Israel Launches Operation Protective Edge on Gaza

I hope Israel exterminate the vermin.
"The Israeli government persists in building settlements in occupied territories claimed by Palestinians for a future state, including east Jerusalem and the West Bank, 'despite all the pertinent United Nations resolutions declaring that the existence of the settlements is illegal and calling for their cessation,' the report said.

"The settlements are 'a mesh of construction and infrastructure leading to a creeping annexation that prevents the establishment of a contiguous and viable Palestinian State and undermines the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,' the report concludes.

"More than 500,000 Israelis already live in settlements that dot the West..."

UN report: Israel's 'creeping annexation' of territory is illegal -

Good. Drive out the hateful creatures.
Got a link?

"The Israeli moves against the Gaza Strip also come alongside an ongoing offensive in the West Bank. Since 12 June, the Israeli military has killed at least five Palestinians - Mustafa Hosini Aslan, Mahmoud Jihad Muhammad Dudeen, Ahmed Said Soud Khaled, Muhammad Ismail Atallah Tarifi, and Yousef Abu Zagha - and imprisoned over 830.

"During the same period, 17 Palestinians have been killed and over 50 injured in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian ministry of health said Tuesday.

“This time, it's not only an escalation in Gaza,” Harazeen said. “It comes with the raids in the West Bank and 1948-occupied Palestine. You could call it an offensive against all of Palestine. What’s happening in the West Bank is affecting the people in Gaza, and what happens in Gaza affects the West Bank.”

"Hamas has indicated its conditions for returning to a ceasefire include the terms of its previous agreements with Israel, including the 2012 truce and the release of Palestinians freed in the 2011 prisoner exchange Israel has recaptured.

“'This escalation will go further,' Harazeen said. 'I don't think people in either the Gaza Strip or the West Bank will remain calm and answer these Israeli attacks with silence.'”

Gaza reels from 'Operation Protective Edge' | Middle East Eye

Sounds like wishful thinking, GP. At the end of the day the most virulent Jihadists are busy in Iraq and Syria meaning Hamas and the PLO will have to go it alone. Abbas is too smart and has too much invested to allow a loose cannon like Hamas to wreak it all. Look for Gaza and Hamas to be isolated and decimated. Sorry. Oh wait ... no, I'm not. :D
"Chaim Weizmann, who was born in Motal near Pinsk in Belarus, (1874-1952) and who was to become Israel’s first president, once said: '…there is a country which happens to be called Palestine, a country without a people…and there exists the Jewish people and it has no country. What is left is to fit the gem into the ring…'

"The Zionist leadership did not actually mean that there were no people in Palestine.

"They meant that there were no people in Palestine worth considering as a people.

"The Zionists truly believed that the Land of Israel belonged exclusively to the Jewish people.

"Theodor Herzl wrote in June 1895: 'We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border…and both the process of expropriation and removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly...'

"Israel Zangwill followed by saying that 'if we wish to give a country to a people without a country, it is utter foolishness to allow it to be the country of two peoples…'”.

Do you believe the Land of Israel belongs exclusively to Jews?

The Zionist Project - 1948

Why do you continually ask the same question? The answer is always the same: I believe Israel belongs exclusively to the ISRAELIS and to return to the topic, at the end of the day the most virulent Jihadists are busy in Iraq and Syria meaning Hamas and the PLO will have to go it alone. Abbas is too smart and has too much invested to allow a loose cannon like Hamas to wreak it all. Look for Gaza and Hamas to be isolated and decimated.
Oh wait ... no, I'm not. :D
I hope we get to see some good vids of the IDF blowing shit up. I'll be laughing my ass off. Hearing some new weapons systems will be deployed by the IDF too......awesome......maybe some MOAB's to be used in Gaza too!! sIcK!!!

