Israel Helping Syrian Children In Jordan

Interesting, Israel has to take in refugees from a country it is technically at war with with for the last 60 years? :cuckoo:

ah, so if a nation is at war with another country, they have no moral obligation to take in refugees from that country?

good to know.

I can now explain to Holocaust survivors why more Jews weren't saved from Hungary, Germany, Italy, Romania, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland.
...Oh I forgot, Jordan was part of the Palestine mandate under the British. Do all the Arabs born in Jordan also get to call Israel their homeland?

Ha ha ha.

yeah, for 2 years, you dumbass.

none of the Palestinian refugees have any connection to the territory of Jordan.
Druse Israelis are in Jordan helping their fellow Syrians?

big deal. Let us know when Israeli Jews lift a finger to help refugees in Jordan.

Are you serious?

Israel saved the lives of more than 150 Syrian refugees in ISRAELI HOSPITALS.

Israeli civilians risk their lives in human rights organizations in SYRIA.

Why don't YOU take some refugees to your home, and then complain about Israelis?

Israelis done more than help innocents in Syria more than many other countries.

Israel is on the border of Syria.

all of Syria's neighbors have taken in hundreds of thousands of refugees.

Israel, has taken in zero.

Not true: the 'Syrians' living in the Golan have been bringing in as many of their relatives as they can, to shelter them from the fighting. And the Israelis have been helping those refugees *once they get into Israeli-controlled territory*

Even if HMO sent a caravan of ambulances to evacuate injured and sick Syrians - just what do you suppose, Hoffy, would happen the minute they reached the border?
...Oh I forgot, Jordan was part of the Palestine mandate under the British. Do all the Arabs born in Jordan also get to call Israel their homeland?

Ha ha ha.

yeah, for 2 years, you dumbass.

none of the Palestinian refugees have any connection to the territory of Jordan.

I guess that explains why the Pals never complained about being occupied by Jordan for 19 years.....
Israel has treated hundreds upon hundreds of injured Syrians paid for by the Israeli taxpayer.
And when you say shelter the Palestinians, well ya, they shelter them in refugee camps and REFUSE them citizzenship.

lying again, huh faggot?

Israel treats Syrians then sends them back into the fire!!!!!

meanwhile Jordan has given Palestinian refugees citizenship.

And here we see the self-proclaimed "liberal" using homosexuality as a *that* speaks volumes about said "liberal" induhvidual's sincerity!
Interesting, Israel has to take in refugees from a country it is technically at war with with for the last 60 years? :cuckoo:

ah, so if a nation is at war with another country, they have no moral obligation to take in refugees from that country?

good to know.

I can now explain to Holocaust survivors why more Jews weren't saved from Hungary, Germany, Italy, Romania, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland.
Thanks, that makes total sense. NOT. I didn't know Jews were at war with Hungary, Germany, Italy, Romania, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. :lmao:
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Thanks, that makes total sense. NOT. I didn't know Jews were at war with Hungary, Germany, Italy, Romania, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. :lmao:

America and other allies didn't allow in millions or even hundreds of thousands of Jews because they were fleeing from enemy states....just as Israel isn't allowing in any Syrian refugees because they are coming from an enemy state.

nice huh?
...Oh I forgot, Jordan was part of the Palestine mandate under the British. Do all the Arabs born in Jordan also get to call Israel their homeland?

Ha ha ha.

yeah, for 2 years, you dumbass.

none of the Palestinian refugees have any connection to the territory of Jordan.
Wrong again. Try being right in at least ONE THING in this thread:

Demographics of Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to UNRWA, there are 1,951,603 Palestinians in Jordan as of June 2008, 31.5% of Jordan's population.

Most of the Arabic citizens in Jordan are villagers. There were some 56,000 Bedouin Jordanians at the turn of the 20th century on the plain east of Jordan, even after the First World War Amman was only a village of a few thousand residents,[8] many recent immigrants from the coastal areas of the Ottoman Syria where most of the fighting took place. By 1956 of the 1.5 million population, 200,000 were residing in Amman.[8] Following the 1948 war, and seizure of what later came to be known as the "West Bank", the citizens of Transjordan numbered about 1,185,000: 375,000 Transjordanians, 460,000 former residents of Mandate Palestine and 350,000 refugees from other former Mandate Palestine areas.[9]
Thanks, that makes total sense. NOT. I didn't know Jews were at war with Hungary, Germany, Italy, Romania, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. :lmao:

America and other allies didn't allow in millions or even hundreds of thousands of Jews because they were fleeing from enemy states....just as Israel isn't allowing in any Syrian refugees because they are coming from an enemy state.

nice huh?
Wait a minute, I thought those fleeing Syrians were Al Queda and anybody that supported the US strike to stop Assad from gassing his own people is a traitor?

Anti Semites need to make up their minds which lie they want to promote. One at a time please.
Wait a minute, I thought those fleeing Syrians were Al Queda and anybody that supported the US strike to stop Assad from gassing his own people is a traitor?

