Israel Launches Operation Protective Edge on Gaza

So Hamas sending some primitive rockets to Israel and the "smartest" response the Israeli gov can come up with is sending tons of "smart" bombs, eradicating some Arabs?

This war will never end, because it is profitable for both sides, meaning Israeli gun makers and Palestinian hate mongers...

Lets hear your solution. Do you expect them to down grade their weapons to make it fair?

A good start would be recognizing a Palestinian state and get Zionist squatters off their land.

We both know thats not going to happen.
But I see you avoided the question.....
They either live in peace with Israel or die. Thats their choice.
So Hamas sending some primitive rockets to Israel and the "smartest" response the Israeli gov can come up with is sending tons of "smart" bombs, eradicating some Arabs?

This war will never end, because it is profitable for both sides, meaning Israeli gun makers and Palestinian hate mongers...

Lets hear your solution. Do you expect them to down grade their weapons to make it fair?

Well, the way it is going looks pretty fair to me. It is "hitting back" for both side.

If you can't see the problem here, there is no point to try to explain it to you.

People in Israel and Palestina, they can hit each other as many as they want, as long as they want, I wouldn't give a shit about that.

But at the end of the day, it is my fcking tax dollars being spent just because these people want to be stupid. It should be on their own expense.

I say, US drop a nuke right on top of all so the whole world can get over with it.

How did you like my solution?
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So Hamas sending some primitive rockets to Israel and the "smartest" response the Israeli gov can come up with is sending tons of "smart" bombs, eradicating some Arabs?

This war will never end, because it is profitable for both sides, meaning Israeli gun makers and Palestinian hate mongers...

Lets hear your solution. Do you expect them to down grade their weapons to make it fair?

Well, the way it is going looks pretty fair to me. It is "hitting back" for both side.

If you can't see the problem here, there is no point to try to explain it to you.

People in Israel and Palestina, they can hit each other as many as they want, as long as they want, I wouldn't give a shit about that.

But at the end of the day, it is my fcking tax dollars being spent just because these people want to be stupid. It should be on their own expense.

I say, US drop a nuke right on top of all so the whole world can get over with it.

How did you like my solution?

I say let Israel unleash the hounds. They can deal with the palestinians if they really want to.
Lets hear your solution. Do you expect them to down grade their weapons to make it fair?

Well, the way it is going looks pretty fair to me. It is "hitting back" for both side.

If you can't see the problem here, there is no point to try to explain it to you.

People in Israel and Palestina, they can hit each other as many as they want, as long as they want, I wouldn't give a shit about that.

But at the end of the day, it is my fcking tax dollars being spent just because these people want to be stupid. It should be on their own expense.

I say, US drop a nuke right on top of all so the whole world can get over with it.

How did you like my solution?

I say let Israel unleash the hounds. They can deal with the palestinians if they really want to.

If Einstein was alive, he would scream this to your face;

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results."

I don't want to live on a planet with insane people, especially if they cost me tax dollars.

I ask president Obama, drop the nuke, get rid of them all together. No hope no more...
A couple of days ago, I wrote that I sensed a change in the air, in this context.

Yes, I think you've nailed it.

With Obumble at the helm, and Swiftboat Johnny as his second, it seems likely that this time will be different... no holds barred... to the hilt... no prisoners.

Hey... we can run a Football Pool on how many Hamas corpses they'll pile-up per day.

To make things interesting, we can divide the thing up into Quarters, just like football, and have an End-of-1st-Quarter payout, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, and an Overall Game payout, complete with point-spread.

Heckuva game...

They've even got their own cheerleaders nowadays...


I wonder if Israeli beer is any good?
Not as good as their napalm. Ask Liberty survivors if confused.
You mean that controversial 'mistake' that occurred 47 years ago, which did very little to damage US-Israeli relations at the time, and which did absolutely nothing to damage long-term relations between the US and Israel?

Why? Is it relevant here?

And, of course, none of that imedes Americans from sitting back and enjoying dinner and a show, while the Israelis slaughter Hamas scumbags.

It's game-time... bring-on the fireworks... and the cheerleaders....
USS Liberty: Contact Page
So Hamas sending some primitive rockets to Israel and the "smartest" response the Israeli gov can come up with is sending tons of "smart" bombs, eradicating some Arabs?

This war will never end, because it is profitable for both sides, meaning Israeli gun makers and Palestinian hate mongers...

Lets hear your solution. Do you expect them to down grade their weapons to make it fair?
The solution requires the Jews to stop stealing Arab land and water in Palestine. It requires Jews to stop incinerating Palestinian teens. It requires Jews to stop shelling hospitals in Gaza. Jews have been the problem in Palestine ever since 650,000 of them inflicted their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948; the solution arrives when the world holds the Jewish state to the same standard it applied to South Africa a generation ago.
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So Hamas sending some primitive rockets to Israel and the "smartest" response the Israeli gov can come up with is sending tons of "smart" bombs, eradicating some Arabs?

