Israel-Hating Democrat Rashida Tlaib Confronted about Hamas Chopping Off Babies’ Heads – Refuses to Answer (VIDEO)

Hamas crossed into Israel. That wasn't on the Gaza side, so yes it would be considered self defense to strike back.

Why do you have to be reminded? in 1947 a deal was offered to split up the land. Jews said ok and Arabs refused the deal... then went to war with the Jews, with multiple Arab countries involved who didnt even have claim to the land. So you know what? Those countries should be responsible for housing and taking care of the palestinians becausse they stuck their nose in. Only.... they dont and haven't because it was only their hatred for Jews that motivated them. They could give a shit about the Palestinians and are happy to let the Palestininians hang in the wind and be a problem for Israel.

So they can all cut the shit about being concerned for who is on occupied land. It was contended for in a war. YOU just dont like the outcome of that war.

Secondly everyone has a right to defend their women and children, and if that means having to go in and take out Hamas once and for all thats it.
Arabs didn't refuse in 1947, they weren't even properly represented in negotiations with the British. BTW, Zionists were only given 55% of the land. And why would Arabs, who were 70% of the land owners in Palestine, agree to giving Zionists the majority of the land, when they were not the majority population?
Nice to see your double standard is in place, buddy.

What does my cat have to do with any of this?


Real world... hospitals and schools are not legitimate military targets.

They're also not legitimate places for combatants to take cover.
We just saw the dead bodies of some women paraded through the streets after they were just raped and murdered.... so by all means JOEB131... YOU just take the words of those murderers when they saw they wouldnt [sic] also kill babies.... and take IM2 with you... 1st and formost [sic], you must not believe Jews.

They're only Jews. No reason why a proud literal descendant of Nazi stock would give a shit what is done to them. He probably wishes he could be there to participate; having been cheated of his rightful heritage when his father and grandfather left Germany, and came to the United States.
Not when the cowardly terrorists hide in hospitals and schools, hiding behind their own civilians.

They're also not legitimate places for combatants to take cover.

Except that the Zionists would bomb them anyway... just like they did in Lebanon, and they made spurious claims of "terrorists" hiding.

Kind of like every baby killed in Vietnam was a Vietcong. No, really.
In Biden's address today, he said, "Silence is complicity."

I actually agree with him for once...... Rashida Tlaib silence in this instance is complicity.

In Biden's address today, he said, "Silence is complicity."

I actually agree with him for once...... Rashida Tlaib silence in this instance is complicity.


Again, America isn't going to have an honest conversation about this conflict as long as the Jews control our media and politics.

I do take comfort in that this crisis helps Biden and makes Trump look childish.
The strikes are not retaliatory! Israel has broken every ceasefire it entered in to. Israel is a fascist, apartheid regime and is in violation of over 100 UN resolutions, more than all other country's combined.
careful there bud, you're exposing yourself. You're not interested in broken're interested in hamas being victorious and killing every jew on the planet.
Again, America isn't going to have an honest conversation about this conflict as long as the Jews control our media and politics.

If that were true, they are doing a terrible job at it....

  • MSNBC in particular has brought mouthpieces for Hamas on its airwaves since the terrorists attacked early Saturday morning.
  • Saturday show host Ali Velshi, who came to the network from Qatari state-run outlet Al Jazeera, blamed the atrocities we’ve seen on Israeli policy
  • Mehdi Hasan, who also joined MSNBC from Al Jazeera — and once referred to non-Muslims as “cattle,” “animals,” and “people of no intelligence” — did the same.
  • Ayman Mohyeldin, an MSNBC commentator who, believe it or not, also used to work for Al Jazeera (spot the pattern?) argued that Israelis had it coming.
  • Andrew Mitchell, MSNBC’s chief foreign affairs correspondent, blamed Israel’s “most aggressive encroachment into the West Bank by this far-right coalition government
  • NBC’s Nightly News celebrated rallies “in support of the larger Palestinian cause.”
  • CNN’s Fareed Zakaria invited a Palestinian politician on the air to say that Hamas did not target civilians.
  • The Washington Post wrote in an Instagram post that the murders, rapes, and kidnappings — the beheadings of babies — is a response to “the punishing blockade and occupation of Palestinians.”
  • Adam Elmahrek, a reporter for the Los Angeles Times, for that matter, said news reports of the beheadings are “lies and disinformation.”


I do take comfort in that this crisis helps Biden and makes Trump look childish.

It is probably a net positive for Biden so far, but only because most people don't realize that Biden is complicit in the terrorist attacks on Israel with his policy of appeasement towards Iran.

