Israel Launches Operation Protective Edge on Gaza

Israel is nothing but a gang of treasonous, traitorous, murdering, genocidal, land-stealing, pig fucking socio-parasites and they should all be killed by fire but only after Israel is nuked into a sea of radioactive glass.
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, indeed.

Now, please report back to the nurse's desk on your floor...

Nurse Rached has morning num-nums aaalllllllll ready for you...


Ya know, I have way more respect for an out-of-the-closet hater like WW than I do for the pseudo-liberal scummies who hate as WW does but couch their language and pretend it makes them something better.

At least they've got the balls to take a stand without trying to mask their true intentions.

Some would call that subtlety.

Most would call it cowardice.

The lightweights around here who piss and moan about the IDF assaulting Hamas, without taking a definitive stand one way or the other, are the worst - and the most transparent.
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"innocent hamas members." That's sick.
Innocent of the kidnapping of the three murdered Israeli teens.
Would you support the same type of collective punishment in this country?

Have you met a non-Muslim who would use an entire city as a human shield?
There must be a language, perhaps Klingon, where Muslim means "Pussy".
The 139 square miles of the Gaza Strip currently house 1.7 Palestinians, meaning its city blocks are among the most densely populated real estate on this planet. Compare the current population with the 60,000 to 80,000 Arabs who lived there prior to 1948 when Jews "transferred" 200,000 Arabs from surrounding communities into a series of squalid camps in present-day Gaza.

Over the past twenty years, millions of Muslims have been maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated by the US and Israel; if Islam wasn't a Religion of Peace at heart, you wouldn't need television or the internet to experience shock and awe--it would have come to your block long ago.
Innocent of the kidnapping of the three murdered Israeli teens.
Would you support the same type of collective punishment in this country?

Have you met a non-Muslim who would use an entire city as a human shield?
There must be a language, perhaps Klingon, where Muslim means "Pussy".
The 139 square miles of the Gaza Strip currently house 1.7 Palestinians, meaning its city blocks are among the most densely populated real estate on this planet. Compare the current population with the 60,000 to 80,000 Arabs who lived there prior to 1948 when Jews "transferred" 200,000 Arabs from surrounding communities into a series of squalid camps in present-day Gaza.

Over the past twenty years, millions of Muslims have been maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated by the US and Israel; if Islam wasn't a Religion of Peace at heart, you wouldn't need television or the internet to experience shock and awe--it would have come to your block long ago.


Good one... funny stuff, George...
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, indeed.

Now, please report back to the nurse's desk on your floor...

Nurse Rached has morning num-nums aaalllllllll ready for you...


Ya know, I have way more respect for an out-of-the-closet hater like WW than I do for the pseudo-liberal scummies who hate as WW does but couch their language and pretend it makes them something better.

At least they've got the balls to take a stand without trying to mask their true intentions.

Some would call that subtlety.

Most would call it cowardice.

The lightweights around here who piss and moan about the IDF assaulting Hamas, without taking a definitive stand one way or the other, are the worst - and the most transparent.

Hate like WW's cannot be excused, nor minimized.
Ya know, I have way more respect for an out-of-the-closet hater like WW than I do for the pseudo-liberal scummies who hate as WW does but couch their language and pretend it makes them something better.

At least they've got the balls to take a stand without trying to mask their true intentions.

Some would call that subtlety.

Most would call it cowardice.

The lightweights around here who piss and moan about the IDF assaulting Hamas, without taking a definitive stand one way or the other, are the worst - and the most transparent.

Hate like WW's cannot be excused, nor minimized.
Nolo contendere...
Uh huh. Israelis are Nazis and hamas is a humanitarian social club. Right.
No one is saying Hamas doesn't have blood on their hands.

But what's going on in Israel today, is a lot like Germany in the 30's.

Really? I've studied that and I never read the part where Jews were claiming the Germans stole their land so Jews fired rockets into the population.
"innocent hamas members." That's sick.
Innocent of the kidnapping of the three murdered Israeli teens.
Would you support the same type of collective punishment in this country?

Hamas should be eradicated. Period.
Jews are up to the task

"For a few hundred Gazan police cadets, December 27, 2008, held the promise of a short relief from the suffocating climate of the siege. That morning in Gaza City, the cadets assembled to celebrate their graduation from Hama's new police academies. They stood as a symbol of the order that finally presided over Gaza after years of gangland-style corruption and repression by the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority..."

Starting with the police force

"A brass band assembled as the police cadets prepared to march before their commander, Major General Tawfiq Jaber. Many of the cadet's parents hurriedly made their way to the ceremony from across Gaza. Just as the band struck up a martial tune, an Israeli F-16 roared across the sky, launching a laser-guided missile into the center of the ceremonial procession. When the choking plumes of thick smoke cleared, a scene of terrible carnage came into view. At least forty police officers, including General Jaber, lay dead on the concrete. Survivors squirmed around helplessly, writhing in pain, their uniforms stained with the flesh and blood of their comrades.

