Israel Launches Operation Protective Edge on Gaza

I have no need of an excuse. I merely show you the future. No charge for the peek through the crystal ball.
Would you call yourself an apologist for settler-colonialsim?...
I'd call myself someone who likes to phukk with Muslim Militant apologists...

Because fucking with the Muslims has worked so well for us.

Our Middle east policy. Stick your dick into a Hornet's Nest, complain about getting stung.
I'd call myself someone who likes to phukk with Muslim Militant apologists...

Because fucking with the Muslims has worked so well for us.

Our Middle east policy. Stick your dick into a Hornet's Nest, complain about getting stung.
Always preferable to offering your backside to the enemy.

I don't mistake the Zionist Entity's enemy for my enemy.

But let's take it a step further. Which two guys have been the biggest "enemies" we've had over there in the last 25 years.

Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.

These were both guys the CIA thought we could work with.

Bin Laden was armed by the CIA to fight Russians in Afghanistan because they might teach girls how to read Karl Marx or something.

Saddam was a guy we armed and helped because he was going to keep the Crazy Mullahs in Iran in check after they overthrew their incompetent and murderous Shah.

how did that work out again? Oh, that's right. Both of those hornets turned around and stung us on the dick.
Because fucking with the Muslims has worked so well for us.

Our Middle east policy. Stick your dick into a Hornet's Nest, complain about getting stung.
Always preferable to offering your backside to the enemy.

I don't mistake the Zionist Entity's enemy for my enemy.

But let's take it a step further. Which two guys have been the biggest "enemies" we've had over there in the last 25 years.

Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.

These were both guys the CIA thought we could work with.

Bin Laden was armed by the CIA to fight Russians in Afghanistan because they might teach girls how to read Karl Marx or something.

Saddam was a guy we armed and helped because he was going to keep the Crazy Mullahs in Iran in check after they overthrew their incompetent and murderous Shah.

how did that work out again? Oh, that's right. Both of those hornets turned around and stung us on the dick.
Our foreign policy in connection wht the domains of Islam is the policy of fools... nolo contendere.
Always preferable to offering your backside to the enemy.

I don't mistake the Zionist Entity's enemy for my enemy.

But let's take it a step further. Which two guys have been the biggest "enemies" we've had over there in the last 25 years.

Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.

These were both guys the CIA thought we could work with.

Bin Laden was armed by the CIA to fight Russians in Afghanistan because they might teach girls how to read Karl Marx or something.

Saddam was a guy we armed and helped because he was going to keep the Crazy Mullahs in Iran in check after they overthrew their incompetent and murderous Shah.

how did that work out again? Oh, that's right. Both of those hornets turned around and stung us on the dick.
Our foreign policy in connection wht the domains of Islam is the policy of fools... nolo contendere.

No, the foolishiness is thinking we can get involved in conflicts about Magic Sky Fairies they've been having for thousands of years and thinking we have a stake in that argument.

The two things that keep us in the middle east are our thrist for oil and the stranglehold the Israeli Lobbies have on our political process. Pat Buchanan once called Congress "Zionist Occupied Territory" and he was right.

Now maybe getting involved made sense during the Cold War, but not so much now. We could take the hundreds of billions of dollars we are currently spending playing Hall Monitor in the Middle East and spend them on energy independence instead.
I'd call myself someone who likes to phukk with Muslim Militant apologists...

Because fucking with the Muslims has worked so well for us.

Our Middle east policy. Stick your dick into a Hornet's Nest, complain about getting stung.
Always preferable to offering your backside to the enemy.

All that worrry about radical Islam fades when there is an oppotunity to attack Israel. Sad. The IS will NOT be a friend of the US, and Hamas is putty in the IS JAWS.
...No, the foolishiness is thinking we can get involved in conflicts about Magic Sky Fairies they've been having for thousands of years and thinking we have a stake in that argument...
The trouble with that is, WE are the third side of that triangle between Islam, Judaism and Christianity... the United States is the most powerful nation within Christendom... the secularized West.