This war will never end, because it is profitable for both sides, meaning Israeli gun makers and Palestinian hate mongers...

Lets hear your solution. Do you expect them to down grade their weapons to make it fair?
The solution requires the Jews to stop stealing Arab land and water in Palestine. It requires Jews to stop incinerating Palestinian teens. It requires Jews to stop shelling hospitals in Gaza. Jews have been the problem in Palestine ever since 650,000 of them inflicted their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948; the solution arrives when the world holds the Jewish state to the same standard it applied to South Africa a generation ago.

I would say the real issue started when all Arabs tried to destroy the Jewish state, along with the Jews in it by attacking all together, and losing at the end.
So Hamas sending some primitive rockets to Israel and the "smartest" response the Israeli gov can come up with is sending tons of "smart" bombs, eradicating some Arabs?

This war will never end, because it is profitable for both sides, meaning Israeli gun makers and Palestinian hate mongers...

Lets hear your solution. Do you expect them to down grade their weapons to make it fair?
The solution require the Jews to stop stealing Arab land and water in Palestine. It requires Jews to stop incinerating Palestinian teens. It requires Jews to stop shelling hospitals in Gaza. Jews have been the problem in Palestine ever since 650,000 of them inflicted their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948; the solution arrives when the world holds the Jewish state to the same standard it applied to South Africa a generation ago.

Israel could clean out the Gaza strip and eradicate every palestinian at will yet they dont. That alone tells me who the aggressor is.
If the palestianans cant get along they risk getting an ass whipping.
Thats just the way it is.
Lets hear your solution. Do you expect them to down grade their weapons to make it fair?
The solution require the Jews to stop stealing Arab land and water in Palestine. It requires Jews to stop incinerating Palestinian teens. It requires Jews to stop shelling hospitals in Gaza. Jews have been the problem in Palestine ever since 650,000 of them inflicted their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948; the solution arrives when the world holds the Jewish state to the same standard it applied to South Africa a generation ago.

Israel could clean out the Gaza strip and eradicate every palestinian at will yet they dont. That alone tells me who the aggressor is.
If the palestianans cant get along they risk getting an ass whipping.
Thats just the way it is.

They just do it slowly by making Gaza the worlds largest prison and slaughter them on a regular basis after they shoot glorified fireworks into Israel.
The solution require the Jews to stop stealing Arab land and water in Palestine. It requires Jews to stop incinerating Palestinian teens. It requires Jews to stop shelling hospitals in Gaza. Jews have been the problem in Palestine ever since 650,000 of them inflicted their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948; the solution arrives when the world holds the Jewish state to the same standard it applied to South Africa a generation ago.

Israel could clean out the Gaza strip and eradicate every palestinian at will yet they dont. That alone tells me who the aggressor is.
If the palestianans cant get along they risk getting an ass whipping.
Thats just the way it is.

They just do it slowly by making Gaza the worlds largest prison and slaughter them on a regular basis after they shoot glorified fireworks into Israel.

LOL...So you want to downplay the effectiveness of one sides weapons?
Sounds to me like the palestinians are a bunch of F'n idiots for starting shit with a country that can kick their ass.
But thats just me....
Israel could clean out the Gaza strip and eradicate every palestinian at will yet they dont. That alone tells me who the aggressor is.
If the palestianans cant get along they risk getting an ass whipping.
Thats just the way it is.

They just do it slowly by making Gaza the worlds largest prison and slaughter them on a regular basis after they shoot glorified fireworks into Israel.

LOL...So you want to downplay the effectiveness of one sides weapons?
Sounds to me like the palestinians are a bunch of F'n idiots for starting shit with a country that can kick their ass.
But thats just me....

Self-defense is hardly 'starting shit'.
So Hamas sending some primitive rockets to Israel and the "smartest" response the Israeli gov can come up with is sending tons of "smart" bombs, eradicating some Arabs?

This war will never end, because it is profitable for both sides, meaning Israeli gun makers and Palestinian hate mongers...

Lets hear your solution. Do you expect them to down grade their weapons to make it fair?

The Palestinian land was to the west of Israel, in the 1917 mandate; Israel predates Palestine, no matter many times Palestinians claim ISRAEL as theirs.
So Hamas sending some primitive rockets to Israel and the "smartest" response the Israeli gov can come up with is sending tons of "smart" bombs, eradicating some Arabs?

This war will never end, because it is profitable for both sides, meaning Israeli gun makers and Palestinian hate mongers...