Sixty more Israeli F-16's were now in the air, on their way to target police stations and civilian installations across the Gaza Strip. Within a matter of minutes, Israeli forces killed 240 Palestinians, including scores of children while they were leaving school.

"The initial volley of precision-guided weapons was aimed at civilian targets, from the universities to factories to family homes.

"Earlier in the year, Israeli Minister of Defense Matan Vilani warned the people of Gaza that they 'will bring upon themselves a bigger Holocaust because we will use all our might to defend ourselves.""

Get it?
Hamas does.

Alien take over
Israel will go down in the history books as an apartheid regime just like South Africa. Europeans have not learned anything from imperialism.
Have you met a non-Muslim who would use an entire city as a human shield?
There must be a language, perhaps Klingon, where Muslim means "Pussy".
The 139 square miles of the Gaza Strip currently house 1.7 Palestinians, meaning its city blocks are among the most densely populated real estate on this planet. Compare the current population with the 60,000 to 80,000 Arabs who lived there prior to 1948 when Jews "transferred" 200,000 Arabs from surrounding communities into a series of squalid camps in present-day Gaza.

Over the past twenty years, millions of Muslims have been maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated by the US and Israel; if Islam wasn't a Religion of Peace at heart, you wouldn't need television or the internet to experience shock and awe--it would have come to your block long ago.


Good one... funny stuff, George...
How many kids have Muslims incinerated on your block?
How many houses have they bull dozed?
Have they deposited any depleted uranium on your front lawn?
Maybe they've stained some of your fingers purple, to match your pathic prose?
The 139 square miles of the Gaza Strip currently house 1.7 Palestinians, meaning its city blocks are among the most densely populated real estate on this planet. Compare the current population with the 60,000 to 80,000 Arabs who lived there prior to 1948 when Jews "transferred" 200,000 Arabs from surrounding communities into a series of squalid camps in present-day Gaza.

Over the past twenty years, millions of Muslims have been maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated by the US and Israel; if Islam wasn't a Religion of Peace at heart, you wouldn't need television or the internet to experience shock and awe--it would have come to your block long ago.


Good one... funny stuff, George...
How many kids have Muslims incinerated on your block? How many houses have they bull dozed? Have they deposited any depleted uranium on your front lawn? Maybe they've stained some of your fingers purple, to match your pathic prose?
Perhaps your kinfolk (the Palestinians) need to re-think their approach?

"I suggest a new strategy, R2... let the Wookie win."


It's time to face reality... your boys have lost... long ago... with zero prospect for success.

Your people had a genuine chance to share the land with a sustainable state of their own, right up to the time of the 1967 War.

After that, the Israelis gave up on negotiating, for all intents and purposes, and Intifada I and II merely hardened their hearts, and reinforced that 1967 judgment.

There's nothing more to be said or done... time to do the sane thing... run-up a white flag...pack up, and leave... it's over.
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"JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli military launched what could be a long-term offensive against the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Tuesday striking at least 50 sites in Gaza by air and sea and mobilizing troops for a possible ground invasion aimed at stopping a recent barrage of rocket attacks against Israel.

"The army said 'Operation Protective Edge' looks to strike the Islamic Hamas group and end the rocket fire that has intensified in recent weeks amid tensions over the killing of three Israeli teenagers and the apparent revenge killing of a Palestinian teenager..."

Gaza's misery began long before the recent murders of three young Jews and one young Arab on the West Bank. At the beginning of Israel's War of Independence in 1948 the population of Gaza was 60,000 to 80,000 people.

By the end of that conflict the population of Gaza expanded by 200,000 refugees due to the wholesale eviction or evacuation of Palestinian towns and villages from Jaffa to Gaza City.

Israel then established 17 Jew Only settlements within Gaza, securing access to most of the best land, water, and shore areas.

What's happening today and tomorrow in Gaza is one more consequence of 650,000 Jews inflicting their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948

Israel Strikes at Least 50 Sites in Gaza, Readies for Extended Offensive - US News

What Israel really needs to do is end this charade and turn the Gaza Strip into a parking lot . . . after cleaning out that rat's nest of course.
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Good one... funny stuff, George...
How many kids have Muslims incinerated on your block? How many houses have they bull dozed? Have they deposited any depleted uranium on your front lawn? Maybe they've stained some of your fingers purple, to match your pathic prose?
Perhaps your kinfolk (the Palestinians) need to re-think their approach?

"I suggest a new strategy, R2... let the Wookie win."


It's time to face reality... your boys have lost... long ago... with zero prospect for success.

Your people had a genuine chance to share the land with a sustainable state of their own, right up to the time of the 1967 War.

After that, the Israelis gave up on negotiating, for all intents and purposes, and Intifada I and II merely hardened their hearts, and reinforced that 1967 judgment.

