Israel-Hating Democrat Rashida Tlaib Confronted about Hamas Chopping Off Babies’ Heads – Refuses to Answer (VIDEO)

Here's the thing. I remember during the runup to the Gulf War, you had some Kuwaiti nurse who claimed she saw the Iraqis throw babies out of incubators to take the equipment back to Iraq. And then she tearfully testified before Congress.

Except... it never happened. It was made up.

We just saw the dead bodies of some women paraded through the streets after they were just raped and murdered.... so by all means JOEB131... YOU just take the words of those murderers when they saw they wouldnt also kill babies.... and take IM2 with you... 1st and formost, you must not believe Jews.

This is like the 1930s all over agian . Holy shit.
So does Israel. And it kills a lot more civilians than Hamas.

with retaliatory air strikes. Civilians are not purposely targeted.
If Israel stood down evry time they were attacked, Hezbolla and Hamas would then attack them even more.
Arabs and other Islamic radicals would line up to go and attack Israel, knowing that they have a free shot at them. you know it.

Islam does not allow for a non islamic people to occupy land once claimed by Islam.... this is a large part of the problem.
Actually they do. And we have helped them.
Hamas hides in populated areas as they fire their rockets. They know the response of Israel and they welcome it because their goal is to also wage a propaganda war against Israel world wide.
As you might remember. When Israel first handed over the Gaza to Palestinians, The Palestinians immediately said thank you for that by firing rocket barrages into southern Israel.

In other words, the only concessions they want from Israelis is to die. Jews have tried to live with Arabs... it was the Arabs who refused.
This is why we should never elect people with foreign middle eastern heritage to public office. This creature is ecstatic about the attacks.

Why respond to something that didn’t happen?
Hamas hides in populated areas as they fire their rockets. They know the response of Israel and they welcome it because their goal is to also wage a propaganda war against Israel world wide.
As you might remember. When Israel first handed over the Gaza to Palestinians, The Palestinians immediately said thank you for that by firing rocket barrages into southern Israel.

In other words, the only concessions they want from Israelis is to die. Jews have tried to live with Arabs... it was the Arabs who refused.
I know what Hamas does, but in this situation there are no good guys. And unfortunately innocent people get used as pawns by politicians who DGAD.
I know what Hamas does, but in this situation there are no good guys. And unfortunately innocent people get used as pawns by politicians who DGAD.

Hamas went door to door in some of those towns, butchering everyone in the homes leaving a bloody mess behind. House after house, and so what do you think the Israeli government should do?

You know if they did nothing, then Hamas would simply do it again, but I understand with the leftists here, their first reaction is to blame the victim. The Jews there have no choice but to defend themselves.
Hamas went door to door in some of those towns, butchering everyone in the homes leaving a bloody mess behind. House after house, and so what do you think the Israeli government should do?

You know if they did nothing, then Hamas would simply do it again, but I understand with the leftists here, their first reaction is to blame the victim. The Jews there have no choice but to defend themselves.
You can talk all you want about what Hamas has done recently, but until you talk about what the Israeli government has done for the past several decades, then all this will be is a mass murder of suspected members of Hamas by Netanyahu and then the Israeli government goes back to business as usual, which will create another Hamas because of how they will continue violating agreements.
We just saw the dead bodies of some women paraded through the streets after they were just raped and murdered.... so by all means JOEB131... YOU just take the words of those murderers when they saw they wouldnt also kill babies.... and take IM2 with you... 1st and formost, you must not believe Jews.
I was pointing this sounds like one of those stories that gets spread around for propaganda purposes...

But just like the babies in the incubators... probably didn't happen.
with retaliatory air strikes. Civilians are not purposely targeted.
If Israel stood down evry time they were attacked, Hezbolla and Hamas would then attack them even more.
Arabs and other Islamic radicals would line up to go and attack Israel, knowing that they have a free shot at them. you know it.

Islam does not allow for a non islamic people to occupy land once claimed by Islam.... this is a large part of the problem.
The strikes are not retaliatory! Israel has broken every ceasefire it entered in to. Israel is a fascist, apartheid regime and is in violation of over 100 UN resolutions, more than all other country's combined.
The strikes are not retaliatory! Israel has broken every ceasefire it entered in to. Israel is a fascist, apartheid regime and is in violation of over 100 UN resolutions, more than all other country's combined.

Every time there is a cease fire or attempts to have peace talks Hamas fires rockets at Israel. You have it the other way around.
Hamas now is asking for a ceasefire after having "ACHEIVED ITS TARGETS" .... targets which are killing unarmed people at a peace concert,,, raping women and parading their dead bodies... killing babies..
Any wonder to you why Jordan cant stand to have those people inside their kingdom? Its because they are fucking terrorists who will try to kill Jordanians as well. it happened last time they were there.