With any luck, these subhuman people in Gaza and southern Lebanon can move up from the 15th century.......perhaps the moderates can FINALLY grow some balls and confront that radicals!! Until then, they will continue to get their balls kicked in.........hard.
Sounds like wishful thinking, GP. At the end of the day the most virulent Jihadists are busy in Iraq and Syria meaning Hamas and the PLO will have to go it alone. Abbas is too smart and has too much invested to allow a loose cannon like Hamas to wreak it all. Look for Gaza and Hamas to be isolated and decimated. Sorry. Oh wait ... no, I'm not. :D
"Chaim Weizmann, who was born in Motal near Pinsk in Belarus, (1874-1952) and who was to become Israel’s first president, once said: '…there is a country which happens to be called Palestine, a country without a people…and there exists the Jewish people and it has no country. What is left is to fit the gem into the ring…'

"The Zionist leadership did not actually mean that there were no people in Palestine.

"They meant that there were no people in Palestine worth considering as a people.

"The Zionists truly believed that the Land of Israel belonged exclusively to the Jewish people.

"Theodor Herzl wrote in June 1895: 'We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border…and both the process of expropriation and removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly...'

"Israel Zangwill followed by saying that 'if we wish to give a country to a people without a country, it is utter foolishness to allow it to be the country of two peoples…'”.

Do you believe the Land of Israel belongs exclusively to Jews?

The Zionist Project - 1948

Why do you continually ask the same question? The answer is always the same: I believe Israel belongs exclusively to the ISRAELIS and to return to the topic, at the end of the day the most virulent Jihadists are busy in Iraq and Syria meaning Hamas and the PLO will have to go it alone. Abbas is too smart and has too much invested to allow a loose cannon like Hamas to wreak it all. Look for Gaza and Hamas to be isolated and decimated.
Oh wait ... no, I'm not. :D
When you type ISRAELI you mean JEWS, right?
Since Jews went out of their way in 1948 to refuse to recognize an Israeli nationality preferring to create an ethnocracy where the state is defined as belonging to the Jewish nation, meaning not only the 5.6 million Jews in Israel and the Occupied Territories but also the 7 million around the globe, indigenous Palestinians can become Israeli citizens but not Israeli nationals. Does that sound like apartheid to 'jew?
Sounds like wishful thinking, GP. At the end of the day the most virulent Jihadists are busy in Iraq and Syria meaning Hamas and the PLO will have to go it alone. Abbas is too smart and has too much invested to allow a loose cannon like Hamas to wreak it all. Look for Gaza and Hamas to be isolated and decimated. Sorry. Oh wait ... no, I'm not. :D
"Chaim Weizmann, who was born in Motal near Pinsk in Belarus, (1874-1952) and who was to become Israel’s first president, once said: '…there is a country which happens to be called Palestine, a country without a people…and there exists the Jewish people and it has no country. What is left is to fit the gem into the ring…'

"The Zionist leadership did not actually mean that there were no people in Palestine.

"They meant that there were no people in Palestine worth considering as a people.

"The Zionists truly believed that the Land of Israel belonged exclusively to the Jewish people.

"Theodor Herzl wrote in June 1895: 'We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border…and both the process of expropriation and removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly...'

"Israel Zangwill followed by saying that 'if we wish to give a country to a people without a country, it is utter foolishness to allow it to be the country of two peoples…'”.

Do you believe the Land of Israel belongs exclusively to Jews?

The Zionist Project - 1948

Why do you continually ask the same question? The answer is always the same: I believe Israel belongs exclusively to the ISRAELIS and to return to the topic, at the end of the day the most virulent Jihadists are busy in Iraq and Syria meaning Hamas and the PLO will have to go it alone. Abbas is too smart and has too much invested to allow a loose cannon like Hamas to wreak it all. Look for Gaza and Hamas to be isolated and decimated.
Oh wait ... no, I'm not. :D

"Chaim Weizmann, who was born in Motal near Pinsk in Belarus, (1874-1952) and who was to become Israel’s first president, once said: '…there is a country which happens to be called Palestine, a country without a people…and there exists the Jewish people and it has no country. What is left is to fit the gem into the ring…'

"The Zionist leadership did not actually mean that there were no people in Palestine.

"They meant that there were no people in Palestine worth considering as a people.

"The Zionists truly believed that the Land of Israel belonged exclusively to the Jewish people.

"Theodor Herzl wrote in June 1895: 'We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border…and both the process of expropriation and removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly...'

"Israel Zangwill followed by saying that 'if we wish to give a country to a people without a country, it is utter foolishness to allow it to be the country of two peoples…'”.

