Israel & iran

All international observers judged the last elections to be free and fair. The polls were saying that Fatah was going to sweep the elections like they always had. So there was little intervention. The rest is history.

Since then Abbas has illegally changed the election laws that would eliminate almost anyone but Fatah from running. Of course other parties including Hamas reject having elections under those circumstances. There will be no fair elections as long as the illegal government in the West Bank is calling the shots.

There have been no changes in the election laws that would eliminate other candidates and international observers could be present if Hamas wanted them. The fact is that Hamas has refused to allow any outside observers, including Palestinian Arabs not affiliated with Hamas. Clearly, free and fair elections could and would be held if not for Hamas' opposition to them.

Got links?

Got links to freedom in Hamastan? Surely, not for mannequins :badgrin:

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- The Hamas-run government has launched a series of campaigns targeting fortune-tellers, mannequins and cigarette vendors in the Gaza Strip.

Police sources told Ma'an that 142 fortune tellers were forced to sign an agreement at the Ministry of Interior pledging that they would not practice their craft.

As well as predicting the future, fortune tellers sell amulets for protection and are sometimes called on to solve personal or family problems.

Another campaign targets boutiques displaying lingerie on mannequins. Police officials told Ma'an that security forces inspected clothes shops across the Gaza Strip and warned owners not to display naked mannequins, lingerie or "indecent advertisements."

Police are also targeting vendors selling smuggled cigarettes and tobacco, confiscating their goods, police sources said.

Maan News Agency: Hamas cracks down on fortune-tellers, mannequins

[ame=]Hamas Imposing Sharia Law In Gaza - YouTube[/ame]
All international observers judged the last elections to be free and fair. The polls were saying that Fatah was going to sweep the elections like they always had. So there was little intervention. The rest is history.

Since then Abbas has illegally changed the election laws that would eliminate almost anyone but Fatah from running. Of course other parties including Hamas reject having elections under those circumstances. There will be no fair elections as long as the illegal government in the West Bank is calling the shots.

There have been no changes in the election laws that would eliminate other candidates and international observers could be present if Hamas wanted them. The fact is that Hamas has refused to allow any outside observers, including Palestinian Arabs not affiliated with Hamas. Clearly, free and fair elections could and would be held if not for Hamas' opposition to them.

Got links?
Get a clue, Tinmore. Get some links of your own. Anything but Palestine Today or Stormfront.
All international observers judged the last elections to be free and fair. The polls were saying that Fatah was going to sweep the elections like they always had. So there was little intervention. The rest is history.

Since then Abbas has illegally changed the election laws that would eliminate almost anyone but Fatah from running. Of course other parties including Hamas reject having elections under those circumstances. There will be no fair elections as long as the illegal government in the West Bank is calling the shots.

There have been no changes in the election laws that would eliminate other candidates and international observers could be present if Hamas wanted them. The fact is that Hamas has refused to allow any outside observers, including Palestinian Arabs not affiliated with Hamas. Clearly, free and fair elections could and would be held if not for Hamas' opposition to them.

Got links?

Links to what specifically?
There have been no changes in the election laws that would eliminate other candidates and international observers could be present if Hamas wanted them. The fact is that Hamas has refused to allow any outside observers, including Palestinian Arabs not affiliated with Hamas. Clearly, free and fair elections could and would be held if not for Hamas' opposition to them.

Got links?

Links to what specifically?

I know you can't prove the election laws but I know you are speaking off the top of your head. Abbas did change them.


What about the observers and that free and fair elections could and would be held if not for Hamas' opposition to them.

Where did you get those?
Got links?

Links to what specifically?

I know you can't prove the election laws but I know you are speaking off the top of your head. Abbas did change them.


What about the observers and that free and fair elections could and would be held if not for Hamas' opposition to them.

Where did you get those?