Despite all our much-vaunted 'separation of church and state'... and the delusion under which a great many atheists and agnostics operate in this country... the United States is populated primarily by Christians, and the descendants of Christians.

Our laws and culture and philosophy and collective sentiments are all strongly rooted in Christian history and tradition and beliefs... it's just that the untrained eye (or mind) cannot (or will not) always discern or appreciate or acknowledge the connection, or believe it to be as strong an influence as it truly is.

...The two things that keep us in the middle east are our thrist for oil and the stranglehold the Israeli Lobbies have on our political process...
I agree that oil is one of the key reasons.

I disagree about the Israeli lobby.

Oh, don't get me wrong, it's certainly strong, and influential, but that's merely a matter of the Jews doing a much better job of advocacy than the Muslims.

The West also suffers from collective guilt over the Holocaust, and centuries of oppression of the Jews throughout The West for centuries prior to that latest slaughter.

Thirdly, Christians (Westerners), on the whole, and in the main, tend to like Jews better than they do Muslims, because Judaism is the spiritual and philosophical Mothership of Christianity, whereas Islam is a Johnny-come-lately cheap knock-off hybrid of the two, plus the superstitions of a gaggle of 7th Century desert heathens, and rock-worship, and camel-dung, mixed-in for good measure.

Generally speaking, the Jews don't really have to work very hard, to keep Christianity on its side, vis a vis Islam.

I think you (and so many others) tend to overlook this long-running and natural connection and love-hate relationship between Christianity and Judaism, as an underlying and highly decisive factor in Christian (Western, including the United States) support for Israel.

Like it or not, you live in a Secularized Christian country, and our interactions with the adherents of Judaism and Islam, in the context of the conflict between the two, reflect both conscious and unconscious concessions to historical relationships between Christianity and Judaism.

Or so it seems to this observer.

...Pat Buchanan once called Congress "Zionist Occupied Territory" and he was right...
Buchanan is a one-trick pony, understands far less than he would like us to think, and I disagree with his perceptions.

...Now maybe getting involved made sense during the Cold War, but not so much now...
We should be in Maintenance Mode in the Middle East and its connected areas, rather than aggressively making war in that neighborhood.

...We could take the hundreds of billions of dollars we are currently spending playing Hall Monitor in the Middle East and spend them on energy independence instead.

But even if we were totally independent on the energy front, we would still be engaged in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, for the sentimental reasons I've already outlined, above.

Generally speaking, in the main, collectively, we like Jews better than we like Muslims.

To some that would seem a nasty, rude, foolhardy or partisan comment.

Doesn't matter.

Truth doesn't care about its impact... truth is truth... it is what it is.
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Because fucking with the Muslims has worked so well for us.

Our Middle east policy. Stick your dick into a Hornet's Nest, complain about getting stung.
Always preferable to offering your backside to the enemy.

All that worrry about radical Islam fades when there is an oppotunity to attack Israel. Sad. The IS will NOT be a friend of the US, and Hamas is putty in the IS JAWS.
"IS" meaning "Islamic State", no doubt.

If true, then...

The Islamic State would not be a friend to the United States regardless of whether we supported Israel or not.


Because we are a part of Christendom - the secularized West - we are Infidel.

We are an extension of Europe - an Annex - and will always be treated as such by them.


We should not attempt to delude ourselves, otherwise.

And, if that assessment of how we will always be viewed by them is, in turn, true, then...

No point in hiding under our beds, at the prospect of the Islamic Boogeyman...

Far better to get in his phukking face from Day One, to get everything out into the open...

Just to clear things up, and leave no doubt in their minds, that we are formidable, and not a good candidate for large-scale aggression...

A lesson that will pay off, both today, and 50 years from now...
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Always preferable to offering your backside to the enemy.

All that worrry about radical Islam fades when there is an oppotunity to attack Israel. Sad. The IS will NOT be a friend of the US, and Hamas is putty in the IS JAWS.
"IS" meaning "Islamic State", no doubt.