Do you believe the Land of Israel belongs exclusively to Jews?

The Zionist Project - 1948

Why do you continually ask the same question? The answer is always the same: I believe Israel belongs exclusively to the ISRAELIS and to return to the topic, at the end of the day the most virulent Jihadists are busy in Iraq and Syria meaning Hamas and the PLO will have to go it alone. Abbas is too smart and has too much invested to allow a loose cannon like Hamas to wreak it all. Look for Gaza and Hamas to be isolated and decimated.
Oh wait ... no, I'm not. :D
When you type ISRAELI you mean JEWS, right?
Since Jews went out of their way in 1948 to refuse to recognize an Israeli nationality preferring to create an ethnocracy where the state is defined as belonging to the Jewish nation, meaning not only the 5.6 million Jews in Israel and the Occupied Territories but also the 7 million around the globe, indigenous Palestinians can become Israeli citizens but not Israeli nationals. Does that sound like apartheid to 'jew?

Israel predates the Palestininians, and other Arab countries control lands once claimed to be Palestine. Only Israel is asked to cede land, the PLO was started by Nassar & Arafat, both Egyptian. What country holds most of the land in the scetch below, it isn't Israel:
I hope Israel exterminate the vermin.
"The Israeli government persists in building settlements in occupied territories claimed by Palestinians for a future state, including east Jerusalem and the West Bank, 'despite all the pertinent United Nations resolutions declaring that the existence of the settlements is illegal and calling for their cessation,' the report said.

"The settlements are 'a mesh of construction and infrastructure leading to a creeping annexation that prevents the establishment of a contiguous and viable Palestinian State and undermines the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,' the report concludes.

"More than 500,000 Israelis already live in settlements that dot the West..."

UN report: Israel's 'creeping annexation' of territory is illegal -

Good. Drive out the hateful creatures.
"Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) told Walla! that 'after last night and this morning things are clear - we must give the IDF the order to crush the snake's head. The IDF knows very well how to do it.'

Sounds like Bibi's a goner.

"Over 40 rockets reportedly were fired by Gaza terrorists at Israeli population centers on Wednesday morning as of 10 a.m. At least five rockets were shot down over Tel Aviv by the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system. 'Hamas's leadership also has responsibility and shouldn't be given a free pass, it must know that we will act against it by all means. We must eliminate the Hamas leaders. There's no national leadership there - there's terror leadership,' stated Katz."

Of course, Katz knows Israel started this when they arrested hundreds of innocent Palestinians after killing three Israeli teens.

Once again, Israel never misses a chance to miss a chance at peace in Palestine.

Apparently war pays bigger dividends even if it requires dead teens on both sides.

Operation Protective Edge Minister Demands Israel Liquidate Hamas Leadership - Latest News Briefs - Arutz Sheva
Last edited:
"The Israeli government persists in building settlements in occupied territories claimed by Palestinians for a future state, including east Jerusalem and the West Bank, 'despite all the pertinent United Nations resolutions declaring that the existence of the settlements is illegal and calling for their cessation,' the report said.

"The settlements are 'a mesh of construction and infrastructure leading to a creeping annexation that prevents the establishment of a contiguous and viable Palestinian State and undermines the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,' the report concludes.

"More than 500,000 Israelis already live in settlements that dot the West..."

UN report: Israel's 'creeping annexation' of territory is illegal -

Good. Drive out the hateful creatures.
"Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) told Walla! that 'after last night and this morning things are clear - we must give the IDF the order to crush the snake's head. The IDF knows very well how to do it.'

Sounds like Bibi's a goner.

"Over 40 rockets reportedly were fired by Gaza terrorists at Israeli population centers on Wednesday morning as of 10 a.m. At least five rockets were shot down over Tel Aviv by the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system. 'Hamas's leadership also has responsibility and shouldn't be given a free pass, it must know that we will act against it by all means. We must eliminate the Hamas leaders. There's no national leadership there - there's terror leadership,' stated Katz."

Of course, Katz knows Israel started this when they arrested hundreds of innocent Palestinians after killing three Israeli teens.

Once again, Israel never misses a chance to miss a chance at peace in Palestine.

Apparently war pays bigger dividends.

