Israel Launches Operation Protective Edge on Gaza

Israel is the worlds leading terrorist nation. They get what they want through trewason, theft, murder, blackmail and extortion. They are the Earths socio-parasite. All fucking jews must fucking die!
Written from downtown Tehran, no doubt.

What? Asshole ****-lovers like you don't remember 9/11 or The Lavon Affair or the cowardly attack on the USS Liberty.
We owe those cocksuckers NOTHING!
Israel is nothing but a gang of treasonous, traitorous, murdering, genocidal, land-stealing, pig fucking socio-parasites and they should all be killed by fire but only after Israel is nuked into a sea of radioactive glass.
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, indeed.

Now, please report back to the nurse's desk on your floor...

Nurse Rached has morning num-nums aaalllllllll ready for you...


The 'Operation' is showing the world that the Israelis know how to deal with the Palestinian savages.
Like committing war crimes by bombing hospitals and targeting innocent women and children.

My, my, my... as bad as all that?

I don't think you like the IDF response to Hamas positioning fire-bases and troop-billets inside of hospitals where they hide behind the skirts of innocent women and children like the pussies they are.

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I don't think you like the IDF response to Hamas positioning fire-bases and troop-billets inside of hospitals where they hide behind the skirts of innocent women and children like the pussies they are.

My, my, my... as bad as all that?
That's just your make believe world, it wasn't the case in this bombing.

I don't think you like the IDF response to Hamas positioning fire-bases and troop-billets inside of hospitals where they hide behind the skirts of innocent women and children like the pussies they are.

My, my, my... as bad as all that?
That's just your make believe world, it wasn't the case in this bombing.
Which bombing is that?

Something that's occurred in the past couple of days, as part of the latest operation?
Which bombing is that?

Something that's occurred in the past couple of days, as part of the latest operation?
If you didn't read my post or go to the link I provided, then why are you responding to it?

Missed it...

And here I thought you were whining about some previous incident, as you so oftentimes do...

My bad...



Now, as to the incident in question...

An op-ed blogging piece...

Picked up by 'Common Dreams', one of the sleaziest, slimiest, most biased hyper-Progressive rags on the Internet?

Written by a female Palestinian physician?

Yeah, now there's objectivity for ya!

And all of that happy horseshit about 'deliberate targeting' of that hospital...

A number of rooftop devices were damaged...

A couple of walls were damaged...

A number of windows were blown out...

Attributable to the proximity of other sites (and war-assets) that were deliberately positioned nearby, and therefore deliberately targeted...

Not to mention the fact that a number of civilian collateral casualties were brought to the morgue at that same hospital afterwards, indicating that the hospital is still fully functional; not something one would expect after several episodes of 'deliberate targeting'...

Deliberate targeting, in this instance?


Unlike the mad-dog foolhardy Palestinians... the Israelis rarely miss what they're aiming at.

And that hospital was not taking direct hits... merely concussive and shrapnel damage from nearby explosions against legitimate targets nearby.

Or so a reasonable mind would conclude, until proven otherwise.

Your own sources and standards-of-evidence leave just a wee bit to be desired.

Nice try, though, junior.

Your admonition forced me to look deeper into the report you served-up and that I'd missed earlier.

That closer scrutiny was of great help in easily and quickly discrediting your report.

Thank you.
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Missed it...

And here I thought you were whining about some previous incident, as you so oftentimes do...

My bad...



Now, as to the incident in question...

An op-ed blogging piece...

Picked up by 'Common Dreams', one of the sleaziest, slimiest, most biased hyper-Progressive rags on the Internet?

Written by a female Palestinian physician?

Yeah, now there's objectivity for ya!

And all of that happy horseshit about 'deliberate targeting' of that hospital...

A number of rooftop devices were damaged...

A couple of walls were damaged...

A number of windows were blown out...

Attributable to the proximity of other sites (and war-assets) that were deliberately positioned nearby, and therefore deliberately targeted...

Not to mention the fact that a number of civilian collateral casualties were brought to the morgue at that same hospital afterwards, indicating that the hospital is still fully functional; not something one would expect after several episodes of 'deliberate targeting'...

Deliberate targeting, in this instance?


Unlike the mad-dog, foolish Palestinians... the Israelis rarely miss what they're aiming at.

And that hospital was not taking direct hits... merely concussive and shrapnel damage from nearby explosions against legitimate targets nearby.

