Israel Launches Operation Protective Edge on Gaza

Any good videos yet of the carnage delivered by the IDF? THATS some great reality TV!!!:D:D

The bigger the BOOM the better!!! :blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup:

Makes one wonder if these people like getting their asses bombed off!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
In 1948 there were 650,000 Jews and 1.3 million Arabs living between the River and the sea. Many of the Arabs belonged to families that had occupied their lands for generations or even centuries. Today's Palestinian is no more willing to relocate to Jordan than the average Jew would agree to returning to Europe. I don't see a solution that doesn't involve a vote for all of legal age living between the River and the sea today.

Which favors the Arabs of course; you ignore the history of Judea, and pretend Israel did not exist; it did. Arafat, Nassar, both Eygptian, founded the PLO, in 1964. The land they DECIDED belonged to the Palestinians was present day Isreal; the Palestinians had long since moved into Jordan, some to Syria. Those you reference "living there" for generations were exiles from other Arab nations. Only a small portion of the land became Israel, Israel retains the historical claim. The solution is a vote in present day Israel; the Arab nations surrounding her can all donate land to the Palestinians. Short of restoring the boundaries BEFORE the Roman, and Ottoman Empires, nothing else can be fair to the people of Judea.
Why do you think Jews alone are entitled to land their ancestors conquered thousands of years ago? In 1948 there were twice as many Arabs as Jews living between the River and the sea. Jews drove over 700,000 Arabs from their land and some of them still have the legal deeds to that land, land that had been in the same family for generations. Unless you believe Jews are Chosen, how can you call for the victims of ethnic cleansing to abandon what is rightfully theirs?
In 1948 there were 650,000 Jews and 1.3 million Arabs living between the River and the sea. Many of the Arabs belonged to families that had occupied their lands for generations or even centuries. Today's Palestinian is no more willing to relocate to Jordan than the average Jew would agree to returning to Europe. I don't see a solution that doesn't involve a vote for all of legal age living between the River and the sea today.

Which favors the Arabs of course; you ignore the history of Judea, and pretend Israel did not exist; it did. Arafat, Nassar, both Eygptian, founded the PLO, in 1964. The land they DECIDED belonged to the Palestinians was present day Isreal; the Palestinians had long since moved into Jordan, some to Syria. Those you reference "living there" for generations were exiles from other Arab nations. Only a small portion of the land became Israel, Israel retains the historical claim. The solution is a vote in present day Israel; the Arab nations surrounding her can all donate land to the Palestinians. Short of restoring the boundaries BEFORE the Roman, and Ottoman Empires, nothing else can be fair to the people of Judea.
Why do you think Jews alone are entitled to land their ancestors conquered thousands of years ago? In 1948 there were twice as many Arabs as Jews living between the River and the sea. Jews drove over 700,000 Arabs from their land and some of them still have the legal deeds to that land, land that had been in the same family for generations. Unless you believe Jews are Chosen, how can you call for the victims of ethnic cleansing to abandon what is rightfully theirs?

I believe Jews are the chosen people, yes. And Israel existed before Mohammed was born. Arabs have many nations, often changing, Palestinians are Arabs, should reside on Arab lands. Go through the list of conquerors, Arabs invaded Judea, afeter Mohammed. Jews predate any Muslim claim.
In 1948 there were 650,000 Jews and 1.3 million Arabs living between the River and the sea. Many of the Arabs belonged to families that had occupied their lands for generations or even centuries. Today's Palestinian is no more willing to relocate to Jordan than the average Jew would agree to returning to Europe. I don't see a solution that doesn't involve a vote for all of legal age living between the River and the sea today.

Which favors the Arabs of course; you ignore the history of Judea, and pretend Israel did not exist; it did. Arafat, Nassar, both Eygptian, founded the PLO, in 1964. The land they DECIDED belonged to the Palestinians was present day Isreal; the Palestinians had long since moved into Jordan, some to Syria. Those you reference "living there" for generations were exiles from other Arab nations. Only a small portion of the land became Israel, Israel retains the historical claim. The solution is a vote in present day Israel; the Arab nations surrounding her can all donate land to the Palestinians. Short of restoring the boundaries BEFORE the Roman, and Ottoman Empires, nothing else can be fair to the people of Judea.
Why do you think Jews alone are entitled to land their ancestors conquered thousands of years ago? In 1948 there were twice as many Arabs as Jews living between the River and the sea. Jews drove over 700,000 Arabs from their land and some of them still have the legal deeds to that land, land that had been in the same family for generations. Unless you believe Jews are Chosen, how can you call for the victims of ethnic cleansing to abandon what is rightfully theirs?

Connect the dots challenged s0n?? Yep.......that's certainly clear:D:D Or.....we have some pronounced anti-semetic gayness going on!!

When the moderate elements grow some balls and stand up to the radicals, that becomes the starting point for achieving a Palestinian state. Fuckers are just not civilized enough in 2014 to get it done. Accordingly, they'll continue to get slaughtered and that's just the way its gonna be.:2up:
Please explain the Mall and Billionaire's Alley.
Got a link?