Democracy in Hamastan :badgrin:

Palestinian Israeli Journalist Khaled Abu Toameh...
Mahmoud Abu Rahma is perhaps one of the bravest Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Because of his courage, he has been stabbed several times in various parts of his body. This is what happens under Hamas and the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority governments to anyone who dares to speak out against torture and assaults on innocent civilians and freedom of speech.

Abu Rahma's "crime" is that he dared to publish an article strongly criticizing Palestinian armed groups as well as the Hamas and Palestinian Authority governments for human rights violations and the use of civilians as human shields in the war against Israel.

In the Palestinian territories, human rights activists and journalists are permitted to criticize only Israel. Those who do not toe the official line find themselves either behind bars or in the hospital. The attack on Abu Rahma was intended to deter others from endorsing his critical approach.

Abu Rahma works for the Al Mezan Center for Human Rights in the Gaza Strip. He is perhaps the only human rights activist who has dared to come out in public against grave violations of human rights under Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. But the price he has paid has been tremendously high.

On January 3, he was severely beaten by masked men as he was walking toward his home in Gaza City. Last week, he was again targeted by unknown assailants, who stabbed him multiple times, leaving him seriously wounded. He is so afraid that he has refused to go to a local hospital out of concern for his safety.

Noting that there are "hundreds of cases of torture and abuse" in Palestinian detention centers, Abu Rahma said that the people of any nation have a responsibility to criticize those who lead them. "We must look in the mirror before we can see ourselves clearly," he said.

Yet what most likely enraged his assailants was the charge that many innocent civilians have been killed as a result of "resistance attacks" against Israel.

"Who will protect the people from the wrongful acts of the resistance and the government?" he asked in a reference to the firing of homemade rockets at Israel. "It is clear that the resistance continues to show the same carelessness towards violations committed by the [Hamas] government against the people. "Numerous civilians – including children and a man who lost an eye – have been injured by live fire coming from training sites belonging to armed groups in the Gaza Strip."

The failure of the international community and media to pay attention to the plight of people like Abu Rahma only encourages Hamas and the Palestinian Authority to continue their violations. Turning a blind eye to such violations also stops other Palestinians from telling the truth

Khaled Abu Toameh: A Palestinian Hero | Act for Australia
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Got links?

Links to what specifically?

I know you can't prove the election laws but I know you are speaking off the top of your head. Abbas did change them.


What about the observers and that free and fair elections could and would be held if not for Hamas' opposition to them.

Where did you get those?

I know it doesn't come naturally to you, but try to be honest. You lied about Abbas passing laws that would limit opposition candidates to Fatah. I simply called you on that lie.

As for elections being held up or even cancelled because of Hamas opposition,

RAMALLAH // Palestinians will not hold presidential and parliamentary elections in May because of disagreements between the two main political factions, a Palestinian elections official said this week.

The gridlocked Hamas-Fatah reconciliation has made it impossible for the Palestinian Central Elections Commission (CEC) to hold elections on May 4, the date originally set by the groups, said the Ramallah-based organisation's chief electoral officer, Hisham Kuhail.

"May 4 is out of the question," said Mr Kuhail, who oversees the CEC. In an interview with The National, he said the commission cannot stage the election primarily because Hamas will not allow it to make the necessary preparations in Gaza, such as updating the voting registry and installing voting centres.

Palestinian elections delayed by Hamas-Fatah bickering - The National

Moreover, google searches will show that Hamas has consistently opposed scheduled elections since 2009.
Got links?

Links to what specifically?

I know you can't prove the election laws but I know you are speaking off the top of your head. Abbas did change them.


What about the observers and that free and fair elections could and would be held if not for Hamas' opposition to them.

Where did you get those?
Has this been presented on this thread yet?

Palestinian elections delayed by Hamas-Fatah bickering - The National
Got links?

Links to what specifically?

I know you can't prove the election laws but I know you are speaking off the top of your head. Abbas did change them.