Biden manages to screw everything up, so he'll probably manage to screw this up too.
If that were true, they are doing a terrible job at it....

  • MSNBC in particular has brought mouthpieces for Hamas on its airwaves since the terrorists attacked early Saturday morning.
  • Saturday show host Ali Velshi, who came to the network from Qatari state-run outlet Al Jazeera, blamed the atrocities we’ve seen on Israeli policy
  • Mehdi Hasan, who also joined MSNBC from Al Jazeera — and once referred to non-Muslims as “cattle,” “animals,” and “people of no intelligence” — did the same.
  • Ayman Mohyeldin, an MSNBC commentator who, believe it or not, also used to work for Al Jazeera (spot the pattern?) argued that Israelis had it coming.
  • Andrew Mitchell, MSNBC’s chief foreign affairs correspondent, blamed Israel’s “most aggressive encroachment into the West Bank by this far-right coalition government
  • NBC’s Nightly News celebrated rallies “in support of the larger Palestinian cause.”
  • CNN’s Fareed Zakaria invited a Palestinian politician on the air to say that Hamas did not target civilians.
  • The Washington Post wrote in an Instagram post that the murders, rapes, and kidnappings — the beheadings of babies — is a response to “the punishing blockade and occupation of Palestinians.”
  • Adam Elmahrek, a reporter for the Los Angeles Times, for that matter, said news reports of the beheadings are “lies and disinformation.”

It is probably a net positive for Biden so far, but only because most people don't realize that Biden is complicit in the terrorist attacks on Israel with his policy of appeasement towards Iran.

Biden manages to screw everything up, so he'll probably manage to screw this up too.

You are kind of making my point... we are nowhere near an honest discussion, if you have coverage that is 99% pro-Zionist.
You are kind of making my point... we are nowhere near an honest discussion, if you have coverage that is 99% pro-Zionist.

Where do you get from this post that the coverage is 99% pro-Israel? The left-wing media goes out of their way to defend Islamic terrorists and dispel their atrocities. I particularly love the way they call for a “proportional” response from Israel, which is absolutely ludicrous.
You are kind of making my point... we are nowhere near an honest discussion, if you have coverage that is 99% pro-Zionist.

Totally disagree with you. I just gave lots of specific examples which countered your point, so I have no idea how you came to that "conclusion." Actually, I think it's more of an unsupported opinion of yours.

Fox News coverage has been basically 100% pro-Israel, but they are an exception to the biased coverage of MSM, as usual.

I just checked out the CNN home page. They have some articles sympathetic to the Hamas terrorists...

"Casualties in Gaza over the past eight days have now surpassed the number of those killed during the 51-day Gaza-Israel conflict in 2014, according to the spokesperson for the Palestinian Health Ministry.

Richard Brennan, a World Health Organization official in Cairo, told CNN that 60% of those killed in Gaza the last week were women and children."

And MSNBC's top article at the moment is a subtle attempt to make Israel appear like the bad guy...

Israeli spokesperson equates humanitarian aid with 'supplying the resources the enemy needs'​

So, like I said, if US media is controlled by Jews, they are doing a terrible job at it. If your statement were true, I would not be able to provide all of these specific examples, would I?
Where do you get from this post that the coverage is 99% pro-Israel? The left-wing media goes out of their way to defend Islamic terrorists and dispel their atrocities. I particularly love the way they call for a “proportional” response from Israel, which is absolutely ludicrous.

What's ludicrous is that when the Zionists murder tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians, they won't get a fraction of the coverage of the Israeli victims.

Oh, wait, and it turns out the stories of "beheaded babies" wasn't true after all.

JerusalemCNN —
The Israeli government has not confirmed the specific claim that Hamas attackers cut off the heads of babies during their shock attack on Saturday, an Israeli official told CNN, contradicting a previous public statement by the Prime Minister’s office.

“There have been cases of Hamas militants carrying out beheadings and other ISIS-style atrocities. However, we cannot confirm if the victims were men or women, soldiers or civilians, adults or children,” the official said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu indicated that people had been beheaded by Hamas in an appearance beside Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday, but did not specify if they were children.

Totally disagree with you. I just gave lots of specific examples which countered your point, so I have no idea how you came to that "conclusion." Actually, I think it's more of an unsupported opinion of yours.

You mean you picked out some lame examples out of wall to wall coverage, which is 99% Zionist propaganda

I mean, I guess they have to slip some attempt to present the Palestinian point of view, other wise it would be wall to wall "Hamas Bad." "Yup Hamas Bad".

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