Israel Launches Operation Protective Edge on Gaza

Your Honor, Plaintiff rests.

We pray that the original judgment of 'pwned' earlier today be allowed to stand.
You live in a fantasy land. I provided evidence that before the IDF goes into Gaza, they're told not to give any consideration to civilian lives. And they're to go in with the intent of "total destruction". They have shown this behavior time and time again.

Now you're trying to argue that, all of a sudden, they're going to switch gears and be concerned about civilians and civilian infrastructure? That's like arguing Charles Manson is pro-life.

But that's your dumbass argument. In spite of all their priors, you claim they're going to act the opposite of what they've done in the past.
I'm not trying to argue diddly-squat.

My intent here is not to prove nor disprove anything, other than you were proven either a fool or a liar, in our exchange, earlier today.

You claimed that the IDF had intentionally targeted a hospital in Gaza.

You claimed that your blogger was an eyewitness located inside the hospital at the time of the incident.

When both of your claims were effectively refuted earlier today, you attained 'pwned' status.

Your pathetic afterthought-caliber attempts to elude that embarrassing state this evening have failed.

That is the only point that I needed to make for the moment.

Your claim was false.

Your eyewitness turned out to not be an eyewitness, but reliant upon hearsay, after all.

And all the twisting and squirming on the hook which you have foolishly impaled yourself upon will be to no avail.

You've been pwned.


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Your Honor, Plaintiff rests.

We pray that the original judgment of 'pwned' earlier today be allowed to stand.
You live in a fantasy land. I provided evidence that before the IDF goes into Gaza, they're told not to give any consideration to civilian lives. And they're to go in with the intent of "total destruction". They have shown this behavior time and time again.

Now you're trying to argue that, all of a sudden, they're going to switch gears and be concerned about civilians and civilian infrastructure? That's like arguing Charles Manson is pro-life.

But that's your dumbass argument. In spite of all their priors, you claim they're going to act the opposite of what they've done in the past.

"Breaking the Silence is an organization of veteran Israeli soldiers that collects anonymous testimonies of soldiers who served in the Occupied Territories during the Second Intifada"

anonymous...Wow, not a very Yiddush sounding name, but kind of catchy.

This is a fascinating contrast between Amity and yourself.
Amitys video are ripe with REAL NAMES of "countless" anti-Israeli Jews who aren't afraid to reveal their identities.
And why should they be afraid, Jews DON'T KILL PEOPLE FOR CRITICIZING Israel.
And you have a site featuring "anonymous".

You have, for a MOMENT, lent validity to Amity.
Don't worry Amity, you will lose this validity with your next posting.
"Breaking the Silence is an organization of veteran Israeli soldiers that collects anonymous testimonies of soldiers who served in the Occupied Territories during the Second Intifada"

anonymous...Wow, not a very Yiddush sounding name, but kind of catchy.

This is a fascinating contrast between Amity and yourself.
Amitys video are ripe with REAL NAMES of "countless" anti-Israeli Jews who aren't afraid to reveal their identities.
And why should they be afraid, Jews DON'T KILL PEOPLE FOR CRITICIZING Israel.
And you have a site featuring "anonymous".

You have, for a MOMENT, lent validity to Amity.
Don't worry Amity, you will lose this validity with your next posting.
Breaking the Silence is the Israeli version of Winter Soldier.
"Breaking the Silence is an organization of veteran Israeli soldiers that collects anonymous testimonies of soldiers who served in the Occupied Territories during the Second Intifada"

anonymous...Wow, not a very Yiddush sounding name, but kind of catchy.

This is a fascinating contrast between Amity and yourself.
Amitys video are ripe with REAL NAMES of "countless" anti-Israeli Jews who aren't afraid to reveal their identities.
And why should they be afraid, Jews DON'T KILL PEOPLE FOR CRITICIZING Israel.
And you have a site featuring "anonymous".

You have, for a MOMENT, lent validity to Amity.
Don't worry Amity, you will lose this validity with your next posting.
Breaking the Silence is the Israeli version of Winter Soldier.

Jews speak out and there are no repercussions...ever.
You are REALLY making Amity's videos look good.
We're not hearing much about Israeli snipers executing two teens on CNN cameras on 15 May or almost one month before two apparent rogue Hamas operatives kidnapped three Jewish teens. The Jews knew the ID of those suspects within 24 hours, yet withheld the information in order to rearrest hundreds of innocent Hamas members exchanged for Gilad Shalit, thus setting up the current kosher killing spree in Gaza.

Jews being Jews.

"innocent hamas members." That's sick.
Innocent of the kidnapping of the three murdered Israeli teens.
Would you support the same type of collective punishment in this country?

Hamas should be eradicated. Period.
I'm not trying to argue diddly-squat.

My intent here is not to prove nor disprove anything, other than you were proven either a fool or a liar, in our exchange, earlier today.

You claimed that the IDF had intentionally targeted a hospital in Gaza.

You claimed that your blogger was an eyewitness located inside the hospital at the time of the incident.

When both of your claims were effectively refuted earlier today, you attained 'pwned' status.

Your pathetic afterthought-caliber attempts to elude that embarrassing state this evening have failed.

That is the only point that I needed to make for the moment.

Your claim was false.

Your eyewitness turned out to not be an eyewitness, but reliant upon hearsay, after all.

And all the twisting and squirming on the hook on which you have foolishly impaled yourself will be to no avail.

You've been pwned.


Hearsay from her cousin who took refuge in the hospital, is a lot more credible than your lame ass conjecture.

I also posted a video of a hospital being hit.

All you've done is shoot your mouth off.
I'm not trying to argue diddly-squat...

Hearsay from her cousin who took refuge in the hospital, is a lot more credible than your lame ass conjecture...

Not even close, sonny.

I did not serve-up so much as an ounce of conjecture.

And I caught you in a lie earlier today about your blogger being an eyewitness.

...I also posted a video of a hospital being hit...

I could post a photo of an elephant taking a shit.

That doesn't mean that the IDF caused an elephant to defecate upon a Palestinian medical facility during the present renewed conflict.

...All you've done is shoot your mouth off.
Au contraire...

I've shown you up to be a liar...

Not to mention you lacking the grace and intellectual courage and ethical integrity to admit when you were in error.

Now THAT's a good day's work... outing an Arab Butt Buddy for the true nature of his inner character.

You really MUST reconsider your position on Palestine...

Somewhere across The Pond, there are dozens of Palestinian bloggers, all slapping their foreheads over your work, and saying... 'Fer Crissakes, stay off our side... puh-leeeeze!"

Have a good one, Princess.
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Jews speak out and there are no repercussions...ever.
You are REALLY making Amity's videos look good.
WTF are you talking about?

You completely lost me here!

Of course you're lost.
You've run into what is called a conundrum.

You can't POSSIBLY be right with this anonymous crap because Jews and Israel don't operate like that.
And Amity's video are PROOF of that.

And so there lies your conundrum.

What's your Plan Of Action...
Do you admit that your precious anti-Israel sites are partially full of shit or completely full of shit or do you just zone out and hope the thread follows a different direction?
Israel is nothing but a gang of treasonous, traitorous, murdering, genocidal, land-stealing, pig fucking socio-parasites and they should all be killed by fire but only after Israel is nuked into a sea of radioactive glass.
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, indeed.

Now, please report back to the nurse's desk on your floor...

Nurse Rached has morning num-nums aaalllllllll ready for you...


Ya know, I have way more respect for an out-of-the-closet hater like WW than I do for the pseudo-liberal scummies who hate as WW does but couch their language and pretend it makes them something better.

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