If true, then...

The Islamic State would not be a friend to the United States regardless of whether we supported Israel or not.


Because we are a part of Christendom - the secularized West - we are Infidel.

We are an extension of Europe - an Annex - and will always be treated as such by them.


We should not attempt to delude ourselves, otherwise.

And, if that assessment of how we will always be viewed by them is, in turn, true, then...

No point in hiding under our beds, at the prospect of the Islamic Boogeyman...

Far better to get in his phukking face from Day One, to get everything out into the open...

Just to clear things up, and leave no doubt in their minds, that we are formidable, and not a good candidate for large-scale aggression...

A lesson that will pay off, both today, and 50 years from now...

IS, their new moniker, needs no more support, by not supporting Israel, the future IS supporters gain a foothold. Thus, the US must stand with Israel, yes, the Judeo-Christian connection is a part of the picture. Thank you for the well thought points, support Israel, or face a new Islamic terror organization, MAYBE the worst ever known.
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Sure there is.

The Jews were not killing Germans and suicide-bombing German schools and buses and planes and the Jews were not launching rocket-barrages against the Germans.
They were in the Warsaw Ghetto.

Are the people of Gaza free to leave?
Not without a Jew's permission.
Gaza is surrounded on three sides by IDF sniper towers, electrified fences, concrete walls and a naval blockade that limits its fishermen to a three kilometer trawling zone. Jews regulate the amount of food that enters Gaza, allowing just enough to prevent mass murder but ensuring mass starvation. Nothing gets in or out with a Jews permission, and it's US tax dollars that underwrite the worlds largest open air prison.
Always preferable to offering your backside to the enemy.

All that worrry about radical Islam fades when there is an oppotunity to attack Israel. Sad. The IS will NOT be a friend of the US, and Hamas is putty in the IS JAWS.
"IS" meaning "Islamic State", no doubt.

If true, then...

The Islamic State would not be a friend to the United States regardless of whether we supported Israel or not.


Because we are a part of Christendom - the secularized West - we are Infidel.

We are an extension of Europe - an Annex - and will always be treated as such by them.


We should not attempt to delude ourselves, otherwise.

And, if that assessment of how we will always be viewed by them is, in turn, true, then...

No point in hiding under our beds, at the prospect of the Islamic Boogeyman...

Far better to get in his phukking face from Day One, to get everything out into the open...

Just to clear things up, and leave no doubt in their minds, that we are formidable, and not a good candidate for large-scale aggression...

A lesson that will pay off, both today, and 50 years from now...
Exactly as it did on 9/11/2001.
Your pathic impression of Henry Kissinger would be comical if not for the fact that US foreign policy in the ME is creating millions of potential martyrs who won't do their killing behind a keyboard. Far better to stop murdering innocent Muslims for Wall Street's benefit and get in the face of corporate fucks growing rich on war and debt; kosher squeals like you are probably better off under the bed.
They were in the Warsaw Ghetto.

Are the people of Gaza free to leave?
Not without a Jew's permission. Gaza is surrounded on three sides by IDF sniper towers, electrified fences, concrete walls and a naval blockade that limits its fishermen to a three kilometer trawling zone...
Mad dogs require high kennel walls.

The Egyptians know this too - having walled-off the southern approaches - with tightly controlled in/out privileges at one lone control point; joining Israel in blockading, from the south.

...Jews regulate the amount of food that enters Gaza, allowing just enough to prevent mass murder but ensuring mass starvation. Nothing gets in or out with a Jews permission...
That's the point of a blockade - to control.

The Palestinians were warned not to elevate Hamas into power, given their terrorist nature and their intransigence, but the fools in Gaza - unlike their West Bank cousins - ignored those warnings, and did it anyway. The blockade is a direct result of that foolishness.

As to rations, there seem to be a great many overweight Gazans hopping up and down in the streets, so, I'm not certain you have your facts straight, when it comes to food supplies.

