Israel Launches Operation Protective Edge on Gaza

...Not in your lifetime...
There is a showdown coming sooner rather than later; sometime soon after January 20, 2017, most likely. Until then, the Israelis need merely continue to bleed the enemy heavily.

...Palestine belongs to Arabs....
Not any more.

..Jews had a few decades and then their greedy psychopaths fucked things up for them just as they always do...
Yes. The Jews are sooooo hurting, vis a vis the Palestinians... I forgot.

...Arabs aren't leaving...
They skeddadled good-and-proper in 1948.

There's another Big Skeddadle of Arabs coming to that region very soon now.

...Jews can't resort to ethnic cleansing as they did in '48 and '67...
It's not 'ethnic cleansing'... it's merely 'population transfer'...

...The Jewish state will choose between apartheid and democracy...
They face no such choice.

They will not be segregating Palestinians.

They will be EXPELLING Palestinians.

Big difference.

... and, if its the former, Israel FLUSHES into the same sewer as White South Africa. Good riddance.

The time is fast-approaching where we are going to learn if you are right.

I'm looking forward to laughing at you on that day.
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Perhaps your kinfolk (the Palestinians) need to re-think their approach?

"I suggest a new strategy, R2... let the Wookie win."


It's time to face reality... your boys have lost... long ago... with zero prospect for success.

Your people had a genuine chance to share the land with a sustainable state of their own, right up to the time of the 1967 War.

After that, the Israelis gave up on negotiating, for all intents and purposes, and Intifada I and II merely hardened their hearts, and reinforced that 1967 judgment.

There's nothing more to be said or done... time to do the sane thing... run-up a white flag...pack up, and leave... it's over.
You're even more ignorant of Zionist intentions in Palestine than I thought. Their plan never involved sharing any of the land between the River and the sea. In fact, they argued about transferring Palestinians into neighboring states because it would make it harder to conquer those neighboring states when it came time to advance the borders of the Land of Israel. The hard core Zionists preferred extermination of the sub-human Arabs, and based on your pathic prose, you would have fit right in. You still could. Except you won't.

Fun, isn't it?

But it does nothing for the here-and-now.

And, in the here-and-now, the Palestinians are finished.

Time to pack up, and leave, and scatter to the four winds, and to build new lives for themselves and their families someplace else, where they're actually wanted.

Most Israelis, Jews worldwide, and sympathetic goyim around the world, don't want the Palestinians dead... just gone.

So go.

No time like the present, and it's not going to get any better for you.


While you still can.

They have lived in the region for generations, they have the deeds and key to their houses which is far more then what any settler can lay claim for. All they have is a book written in the bronze age.
They have lived in the region for generations, they have the deeds and key to their houses which is far more then what any settler can lay claim for. All they have is a book written in the bronze age.
Doesn't matter... Palestinians lack the muscle to enforce their will... time to surrender and and leave... or die... either way is fine, I'm sure, although 'leaving' is cheaper, better-smelling, tidier and more humane.
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...Not in your lifetime...
There is a showdown coming sooner rather than later; sometime soon after January 20, 2017, most likely. Until then, the Israelis need merely continue to bleed the enemy heavily.

...Palestine belongs to Arabs....
Not any more.

Yes. The Jews are sooooo hurting, vis a vis the Palestinians... I forgot.

They skeddadled good-and-proper in 1948.

There's another Big Skeddadle of Arabs coming to that region very soon now.

It's not 'ethnic cleansing'... it's merely 'population transfer'...

...The Jewish state will choose between apartheid and democracy...
They face no such choice.

They will not be segregating Palestinians.

They will be EXPELLING Palestinians.

Big difference.

... and, if its the former, Israel FLUSHES into the same sewer as White South Africa. Good riddance.

The time is fast-approaching where we are going to learn if you are right.

