Israel Launches Operation Protective Edge on Gaza

"Proportional use of force" is, of course, in the eye of the beholder and the Gazans will be beholden it for the foreseeable future. Please explain Israel's duty to defend themselves according to your rules. :lol:

Well most would see a 53+ body count for 3 deaths as retaliation and not self-defense.

Please explain in detail how these 3 would be selected, investigated and perhaps exonerated.
It is difficult to ask all but three Hamas soldiers to leave a building before destroying it with a missile.
Any other illogical comments?
"Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) told Walla! that 'after last night and this morning things are clear - we must give the IDF the order to crush the snake's head. The IDF knows very well how to do it.'

Sounds like Bibi's a goner.

"Over 40 rockets reportedly were fired by Gaza terrorists at Israeli population centers on Wednesday morning as of 10 a.m. At least five rockets were shot down over Tel Aviv by the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system. 'Hamas's leadership also has responsibility and shouldn't be given a free pass, it must know that we will act against it by all means. We must eliminate the Hamas leaders. There's no national leadership there - there's terror leadership,' stated Katz."

Of course, Katz knows Israel started this when they arrested hundreds of innocent Palestinians after killing three Israeli teens.

Once again, Israel never misses a chance to miss a chance at peace in Palestine.

Apparently war pays bigger dividends.

Operation Protective Edge Minister Demands Israel Liquidate Hamas Leadership - Latest News Briefs - Arutz Sheva

Rockets rain down on Isreal, yet Israel must make peace; peace through strength, only. Hamas is a terrorst organization, and do not claim to be anything else.
Rockets rain down on Israel because Jews continue stealing the land and water of Arabs and murdering Arab children. Jew and Arab lived in relative peace for centuries between the River and the sea before Zionists used an Iron Wall of English bayonets to inflict a Jewish state in Palestine. Israel and the US engage in levels of terrorism Hamas and IS can only dream about, and most people in the Middle East are already aware of that.

Dang s0n you are one limpwristed hating fairy!!

Peace through strength is always the way need some history lessons. It will restore the peace here too........100% certainty. Watch over the next several days......the rockets will stop flying into Israel. Crushing power stops the BS.....that's always the way its restores the peace. Wish I could sit around and watch the carnage unfold with you'd be a hoot to watch a MOAB go off on video in Gaza.......then I could stand up and flip the bird in your face while Im laughing my balls off. Fucking fairy.......:gay::gay::gay::coffee:
Where is John Kerry? The Secretary of State is supposed offer leadership in situations like this. Where is the president? Off campaigning again?

"Proportional use of force" is, of course, in the eye of the beholder and the Gazans will be beholden it for the foreseeable future. Please explain Israel's duty to defend themselves according to your rules. :lol:

Well most would see a 53+ body count for 3 deaths as retaliation and not self-defense.

Nah....only the PC whores see it that way. Nobody is rooting for the subhumans. Its hammer time for the IDF........they'll restore the peace!!!! Zero % doubt!!:D:D:2up:
Rockets rain down on Isreal, yet Israel must make peace; peace through strength, only. Hamas is a terrorst organization, and do not claim to be anything else.
Rockets rain down on Israel because Jews continue stealing the land and water of Arabs and murdering Arab children. Jew and Arab lived in relative peace for centuries between the River and the sea before Zionists used an Iron Wall of English bayonets to inflict a Jewish state in Palestine. Israel and the US engage in levels of terrorism Hamas and IS can only dream about, and most people in the Middle East are already aware of that.

Dang s0n you are one limpwristed hating fairy!!

Peace through strength is always the way need some history lessons. It will restore the peace here too........100% certainty. Watch over the next several days......the rockets will stop flying into Israel. Crushing power stops the BS.....that's always the way its restores the peace. Wish I could sit around and watch the carnage unfold with you'd be a hoot to watch a MOAB go off on video in Gaza.......then I could stand up and flip the bird in your face while Im laughing my balls off. Fucking fairy.......:gay::gay::gay::coffee:
Still stuck on stud, Stupid?
How did that peace through strength turn out in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq?
Grow some and stop thinking "they" want to steal your wheels and women.
They have some TASTE
Where is John Kerry? The Secretary of State is supposed offer leadership in situations like this. Where is the president? Off campaigning again?

Even Dems are now starting to say WTF?? Nobody is giving a shit about really is fascinating on some level. We are in totally unchartered territory.......complete neglect of duty. The world is burning and these guys are out drinking beers at bars and flipping the bird at everyone.:D
Rockets rain down on Israel because Jews continue stealing the land and water of Arabs and murdering Arab children. Jew and Arab lived in relative peace for centuries between the River and the sea before Zionists used an Iron Wall of English bayonets to inflict a Jewish state in Palestine. Israel and the US engage in levels of terrorism Hamas and IS can only dream about, and most people in the Middle East are already aware of that.

