Israel Launches Operation Protective Edge on Gaza


Gee, I wonder how the Palestinians got such a nasty, dishonorable reputation?

Hmmmmm... 'cause they earned it?
'Cause they object when greedy Jews...


They are humans also; that noted, the terrorist group must be destroyed.
Lets hear your solution. Do you expect them to down grade their weapons to make it fair?
The solution requires the Jews to stop stealing Arab land and water in Palestine. It requires Jews to stop incinerating Palestinian teens. It requires Jews to stop shelling hospitals in Gaza. Jews have been the problem in Palestine ever since 650,000 of them inflicted their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948; the solution arrives when the world holds the Jewish state to the same standard it applied to South Africa a generation ago.

I would say the real issue started when all Arabs tried to destroy the Jewish state, along with the Jews in it by attacking all together, and losing at the end.
Except the Jews began their ethnic cleansing of Palestinians months before their racist state lurched into existence. On 29 November 1947 the UN GA devised a partition of Palestine which gave Jews 56% of the land in spire of the fact Jews numbered about a third of the total Palestinian population. The British troops that had been occupying Palestine announced their departure was scheduled for the following May. By early 1948 months before the Zionist state came into existence, Jewish terrorists were seizing Arab land in Palestine. By July 1948 400,000 Arabs had been pushed off their land, and al Nakba was just beginning.

An UN Mediator, Folke Bernadotte, lobbied for justice in Palestine by pointing out the innocent Arabs forced from their homes were denied their right of return while Jews from around the Middle East and Europe flocked into Israel and took the homes, businesses and possessions of the displaced Palestinians.

Bernadotte's initial report called for fixed boundaries, an economic union, and the right of return for Palestinian refugees.

A day later his motorcade was ambushed in Jerusalem, and he was shot dead by a Jew terrorist.
Lets hear your solution. Do you expect them to down grade their weapons to make it fair?
The solution require the Jews to stop stealing Arab land and water in Palestine. It requires Jews to stop incinerating Palestinian teens. It requires Jews to stop shelling hospitals in Gaza. Jews have been the problem in Palestine ever since 650,000 of them inflicted their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948; the solution arrives when the world holds the Jewish state to the same standard it applied to South Africa a generation ago.

Israel could clean out the Gaza strip and eradicate every palestinian at will yet they dont. That alone tells me who the aggressor is.
If the palestianans cant get along they risk getting an ass whipping.
Thats just the way it is.
Jews can't "clean out the Gaza strip and eradicate every Palestinians..." without international consequences that would vanish their shitty racist state from the page of time forever. You sound like a Nazi; are you?
"JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli military launched what could be a long-term offensive against the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Tuesday striking at least 50 sites in Gaza by air and sea and mobilizing troops for a possible ground invasion aimed at stopping a recent barrage of rocket attacks against Israel.

"The army said 'Operation Protective Edge' looks to strike the Islamic Hamas group and end the rocket fire that has intensified in recent weeks amid tensions over the killing of three Israeli teenagers and the apparent revenge killing of a Palestinian teenager..."

Gaza's misery began long before the recent murders of three young Jews and one young Arab on the West Bank. At the beginning of Israel's War of Independence in 1948 the population of Gaza was 60,000 to 80,000 people.

By the end of that conflict the population of Gaza expanded by 200,000 refugees due to the wholesale eviction or evacuation of Palestinian towns and villages from Jaffa to Gaza City.

Israel then established 17 Jew Only settlements within Gaza, securing access to most of the best land, water, and shore areas.

What's happening today and tomorrow in Gaza is one more consequence of 650,000 Jews inflicting their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948

Israel Strikes at Least 50 Sites in Gaza, Readies for Extended Offensive - US News

I really wish they could wipe out HAMAS
They could very easily do that by ending their occupation of Palestine.
Otherwise their options are limited to creating a new Hamas

"Another often cited example (of intelligence blow back) is Israeli support of Islamic movements in the 1970s and 1980s intended to weaken the PLO, and leading to the creation of Hamas.[5][6][7]

"With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[8]

In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[8][9]

"Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya in 1973, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979. Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza."

Blowback (intelligence) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jew haters are using the ignorant Pals just like the Islamist gangsters do. Education is their enemy. Propaganda and ignorance are all they have.
Israel could clean out the Gaza strip and eradicate every palestinian at will yet they dont. That alone tells me who the aggressor is.
If the palestianans cant get along they risk getting an ass whipping.
Thats just the way it is.

They just do it slowly by making Gaza the worlds largest prison and slaughter them on a regular basis after they shoot glorified fireworks into Israel.

LOL...So you want to downplay the effectiveness of one sides weapons?
Sounds to me like the palestinians are a bunch of F'n idiots for starting shit with a country that can kick their ass.
But thats just me....
So in your mind someone who steals your home, business, and bank account and uses your children for target practice isn't starting any shit?
They just do it slowly by making Gaza the worlds largest prison and slaughter them on a regular basis after they shoot glorified fireworks into Israel.