Lets hear your solution. Do you expect them to down grade their weapons to make it fair?

The Palestinian land was to the west of Israel, in the 1917 mandate; Israel predates Palestine, no matter many times Palestinians claim ISRAEL as theirs.

Was that before Israeli people got attacked by All their neighbors with the intentions of a genocide and beating them all in 6 days earning a respective victory alongside with a claim to much more than what they had to begin with?
Lets hear your solution. Do you expect them to down grade their weapons to make it fair?
The solution require the Jews to stop stealing Arab land and water in Palestine. It requires Jews to stop incinerating Palestinian teens. It requires Jews to stop shelling hospitals in Gaza. Jews have been the problem in Palestine ever since 650,000 of them inflicted their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948; the solution arrives when the world holds the Jewish state to the same standard it applied to South Africa a generation ago.

Israel could clean out the Gaza strip and eradicate every palestinian at will yet they dont. That alone tells me who the aggressor is.
If the palestianans cant get along they risk getting an ass whipping.
Thats just the way it is.

Ya, proud to kick the ass of a dead horse...

This shows just how smart you are...
"JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli military launched what could be a long-term offensive against the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Tuesday striking at least 50 sites in Gaza by air and sea and mobilizing troops for a possible ground invasion aimed at stopping a recent barrage of rocket attacks against Israel.

"The army said 'Operation Protective Edge' looks to strike the Islamic Hamas group and end the rocket fire that has intensified in recent weeks amid tensions over the killing of three Israeli teenagers and the apparent revenge killing of a Palestinian teenager..."

Gaza's misery began long before the recent murders of three young Jews and one young Arab on the West Bank. At the beginning of Israel's War of Independence in 1948 the population of Gaza was 60,000 to 80,000 people.

By the end of that conflict the population of Gaza expanded by 200,000 refugees due to the wholesale eviction or evacuation of Palestinian towns and villages from Jaffa to Gaza City.

Israel then established 17 Jew Only settlements within Gaza, securing access to most of the best land, water, and shore areas.

What's happening today and tomorrow in Gaza is one more consequence of 650,000 Jews inflicting their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948

Israel Strikes at Least 50 Sites in Gaza, Readies for Extended Offensive - US News

I really wish they could wipe out HAMAS
Lets hear your solution. Do you expect them to down grade their weapons to make it fair?

The Palestinian land was to the west of Israel, in the 1917 mandate; Israel predates Palestine, no matter many times Palestinians claim ISRAEL as theirs.

Was that before Israeli people got attacked by All their neighbors with the intentions of a genocide and beating them all in 6 days earning a respective victory alongside with a claim to much more than what they had to begin with?

Yes, but the call to "nuke" the region is heinous. It appears that is your intent.
Don't forget the kosher cum with your popcorn.
Don't try to be clever, George... you always end-up getting the worst of it, when you try.

Learn from your mistakes (whooops... what am I saying, to someone afflicted with 'Palestinian mentality')!!!???

Stick to amusing your colleagues by parotting the Palestinian Party Propaganda du jour... it's your best side, and why you're here.
Why are you here? Comic relief? That's all you've shown so far.
You tell 'em, Mister Intellect...!!!

Now, excuse me while I move on to something really important...

Like getting the popcorn and lemonade, and finding a good seat, to watch the IDF cook-down some more of those Hamas lowlifes...
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The Palestinian land was to the west of Israel, in the 1917 mandate; Israel predates Palestine, no matter many times Palestinians claim ISRAEL as theirs.

Was that before Israeli people got attacked by All their neighbors with the intentions of a genocide and beating them all in 6 days earning a respective victory alongside with a claim to much more than what they had to begin with?

Yes, but the call to "nuke" the region is heinous. It appears that is your intent.

If this world will come to an end, it will be the stupid people bringing it.

This is a dumb and dumber movie we are watching, and it will never end. I say, we pull the plug, and turn our attention to more serious issues, like finding cure for cancer, or finding a solution for hunger etc.

These retards dont deserve a bit of my attention, let alone my hard fcking earned tax dollars.

Nuke em all Obama...
Don't try to be clever, George... you always end-up getting the worst of it, when you try.

Learn from your mistakes (whooops... what am I saying, to someone afflicted with 'Palestinian mentality')!!!???

Stick to amusing your colleagues by parotting the Palestinian Party Propaganda du jour... it's your best side, and why you're here.
Why are you here? Comic relief? That's all you've shown so far.
You tell 'em, Mister Intellect...!!!

Now, excuse me while I move on to something really important...

Like getting the popcorn and lemonade, and finding a good seat, to watch the IDF cook-down some more of those Hamas lowlifes...
Don't forget the wienies.:lol:

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