Israel kills 30 civilians at shelter, witnesses tell U.N.


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
If this is true, Israel can go fuck itself. That and we should stop all aid to them ASAP.

Israel kills 30 civilians at shelter, witnesses tell U.N. -

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Israeli forces shelled a house where they had ordered about 100 Palestinian civilians to take shelter, killing about 30 people and wounding many more, witnesses told the U.N.

Israel Defense Forces said it is looking into the allegations.

"Credible eyewitness accounts" described the incident, which occurred in the volatile Gaza City suburb of Zeitoun, said Allegra Pacheco, deputy head of the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs for the Palestinian territories. Pacheco spoke to CNN on Friday

There was no order given to move civilians from one building into another," Israeli security sources said.

However, Pacheco said, "The eyewitness accounts that we have received state that the IDF ordered them to go into this house."

"There needs to be further fact-finding on what occurred in this house," she said, adding that U.N. officials have yet to speak to the IDF and the Israeli government.

Her remarks came a day after the International Committee of the Red Cross issued a blunt press release saying ambulances obtained access to several houses in Zeitoun "affected by Israel shelling," days after they asked to go into the neighborhood.

The release slammed Israel -- an uncharacteristic move for the agency, which is known for its neutrality and quiet, behind-the-scenes activities.

According to the release, the ICRC had wanted "safe passage for ambulances" to the neighborhood since Saturday, but didn't receive IDF permission until Wednesday.

The ICRC and the Palestine Red Crescent Society "found four small children next to their dead mothers in one of the houses. They were too weak to stand up on their own. One man was also found alive, too weak to stand up. In all, there were 12 corpses lying on mattresses," the ICRC said.

"The ICRC believes that in this instance the Israeli military failed to meet its obligation under international humanitarian law to care for and evacuate the wounded. It considers the delay in allowing rescue services access unacceptable," the ICRC said.

Pacheco said she could not say if the incident witnesses described to the U.N. was the same incident in the ICRC report. But they took place in the same area, she said.

The Israeli army built earthen walls that made ambulance access to the neighborhood impossible, the ICRC said.

"The children and the wounded had to be taken to the ambulances on a donkey cart," the ICRC said.

Pierre Wettach, the ICRC's head of delegation for Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, called the shelling incident "shocking."

"The Israeli military must have been aware of the situation but did not assist the wounded. Neither did they make it possible for us or the Palestine Red Crescent to assist the wounded," he said in the ICRC news release.

So, if this is true; are any of you going to defend these murderers?

I really hope this is not true, because I will have lost any faith I had in Israel in being a nation that has morals.
If this is true, Israel can go fuck itself. That and we should stop all aid to them ASAP.

Israel kills 30 civilians at shelter, witnesses tell U.N. -


So, if this is true; are any of you going to defend these murderers?

I really hope this is not true, because I will have lost any faith I had in Israel in being a nation that has morals.

As if there is a way of finding out who is telling the truth---I bet there are already 1823134107 versions of it.
There's a ton of things I'd like to know but there is also a ton of things bigger people DON'T want me to know.

Also true.

I'm interested in what people think of Israel if this happens to be true. Especially reactions of the more hardcore Israel supporters. Like for example, DavidS who has pledged loyality to Israel before America.
Also true.

I'm interested in what people think of Israel if this happens to be true. Especially reactions of the more hardcore Israel supporters. Like for example, DavidS who has pledged loyality to Israel before America.

You have already decided it is true, what you mean is you want us to agree with you.
Also true.

I'm interested in what people think of Israel if this happens to be true. Especially reactions of the more hardcore Israel supporters. Like for example, DavidS who has pledged loyality to Israel before America.

Most likely it all depends on who they want to believe.
You have already decided it is true, what you mean is you want us to agree with you.

I have not decided whether it's true yet. But there is alot of evidence pointing against Israel at this point. Especially when usually neutral organizations are speaking out against them.

But hey Sarge, feel free to avoid actually answering the question and attack my character like you do with every other debate. I mean fuck, why did I even bother trying to discuss a issue like a civilized person? Message Board arguments which waste time are a much better way to spend one's night. :cuckoo:
I have not decided whether it's true yet. But there is alot of evidence pointing against Israel at this point. Especially when usually neutral organizations are speaking out against them.

But hey Sarge, feel free to avoid actually answering the question and attack my character like you do with every other debate. I mean fuck, why did I even bother trying to discuss a issue like a civilized person? Message Board arguments which waste time are a much better way to spend one's night. :cuckoo:

Neutral? BULLSHIT, If you mean Red Cross, UN or Any European groups, NONE of them are neutral.
Neutral? BULLSHIT, If you mean Red Cross, UN or Any European groups, NONE of them are neutral.

So you're saying the Red Cross is a bunch of Jew haters? Along with the UN and European groups?

You know, the European Groups that many countries like Italy and France have strong relations with? :cuckoo:
So you're saying the Red Cross is a bunch of Jew haters? Along with the UN and European groups?

You know, the European Groups that many countries like Italy and France have strong relations with? :cuckoo:

You need to spend some more years learning reality.
You need to spend some more years learning reality.

Stop being a dodger and answer my fucking question Sarge. I answer your fucking insane ones.

Or what? You want to continue to avoid the issues because it's what you do best?

Perhaps I should call you duck and weave since it's all you do.
Stop being a dodger and answer my fucking question Sarge. I answer your fucking insane ones.

Or what? You want to continue to avoid the issues because it's what you do best?

Perhaps I should call you duck and weave since it's all you do.

Hell--dont call him "duck". It confuses me :lol:
Hell--dont call him "duck". It confuses me :lol:

My apologies :lol:

I'll call him Shadow Boxer instead. Since all he likes to do is hide then come out with insane statement/questions then goes back to avoiding questions.
RGS only posts when he has an opportunity to berate a liberal's opinion.
So you're saying the Red Cross is a bunch of Jew haters? Along with the UN and European groups?

You know, the European Groups that many countries like Italy and France have strong relations with? :cuckoo:

Anyone who questions Israel's actions is sympathetic to Adolf Hitler.
In view of the fact that these things normally turn out to be nonsense, I'd wait and see before asking what people think of it.
I have not decided whether it's true yet. But there is alot of evidence pointing against Israel at this point. Especially when usually neutral organizations are speaking out against them.

But hey Sarge, feel free to avoid actually answering the question and attack my character like you do with every other debate. I mean fuck, why did I even bother trying to discuss a issue like a civilized person? Message Board arguments which waste time are a much better way to spend one's night. :cuckoo:
actually, it seems you have

"There needs to be further fact-finding on what occurred in this house," she said, adding that U.N. officials have yet to speak to the IDF and the Israeli government.

they havent even talked to the IDF and they are already blaming Israel

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