LOL...So you want to downplay the effectiveness of one sides weapons?
Sounds to me like the palestinians are a bunch of F'n idiots for starting shit with a country that can kick their ass.
But thats just me....
So in your mind someone who steals your home, business, and bank account and uses your children for target practice isn't starting any shit?

Is that crap your entire argument? Feed that propaganda to some naive college kids. Do you need a history lesson?
LOL...So you want to downplay the effectiveness of one sides weapons?
Sounds to me like the palestinians are a bunch of F'n idiots for starting shit with a country that can kick their ass.
But thats just me....
So in your mind someone who steals your home, business, and bank account and uses your children for target practice isn't starting any shit?

Is that crap your entire argument? Feed that propaganda to some naive college kids. Do you need a history lesson?

Israel predates the Moslem faith *BEEP*
What have the West Bank Jordanians done with all the billions handed over to them in the last 40 years?
They blew it all...literally.
The solution requires the Jews to stop stealing Arab land and water in Palestine. It requires Jews to stop incinerating Palestinian teens. It requires Jews to stop shelling hospitals in Gaza. Jews have been the problem in Palestine ever since 650,000 of them inflicted their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948; the solution arrives when the world holds the Jewish state to the same standard it applied to South Africa a generation ago.

I would say the real issue started when all Arabs tried to destroy the Jewish state, along with the Jews in it by attacking all together, and losing at the end.
Except the Jews began their ethnic cleansing of Palestinians months before their racist state lurched into existence. On 29 November 1947 the UN GA devised a partition of Palestine which gave Jews 56% of the land in spire of the fact Jews numbered about a third of the total Palestinian population. The British troops that had been occupying Palestine announced their departure was scheduled for the following May. By early 1948 months before the Zionist state came into existence, Jewish terrorists were seizing Arab land in Palestine. By July 1948 400,000 Arabs had been pushed off their land, and al Nakba was just beginning.

An UN Mediator, Folke Bernadotte, lobbied for justice in Palestine by pointing out the innocent Arabs forced from their homes were denied their right of return while Jews from around the Middle East and Europe flocked into Israel and took the homes, businesses and possessions of the displaced Palestinians.

Bernadotte's initial report called for fixed boundaries, an economic union, and the right of return for Palestinian refugees.

A day later his motorcade was ambushed in Jerusalem, and he was shot dead by a Jew terrorist.

You see how easy it is to find excuse for a genocidal act? Just like how you did find an excuse for all Arab nations attempt to eradicate all Jews from the face of the earth, Israelis can easily find or even make up an excuse to eradicate every living soul in the Gaza Strip, and at the end, they can still argue they were right to do so.

This is the game you guys playing, and it is guaranteed for both sides to lose at the end, unless you are a Hamas shit head, or a gun maker thriving off of blood and hatred. This will be the life for all the people in the region for the rest of their lives, till the time they kill each other off...

Happily ever after...
No Jews News The honest answer to the questions of WTF??

Israel Launches New Operation Mass Murder By Using American Cluster Bombs and Morters (and we wonder why the fucking sand ******* hate us)

*Please note that I in no way give a shit about the filthy sand ******* and their murderous muzzy religion. I just wish they would get a nuke so they could at least get ONE good shot in before Israel uses their 400 nukes against them.
LOL...So you want to downplay the effectiveness of one sides weapons?
Sounds to me like the palestinians are a bunch of F'n idiots for starting shit with a country that can kick their ass.
But thats just me....
So in your mind someone who steals your home, business, and bank account and uses your children for target practice isn't starting any shit?

Is that crap your entire argument? Feed that propaganda to some naive college kids. Do you need a history lesson?
Give it your best shot.
They are humans also; that noted, the terrorist group must be destroyed.
There are terrorists on both sides, but only one has the fourth or fifth most powerful military on the planet. Where did you get the idea the Jews didn't employ terrorism to colonize Palestine, MSNBC?

"During the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine against the Mandatory Palestine, the militant Zionist group Irgun carried out 60 attacks against Palestinian Arabs and British soldiers.[1]

"Irgun was described as a terrorist organization byThe New York Times,[2][3] the Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry,[4] prominent world figures such as Winston Churchill[5] and Jewish figures such as Hannah Arendt, Albert Einstein, and many others.[6]

"The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs describes it as 'an underground organization.'[7]

"The New York Times at the time cited sources in an investigative piece which linked the Haganah paramilitary group to the Irgun terrorist attacks such as the King David Hotel bombing."

List of Irgun attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Is this going to be another week long cluster fuck and then fake peace or something more?
Let's hope it's something more...

Time to cull the Hamas herd again...

Made possible by their latest stupidity...

The IDF is carrying its hunter's permit, and should have no trouble in bagging its limit...

Lots of Militia and Jihadi game afoot...

Should be a good hunting season...

The world will be a little safer, afterwards...

A public service, to be sure...
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