Or so a reasonable mind would conclude, until proven otherwise.

Your own sources and standards-of-evidence leave just a wee bit to be desired.

Nice try, though, junior.
What do you mean, "nice try"?

You start off with ad hominems, which are not valid rebuttals and the rest is mere conjecture, hardly something that should be treated as proof.

Missed it...

And here I thought you were whining about some previous incident, as you so oftentimes do...

My bad...



Now, as to the incident in question...

An op-ed blogging piece...

Picked up by 'Common Dreams', one of the sleaziest, slimiest, most biased hyper-Progressive rags on the Internet?

Written by a female Palestinian physician?

Yeah, now there's objectivity for ya!

And all of that happy horseshit about 'deliberate targeting' of that hospital...

A number of rooftop devices were damaged...

A couple of walls were damaged...

A number of windows were blown out...

Attributable to the proximity of other sites (and war-assets) that were deliberately positioned nearby, and therefore deliberately targeted...

Not to mention the fact that a number of civilian collateral casualties were brought to the morgue at that same hospital afterwards, indicating that the hospital is still fully functional; not something one would expect after several episodes of 'deliberate targeting'...

Deliberate targeting, in this instance?


Unlike the mad-dog, foolish Palestinians... the Israelis rarely miss what they're aiming at.

And that hospital was not taking direct hits... merely concussive and shrapnel damage from nearby explosions against legitimate targets nearby.

Or so a reasonable mind would conclude, until proven otherwise.

Your own sources and standards-of-evidence leave just a wee bit to be desired.

Nice try, though, junior.
What do you mean, "nice try"?

You start off with ad hominems, which are not valid rebuttals and the rest is mere conjecture, hardly something that should be treated as proof.
Doesn't matter.

A Palestinian blogger, picked up by a sleazy Progressive rag.

Wake me up when the AP or Reuters or the BBC or CNN, or the UN, tells us the targeting was deliberate, rather than unintentional minor collateral damage.

Until then, we can safely bookmark your claim as 'unsubtantiated' through credible and objective sources, and archived for future review.

Like I said... nice try.

Anything else you need help with this morning?

All part of the friendly service.

No extra charge.
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Doesn't matter.

A Palestinian blogger, picked up by a sleazy Progressive rag.

Wake me up when the AP or Reuters or the BBC or CNN, or the UN, tells us the targeting was deliberate, rather than unintentional minor collateral damage.

Until then, we can safely bookmark your claim as 'unsubtantiated' through credible and objective sources, and archived for future review.

Like I said... nice try.

Anything else you need help with this morning?

All part of the friendly service.

No extra charge.
Sorry, junior. Your personal feelings towards a particular website, don't determine the truth or falsehood of a claim made at said website and again, ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.
Doesn't matter.

A Palestinian blogger, picked up by a sleazy Progressive rag.

Wake me up when the AP or Reuters or the BBC or CNN, or the UN, tells us the targeting was deliberate, rather than unintentional minor collateral damage.

Until then, we can safely bookmark your claim as 'unsubtantiated' through credible and objective sources, and archived for future review.

Like I said... nice try.

Anything else you need help with this morning?

All part of the friendly service.

No extra charge.
Sorry, junior. Your personal feelings towards a particular website, don't determine the truth or falsehood of a claim made at said website and again, ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.
Op-Ed pieces authored by biased sources are not prima facie evidence of intentionally directed fire.

The sleaze-factor attributable to a website is only the icing on the cake, not the cake itself.

This is not a difficult concept to grasp.

Epic Fail on your part, little one... again.
Op-Ed pieces authored by biased sources are not prima facie evidence of intentionally directed fire.

The sleaze-factor attributable to a website is only the icing on the cake, not the cake itself.

This is not a difficult concept to grasp.

Epic Fail on your part, little one... again.
An eyewitness inside a hospital getting bombed, is a pretty credible source.

Where's your evidence proving none of this happened?
Op-Ed pieces authored by biased sources are not prima facie evidence of intentionally directed fire.

The sleaze-factor attributable to a website is only the icing on the cake, not the cake itself.

This is not a difficult concept to grasp.

Epic Fail on your part, little one... again.

...Where's your evidence proving none of this happened?
Nobody is disputing the fact that the hospital suffered some damage.

