Israel-Hating Democrat Rashida Tlaib Confronted about Hamas Chopping Off Babies’ Heads – Refuses to Answer (VIDEO)

It tells me that the NY Times believes more of their readership is Muslim nowadays than Jewish...

Yellow journalism sells papers... and clicks (nowadays)... and some of the larger media outlets are truly whores for the money...

If I'm on the right track with that, then the NYT has overlooked their gigantic Christian-heritage readership...

The vast majority of which is quite sympathetic to Israel and the Jewish People rather than Muslims...

Why? Thirteen hundred years of religious animosity and Muslim aggression. The Crusades. 9-11. OBL. Hezbollah. Hamas.
It tells me that the NY Times believes more of their readership is Muslim nowadays than Jewish...

Yellow journalism sells papers... and clicks (nowadays)... and some of the larger media outlets are truly whores for the money...

If I'm on the right track with that, then the NYT has overlooked their gigantic Christian-heritage readership...

The vast majority of which is quite sympathetic to Israel and the Jewish People rather than Muslims...

Why? Thirteen hundred years of religious animosity and Muslim aggression. The Crusades. 9-11. OBL. Hezbollah. Hamas.
It also rehired a Hitlerist Nazi Palestinian

To cover the war..
"Zionist jackboot"?


Just takin' out the trash...

And then you wonder why they attack the Zionist women and children.

No Clean Hands. We need to get ourselves out of it and say, "This is nothing to do with us."
Okay, for a guy who was supposedly stabbed, that Zionist Jackboot seemed pretty lively when he was kicking the shit out of a woman half his size.
Palestinian women hide behind their sex and Palestinian dudes hide behind women and children. They're all sneaky, murderous lowlifes using the corrupt global media to justify their cowardice and bloodthirstiness. How people side with these baby killers is beyond me. I never thought we had so many evil people in this country. Viva Israel. MAGA
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Palestinian women hide behind their sex and Palestinian dudes hide behind women and children. They're all sneaky lowlifes using the corrupt global media to justify their cowardice and bloodthirstiness. How people side with these baby killers is beyond me. I never thought we had so many evil people in this country. Viva Israel. MAGA

Of course, you're responding to a piece of filth that supports the cold-blooded murder of thousands of American babies every day. What's he going to care about Jewish babies being murdered on the other side of the world?

The blood of his Nazi heritage flowed proudly through his veins.
And then you wonder why they attack the Zionist women and children.
Phukk 'em... if the Palis haven't taken the hint in 75 years, they're just too stupid to fix... shove 'em onto the East Bank.
No Clean Hands. We need to get ourselves out of it and say, "This is nothing to do with us."
To the Devil with clean hands. The Muzzies don't like losing. Tough $hit. It's their turn now. We continue to support Israel.
Palestinian women hide behind their sex and Palestinian dudes hide behind women and children. They're all sneaky lowlifes using the corrupt global media to justify their cowardice and bloodthirstiness. How people side with these baby killers is beyond me. I never thought we had so many evil people in this country. Viva Israel. MAGA

No, they are a people fighting a foreign occupation.

If China took over your state, would you just happily accept it, or would you be out there trying to take out PLA soldiers on your street corner?

There was a great movie called "The Battle of Algiers", where a resistance leader is captured by the French, and the media asks him, "Why do you put bombs in women's baskets?" and he replies, "Why do you drop bombs from planes? We would happily trade our baskets for your planes."

Same reason your people did back in The Old Country.

Um, it seems to me the Zionists are acting like they did in "the Old Country", Bob.

Or as Roger Waters said,

The Germans killed the Jews
and the Jews killed the Arabs
and the Arabs killed the Hostages
and that is the news...
Is it any wonder, that the monkey's confused?

He wrote that 30 years ago, and it's still relevant.

Of course, you're responding to a piece of filth that supports the cold-blooded murder of thousands of American babies every day. What's he going to care about Jewish babies being murdered on the other side of the world?

Fetuses aren't babies.

The death of Children in Palestine is awful no matter who does it. You seem to only be concerned with (white) Israeli babies. I wonder why that is. (no, actually I don't.)

Phukk 'em... if the Palis haven't taken the hint in 75 years, they're just too stupid to fix... shove 'em onto the East Bank.

That would be an unprecedented war crime. Besides, the Zionists don't want them to leave; who are they going to economically exploit?

To the Devil with clean hands. The Muzzies don't like losing. Tough $hit. It's their turn now. We continue to support Israel.
Well, it's not like you are going to sign up to fight over there the next time the Zionists tell us that we have to, is it?