Dang s0n you are one limpwristed hating fairy!!

Peace through strength is always the way need some history lessons. It will restore the peace here too........100% certainty. Watch over the next several days......the rockets will stop flying into Israel. Crushing power stops the BS.....that's always the way its restores the peace. Wish I could sit around and watch the carnage unfold with you'd be a hoot to watch a MOAB go off on video in Gaza.......then I could stand up and flip the bird in your face while Im laughing my balls off. Fucking fairy.......:gay::gay::gay::coffee:
Still stuck on stud, Stupid?
How did that peace through strength turn out in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq?
Grow some and stop thinking "they" want to steal your wheels and women.
They have some TASTE

Don't worry s0n.......the IDF wont have their hands tied to their balls like they did in the conflicts you referenced. It will be quite decisive......and a Jonestown for the assholes shooting missiles into Israel.
"Proportional use of force" is, of course, in the eye of the beholder and the Gazans will be beholden it for the foreseeable future. Please explain Israel's duty to defend themselves according to your rules. :lol:

Well most would see a 53+ body count for 3 deaths as retaliation and not self-defense.

Please explain in detail how these 3 would be selected, investigated and perhaps exonerated.
It is difficult to ask all but three Hamas soldiers to leave a building before destroying it with a missile.
Any other illogical comments?

The three deaths were the three Israeli killed in the news. No sympathy for the 53+ mostly civilian collateral damage from Israel's offensive. I'm glad you misinterpreted my post and showed your true colors thinking the killing of half a hundred civilians is ok if 3 Hamas operatives are killed along with them. Really shows your regard for non-Israeli life in Palestine.

"Proportional use of force" is, of course, in the eye of the beholder and the Gazans will be beholden it for the foreseeable future. Please explain Israel's duty to defend themselves according to your rules.

Well most would see a 53+ body count for 3 deaths as retaliation and not self-defense.

And like a typically pompous jackass you believe you speak for most. What has happened - and is about to happen in Gaza - is in response to far more than the kidnapping and murder of 3 Israeli teens. Hang on to your hat ... you'll have much more to whine about every day for the foreseeable future.
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...the IDF wont have their hands tied to their balls like they did in the conflicts you referenced. It will be quite decisive......and a Jonestown for the assholes shooting missiles into Israel.
A couple of days ago, I wrote that I sensed a change in the air, in this context.

Yes, I think you've nailed it.

With Obumble at the helm, and Swiftboat Johnny as his second, it seems likely that this time will be different... no holds barred... to the hilt... no prisoners.

Hey... we can run a Football Pool on how many Hamas corpses they'll pile-up per day.

To make things interesting, we can divide the thing up into Quarters, just like football, and have an End-of-1st-Quarter payout, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, and an Overall Game payout, complete with point-spread.

Heckuva game...

They've even got their own cheerleaders nowadays...


I wonder if Israeli beer is any good?
Israel targets hospital (again).

...the European hospital east of Khan Younis in Southern Gaza... was directly targeted. The hospital wall was damaged at 1 am due to the strong shelling. Then shelling continued with approximately 30 airstrikes.

When civilians took refuge at the hospital, they targeted it again.

The roof of the intensive care unit was damaged and the windows were blown out. Now at around 3 am, six patients inside the intensive care unit and 20 children inside the pediatric ward have had to be evacuated.

At the hospital, two injuries were reported, including one nurse.

Human rights violations against health centers and workers have always been the case when Israel invades.
This is a war crime and there is no reason for the Israeli's to do this, other than just being mean. It takes a really sick person, to target a hospital.
And like a typically pompous jackass you believe you speak for most. What has happened - and is about to happen in Gaza - is in response to far more than the kidnapping and murder of 3 Israeli teens. Hang on to your hat ... you'll have much more to whine about every day for the foreseeable future.
Then what is it in response to?
This "Operation" is showing the world that the Palestinian's, are not the savages. The Israeli's are.

The 'Operation' is showing the world that the Israelis know how to deal with the Palestinian savages.

While the rest of the world cooks-up some popcorn, and settles back to enjoy the show.
Israel is the worlds leading terrorist nation. They get what they want through treason, theft, murder, blackmail and extortion. They are the Earths socio-parasite. All fucking jews must fucking die!
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Israel is the worlds leading terrorist nation. They get what they want through trewason, theft, murder, blackmail and extortion. They are the Earths socio-parasite. All fucking jews must fucking die!
Written from downtown Tehran, no doubt, or the headquarters of the SS in Berlin, courtesy of some time-traveler or another.
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Israel is nothing but a gang of treasonous, traitorous, murdering, genocidal, land-stealing, pig fucking socio-parasites and they should all be killed by fire but only after Israel is nuked into a sea of radioactive glass.

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