Israel Launches Operation Protective Edge on Gaza

"Proportional use of force" is, of course, in the eye of the beholder and the Gazans will be beholden it for the foreseeable future. Please explain Israel's duty to defend themselves according to your rules. :lol:

Well most would see a 53+ body count for 3 deaths as retaliation and not self-defense.
Most of the world sees how Israel didn't want to negotiate with a united Hamas/Fatah opponent so they seized the first available opportunity to squeal "SELF-DEFENSE" and pump up some more war profits.

It's why European imperialists created a Jewish state in the Middle East in the first place.

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,' he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'

"Storrs’ analogy was no accident. Ireland was where the English invented the tactic of divide and conquer, and where the devastating effectiveness of using foreign settlers to drive a wedge between the colonial rulers and the colonized made it a template for worldwide imperial rule."

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF
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So Hamas sending some primitive rockets to Israel and the "smartest" response the Israeli gov can come up with is sending tons of "smart" bombs, eradicating some Arabs?

This war will never end, because it is profitable for both sides, meaning Israeli gun makers and Palestinian hate mongers...
Dang s0n you are one limpwristed hating fairy!!

Peace through strength is always the way need some history lessons. It will restore the peace here too........100% certainty. Watch over the next several days......the rockets will stop flying into Israel. Crushing power stops the BS.....that's always the way its restores the peace. Wish I could sit around and watch the carnage unfold with you'd be a hoot to watch a MOAB go off on video in Gaza.......then I could stand up and flip the bird in your face while Im laughing my balls off. Fucking fairy.......:gay::gay::gay::coffee:
Still stuck on stud, Stupid?
How did that peace through strength turn out in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq?
Grow some and stop thinking "they" want to steal your wheels and women.
They have some TASTE

Don't worry s0n.......the IDF wont have their hands tied to their balls like they did in the conflicts you referenced. It will be quite decisive......and a Jonestown for the assholes shooting missiles into Israel.
So the US didn't maim, murder, incarcerate, rape, and displace enough Koreans, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Laotians, Afghanis, and Libyans, and Syrians for your taste?
How much additional misery would you have inflicted?
BDS will cut off the IDF's balls in Gaza (if they have any):badgrin:
So Hamas sending some primitive rockets to Israel and the "smartest" response the Israeli gov can come up with is sending tons of "smart" bombs, eradicating some Arabs?

This war will never end, because it is profitable for both sides, meaning Israeli gun makers and Palestinian hate mongers...
Don't forget US arms makers and oil suppliers.
Mass killing won't end until it's taxed into extinction.
"Proportional use of force" is, of course, in the eye of the beholder and the Gazans will be beholden it for the foreseeable future. Please explain Israel's duty to defend themselves according to your rules.

Well most would see a 53+ body count for 3 deaths as retaliation and not self-defense.

And like a typically pompous jackass you believe you speak for most. What has happened - and is about to happen in Gaza - is in response to far more than the kidnapping and murder of 3 Israeli teens. Hang on to your hat ... you'll have much more to whine about every day for the foreseeable future.
Tell us how many Jew homes have been bulldozed by Palestinians?
How many Jew settlements subjected to collective punishment by Arab war planes?
How many Jew teens burned alive or currently rotting in Arab jails?
Who has Right of Return and who doesn't?
'Jew get my drift?
So Hamas sending some primitive rockets to Israel and the "smartest" response the Israeli gov can come up with is sending tons of "smart" bombs, eradicating some Arabs?

This war will never end, because it is profitable for both sides, meaning Israeli gun makers and Palestinian hate mongers...
Don't forget US arms makers and oil suppliers.
Mass killing won't end until it's taxed into extinction.

Which is fine, actually I wouldn't care less for any mass killings, when both sides are pretty happy with the results.

Looks like to me, Israelis are very comfortable big gun suppliers making big bucks in the expense of their long time security, and the Palestinians look pretty happy with the fact that they will end up as martyrs and have their 72 virgins for the rest of the eternity, firing those stupid rockets.