What about the observers and that free and fair elections could and would be held if not for Hamas' opposition to them.

Where did you get those?
Some info on the 2006 elections.
Hamas has been better for Israel than for the Palestinians. It keeps the Palis killing each other over who will rule them. Just look what happened when Israel granted the Palestinians their own Jew free Gaza. Palestinian terrorists killing Palestinian terrorists in record numbers while Israel keeps score between Hamas & Fatah. Long live Hamas!

More bullshit. The elections that you claim, dishonestly, give the Hamas government legitimacy were held under exactly those conditions.

All international observers judged the last elections to be free and fair. The polls were saying that Fatah was going to sweep the elections like they always had. So there was little intervention. The rest is history.

Since then Abbas has illegally changed the election laws that would eliminate almost anyone but Fatah from running. Of course other parties including Hamas reject having elections under those circumstances. There will be no fair elections as long as the illegal government in the West Bank is calling the shots.

There have been no changes in the election laws that would eliminate other candidates and international observers could be present if Hamas wanted them. The fact is that Hamas has refused to allow any outside observers, including Palestinian Arabs not affiliated with Hamas. Clearly, free and fair elections could and would be held if not for Hamas' opposition to them.
Can they possibley get any dumber than Ima? Christians claim Jews are God's chosen people, not Jews. And how can this be when we consider what God gave the Jews for neighbors in Israel?

Jews will always be handicapped by their religion which tells them that they are god's chosen people and that god gave the land to Jews in Palestine. Which is of course total bullshit, but forces them to hang onto land that will in all likelyhood lead to their ultimate destruction.

it's a muslim problem because all muslims hate Jews (and everyone else who isn't a raghead, but especially jews)

You just showed that you know absolutely nothing about Israel or the Jewish religion.

Zionism is mostly a secular movement.

The Jewish religion says that only the Messiah can return the Jews to the 'promised land', meaning they should not return until the Messiah comes.

Israel and the Jews who live within it do not hold the land because 'god' gave it to them... Again , you have shown total ignorance in this subject.

For once you actually said something funny, MJ! Dumb Christian Evagelists(WE both agree), Let's make Gingrich President...the Secret Servive promises to clear out the bathroom stalls...Chosen, Armageddon,...what idiots!
Regardless of whether Israel has nukes or not, I'd rather they take care of their own business, and leave the U.S. out of it. I do not want to see our country involved in another war of any kind.
Links to what specifically?

I know you can't prove the election laws but I know you are speaking off the top of your head. Abbas did change them.


What about the observers and that free and fair elections could and would be held if not for Hamas' opposition to them.

Where did you get those?

I know it doesn't come naturally to you, but try to be honest. You lied about Abbas passing laws that would limit opposition candidates to Fatah. I simply called you on that lie.

As for elections being held up or even cancelled because of Hamas opposition,

RAMALLAH // Palestinians will not hold presidential and parliamentary elections in May because of disagreements between the two main political factions, a Palestinian elections official said this week.

The gridlocked Hamas-Fatah reconciliation has made it impossible for the Palestinian Central Elections Commission (CEC) to hold elections on May 4, the date originally set by the groups, said the Ramallah-based organisation's chief electoral officer, Hisham Kuhail.

"May 4 is out of the question," said Mr Kuhail, who oversees the CEC. In an interview with The National, he said the commission cannot stage the election primarily because Hamas will not allow it to make the necessary preparations in Gaza, such as updating the voting registry and installing voting centres.

Palestinian elections delayed by Hamas-Fatah bickering - The National

Moreover, google searches will show that Hamas has consistently opposed scheduled elections since 2009.

From your link:

Salah Al Bardawil, a Hamas official in Gaza, has criticised the CEC as beholden to the Palestine Liberation Organisation, an umbrella group of Palestinian factions that also is headed by Mr Abbas.


2005 election law passes by parliament.