The volunteer military was the worst thing that ever happened to America because it separated the vast majority of us from the people who do the fighting.
OK Göbbels.
Just stating the obvious.

Women who go to abortion Clinics don't consider their peanut sized fetus to be a baby.

Neither does the government.

If they did, every miscarriage would be investigated as a homicide. Fetuses would have more rights than the women they are inside.
If they did, every miscarriage would be investigated as a homicide.

That's absurd even for JoeB131 values of absurd.

We do not investigate every natural death as a possible homicide. There is no good reason to do so unless there is some evidence, in a given case, that the death occurred as a result of human action, rather than as a natural event.

Fetuses would have more rights than the women they are inside.

The right not to be murdered in cold blood. Who defends this right, that doesn't at least equally defend the right of any woman not to be murdered in cold blood.

Nobody is demanding any rights on behalf of these most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, that we do not at least equally support for all innocent human beings.
Right. Just as it was “obvious” to your people in The Old Country that Jews and others deemed Untermenschen were inferior to real humans, and that it was best to eradicate them.

Um, not even a good analogy. The Nazis had to hide what they were doing, because it would have shocked the sensibilities of most Germans.

On the other hand, the women who have the abortions are pretty open about it. No hiding at all. It's their right to do so.

We do not investigate every natural death as a possible homicide. There is no good reason to do so unless there is some evidence, in a given case, that the death occurred as a result of human action, rather than as a natural event.
But how would you know it was "natural" unless you investigate? Especially when the doctors who would be certifying it as a miscarriage were the ones who were performing the abortions before your ban.

The right not to be murdered in cold blood. Who defends this right, that doesn't at least equally defend the right of any woman not to be murdered in cold blood.

Nobody is demanding any rights on behalf of these most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, that we do not at least equally support for all innocent human beings.

If the fetus can't survive outside the woman, it isn't alive. This is what you don't get. (or don't want to get, because women are only there to make babies in your world.)

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant. It's why every country that ever tried to ban abortion has failed epically.
Just stating the obvious.

Women who go to abortion Clinics don't consider their peanut sized fetus to be a baby.

Neither does the government.

If they did, every miscarriage would be investigated as a homicide. Fetuses would have more rights than the women they are inside.
You seem to have such a twisted view of things.

You claim to be pro-choice. But abortion is illegal in Palestine. Penalty is death. In Israel, elective abortion is legal.

You support Hamas, and the irradiation of Israel.

You must be anti-Democracy - Israel is the only Democracy in the Middle East. Palestine has no elections since 2006.

You claim to be pro LGBT rights. In Palestine, they throw LGBT off rooftops and celebrate, as being homo is a mortal sin. In Israel, homo stuff is completely legal.

You are probably for equal rights for women. In Palestine, women are second-class. They cannot even associate with unrelated men in public; there are strict penalties. Israel gives equal rights to women.

You are probably for separation of Church and state. Islaam is a religion, and also a political system which is codified. Whether you believe or not, you must obey its laws. Israel provides for equal rights for all religions, including the right to practice religion other than Judaism.

The Liberal mind is a state of twisted confusion.
And here we see the retardation of a binary mind.

ou seem to have such a twisted view of things.

You claim to be pro-choice. But abortion is illegal in Palestine. Penalty is death. In Israel, elective abortion is legal.

I am pro-choice in this country, I really don't care about other countries. I recognize that each country has its own culture.

You support Hamas, and the irradiation of Israel.

You must be anti-Democracy - Israel is the only Democracy in the Middle East. Palestine has no elections since 2006.

The Zionist Entity isn't a Democracy, it's an apartheid state. The day it allows a REAL election is the day it ceases to exist (probably to the rejoicing of the world.)

You claim to be pro LGBT rights. In Palestine, they throw LGBT off rooftops and celebrate, as being homo is a mortal sin. In Israel, homo stuff is completely legal.

Again- different culture. Also the whole "Throwing gay people off roofs" only happens to perverts who have sex with children.

You are probably for equal rights for women. In Palestine, women are second-class. They cannot even associate with unrelated men in public; there are strict penalties. Israel gives equal rights to women.

Um, I think you are a tad delusional. I went to college with two Palestinian gals, they didn't wear hijabs, but they did wear very tight jeans that complimented their very tight asses.

You are probably for separation of Church and state. Islaam is a religion, and also a political system which is codified. Whether you believe or not, you must obey its laws. Israel provides for equal rights for all religions, including the right to practice religion other than Judaism.

Except that they don't have equal rights... The Jews are put above all other religions in terms of privilege.

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