I think we need a slightly more objective analysis that what you belch-up for us here.

...and it's US tax dollars that underwrite the worlds largest open air prison.
Given that the United States only grants a meager $3 billion to Israel per year, and that virtually all of that is for military equipment, with a great deal of that in the form of purchase credits to US arms and munitions manufacturers, well...

You might want to go back and review the budget for the barriers on the northern and eastern perimeters, and the naval blockade on the western, to see what percentage of construction, maintenance, staffing and operations is funded by internally-generated or alternatively-sourced funding, versus how much of that is pass-through dollars from the United States.

Something tells me that your claims of US funding for such purposes is far more hyperbole than fact, but perhaps I'm wrong.
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They were in the Warsaw Ghetto.

Are the people of Gaza free to leave?
Not without a Jew's permission.
Gaza is surrounded on three sides by IDF sniper towers, electrified fences, concrete walls and a naval blockade that limits its fishermen to a three kilometer trawling zone. Jews regulate the amount of food that enters Gaza, allowing just enough to prevent mass murder but ensuring mass starvation. Nothing gets in or out with a Jews permission, and it's US tax dollars that underwrite the worlds largest open air prison.

Gee, that's too bad. Actions have consequences.
...No point in hiding under our beds, at the prospect of the Islamic Boogeyman... Far better to get in his phukking face from Day One, to get everything out into the open... Just to clear things up, and leave no doubt in their minds, that we are formidable, and not a good candidate for large-scale aggression... A lesson that will pay off, both today, and 50 years from now...
Exactly as it did on 9/11/2001. Your pathic impression of Henry Kissinger would be comical if not for the fact that US foreign policy in the ME is creating millions of potential martyrs who won't do their killing behind a keyboard...
Stick to your keyboard, George, and let those with courage and sense defend the Republic.

...Far better to stop murdering innocent Muslims for Wall Street's benefit and get in the face of corporate fucks growing rich on war and debt...
Save it for the Karl Marx Memorial Anarchy Festival in Belarus next month. squeals like you are probably better off under the bed.
Given my Irish-German lapsed Roman Catholic background, you'll have to look very hard indeed to find anything 'kasher' about me, other than a brother-in-law who hasn't been to temple in 30 years.

As to hiding under beds, well, those are mighty brave words, coming from a sissy-boy who weaseled out of military service in the US Air Force after a measly 10 days, falsely claiming that he had a bad back.

My wartime Honorable Discharge trumps your phony Medical Discharge any day of the week, sweet-cheeks.
...No point in hiding under our beds, at the prospect of the Islamic Boogeyman... Far better to get in his phukking face from Day One, to get everything out into the open... Just to clear things up, and leave no doubt in their minds, that we are formidable, and not a good candidate for large-scale aggression... A lesson that will pay off, both today, and 50 years from now...
Exactly as it did on 9/11/2001. Your pathic impression of Henry Kissinger would be comical if not for the fact that US foreign policy in the ME is creating millions of potential martyrs who won't do their killing behind a keyboard...
Stick to your keyboard, George, and let those with courage and sense defend the Republic.

...Far better to stop murdering innocent Muslims for Wall Street's benefit and get in the face of corporate fucks growing rich on war and debt...
Save it for the Karl Marx Memorial Anarchy Festival in Belarus next month. squeals like you are probably better off under the bed.
Given my Irish-German lapsed Roman Catholic background, you'll have to look very hard indeed to find anything 'kasher' about me, other than a brother-in-law who hasn't been to temple in 30 years.

As to hiding under beds, well, those are mighty brave words, coming from a sissy-boy who weaseled out of military service in the US Air Force after a measly 10 days, falsely claiming that he had a bad back.

My wartime Honorable Discharge trumps your phony Medical Discharge any day of the week, sweet-cheeks.
Your "wartime" (whatever that means) discharge implies you're a sissy slave willing to enable the murder, maiming, and displacement (not to mention rape) of children without taking any personal risk as proof of your manhood.