The part I don't get, why the fuck the whole world give a crap about their business. Why do I have to see this bs on my news source first page for the last i don't remember how many years.

They are happily ever after, not?

I wouldn't imagine otherwise, because that would mean they are all being idiots doing the same thing over and over again, seeing the result upsetting them. The stupidity level of this would be beyond. Let alone Israelis and Palestinians, I don't think any human being would be on that scale.... hmmm....
...the IDF wont have their hands tied to their balls like they did in the conflicts you referenced. It will be quite decisive......and a Jonestown for the assholes shooting missiles into Israel.
A couple of days ago, I wrote that I sensed a change in the air, in this context.

Yes, I think you've nailed it.

With Obumble at the helm, and Swiftboat Johnny as his second, it seems likely that this time will be different... no holds barred... to the hilt... no prisoners.

Hey... we can run a Football Pool on how many Hamas corpses they'll pile-up per day.

To make things interesting, we can divide the thing up into Quarters, just like football, and have an End-of-1st-Quarter payout, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, and an Overall Game payout, complete with point-spread.

Heckuva game...

They've even got their own cheerleaders nowadays...


I wonder if Israeli beer is any good?
Not as good as their napalm.
Ask Liberty survivors if confused.
Israel targets hospital (again).

...the European hospital east of Khan Younis in Southern Gaza... was directly targeted. The hospital wall was damaged at 1 am due to the strong shelling. Then shelling continued with approximately 30 airstrikes.

When civilians took refuge at the hospital, they targeted it again.

The roof of the intensive care unit was damaged and the windows were blown out. Now at around 3 am, six patients inside the intensive care unit and 20 children inside the pediatric ward have had to be evacuated.

At the hospital, two injuries were reported, including one nurse.

Human rights violations against health centers and workers have always been the case when Israel invades.
This is a war crime and there is no reason for the Israeli's to do this, other than just being mean. It takes a really sick person, to target a hospital.
Zionism has done much worse:

"Without sirens, shelters, or Iron Dome systems, and with blackouts roughly every eight hours, each of the 1.7 million Gaza residents feel as if they are a human target for IDF bombs and rockets.

"No home or street is safe, and there’s no knowing where the next strike will hit. Most Gaza residents were unable to sleep overnight Tuesday due to the frequent attacks.

"During the day, traffic is light, and people leave their homes only for urgent business – not even for the Iftar meal which breaks the daily Ramadan fast. Universities cancelled classes on Wednesday and Thursday.

"Hardest of all is dealing with children's fears, as it is impossible to hide from them the images of destroyed homes and dead children, buried under the ruins.

Bibi was pinned in a corner to negotiate with a united Hamas/Fatah alliance, and this is how the kosher kraut fixed that little problem.

The world should turn on Israel with a vengence.

Some day it will
This "Operation" is showing the world that the Palestinian's, are not the savages. The Israeli's are.

The 'Operation' is showing the world that the Israelis know how to deal with the Palestinian savages.

While the rest of the world cooks-up some popcorn, and settles back to enjoy the show.
Don't forget the kosher cum with your popcorn.
If the Palestinians want the bombing to stop, they will have to stop the rocket attacks. If the pals can't figure this out by now there is no hope for them.
This "Operation" is showing the world that the Palestinian's, are not the savages. The Israeli's are.

The 'Operation' is showing the world that the Israelis know how to deal with the Palestinian savages.

While the rest of the world cooks-up some popcorn, and settles back to enjoy the show.
Don't forget the kosher cum with your popcorn.
Don't try to be clever, George... you always end-up getting the worst of it, when you try.

Learn from your mistakes (whooops... what am I saying, to someone afflicted with 'Palestinian mentality')!!!???

Stick to amusing your colleagues by parotting the Palestinian Party Propaganda du jour... it's your best side, and why you're here.
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...the IDF wont have their hands tied to their balls like they did in the conflicts you referenced. It will be quite decisive......and a Jonestown for the assholes shooting missiles into Israel.
A couple of days ago, I wrote that I sensed a change in the air, in this context.