Anti Semites need to make up their minds which lie they want to promote. One at a time please.

silly Nazi, you must be halucinating I never made that claim.
Wrong again. Try being right in at least ONE THING in this thread:

Demographics of Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to UNRWA, there are 1,951,603 Palestinians in Jordan as of June 2008, 31.5% of Jordan's population.

Most of the Arabic citizens in Jordan are villagers. There were some 56,000 Bedouin Jordanians at the turn of the 20th century on the plain east of Jordan, even after the First World War Amman was only a village of a few thousand residents,[8] many recent immigrants from the coastal areas of the Ottoman Syria where most of the fighting took place. By 1956 of the 1.5 million population, 200,000 were residing in Amman.[8] Following the 1948 war, and seizure of what later came to be known as the "West Bank", the citizens of Transjordan numbered about 1,185,000: 375,000 Transjordanians, 460,000 former residents of Mandate Palestine and 350,000 refugees from other former Mandate Palestine areas.[9]

your source is faulty, as it also lists the Jordanian population as:
























Wait a minute, I thought those fleeing Syrians were Al Queda and anybody that supported the US strike to stop Assad from gassing his own people is a traitor?

Anti Semites need to make up their minds which lie they want to promote. One at a time please.

silly Nazi, you must be halucinating I never made that claim.

With all the silly name-calling in which Hoffy indulges, it's difficult to notice just what his current claim is....
OK! Let me try to help so even you can possibly understand & see the truth. You yourself just stated "most Palestinians were born in Palestine. as were their parents and grandparents." On that comment you are so correct. It is true the Palestinians have been squatting on Israel's ancient land for generations. And now they claim they hate it here in Israel. So let us join together in helping Israel find an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant the Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

But of course. You see, Jordan is their indigenous homeland....

this is of course a pathetic lie.

most Palestinians were born in Palestine. as were their parents and grandparents.
OK! Let me try to help so even you can possibly understand & see the truth. You yourself just stated "most Palestinians were born in Palestine. as were their parents and grandparents." On that comment you are so correct. It is true the Palestinians have been squatting on Israel's ancient land for generations. And now they claim they hate it here in Israel. So let us join together in helping Israel find an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant the Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

The Jews lost control of the land in AD 135.

Its your contention that when the Muslims conquered Palestine in the 7th century, it was STILL Jewish land?

your argument is absurd and you sir are an idiot.
So then tell us, when did Israel's ancient land become this Palestinian land that you claim Israel is stealing?

OK! Let me try to help so even you can possibly understand & see the truth. You yourself just stated "most Palestinians were born in Palestine. as were their parents and grandparents." On that comment you are so correct. It is true the Palestinians have been squatting on Israel's ancient land for generations. And now they claim they hate it here in Israel. So let us join together in helping Israel find an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant the Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

The Jews lost control of the land in AD 135.

Its your contention that when the Muslims conquered Palestine in the 7th century, it was STILL Jewish land?

your argument is absurd and you sir are an idiot.
So then tell us, when did Israel's ancient land become this Palestinian land that you claim Israel is stealing?

The land became Jewish land when the Jews conquered it from the Canaanites.

When the land was conquered from the Jews, it stopped being "Jewish" land.

It was then Roman, then Byzantine, then Muslim, then Christian, then Muslim again.

But then after WW1 we stopped playing this silly game and decided to let peoples rule the land in which they live.
What does all that have to do with the fact that it's 2013 now, and Israel is Jewish land now ?
Your history is right however, every time the land changed from Jewish to Muslim to Turks, it was done so threw warfare.
So if the Palestinians want any of Israel's land, they will have to do so by the use of conventional warfare.
We can argue forever & get nowhere in changing our thinking. But here is a proven FACT throughout all of history. All land belongs to whoever rules it at any given period of time. So as long as Israel rules it, the land is Israel's. Deal with it & enjoy.

So then tell us, when did Israel's ancient land become this Palestinian land that you claim Israel is stealing?

The land became Jewish land when the Jews conquered it from the Canaanites.

When the land was conquered from the Jews, it stopped being "Jewish" land.

It was then Roman, then Byzantine, then Muslim, then Christian, then Muslim again.

But then after WW1 we stopped playing this silly game and decided to let peoples rule the land in which they live.
What does all that have to do with the fact that it's 2013 now, and Israel is Jewish land now ?
Your history is right however, every time the land changed from Jewish to Muslim to Turks, it was done so threw warfare.
So if the Palestinians want any of Israel's land, they will have to do so by the use of conventional warfare.

the acquisition of land through war became illegal before 1948, dumbass.
What does all that have to do with the fact that it's 2013 now, and Israel is Jewish land now ?
Your history is right however, every time the land changed from Jewish to Muslim to Turks, it was done so threw warfare.
So if the Palestinians want any of Israel's land, they will have to do so by the use of conventional warfare.

the acquisition of land through war became illegal before 1948, dumbass.

Except, when Israel declared independence, she did so in the land allotted to her in the partition plan,
Any more land that she took was a result of Arab aggression, of course

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