It proves you're a gullible punk with delusions of grandeur and little else, Puny Pecker.

Now dive back under the covers.
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Exactly as it did on 9/11/2001. Your pathic impression of Henry Kissinger would be comical if not for the fact that US foreign policy in the ME is creating millions of potential martyrs who won't do their killing behind a keyboard...
Stick to your keyboard, George, and let those with courage and sense defend the Republic.

Save it for the Karl Marx Memorial Anarchy Festival in Belarus next month. squeals like you are probably better off under the bed.
Given my Irish-German lapsed Roman Catholic background, you'll have to look very hard indeed to find anything 'kasher' about me, other than a brother-in-law who hasn't been to temple in 30 years.

As to hiding under beds, well, those are mighty brave words, coming from a sissy-boy who weaseled out of military service in the US Air Force after a measly 10 days, falsely claiming that he had a bad back.

My wartime Honorable Discharge trumps your phony Medical Discharge any day of the week, sweet-cheeks.
Your "wartime" (whatever that means) discharge implies you're a sissy slave willing to enable the murder, maiming, and displacement (not to mention rape) of children without taking any personal risk as proof of your manhood...
That doesn't even make any sense, George. I suggest you put down the bong.

...It proves you're a gullible punk with delusions of grandeur and little else, Puny Pecker...
No. But it does proves that I had the courage to contribute to my country's defense, while you scurried off to the nearest weasel-hole.

As to your preoccupation with Pecker Power, well, I suppose I'd be more sensitive to that myself, had I signed-up for the Hamas Backsides-and-Vaseline All-Infidel Volunteer Brigade, like you have, sweet-cheeks.

...Now dive back under the covers.
Nahhhhh... that's only for Sissy-Marys with phony Medical Discharges.

Done yet?

Shall we get back on-topic?
Stick to your keyboard, George, and let those with courage and sense defend the Republic.

Save it for the Karl Marx Memorial Anarchy Festival in Belarus next month.

Given my Irish-German lapsed Roman Catholic background, you'll have to look very hard indeed to find anything 'kasher' about me, other than a brother-in-law who hasn't been to temple in 30 years.

As to hiding under beds, well, those are mighty brave words, coming from a sissy-boy who weaseled out of military service in the US Air Force after a measly 10 days, falsely claiming that he had a bad back.

My wartime Honorable Discharge trumps your phony Medical Discharge any day of the week, sweet-cheeks.
Your "wartime" (whatever that means) discharge implies you're a sissy slave willing to enable the murder, maiming, and displacement (not to mention rape) of children without taking any personal risk as proof of your manhood...
That doesn't even make any sense, George. I suggest you put down the bong.

...It proves you're a gullible punk with delusions of grandeur and little else, Puny Pecker...
No. But it does proves that I had the courage to contribute to my country's defense, while you scurried off to the nearest weasel-hole.

As to your preoccupation with Pecker Power, well, I suppose I'd be more sensitive to that myself, had I signed-up for the Hamas Backsides-and-Vaseline All-Infidel Volunteer Brigade, like you have, sweet-cheeks.

...Now dive back under the covers.
Nahhhhh... that's only for Sissy-Marys with phony Medical Discharges.

Done yet?

Shall we get back on-topic?
Might as well.
This is becoming trite.
Naftali Bennett, current Economy Minister of Israel, is proud of the number of Arabs he's killed and he's widely praised for saying what Netanyahu only thinks.

Do you support Bennett's vision of the Holy Land?

"What does Mr. Bennett envision in his calm and confident voice? A one-state solution where Palestinians will have limited regional autonomy in a Jewish state.

"They will not become citizens.

"They will not vote in national elections.

"They will be constantly monitored by the Israeli security forces. In other words, Bantusians. In other words, Apartheid. These words do not scare Bennett. If that is what others want to call it, so be it.

"To him, it is simply The Jewish State."

Why I Like Naftali Bennett - The Daily Beast

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