Yes, I think you've nailed it.

With Obumble at the helm, and Swiftboat Johnny as his second, it seems likely that this time will be different... no holds barred... to the hilt... no prisoners.

Hey... we can run a Football Pool on how many Hamas corpses they'll pile-up per day.

To make things interesting, we can divide the thing up into Quarters, just like football, and have an End-of-1st-Quarter payout, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, and an Overall Game payout, complete with point-spread.

Heckuva game...

They've even got their own cheerleaders nowadays...


I wonder if Israeli beer is any good?
Not as good as their napalm. Ask Liberty survivors if confused.
You mean that controversial 'mistake' that occurred 47 years ago, which did very little to damage US-Israeli relations at the time, and which did absolutely nothing to damage long-term relations between the US and Israel?

Why? Is it relevant here?

And, of course, none of that imedes Americans from sitting back and enjoying dinner and a show, while the Israelis slaughter Hamas scumbags.

It's game-time... bring-on the fireworks... and the cheerleaders....
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If the Palestinians want the bombing to stop, they will have to stop the rocket attacks. If the pals can't figure this out by now there is no hope for them.

It is funny how the same logic goes for the other side :)

If you don't want the rockets, stop showering them with your bombs...

We shall see if any side will be any smarter in the future.

The 'Operation' is showing the world that the Israelis know how to deal with the Palestinian savages.

While the rest of the world cooks-up some popcorn, and settles back to enjoy the show.
Don't forget the kosher cum with your popcorn.
Don't try to be clever, George... you always end-up getting the worst of it, when you try.

Learn from your mistakes (whooops... what am I saying, to someone afflicted with 'Palestinian mentality')!!!???

Stick to amusing your colleagues by parotting the Palestinian Party Propaganda du jour... it's your best side, and why you're here.
Why are you here?
Comic relief?
That's all you've shown so far.
So Hamas sending some primitive rockets to Israel and the "smartest" response the Israeli gov can come up with is sending tons of "smart" bombs, eradicating some Arabs?

This war will never end, because it is profitable for both sides, meaning Israeli gun makers and Palestinian hate mongers...

Lets hear your solution. Do you expect them to down grade their weapons to make it fair?
So Hamas sending some primitive rockets to Israel and the "smartest" response the Israeli gov can come up with is sending tons of "smart" bombs, eradicating some Arabs?

This war will never end, because it is profitable for both sides, meaning Israeli gun makers and Palestinian hate mongers...

Lets hear your solution. Do you expect them to down grade their weapons to make it fair?

A good start would be recognizing a Palestinian state and get Zionist squatters off their land.
A couple of days ago, I wrote that I sensed a change in the air, in this context.

Yes, I think you've nailed it.

With Obumble at the helm, and Swiftboat Johnny as his second, it seems likely that this time will be different... no holds barred... to the hilt... no prisoners.

Hey... we can run a Football Pool on how many Hamas corpses they'll pile-up per day.

To make things interesting, we can divide the thing up into Quarters, just like football, and have an End-of-1st-Quarter payout, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, and an Overall Game payout, complete with point-spread.

Heckuva game...

They've even got their own cheerleaders nowadays...


I wonder if Israeli beer is any good?
Not as good as their napalm. Ask Liberty survivors if confused.
You mean that controversial 'mistake' that occurred 47 years ago, which did very little to damage US-Israeli relations at the time, and which did absolutely nothing to damage long-term relations between the US and Israel?

Why? Is it relevant here?

And, of course, none of that imedes Americans from sitting back and enjoying dinner and a show, while the Israelis slaughter Hamas scumbags.

It's game-time... bring-on the fireworks... and the cheerleaders....

How come the left brings up the Liberty, but never the Cole? The Cole was intentional. The Liberty was not. A person has to be really pro islam to support the bombing of the Cole.

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