Israel Launches Operation Protective Edge on Gaza

More than 240 rockets have struck Israel in the past 4 weeks.........100 since yesterday.
Hamas is finished in Gaza if Israel goes in with a ground incursion. Then, the only question remains, who ultimately fills the power vacumn left by the eradication of Hamas?
Try viewing the events between the River and the sea over the past month from a Palestinian POV. Three Israeli teens were murdered by still unknown killers, and elite Jews from Bibi down began calling for revenge. IDF soldiers posted selfies to their FB pages calling for death to ALL Arabs. IDF raids on the West Bank killed a dozen Arabs with 200 more arrested. Hamas targets in Gaza were struck repeatedly and some of its leaders were arrested. Hence the rockets you mention which so far have produced no casualties and little damage.

From the Arab POV, Bibi launched this entire vendetta to drive a wedge between Hamas/ Fatah and any "peace" negotiations designed to result in a two-state solution. Jews have never intended to share Palestine, and now they have the military might and diplomatic cover to make their Land of Israel real.

As far as your comment about Israel never intending to share Palestine, you do realize that years ago had Israel wanted to, could have completely taken over Palestine and kept it for themselves.
And please note, Palestine would have done the same thing to Israel years ago had they had the capability.
Bottom line is, why should Israel EVER cooperate with any government or leadership that does not recognize Israel's right to exist ?
Your "wartime" (whatever that means) discharge implies you're a sissy slave willing to enable the murder, maiming, and displacement (not to mention rape) of children without taking any personal risk as proof of your manhood...
That doesn't even make any sense, George. I suggest you put down the bong.

No. But it does proves that I had the courage to contribute to my country's defense, while you scurried off to the nearest weasel-hole.

As to your preoccupation with Pecker Power, well, I suppose I'd be more sensitive to that myself, had I signed-up for the Hamas Backsides-and-Vaseline All-Infidel Volunteer Brigade, like you have, sweet-cheeks.

...Now dive back under the covers.
Nahhhhh... that's only for Sissy-Marys with phony Medical Discharges.

Done yet?

Shall we get back on-topic?
Might as well.
This is becoming trite.
Naftali Bennett, current Economy Minister of Israel, is proud of the number of Arabs he's killed and he's widely praised for saying what Netanyahu only thinks.

Do you support Bennett's vision of the Holy Land?

"What does Mr. Bennett envision in his calm and confident voice? A one-state solution where Palestinians will have limited regional autonomy in a Jewish state.

"They will not become citizens.

"They will not vote in national elections.

"They will be constantly monitored by the Israeli security forces. In other words, Bantusians. In other words, Apartheid. These words do not scare Bennett. If that is what others want to call it, so be it.

"To him, it is simply The Jewish State."

Why I Like Naftali Bennett - The Daily Beast

Why do you support the savage over civilization?
More than 240 rockets have struck Israel in the past 4 weeks.........100 since yesterday.
Hamas is finished in Gaza if Israel goes in with a ground incursion. Then, the only question remains, who ultimately fills the power vacumn left by the eradication of Hamas?
Try viewing the events between the River and the sea over the past month from a Palestinian POV. Three Israeli teens were murdered by still unknown killers, and elite Jews from Bibi down began calling for revenge. IDF soldiers posted selfies to their FB pages calling for death to ALL Arabs. IDF raids on the West Bank killed a dozen Arabs with 200 more arrested. Hamas targets in Gaza were struck repeatedly and some of its leaders were arrested. Hence the rockets you mention which so far have produced no casualties and little damage.

From the Arab POV, Bibi launched this entire vendetta to drive a wedge between Hamas/ Fatah and any "peace" negotiations designed to result in a two-state solution. Jews have never intended to share Palestine, and now they have the military might and diplomatic cover to make their Land of Israel real.

As far as your comment about Israel never intending to share Palestine, you do realize that years ago had Israel wanted to, could have completely taken over Palestine and kept it for themselves.
And please note, Palestine would have done the same thing to Israel years ago had they had the capability.
Bottom line is, why should Israel EVER cooperate with any government or leadership that does not recognize Israel's right to exist ?
Israel has no more right to exist as a Jewish state based on segregation and apartheid than White South Africa did. Since there are currently equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea, the choice facing Israel is between democracy and apartheid, and many younger Jews, like Naftali Bennett, proudly proclaim the latter:

"What does Mr. Bennett envision in his calm and confident voice? A one-state solution where Palestinians will have limited regional autonomy in a Jewish state.

