Israel: Helping To Make A Better World

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What a hoot.

It's always a chuckle when the Islamic terrorist first'ers define those waging offensive gee-had in furtherance of the stated goal of genocide of the Israeli people as "oppressed".

Yes but what about those Zionists building their wailing wall over the Al Asqa Mosque to steal Palestinian land?

And what about Israel's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians? In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only just over 6 million of them left. What about that you Zionists?

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

What a hoot.

It's always a chuckle when the Islamic terrorist first'ers define those waging offensive gee-had in furtherance of the stated goal of genocide of the Israeli people as "oppressed".

Yes but what about those Zionists building their wailing wall over the Al Asqa Mosque to steal Palestinian land?

And what about Israel's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians? In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only just over 6 million of them left. What about that you Zionists?

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

It's a GENOCIDE I tell ya, a GENOCIDE. And if you don't believe me just ask any Pali supporter.
At the signing ceremony in Jerusalem, KKL-JNF chairman Danny Atar said the memorandum “illustrates the great importance KKL-JNF holds as an international environmental organization in sharing its knowledge and experience with the world.”

“Through support in and development of arid and semi-arid regions in Kenya, which suffer from a lack of food security, KKL-JNF helps prevent climate refugee emigration and radicalization in the area,” he added.

(full article online)

Israel Helps Kenya Reforest Dry Lands
Israel helping to make a safer world.

102 ways Israel is helping the world
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I think those Zionists need to learn of all the ways Palestinians are also helping to make a better world. Don't you agree? And you can be the first to educate them. 'Atta boy!
Hmmm, UN: Thousands face starvation risk at Palestinian refugee camp in Syria

Oh stop whining, Habib. You muhammedans are the last people on the planet who are going to accept the financial and political burden of Arabs-Moslems masquerading as Pal'istanians.

Oh stop whining, Habib.

The Arabs-Moslems posing as Pal'istanians have a duty to promote the fabulous wealth of the Arabs-Moslems who maintain their poverty and ignorance.

Sacrifices must be made for the Islamic terrorists exploiting the dedicated UN funded welfare fraud.

Egyptian TV Accuses Hamas Leaders of Living in Luxury While Their People Die

"...marrying four wives, and driving the latest model luxury cars..."
And let's not forget that they can't even feed their own!

Poverty report reveals eleven percent of Israelis forced to go without food at least once every two days, with percentage even higher for Haredim and Arabs...

Ynetnews News - CBS: Sixteen percent of Israelis go hungry <--jew israeli msm

Here's a thought, Habib. <--- goofy muhamnedan.

Let's take the welfare fraud money that the UN foolishly wastes on supporting Islamic gee-had and give it to The Zionist Israeli Jooooos™
And let's not forget that they can't even feed their own!

Poverty report reveals eleven percent of Israelis forced to go without food at least once every two days, with percentage even higher for Haredim and Arabs...

Ynetnews News - CBS: Sixteen percent of Israelis go hungry <--jew israeli msm

Here's a thought, Habib. <--- goofy muhamnedan.

Let's take the welfare fraud money that the UN foolishly wastes on supporting Islamic gee-had and give it to The Zionist Israeli Jooooos™
Nah, Israel is already the mooch capital of the world.

There isn't a bigger bunch of freeloaders anywhere.
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