What IS in dispute is your unsubstantiated claim that the IDF intentionally targeted the hospital and that they committed a war-crime by doing so,to wit...

...This is a war crime and there is no reason for the Israeli's to do this, other than just being mean. It takes a really sick person, to target a hospital...

There is no credible evidence to suggest that the minor damage incurred by the hospital (a roof antenna, some cracks in a few wall-areas, some shattered windows) was attributable to anything more than blast concussion, shrapnel and debris fallout, or even an errant shell here and there.

...An eyewitness inside a hospital getting bombed, is a pretty credible source...
1. how would someone inside a lightly damaged hospital building know that the munitions had been intentionally targeted against that building?

2. what makes you think your female Palestinian doctor-blogger was actually IN the hospital at the time, as you've claimed here?

Go back and read your own highly biased and subjective blogging-source again...

A View from Gaza: We Hug the Children as the Bombs Fall | Common Dreams

Hilariously, not even your own source supports your secondary claim here, about the blogger being inside the hospital as an eyewitness at the time...

Excerpts from your own blogging-source...


"...I do not know what is going on and I can hear successive bombing. I am thinking of all the people I know tonight, especially my colleagues at the hospital..."

"...I heard they bombed the area around the European hospital east of Khan Younis in Southern Gaza... Then the hospital was directly targeted..."

"...At 4:15 am, there were explosions very close to my apartment..."


Not exactly an eyewitness writing about her experiences INSIDE the hospital at the time of the incident, is it?

Your claim of intentional IDF targeting of a hospital and your related claim of the commission of a war-crime, are dismissed with extreme prejudice, due to...

1. lack of substantiation from an objective and credible source, and...

2. false representation of the supposed eyewitness-mode in which your subjective and incredible source was supposedly functioning...


You can always re-submit or appeal, later, if additional evidence comes to light which reliably substantiates your otherwise wild and highly partisan falsehoods illegitimately posing as legitimate claims.


An Epic Fail, in presenting a credible claim, followed immediately by a second Epic Fail, in defense of your claim...


"Tooooo easy, drill sergeant"...


"Thus, endeth the lesson"

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Gee, I wonder how the Palestinians got such a nasty, dishonorable reputation?

Hmmmmm... 'cause they earned it?
'Cause they object when greedy Jews burn their children alive, lockdown their cities, bulldoze the homes of family members of those suspected of crimes, steal their land and water while subjecting entire civilian populations to collective punishment that's been condemned by virtually all human rights organizations on the planet.

Why is it kosher squeals who are gullible enough to swallow every load the corporate press vomits forth about the "Chosen People" cry crocodile tears when Palestinians fight back?

Jew First?
Good. Drive out the hateful creatures.
"Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) told Walla! that 'after last night and this morning things are clear - we must give the IDF the order to crush the snake's head. The IDF knows very well how to do it.'

Sounds like Bibi's a goner.

"Over 40 rockets reportedly were fired by Gaza terrorists at Israeli population centers on Wednesday morning as of 10 a.m. At least five rockets were shot down over Tel Aviv by the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system. 'Hamas's leadership also has responsibility and shouldn't be given a free pass, it must know that we will act against it by all means. We must eliminate the Hamas leaders. There's no national leadership there - there's terror leadership,' stated Katz."

Of course, Katz knows Israel started this when they arrested hundreds of innocent Palestinians after killing three Israeli teens...

What??? Israel killed three Israeli teens? Got a link for that? :lol:

Why would you care?
If Israel was behind their murders, it would still rank low on Zionism's moral scorecard:D

"Proportional use of force" is, of course, in the eye of the beholder and the Gazans will be beholden it for the foreseeable future. Please explain Israel's duty to defend themselves according to your rules. :lol:
What about the Jewish state's duty to international law?
Oh right.
Jews are CHOSEN.
Their G-d gave them all of Palestine and they can incinerate as many living teens as they like.
Agreed, and once again, Israel predates the Muslim faith; how the "Zionists" forced the British to divide the region remains an unanswered question. Not a word about British imperialism, always anti-Semitic claptrap.
British Imperialism:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Did you notice that part about nothing prejudicing the civil rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine?

Hamas did.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You avoided the point, GP. Please explain how the Zionists forced the Brits to divide the region.
That was never my point, Golda.
Maybe you should limit your stupidity to Hebrew message boards:lol:

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