"They will not become citizens.

"They will not vote in national elections.

"They will be constantly monitored by the Israeli security forces. In other words, Bantusians.

"In other words, Apartheid.

"These words do not scare Bennett.

"If that is what others want to call it, so be it.

"To him, it is simply "The Jewish State."

Why I Like Naftali Bennett - The Daily Beast

Should Bennett's vision prove true, Israel will lose the support of the vast number of Jews world-wide, and the Jewish state will go the way of White South Africa.
That doesn't even make any sense, George. I suggest you put down the bong.

No. But it does proves that I had the courage to contribute to my country's defense, while you scurried off to the nearest weasel-hole.

As to your preoccupation with Pecker Power, well, I suppose I'd be more sensitive to that myself, had I signed-up for the Hamas Backsides-and-Vaseline All-Infidel Volunteer Brigade, like you have, sweet-cheeks.

Nahhhhh... that's only for Sissy-Marys with phony Medical Discharges.

Done yet?

Shall we get back on-topic?
Might as well.
This is becoming trite.
Naftali Bennett, current Economy Minister of Israel, is proud of the number of Arabs he's killed and he's widely praised for saying what Netanyahu only thinks.

Do you support Bennett's vision of the Holy Land?

"What does Mr. Bennett envision in his calm and confident voice? A one-state solution where Palestinians will have limited regional autonomy in a Jewish state.

"They will not become citizens.

"They will not vote in national elections.

"They will be constantly monitored by the Israeli security forces. In other words, Bantusians. In other words, Apartheid. These words do not scare Bennett. If that is what others want to call it, so be it.

"To him, it is simply The Jewish State."

Why I Like Naftali Bennett - The Daily Beast

Why do you support the savage over civilization?
There's no apartheid in civilization.
Why do you support the rich over the poor?
Might as well.
This is becoming trite.
Naftali Bennett, current Economy Minister of Israel, is proud of the number of Arabs he's killed and he's widely praised for saying what Netanyahu only thinks.

Do you support Bennett's vision of the Holy Land?

"What does Mr. Bennett envision in his calm and confident voice? A one-state solution where Palestinians will have limited regional autonomy in a Jewish state.

"They will not become citizens.

"They will not vote in national elections.

"They will be constantly monitored by the Israeli security forces. In other words, Bantusians. In other words, Apartheid. These words do not scare Bennett. If that is what others want to call it, so be it.

"To him, it is simply The Jewish State."

Why I Like Naftali Bennett - The Daily Beast

Why do you support the savage over civilization?
There's no apartheid in civilization.
Why do you support the rich over the poor?

False premise. Savages need to be locked up so civilized people can live. I support civilization over barbaric savages. Why do you support barbaric savages over civilization?
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More than 240 rockets have struck Israel in the past 4 weeks.........100 since yesterday.
Hamas is finished in Gaza if Israel goes in with a ground incursion. Then, the only question remains, who ultimately fills the power vacumn left by the eradication of Hamas?
Try viewing the events between the River and the sea over the past month from a Palestinian POV. Three Israeli teens were murdered by still unknown killers, and elite Jews from Bibi down began calling for revenge. IDF soldiers posted selfies to their FB pages calling for death to ALL Arabs. IDF raids on the West Bank killed a dozen Arabs with 200 more arrested. Hamas targets in Gaza were struck repeatedly and some of its leaders were arrested. Hence the rockets you mention which so far have produced no casualties and little damage.

From the Arab POV, Bibi launched this entire vendetta to drive a wedge between Hamas/ Fatah and any "peace" negotiations designed to result in a two-state solution. Jews have never intended to share Palestine, and now they have the military might and diplomatic cover to make their Land of Israel real.

As far as your comment about Israel never intending to share Palestine, you do realize that years ago had Israel wanted to, could have completely taken over Palestine and kept it for themselves.
And please note, Palestine would have done the same thing to Israel years ago had they had the capability.
Bottom line is, why should Israel EVER cooperate with any government or leadership that does not recognize Israel's right to exist ?