Operation Protective Edge Minister Demands Israel Liquidate Hamas Leadership - Latest News Briefs - Arutz Sheva

Rockets rain down on Isreal, yet Israel must make peace; peace through strength, only. Hamas is a terrorst organization, and do not claim to be anything else.
Good. Drive out the hateful creatures.
"Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) told Walla! that 'after last night and this morning things are clear - we must give the IDF the order to crush the snake's head. The IDF knows very well how to do it.'

Sounds like Bibi's a goner.

"Over 40 rockets reportedly were fired by Gaza terrorists at Israeli population centers on Wednesday morning as of 10 a.m. At least five rockets were shot down over Tel Aviv by the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system. 'Hamas's leadership also has responsibility and shouldn't be given a free pass, it must know that we will act against it by all means. We must eliminate the Hamas leaders. There's no national leadership there - there's terror leadership,' stated Katz."

Of course, Katz knows Israel started this when they arrested hundreds of innocent Palestinians after killing three Israeli teens.

Once again, Israel never misses a chance to miss a chance at peace in Palestine.

Apparently war pays bigger dividends.

Operation Protective Edge Minister Demands Israel Liquidate Hamas Leadership - Latest News Briefs - Arutz Sheva

Rockets rain down on Isreal, yet Israel must make peace; peace through strength, only. Hamas is a terrorst organization, and do not claim to be anything else.
Rockets rain down on Israel because Jews continue stealing the land and water of Arabs and murdering Arab children. Jew and Arab lived in relative peace for centuries between the River and the sea before Zionists used an Iron Wall of English bayonets to inflict a Jewish state in Palestine. Israel and the US engage in levels of terrorism Hamas and IS can only dream about, and most people in the Middle East are already aware of that.
Last edited:
"Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) told Walla! that 'after last night and this morning things are clear - we must give the IDF the order to crush the snake's head. The IDF knows very well how to do it.'

Sounds like Bibi's a goner.

"Over 40 rockets reportedly were fired by Gaza terrorists at Israeli population centers on Wednesday morning as of 10 a.m. At least five rockets were shot down over Tel Aviv by the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system. 'Hamas's leadership also has responsibility and shouldn't be given a free pass, it must know that we will act against it by all means. We must eliminate the Hamas leaders. There's no national leadership there - there's terror leadership,' stated Katz."

Of course, Katz knows Israel started this when they arrested hundreds of innocent Palestinians after killing three Israeli teens.

Once again, Israel never misses a chance to miss a chance at peace in Palestine.

Apparently war pays bigger dividends.

Operation Protective Edge Minister Demands Israel Liquidate Hamas Leadership - Latest News Briefs - Arutz Sheva

Rockets rain down on Isreal, yet Israel must make peace; peace through strength, only. Hamas is a terrorst organization, and do not claim to be anything else.
Rockets rain down on Israel because Jews continue stealing the land and water of Arabs and murdering Arab children? Jew and Arab lived in relative peace for centuries before Zionists used an Iron Wall of English bayonets to inflict a Jewish state in Palestine. Israel and the US engage in levels of terrorism Hamas and IS can only dream about, and most people in the Middle East are already aware of that.

no, jew-hater, rockets rain down on israel because hamas and friends are terrorists.
Rockets rain down on Isreal, yet Israel must make peace; peace through strength, only. Hamas is a terrorst organization, and do not claim to be anything else.
Rockets rain down on Israel because Jews continue stealing the land and water of Arabs and murdering Arab children? Jew and Arab lived in relative peace for centuries before Zionists used an Iron Wall of English bayonets to inflict a Jewish state in Palestine. Israel and the US engage in levels of terrorism Hamas and IS can only dream about, and most people in the Middle East are already aware of that.

no, jew-hater, rockets rain down on israel because hamas and friends are terrorists.

Agreed, and once again, Israel predates the Muslim faith; how the "Zionists" forced the British to divide the region remains an unanswered question. Not a word about British imperialism, always anti-Semitic claptrap.
Rockets rain down on Israel because Jews continue stealing the land and water of Arabs and murdering Arab children? Jew and Arab lived in relative peace for centuries before Zionists used an Iron Wall of English bayonets to inflict a Jewish state in Palestine. Israel and the US engage in levels of terrorism Hamas and IS can only dream about, and most people in the Middle East are already aware of that.

no, jew-hater, rockets rain down on israel because hamas and friends are terrorists.