Presidential Candidacy
Article (12)
Eligibility for Candidacy
The candidate for the position of president must meet the following requirements:
1. To be Palestinian, a descendant of Palestinian parents.
2. To be at least 40 years of age on polling day.
3. To be a permanent resident in the Palestinian territories.
4. To be registered in the final voters list and meet the requirements for exercising the
electoral right.

2007 election law presidential decree.

Chapter Five: Candidacy for the Presidency
Article (36): Eligibility for Candidacy
The candidate for the position of President must meet the following requirements:
1. To be Palestinian, born of Palestinian parents.
2. To be at least 40 years of age on polling day.
3. To be a permanent resident in the Palestinian Territories.
4. To be registered in the final voters registry and meet the requirements for exercising the
electoral right.
5. To uphold the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and the
Declaration of Independence Document in addition to the provisions of the Basic Law.
I know you can't prove the election laws but I know you are speaking off the top of your head. Abbas did change them.


What about the observers and that free and fair elections could and would be held if not for Hamas' opposition to them.

Where did you get those?

I know it doesn't come naturally to you, but try to be honest. You lied about Abbas passing laws that would limit opposition candidates to Fatah. I simply called you on that lie.

As for elections being held up or even cancelled because of Hamas opposition,

Palestinian elections delayed by Hamas-Fatah bickering - The National

Moreover, google searches will show that Hamas has consistently opposed scheduled elections since 2009.

From your link:

Salah Al Bardawil, a Hamas official in Gaza, has criticised the CEC as beholden to the Palestine Liberation Organisation, an umbrella group of Palestinian factions that also is headed by Mr Abbas.


2005 election law passes by parliament.

Presidential Candidacy
Article (12)
Eligibility for Candidacy
The candidate for the position of president must meet the following requirements:
1. To be Palestinian, a descendant of Palestinian parents.
2. To be at least 40 years of age on polling day.
3. To be a permanent resident in the Palestinian territories.
4. To be registered in the final voters list and meet the requirements for exercising the
electoral right.

2007 election law presidential decree.

Chapter Five: Candidacy for the Presidency
Article (36): Eligibility for Candidacy
The candidate for the position of President must meet the following requirements:
1. To be Palestinian, born of Palestinian parents.
2. To be at least 40 years of age on polling day.
3. To be a permanent resident in the Palestinian Territories.
4. To be registered in the final voters registry and meet the requirements for exercising the
electoral right.
5. To uphold the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and the
Declaration of Independence Document in addition to the provisions of the Basic Law.

Pestilinian elections are meaningless. The Arab world is the most fucked up culture in the world and will always be so.

Meanwhile, Israel is splitting the atom
I know you can't prove the election laws but I know you are speaking off the top of your head. Abbas did change them.


What about the observers and that free and fair elections could and would be held if not for Hamas' opposition to them.

Where did you get those?

I know it doesn't come naturally to you, but try to be honest. You lied about Abbas passing laws that would limit opposition candidates to Fatah. I simply called you on that lie.

As for elections being held up or even cancelled because of Hamas opposition,

Palestinian elections delayed by Hamas-Fatah bickering - The National

Moreover, google searches will show that Hamas has consistently opposed scheduled elections since 2009.

From your link:

Salah Al Bardawil, a Hamas official in Gaza, has criticised the CEC as beholden to the Palestine Liberation Organisation, an umbrella group of Palestinian factions that also is headed by Mr Abbas.


2005 election law passes by parliament.

Presidential Candidacy
Article (12)
Eligibility for Candidacy
The candidate for the position of president must meet the following requirements:
1. To be Palestinian, a descendant of Palestinian parents.
2. To be at least 40 years of age on polling day.
3. To be a permanent resident in the Palestinian territories.
4. To be registered in the final voters list and meet the requirements for exercising the
electoral right.

2007 election law presidential decree.