That is a straw-man of the Palestinian position. Sure there are groups such as Hamas but they do not reflect the views of every lay Palestinian and neither does the PLO. It is a straw-man to say that Palestinians do not accept Israel's 'right to exist' when they have objections of settlements built on land they tended for generations or that they left due to violence by the Israeli's. Truth is this extremely vague statement of accepting 'Israel's right to exist' has always been a one way street for Israel and never applied to Israeli's accepting Palestinian's right to exist.
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Why do you support the savage over civilization?
There's no apartheid in civilization.
Why do you support the rich over the poor?

False premise. Savages need to be locked up so civilized people can live. I support civilization over barbaric savages. Why do you support barbaric savages over civilization?
Are you confusing all Jews with civilized people?

"The Rafah massacre occurred on November 12, 1956, during the occupation of the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip following the Suez Crisis. The town of Rafah, lying on Gaza's border with Egypt, had been one of two invasion points during the initial incursion by the Israel Defense Forces into the Strip on November 1.

"As with the earlier Khan Yunis massacre, circumstances surrounding the events which led to the deaths of approximately 111 residents of Rafah and the nearby refugee camp are highly disputed, with Israel neither denying nor acknowledging any wrongdoing."

Rafah massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Try viewing the events between the River and the sea over the past month from a Palestinian POV. Three Israeli teens were murdered by still unknown killers, and elite Jews from Bibi down began calling for revenge. IDF soldiers posted selfies to their FB pages calling for death to ALL Arabs. IDF raids on the West Bank killed a dozen Arabs with 200 more arrested. Hamas targets in Gaza were struck repeatedly and some of its leaders were arrested. Hence the rockets you mention which so far have produced no casualties and little damage.

From the Arab POV, Bibi launched this entire vendetta to drive a wedge between Hamas/ Fatah and any "peace" negotiations designed to result in a two-state solution. Jews have never intended to share Palestine, and now they have the military might and diplomatic cover to make their Land of Israel real.

As far as your comment about Israel never intending to share Palestine, you do realize that years ago had Israel wanted to, could have completely taken over Palestine and kept it for themselves.
And please note, Palestine would have done the same thing to Israel years ago had they had the capability.
Bottom line is, why should Israel EVER cooperate with any government or leadership that does not recognize Israel's right to exist ?

That is a straw-man of the Palestinian position. Sure there are groups such as Hamas but they do not reflect the views of every lay Palestinian and neither does the PLO. It is a straw-man to say that Palestinians do not accept Israel's 'right to exist' when they have objections of settlements built on land they tended for generations or that they left due to violence by the Israeli's. Truth is this extremely vague statement of accepting 'Israel's right to exist' has always been a one way street for Israel and never applied to Israeli's accepting Palestinian's right to exist.
How it started:

"In the beginning, Zionists invaded Palestine. They expelled the Palestinians and Gaza, an ancient place that hosted Ramses II, Alexander the Great, and Salahuddin, became a tent city -- a wasteland for the dejected and destitute.

"It didn't take long for Palestinians in Gaza to begin to fight to reclaim their homes from the Ashkenazis that displaced them. The Fedayeen -- refugee militiamen -- commenced with overnight raids as soon as the shock of their ignominious defeat began to wear..."

The latest round began when Hamas and Fatah formed a caretaker government, and the US and Europe agreed to recognize it.

How would Bibi get out of this one?
The solution came in the form of tragedy:

"When the three Jewish-Israeli settler teenagers disappeared in the West Bank, the Israeli leadership claimed that they were still alive.

"Through its prerogative as the enforcement vehicle of Israeli apartheid, the army spent three weeks smashing into hundreds of homes and terrorizing their occupants in the search for the three youths.

"More than 500 Palestinian men were rounded up and imprisoned as Netanyahu clamored for the teenagers' return and inveighed against Hamas, the group he claimed kidnapped the youths.

"No evidence was offered. Only bluster, bombast and fatalistic conviction delivered in a sonorous tone of voice.

"As Max Blumenthal has documented, it was all a shameful and cynical political show.

"The Israeli leadership knew within the first day of their disappearance that the youths were dead; bullet holes, blood samples and a telephone recording provided evidence of what happened.

"But the ever-receptive Jewish-Israeli public demanded revenge and by the time the extent of the sham was revealed, the Israelis had killed nine people in the West Bank and three more in the Gaza Strip through missiles they fired in 'retaliation' for the West Bank murders."

How It Started in Gaza*|*Ahmed Moor

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