed groups that population centers were being targeted, indicate that the armed groups deliberately attacked Israeli civilians and civilian objects."[9] The international community considers indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian structures that do not discriminate between civilians and military targets as illegal under international law.[9][10

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...Gaza's not a state, Sharon. It's an occupied territory. Israel is the occupying power of that territory. Jews can not claim self-defense against a territory it occupies. Tell your people to renounce ethnic cleansing. Money is not everything.
None of that shit matters any longer.

What DOES matter is that the IDF is coming for 'you' (Hamas, the side you chose to stand with).

They are not coming for a social visit.

They are coming to cut your throats, and to feed you to the vultures.

No more talk.

Your ghosts can take-up your legal arguments in a few decades, once you've settled-in with your 72 virgins.
So says the silly sissy from behind his keyboard.

You are a one-trick pony, aren't you?

In fact, Golda, international law does matter to most of the world, and your heroic Jews are in fact the occupying power of Gaza. That means they can't claim the right of self-defense against a population they occupy.

Just like your heroic ancestors in Poland, Bitch.
If money is not everything, then why do you need a scapegoat for your own failure in not earning a decent living? Meanwhile, I wonder if Dhimmi George can tell us why his new masters didn't clamor for a state when the Egyptians and Jordanians were administering these disputed territories. Was it because they didn't mind other Muslims controlling them, Dhimmi George, but couldn't stand the fact of Jews controlling them, just as you think the Jews controlled your life so you never got ahead.
Silly-Sally has a real problem in thinking that asking endless questions is somehow staying on topic. ... :cuckoo:
Maybe she's paid by the post?
Israel is continually bragging how their Iron Dome system is defeating 99% of the Hamas home made bottle rockets.

Which begs the question: If the Iron Dome is so successful then why do the zionists need to respond with such massive fire power that results in so many innocent civilian deaths and devastation? ..... :doubt:

So in your opinion attempted murder is not a crime.
The small DIY bottle rockets vers the massive high explosive weapons of the IDF savages.

Is like a squirt gun vers an AK-47

The zionist could just set back behind their Iron Dome and laugh at the home made rockets.

But Israel's real goal is ethnic cleansing in order to expand their zionist paradise. ... :doubt:
Greater Israel is much greater than many imagine:

"When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing war on Syria, not to mention the process of regime change in Egypt, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East. The latter consists in weakening and eventually fracturing neighboring Arab states as part of an Israeli expansionist project.

“'Greater Israel' consists in an area extending from the Nile Valley to the Euphrates."

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse...Jews find a way
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I like Aljazera's take on this, somewhat.
Fire at the Gaza wall, not over it - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Hamas should fling the missiles at the wall not over the wall. Then the Gazans can leave.
Out of the frying pan and into Israel?
Jews should end their illegal occupation of Palestine.:mad:

Jews should be free to control who can enter Israel or not. You want them to open the border crossing so they can be invaded at will by those who live in Gaza.
I like Aljazera's take on this, somewhat.
Fire at the Gaza wall, not over it - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Hamas should fling the missiles at the wall not over the wall. Then the Gazans can leave.
Out of the frying pan and into Israel?
Jews should end their illegal occupation of Palestine.:mad:

Jews should be free to control who can enter Israel or not. You want them to open the border crossing so they can be invaded at will by those who live in Gaza.
Gazans will be in Jerusalem before the IDF knows what hits them.:cuckoo:

Evidently those rockets made their back into Hamas's hands. That renders UNRWA an active combatant and their "schools" legit targets.

"We call on all the warring parties to respect the inviolability of UN property."

The Palestinians are caught with the weapons and UNRA has no choice but to call them on it so what do they do?

They call on everyone because they don't want to single Hamas out for their singular acts.
I think it seems more likely that some naive people fall for the propaganda against Israel. I think that Israel is doing what it has to do to protect it's citizens.

They have to defend their citizens, but they might have gone too far and those actions might end up strengthening Hamas support.

That is desirable?

I think Israel is making every effort to reduce civilian casualties. It doesn't matter to the propagandists like Sunni Man et al, but the rest of the world has seen that Israel IS working hard at preventing them.

The only ones losing here are those being killed, and politically HAMAS is losing big.

I've heard that they actually send flyers and make phone calls to warn citizens about places they are planning on bombing sometimes. How much more precautionary measures could one take?
Only 15% of Britons think Israeli air-strikes on Gaza are justified, according to polling by YouGov yesterday. In one sense this is surprising given that most of the British press has traditionally been stridently pro-Israeli. But it also says something about shifting attitudes towards Israel as pictures of dead Palestinian children start to dominate the news.

Internationally, Israel is becoming a pariah state, backed stridently only by the United States. Two years ago, a global survey by the BBC found that Israel was among the most negatively-rated countries in the world, sitting alongside Iran, Pakistan and North Korea. Attitudes towards Israel were on a downward trajectory, with around 68% of Britons viewing the country negatively and only 16% positively. Germans and Spanish rated it even more negatively, while Australians and South Koreans weren’t far behind.

These negative sentiments aren’t (primarily) driven by anti-semitism or Muslims, they are driven by Israel’s own actions in the Middle East. People can see what its doing and they don’t like it.

In all the commentary that has predictably erupted since the bombardment of Gaza, little has been said about how badly Israel is handling all this. Again.

Until recently Hamas was struggling – financially and politically. It had lost support from traditional allies such as Syria, Egypt and Iran. But by goading Israel into an invasion again, it has ensured its own survival.

Israel has fallen into a Hamas trap | LabourList

I think it seems more likely that some naive people fall for the propaganda against Israel. I think that Israel is doing what it has to do to protect it's citizens.

They have to defend their citizens, but they might have gone too far and those actions might end up strengthening Hamas support.

That is desirable?

Gone too far? According to whom? You? Or perhaps others who don't have to deal with this problem day in and day out, and to which there seems to be no end in sight? I'm sorry, but I have to disagree, in that I think Israel is finally doing exactly what they need to do to put an end to this fiasco once and for all.
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