Hamas has got to go. What they did was an act of war so now its up to those two sides to fight it out. Hamas is going to lose
You can talk all you want about what Hamas has done recently, but until you talk about what the Israeli government has done for the past several decades, then all this will be is a mass murder of suspected members of Hamas by Netanyahu and then the Israeli government goes back to business as usual, which will create another Hamas because of how they will continue violating agreements.

Israel haas tried to have peace agreements with those people, but Muslims do not allow for non- muslims to live on and CONTROL land that they claim as theirs. Problem is there have been local jews living there forever so Jews have right to that land.
You blame the Israeli government , but not that nation to the East who speaks Persian, who keeps arming Hamas and hezbolla... not allowing them to make peace. Iran uses dead Palestinians as pawns... and you will NEVER see a leftist or one of you guys here on USMB protest against Iran. your all one sided because you bought into years of propaganda.
Every time there is a cease fire or attempts to have peace talks Hamas fires rockets at Israel. You have it the other way around.
Hamas now is asking for a ceasefire after having "ACHEIVED ITS TARGETS" .... targets which are killing unarmed people at a peace concert,,, raping women and parading their dead bodies... killing babies..
Any wonder to you why Jordan cant stand to have those people inside their kingdom? Its because they are fucking terrorists who will try to kill Jordanians as well. it happened last time they were there.

Hamas has got to go. What they did was an act of war so now its up to those two sides to fight it out. Hamas is going to lose
They have a legal right to resist the occupation of their homeland by a foreign Israeli force. And whether Hamas stays or goes, is not Israel's call to make! Who the Pals choose to represent them is none of Israel's god-damn business!

BTW, what Zionist terrorists did in Deir Yassin was far worse than what Hamas did 4 days ago.
They have a legal right to resist the occupation of their homeland by a foreign Israeli force. And whether Hamas stays or goes, is not Israel's call to make! Who the Pals choose to represent them is none of Israel's god-damn business!

BTW, what Zionist terrorists did in Deir Yassin was far worse than what Hamas did 4 days ago.
Well said. It should be pointed out that Bibi and the Mossad have been empowering Hamas for decades to act as a foil to the more internationally respected Fatah and Palestinian Authority. They like an enemy that hates them rather than a partner to negotiate with.
They have a legal right to resist the occupation of their homeland by a foreign Israeli force. And whether Hamas stays or goes, is not Israel's call to make! Who the Pals choose to represent them is none of Israel's god-damn business!

BTW, what Zionist terrorists did in Deir Yassin was far worse than what Hamas did 4 days ago.
The Israeli force isnt foreign. Wether you like it or not they have an internationally recognized country there. they also have a right to defend their people. and Deir Yassin was in 1948. It wasnt nearly as bad as what happened just now.. you're making shit up. An das we speak there are probably Isareli civilians right now being tortured and not even being tortured for information. Just for the sake of cruelty. You would probably call that torture freedom fighting, but thats you.
The Israeli force isnt foreign. Wether you like it or not they have an internationally recognized country there. they also have a right to defend their people. and Deir Yassin was in 1948. It wasnt nearly as bad as what happened just now.. you're making shit up. An das we speak there are probably Isareli civilians right now being tortured and not even being tortured for information. Just for the sake of cruelty. You would probably call that torture freedom fighting, but thats you.
An occupational force cannot claim self defense! And as far as the international community is concerned, no one recognizes the OPT as Israeli land.
An occupational force cannot claim self defense! And as far as the international community is concerned, no one recognizes the OPT as Israeli land.

Hamas crossed into Israel. That wasn't on the Gaza side, so yes it would be considered self defense to strike back.

Why do you have to be reminded? in 1947 a deal was offered to split up the land. Jews said ok and Arabs refused the deal... then went to war with the Jews, with multiple Arab countries involved who didnt even have claim to the land. So you know what? Those countries should be responsible for housing and taking care of the palestinians becausse they stuck their nose in. Only.... they dont and haven't because it was only their hatred for Jews that motivated them. They could give a shit about the Palestinians and are happy to let the Palestininians hang in the wind and be a problem for Israel.

So they can all cut the shit about being concerned for who is on occupied land. It was contended for in a war. YOU just dont like the outcome of that war.

Secondly everyone has a right to defend their women and children, and if that means having to go in and take out Hamas once and for all thats it.
Oh course it's not a laughing matter. But what is sadly a laughing matter is how you deranged moronic NaziCons try to twist it for political gain. Shameful.
You have lost. Disgustingly, in the worst possible way.
Crawl away in shame.
Cover yourself in dust and ashes and repent, OT style.

How oddly ironic that a foul creature that sides with murderous terrorists specifically targeting Jews is invoking the Nazis as an insult against those who are opposed to these murderers.

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