I'm looking forward to laughing at you on that day.
Expecting Hillary to clean house in Gaza?
Even she isn't that suicidal.
Wouldn't surprise me too much if Jews were, however.
The forced transfer of millions of indigenous Arabs from the West Bank and Gaza isn't credible. Most of the global population realizes that the US and Israel are the two biggest threats to peace on the planet. If anything, Jews going crazy in Palestine would focus the world's attention on the one percent of human beings who profit most from killing other people's children. Governments would fall; we might get to watch (at least) a little bit of that unfold if you think you can keep breathing long enough?:doubt:
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They have lived in the region for generations, they have the deeds and key to their houses which is far more then what any settler can lay claim for. All they have is a book written in the bronze age.
Doesn't matter... they lack the muscle to enforce their will... time to run-up the white flag and leave... or die... either way is fine, I'm sure, although 'leaving' is far more tidy, cheaper, less smelly and more merciful...

Who deeded the property; the rights of Israel began centuries ago, Palestinian rights are to the south & west of Israel. Sounds like "wild" deeds as we call them in the US.
They have lived in the region for generations, they have the deeds and key to their houses which is far more then what any settler can lay claim for. All they have is a book written in the bronze age.
Doesn't matter... Palestinians lack the muscle to enforce their will... time to surrender and and leave... or die... either way is fine, I'm sure, although 'leaving' is cheaper, better-smelling, tidier and more humane.

If anyone leaves, it will be the Zionists.

Probably a lot of them are wondering if this was as neat of an idea as it seemed when Nana left Europe 70 years ago.
They have lived in the region for generations, they have the deeds and key to their houses which is far more then what any settler can lay claim for. All they have is a book written in the bronze age.
Doesn't matter... they lack the muscle to enforce their will... time to run-up the white flag and leave... or die... either way is fine, I'm sure, although 'leaving' is far more tidy, cheaper, less smelly and more merciful...

Who deeded the property; the rights of Israel began centuries ago, Palestinian rights are to the south & west of Israel. Sounds like "wild" deeds as we call them in the US.
Where did you get the idea that modern property rights have anything to do with ancient history? What lies to the "south and west of Israel", Egypt?
...Expecting Hillary to clean house in Gaza?...
Expecting the Democrats to win in 2016? After eight years of Hussein, good luck with that.

...The forced transfer of millions of indigenous Arabs from the West Bank and Gaza isn't credible...
Gaza first.

It won't take much to defeat Hamas, once the gloves come off and the IDF is free to use tactics designed to win.

Afterwards, the 90-95% of the population who survive that campaign and surrender will do what they're told; receiving financial and logistics support to relocate them elsewhere.

Israelis then move into the vacuum and rebuild.

West Bank second; some years later; rinse and repeat.

Fatah will be shitting its pants by then over the prospect and will help to arrange the second and final and far more peaceful round of re-locations; making the best deal for their people that can be made, before they turn out the lights and the new owners move in.

...Most of the global population realizes that the US and Israel are the two biggest threats to peace on the planet. If anything, Jews going crazy in Palestine would focus the world's attention on the one percent of human beings who profit most from killing other people's children. Governments would fall; we might get to watch (at least) a little bit of that unfold if you think you can keep breathing long enough?
Time to put your theory to the test.

The Israelis already have the courage and willpower and firepower to do it - as well as the motivation given to them by the idiot mad-dog Palestinians.

All that's missing is the right Window of Opportunity, and that will probably materialize sometime shortly after January 20, 2017.

Israel knows that the time is fast approaching, for them to cut the Gordian Knot.

By now, it's merely a matter of the best approach, designed to inflict the least casualties on the population to be expelled, and, far more importantly, the least possible casualties to the Israelis.
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Doesn't matter... they lack the muscle to enforce their will... time to run-up the white flag and leave... or die... either way is fine, I'm sure, although 'leaving' is far more tidy, cheaper, less smelly and more merciful...

Who deeded the property; the rights of Israel began centuries ago, Palestinian rights are to the south & west of Israel. Sounds like "wild" deeds as we call them in the US.
Where did you get the idea that modern property rights have anything to do with ancient history? What lies to the "south and west of Israel", Egypt?
Here's the Israeli deed to the land...


