Israel Launches Operation Protective Edge on Gaza

Really? I've studied that and I never read the part where Jews were claiming the Germans stole their land so Jews fired rockets into the population.
But I'm sure you read the part where the Jews were treated like they are sub-human, just like the Palestinian's are treated today by Israeli's and their kiss-ass minions.

I'm sure you read the part where the Jews were scapegoated and blamed for all the problems in the country, just like the Pals are blamed for all the hostilities with Israel.

I'm sure you read the part about any violence against Jews became acceptable to the general population, no matter how horrific it was, just like people today accept any violence against the Pals, no matter how brutal or un-warranted it is.

I'm sure you read the part about state sanctioned propaganda telling lies about the Jews, demonizing them 24/7, just like everyone is doing to the Pals today.

I'm sure you read the part about ethnically cleansing the Jews from the area, just like Israel is trying to do with the Pals in Gaza and the West Bank.

I'm sure you read about the part where the Nazis wanted Germany to be known as the "Aryan Nation", just like Israel wants to be known as the "Jewish State".

It's not the Holocaust, but the hate is the same.

There is absolutely no different between Nazi hate for the Jews and Israeli hate for the Palestinian's. None.
...There is absolutely no different between Nazi hate for the Jews and Israeli hate for the Palestinian's...
Sure there is.

The Jews were not killing Germans and suicide-bombing German schools and buses and planes and the Jews were not launching rocket-barrages against the Germans.
What logical connection do you draw between forced relocation of millions of occupied civilians and the law?

"Art. 49. Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive."

Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Mister Marshall has made his decision - now let him enforce it." - apocryphally attributed to President Andrew Jackson


You can always take 'em to court, afterwards...
"It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson's image and the others more or less agreed with it.

"So it's a settler colonialist society.

"Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population.

"That's not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It's kind of reliving it.

"It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekites and so on and so forth. That's right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts."

ZCommunications » U.S. Savage Imperialism
What logical connection do you draw between forced relocation of millions of occupied civilians and the law?

"Art. 49. Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive."

Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Mister Marshall has made his decision - now let him enforce it." - apocryphally attributed to President Andrew Jackson


You can always take 'em to court, afterwards...
"It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson's image and the others more or less agreed with it.

"So it's a settler colonialist society.

"Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population.

"That's not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It's kind of reliving it.

"It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekites and so on and so forth. That's right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts."

ZCommunications » U.S. Savage Imperialism
Yeah... gotta love that 'US Savage Imperialism'... good stuff, Maynard...
Sure there is.

The Jews were not killing Germans and suicide-bombing German schools and buses and planes and the Jews were not launching rocket-barrages against the Germans.
They were in the Warsaw Ghetto.
But not in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s, which were the prelude to Germany turning so sour on the Jews - which is the whole point of the 'motives' exercise.
"Mister Marshall has made his decision - now let him enforce it." - apocryphally attributed to President Andrew Jackson


You can always take 'em to court, afterwards...
"It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson's image and the others more or less agreed with it.

"So it's a settler colonialist society.

"Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population.

"That's not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It's kind of reliving it.

"It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekites and so on and so forth. That's right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts."

ZCommunications » U.S. Savage Imperialism
Yeah... gotta love that 'US Savage Imperialism'... good stuff, Maynard...
Ol' Hickory got rich from it.
What's your excuse?
Ol' Hickory got rich from it. What's your excuse?
I have no need of an excuse. I merely show you the future. No charge for the peek through the crystal ball.
Would you call yourself an apologist for settler-colonialsim?

"All this was done with the utmost benevolence. So, for example, Massachusetts (the Mayflower and all that business) was given its Charter by the King of England in 1629. The Charter commissioned the settlers to save the native population from the misery of paganism. And, in fact, if you look at the great seal of the Bay Colony of Massachusetts, it depicts an Indian holding an arrow pointed down in a sign of peace. And out of his mouth is a scroll on which is written: 'Come over and help us.'

"That's one of the first examples of what's called humanitarian intervention today. And it's typical of other cases up to the present.

"The Indians were pleading with the colonists to come over and help them and the colonists were benevolently following the divine command to come over and help them.

"It turned out we were helping by exterminating them."
But not in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s, which were the prelude to Germany turning so sour on the Jews - which is the whole point of the 'motives' exercise.
Except that it wasn't a "motives exercise". My point had nothing to do with motives. It was about action. What were the Germans doing in regards to the Jews, that eventually led to the Holocaust?

And some of the things they were doing to the Jews then, is what the Israeli's are doing to the Palestinian's now. Is what YOU are doing to the Palestinian's now. You're doing just what the Nazis did 80 years ago.
Who is preventing them from leaving?
The Dutch.

What kind of a dumbass question is that?
Couldn't be the Palestinians themselves, threatening to kill anyone who attempts to emigrate, could it?

Anyone hard-hearted enough to force their own Palestinian women and children to remain in-place, in order to protect Hamas war-assets against IDF airstrikes is certainly capable of such things.

I wouldn't put it past them.

Besides... why would the Israelis discourage emigration?

Hell, the more that leave, the better for Israel.
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Couldn't be the Palestinians themselves, threatening to kill anyone who attempts to emigrate, could it?

Anyone hard-hearted enough to force their own Palestinian women and children to remain in-place, in order to protect Hamas war-assets against IDF airstrikes is certainly capable of such things.

I wouldn't put it past them.

Besides... why would the Israelis discourage emigration?

Hell, the more that leave, the better for Israel.
I don't know why. But the fact remains, Gazans can't leave by sea or air and they need Israeli travel visas to get out.

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