Chapter Five: Candidacy for the Presidency
Article (36): Eligibility for Candidacy
The candidate for the position of President must meet the following requirements:
1. To be Palestinian, born of Palestinian parents.
2. To be at least 40 years of age on polling day.
3. To be a permanent resident in the Palestinian Territories.
4. To be registered in the final voters registry and meet the requirements for exercising the
electoral right.
5. To uphold the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and the
Declaration of Independence Document in addition to the provisions of the Basic Law.

So you acknowledge that Abbas passed no new laws that would have prevented candidate who were anit Fatah and you lied about it.

5. To uphold the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and the Declaration of Independence Document in addition to the provisions of the Basic Law.

Yeah, and not try and stage a presidential coup and take over control of the entire Democratic process and turn it into a one party system.

You forgot that part PF. :D
5. To uphold the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and the Declaration of Independence Document in addition to the provisions of the Basic Law.

Yeah, and not try and stage a presidential coup and take over control of the entire Democratic process and turn it into a one party system.

You forgot that part PF. :D

I didn't forget. It isn't there.

BTW, thank you for noticing what toomuchtime_ missed.

5. To uphold the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and the Declaration of Independence Document in addition to the provisions of the Basic Law.

When candidates must uphold the Fatah platform to be qualified, what kind of election is that?

Abbas shouldn't talk about the Basic Law (constitution) when he violates it every day.
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Daily violations of the Basic Law (constitution) by Abbas.

RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- PA security forces in the West Bank continued, during the past month, their arrest campaigns against resistance movements' activists and supporters especially Hamas and Islamic Jihad affiliates.

Hamas said in a report on Sunday that those forces arrested 72 persons; most of them were ex-detainees, political activists, and university students.

The movement said that the PA forces jailed hundreds of its activists following summary trials and exercised on them the worst psychological and physical torture.

It noted that the Fayyad government continued freezing salaries of some employees and dismissing others because of their political affiliation.

Hamas: PA security forces arrested 72 persons for their political affiliation
Daily violations of the Basic Law (constitution) by Abbas.

RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- PA security forces in the West Bank continued, during the past month, their arrest campaigns against resistance movements' activists and supporters especially Hamas and Islamic Jihad affiliates.

Hamas said in a report on Sunday that those forces arrested 72 persons; most of them were ex-detainees, political activists, and university students.

The movement said that the PA forces jailed hundreds of its activists following summary trials and exercised on them the worst psychological and physical torture.

It noted that the Fayyad government continued freezing salaries of some employees and dismissing others because of their political affiliation.

Hamas: PA security forces arrested 72 persons for their political affiliation

Yes, more Palestinians showing each other love.


That's why the Jews know what will happen to those they hate so deeply that they use their children's lives as activist media propaganda.

And brag about it. :doubt:
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Daily violations of the Basic Law (constitution) by Abbas.

RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- PA security forces in the West Bank continued, during the past month, their arrest campaigns against resistance movements' activists and supporters especially Hamas and Islamic Jihad affiliates.

Hamas said in a report on Sunday that those forces arrested 72 persons; most of them were ex-detainees, political activists, and university students.

The movement said that the PA forces jailed hundreds of its activists following summary trials and exercised on them the worst psychological and physical torture.

It noted that the Fayyad government continued freezing salaries of some employees and dismissing others because of their political affiliation.

Hamas: PA security forces arrested 72 persons for their political affiliation

Yes, more Palestinians showing each other love.


That's why the Jews know what will happen to those they hate so deeply that they use their children's lives as activist media propaganda.

And brag about it. :doubt:

One of the major problems in Palestinian politics is that compliance with the peace process violates the constitutional rights of the Palestinians. Of course the Palestinians value their rights more than they value a fake peace process that does not provide peace.

Fatah prefers to trample on Palestinian rights in its wild goose chase for peace in the fake peace process.

Hamas is a supporter of Palestinian rights. That is why it won the elections over Fatah.

How can you you reach a compromise from those two positions?

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