That's all they'll ever need...

You are welcome to dispute that title-deed in the ultimate court... the battlefield... but that's been tried already, several times... ask Egypt, and Syria, and Jordan, and Iraq, and Lebanon, among others... with no particular success. And, if you can't effectively contest it, then stop whining, get on with your life, and set up shop someplace else, where you're actually wanted. Simple, really.
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They have lived in the region for generations, they have the deeds and key to their houses which is far more then what any settler can lay claim for. All they have is a book written in the bronze age.
Doesn't matter... Palestinians lack the muscle to enforce their will... time to surrender and and leave... or die... either way is fine, I'm sure, although 'leaving' is cheaper, better-smelling, tidier and more humane.

Thanks for demonstrating how the Zionist position boils down to might equals right.
...Expecting Hillary to clean house in Gaza?...
Expecting the Democrats to win in 2016? After eight years of Hussein, good luck with that.

...The forced transfer of millions of indigenous Arabs from the West Bank and Gaza isn't credible...
Gaza first.

It won't take much to defeat Hamas, once the gloves come off and the IDF is free to use tactics designed to win.

Afterwards, the 90-95% of the population who survive that campaign and surrender will do what they're told; receiving financial and logistics support to relocate them elsewhere.

Israelis then move into the vacuum and rebuild.

West Bank second; some years later; rinse and repeat.

Fatah will be shitting its pants by then over the prospect and will help to arrange the second and final and far more peaceful round of re-locations; making the best deal for their people that can be made, before they turn out the lights and the new owners move in.

...Most of the global population realizes that the US and Israel are the two biggest threats to peace on the planet. If anything, Jews going crazy in Palestine would focus the world's attention on the one percent of human beings who profit most from killing other people's children. Governments would fall; we might get to watch (at least) a little bit of that unfold if you think you can keep breathing long enough?
Time to put your theory to the test.

The Israelis already have the courage and willpower and firepower to do it - as well as the motivation given to them by the idiot mad-dog Palestinians.

All that's missing is the right Window of Opportunity, and that will probably materialize sometime shortly after January 20, 2017.
Any "thoughts" on what the EU and UNSC would have to say about genocide and ethnic cleansing on the scale you propose, or is this how you amuse yourself waiting for therapy?
Doesn't matter... they lack the muscle to enforce their will... time to run-up the white flag and leave... or die... either way is fine, I'm sure, although 'leaving' is far more tidy, cheaper, less smelly and more merciful...

Who deeded the property; the rights of Israel began centuries ago, Palestinian rights are to the south & west of Israel. Sounds like "wild" deeds as we call them in the US.
Where did you get the idea that modern property rights have anything to do with ancient history? What lies to the "south and west of Israel", Egypt?

I posted the 1917 map, look at it.
Who deeded the property; the rights of Israel began centuries ago, Palestinian rights are to the south & west of Israel. Sounds like "wild" deeds as we call them in the US.
Where did you get the idea that modern property rights have anything to do with ancient history? What lies to the "south and west of Israel", Egypt?
Here's the Israeli deed to the land...


That's all they'll ever need...

You are welcome to dispute that title-deed in the ultimate court... the battlefield... but that's been tried already, several times... ask Egypt, and Syria, and Jordan, and Iraq, and Lebanon, among others... with no particular success. And, if you can't effectively contest it, then stop whining, get on with your life, and set up shop someplace else, where you're actually wanted.
Back to your scary pictures of Jews with BIG GUNS?
Are you suffering from erectile dysfunction?
The ultimate court is no longer the battlefield unless you're the greatest purveyor of violence in the world which Jews are not, although they have their uses when it comes to arms sales, oil sales, and laundering drug profits. Palestinians aren't going anywhere en mass because Jews lack the legal firepower to move them. See the Fourth Geneva Convention for details.
...Any 'thoughts' on what the EU and UNSC would have to say about genocide and ethnic cleansing on the scale you propose...
It won't be genocide.