There's nothing more to be said or done... time to do the sane thing... run-up a white flag...pack up, and leave... it's over.
You're even more ignorant of Zionist intentions in Palestine than I thought.
Their plan never involved sharing any of the land between the River and the sea.
In fact, they argued about transferring Palestinians into neighboring states because it would make it harder to conquer those neighboring states when it came time to advance the borders of the Land of Israel.
The hard core Zionists preferred extermination of the sub-human Arabs, and based on your pathic prose, you would have fit right in.
You still could.
Except you won't.
How many kids have Muslims incinerated on your block? How many houses have they bull dozed? Have they deposited any depleted uranium on your front lawn? Maybe they've stained some of your fingers purple, to match your pathic prose?
Perhaps your kinfolk (the Palestinians) need to re-think their approach?

"I suggest a new strategy, R2... let the Wookie win."


It's time to face reality... your boys have lost... long ago... with zero prospect for success.

Your people had a genuine chance to share the land with a sustainable state of their own, right up to the time of the 1967 War.

After that, the Israelis gave up on negotiating, for all intents and purposes, and Intifada I and II merely hardened their hearts, and reinforced that 1967 judgment.

There's nothing more to be said or done... time to do the sane thing... run-up a white flag...pack up, and leave... it's over.
You're even more ignorant of Zionist intentions in Palestine than I thought. Their plan never involved sharing any of the land between the River and the sea. In fact, they argued about transferring Palestinians into neighboring states because it would make it harder to conquer those neighboring states when it came time to advance the borders of the Land of Israel. The hard core Zionists preferred extermination of the sub-human Arabs, and based on your pathic prose, you would have fit right in. You still could. Except you won't.

Fun, isn't it?

But it does nothing for the here-and-now.

And, in the here-and-now, the Palestinians are finished.

Time to pack up, and leave, and scatter to the four winds, and to build new lives for themselves and their families someplace else, where they're actually wanted.

Most Israelis, Jews worldwide, and sympathetic goyim around the world, don't want the Palestinians dead... just gone.

So go.

No time like the present, and it's not going to get any better for you.


While you still can.
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"JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli military launched what could be a long-term offensive against the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Tuesday striking at least 50 sites in Gaza by air and sea and mobilizing troops for a possible ground invasion aimed at stopping a recent barrage of rocket attacks against Israel.

"The army said 'Operation Protective Edge' looks to strike the Islamic Hamas group and end the rocket fire that has intensified in recent weeks amid tensions over the killing of three Israeli teenagers and the apparent revenge killing of a Palestinian teenager..."

Gaza's misery began long before the recent murders of three young Jews and one young Arab on the West Bank. At the beginning of Israel's War of Independence in 1948 the population of Gaza was 60,000 to 80,000 people.

By the end of that conflict the population of Gaza expanded by 200,000 refugees due to the wholesale eviction or evacuation of Palestinian towns and villages from Jaffa to Gaza City.

Israel then established 17 Jew Only settlements within Gaza, securing access to most of the best land, water, and shore areas.

What's happening today and tomorrow in Gaza is one more consequence of 650,000 Jews inflicting their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948

Israel Strikes at Least 50 Sites in Gaza, Readies for Extended Offensive - US News

What Israel really needs to do is end this charade and turn the Gaza Strip into a parking lot . . . after cleaning out that rat's nest of course.
Israel should clean out the Jew squatters on the West Bank, all 500,000 of them, and provide one way tickets to London or New York. Every act of violence carried out on both sides today traces back to western imperialists looking for a proxy in the Middle East at the time imperial navies were switching from coal to oil to fuel their death machines. The charade that needs ending is the one where the rich prosper and the poor die in wars.
Perhaps your kinfolk (the Palestinians) need to re-think their approach?

"I suggest a new strategy, R2... let the Wookie win."


It's time to face reality... your boys have lost... long ago... with zero prospect for success.

Your people had a genuine chance to share the land with a sustainable state of their own, right up to the time of the 1967 War.

After that, the Israelis gave up on negotiating, for all intents and purposes, and Intifada I and II merely hardened their hearts, and reinforced that 1967 judgment.

There's nothing more to be said or done... time to do the sane thing... run-up a white flag...pack up, and leave... it's over.
You're even more ignorant of Zionist intentions in Palestine than I thought. Their plan never involved sharing any of the land between the River and the sea. In fact, they argued about transferring Palestinians into neighboring states because it would make it harder to conquer those neighboring states when it came time to advance the borders of the Land of Israel. The hard core Zionists preferred extermination of the sub-human Arabs, and based on your pathic prose, you would have fit right in. You still could. Except you won't.

Fun, isn't it?

But it does nothing for the here-and-now.

And, in the here-and-now, the Palestinians are finished.

Time to pack up, and leave, and scatter to the four winds, and to build new lives for themselves and their families someplace else, where they're actually wanted.

Most Israelis, Jews worldwide, and sympathetic goyim around the world, don't want the Palestinians dead... just gone.

So go.

No time like the present, and it's not going to get any better for you.


While you still can.
Not in your lifetime.
Palestine belongs to Arabs.
Jews had a few decades and then their greedy psychopaths fucked things up for them just as they always do.
Arabs aren't leaving.
Jews can't resort to ethnic cleansing as they did in '48 and '67.
The Jewish state will choose between apartheid and democracy, and, if its the former, Israel FLUSHES into the same sewer as White South Africa.
Good riddance.

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