Agreed, and once again, Israel predates the Muslim faith; how the "Zionists" forced the British to divide the region remains an unanswered question. Not a word about British imperialism, always anti-Semitic claptrap.
British Imperialism:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Did you notice that part about nothing prejudicing the civil rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine?

Hamas did.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hey GeorgieGirl,
Where ever Islam goes, murder follows.
Get it?
Of course not!

Gee, I wonder how the Palestinians got such a nasty, dishonorable reputation?

Hmmmmm... 'cause they earned it?
"Chaim Weizmann, who was born in Motal near Pinsk in Belarus, (1874-1952) and who was to become Israel’s first president, once said: '…there is a country which happens to be called Palestine, a country without a people…and there exists the Jewish people and it has no country. What is left is to fit the gem into the ring…'

"The Zionist leadership did not actually mean that there were no people in Palestine.

"They meant that there were no people in Palestine worth considering as a people.

"The Zionists truly believed that the Land of Israel belonged exclusively to the Jewish people.

"Theodor Herzl wrote in June 1895: 'We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border…and both the process of expropriation and removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly...'

"Israel Zangwill followed by saying that 'if we wish to give a country to a people without a country, it is utter foolishness to allow it to be the country of two peoples…'”.

Do you believe the Land of Israel belongs exclusively to Jews?

The Zionist Project - 1948

Why do you continually ask the same question? The answer is always the same: I believe Israel belongs exclusively to the ISRAELIS and to return to the topic, at the end of the day the most virulent Jihadists are busy in Iraq and Syria meaning Hamas and the PLO will have to go it alone. Abbas is too smart and has too much invested to allow a loose cannon like Hamas to wreak it all. Look for Gaza and Hamas to be isolated and decimated.
Oh wait ... no, I'm not. :D
When you type ISRAELI you mean JEWS, right? Does that sound like apartheid to 'jew?

No Georgie ... when I say Israel belongs to the Israelis I mean exactly that and once again you feebly attempt to slide off topic. To wit:
At the end of the day the most virulent Jihadists are busy in Iraq and Syria meaning Hamas and the PLO will have to go it alone. Abbas is too smart and has too much invested to allow a loose cannon like Hamas to wreak it all. Look for Gaza and Hamas to be isolated and decimated.
Oh wait ... no, I'm not. :D
"The Israeli government persists in building settlements in occupied territories claimed by Palestinians for a future state, including east Jerusalem and the West Bank, 'despite all the pertinent United Nations resolutions declaring that the existence of the settlements is illegal and calling for their cessation,' the report said.

"The settlements are 'a mesh of construction and infrastructure leading to a creeping annexation that prevents the establishment of a contiguous and viable Palestinian State and undermines the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,' the report concludes.

"More than 500,000 Israelis already live in settlements that dot the West..."

UN report: Israel's 'creeping annexation' of territory is illegal -

Good. Drive out the hateful creatures.
"Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) told Walla! that 'after last night and this morning things are clear - we must give the IDF the order to crush the snake's head. The IDF knows very well how to do it.'

Sounds like Bibi's a goner.

"Over 40 rockets reportedly were fired by Gaza terrorists at Israeli population centers on Wednesday morning as of 10 a.m. At least five rockets were shot down over Tel Aviv by the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system. 'Hamas's leadership also has responsibility and shouldn't be given a free pass, it must know that we will act against it by all means. We must eliminate the Hamas leaders. There's no national leadership there - there's terror leadership,' stated Katz."

Of course, Katz knows Israel started this when they arrested hundreds of innocent Palestinians after killing three Israeli teens...

What??? Israel killed three Israeli teens? Got a link for that? :lol:
no, jew-hater, rockets rain down on israel because hamas and friends are terrorists.

Agreed, and once again, Israel predates the Muslim faith; how the "Zionists" forced the British to divide the region remains an unanswered question. Not a word about British imperialism, always anti-Semitic claptrap.
British Imperialism:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Did you notice that part about nothing prejudicing the civil rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine?

Hamas did.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You avoided the point, GP. Please explain how the Zionists forced the Brits to divide the region.

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