It will be population transfer.

The population will survive, and be left intact, simply moved elsewhere.

An argument can probably be made for ethnic cleansing.

But, given how much of that that Arabs and Muslims have done over the years, and given that forcible population transfer is far more humane than simply slaughtering them, the lesser of the two charges is probably a burden that they can live with, if the reward is the completion of the Reconquista.

The EU? The Germans will provide cover, as will the French, and probably even the UK, although some elements of the population might squawk and squeal for a few weeks. But, in the end, having bled themselves white, twice, in the 20th, the EU isn't going to do shit.

The UNSC won't do shit either. We will provide cover for them, so long as they strive to relocate their enemy, not obliterate them. Oh, we'll wag our finger and cluck our tongue, for the sake of showmanship, but it won't be real, and the UNSC won't do a damned thing.

...or is this how you amuse yourself waiting for therapy?
No, Of course not. But it's how I work to get you and yours to seek therapy, by articulating what is fast becoming the only logical way out of this mess, that leaves Israel intact, and by planting that nagging fear in the back of your minds, that it's coming. Sweet dreams.
...Back to your scary pictures of Jews with BIG GUNS?
Are you suffering from erectile dysfunction?
Good one. Non sequitur, but good one.

...The ultimate court is no longer the battlefield...
The land was won through victory on the battlefield.

The land was kept through victory on the battlefield.

In the end, the power to keep and hold land, is all that signifies, in such a context.

What is left of the Palestinians... squatting on Rump Palestine... do not have such power.

...unless you're the greatest purveyor of violence in the world which Jews are not...

According to you, that's the United States.

The superpower that will continue to give them political and military cover, even if they decide to scoop up the Palestinians and to relocate them, after slaughtering Hamas.

...although they have their uses when it comes to arms sales, oil sales, and laundering drug profits...
Indeed. Fun, ain't it?

...Palestinians aren't going anywhere en mass because Jews lack the legal firepower to move them...
They don't need the law.

They just need the muscle.

Which they already have.

...See the Fourth Geneva Convention for details.
No problem.

It'll be tied up in the courts for years, afterwards.

By then, the problem will have long-since been solved.

Usually, in cases of a fait accompli, such cases drop off the scope, in the international courts.

Too little, too late.
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...Any 'thoughts' on what the EU and UNSC would have to say about genocide and ethnic cleansing on the scale you propose...
It won't be genocide.

It will be population transfer.

The population will survive, and be left intact, simply moved elsewhere.

An argument can probably be made for ethnic cleansing.

But, given how much of that that Arabs and Muslims have done over the years, and given that forcible population transfer is far more humane than simply slaughtering them, the lesser of the two charges is probably a burden that they can live with, if the reward is the completion of the Reconquista.

The EU? The Germans will provide cover, as will the French, and probably even the UK, although some elements of the population might squawk and squeal for a few weeks. But, in the end, having bled themselves white, twice, in the 20th, the EU isn't going to do shit.

The UNSC won't do shit either. We will provide cover for them, so long as they strive to relocate their enemy, not obliterate them. Oh, we'll wag our finger and cluck our tongue, for the sake of showmanship, but it won't be real, and the UNSC won't do a damned thing.

...or is this how you amuse yourself waiting for therapy?
No, Of course not. But it's how I work to get you and yours to seek therapy, by articulating what is fast becoming the only logical way out of this mess, that leaves Israel intact, and by planting that nagging fear in the back of your minds, that it's coming. Sweet dreams.
What logical connection do you draw between forced relocation of millions of occupied civilians and the law?

"Art. 49. Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive."

Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What logical connection do you draw between forced relocation of millions of occupied civilians and the law?

"Art. 49. Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive."

Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Mister Marshall has made his decision - now let him enforce it." - apocryphally attributed to President Andrew Jackson


You can always take 'em to court, afterwards...
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