"The Israeli moves against the Gaza Strip also come alongside an ongoing offensive in the West Bank. Since 12 June, the Israeli military has killed at least five Palestinians - Mustafa Hosini Aslan, Mahmoud Jihad Muhammad Dudeen, Ahmed Said Soud Khaled, Muhammad Ismail Atallah Tarifi, and Yousef Abu Zagha - and imprisoned over 830.

"During the same period, 17 Palestinians have been killed and over 50 injured in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian ministry of health said Tuesday.

“This time, it's not only an escalation in Gaza,” Harazeen said. “It comes with the raids in the West Bank and 1948-occupied Palestine. You could call it an offensive against all of Palestine. What’s happening in the West Bank is affecting the people in Gaza, and what happens in Gaza affects the West Bank.”

"Hamas has indicated its conditions for returning to a ceasefire include the terms of its previous agreements with Israel, including the 2012 truce and the release of Palestinians freed in the 2011 prisoner exchange Israel has recaptured.

“'This escalation will go further,' Harazeen said. 'I don't think people in either the Gaza Strip or the West Bank will remain calm and answer these Israeli attacks with silence.'”

Gaza reels from 'Operation Protective Edge' | Middle East Eye

Sounds like wishful thinking, GP. At the end of the day the most virulent Jihadists are busy in Iraq and Syria meaning Hamas and the PLO will have to go it alone. Abbas is too smart and has too much invested to allow a loose cannon like Hamas to wreak it all. Look for Gaza and Hamas to be isolated and decimated. Sorry. Oh wait ... no, I'm not. :D
"Chaim Weizmann, who was born in Motal near Pinsk in Belarus, (1874-1952) and who was to become Israel’s first president, once said: '…there is a country which happens to be called Palestine, a country without a people…and there exists the Jewish people and it has no country. What is left is to fit the gem into the ring…'

"The Zionist leadership did not actually mean that there were no people in Palestine.

"They meant that there were no people in Palestine worth considering as a people.

"The Zionists truly believed that the Land of Israel belonged exclusively to the Jewish people.

"Theodor Herzl wrote in June 1895: 'We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border…and both the process of expropriation and removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly...'

"Israel Zangwill followed by saying that 'if we wish to give a country to a people without a country, it is utter foolishness to allow it to be the country of two peoples…'”.

Do you believe the Land of Israel belongs exclusively to Jews?

The Zionist Project - 1948
Got a link?

"The Israeli moves against the Gaza Strip also come alongside an ongoing offensive in the West Bank. Since 12 June, the Israeli military has killed at least five Palestinians - Mustafa Hosini Aslan, Mahmoud Jihad Muhammad Dudeen, Ahmed Said Soud Khaled, Muhammad Ismail Atallah Tarifi, and Yousef Abu Zagha - and imprisoned over 830.

"During the same period, 17 Palestinians have been killed and over 50 injured in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian ministry of health said Tuesday.

“This time, it's not only an escalation in Gaza,” Harazeen said. “It comes with the raids in the West Bank and 1948-occupied Palestine. You could call it an offensive against all of Palestine. What’s happening in the West Bank is affecting the people in Gaza, and what happens in Gaza affects the West Bank.”

"Hamas has indicated its conditions for returning to a ceasefire include the terms of its previous agreements with Israel, including the 2012 truce and the release of Palestinians freed in the 2011 prisoner exchange Israel has recaptured.

“'This escalation will go further,' Harazeen said. 'I don't think people in either the Gaza Strip or the West Bank will remain calm and answer these Israeli attacks with silence.'”

Gaza reels from 'Operation Protective Edge' | Middle East Eye

Sounds like wishful thinking, GP. At the end of the day the most virulent Jihadists are busy in Iraq and Syria meaning Hamas and the PLO will have to go it alone. Abbas is too smart and has too much invested to allow a loose cannon like Hamas to wreak it all. Look for Gaza and Hamas to be isolated and decimated. Sorry. Oh wait ... no, I'm not. :D
"Chaim Weizmann, who was born in Motal near Pinsk in Belarus, (1874-1952) and who was to become Israel’s first president, once said: '…there is a country which happens to be called Palestine, a country without a people…and there exists the Jewish people and it has no country. What is left is to fit the gem into the ring…'

"The Zionist leadership did not actually mean that there were no people in Palestine.

"They meant that there were no people in Palestine worth considering as a people.

"The Zionists truly believed that the Land of Israel belonged exclusively to the Jewish people.

"Theodor Herzl wrote in June 1895: 'We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border…and both the process of expropriation and removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly...'

"Israel Zangwill followed by saying that 'if we wish to give a country to a people without a country, it is utter foolishness to allow it to be the country of two peoples…'”.

Do you believe the Land of Israel belongs exclusively to Jews?

The Zionist Project - 1948

Israel will accommodate peaceful Arabs, finding them is the problem.
Which favors the Arabs of course; you ignore the history of Judea, and pretend Israel did not exist; it did. Arafat, Nassar, both Eygptian, founded the PLO, in 1964. The land they DECIDED belonged to the Palestinians was present day Isreal; the Palestinians had long since moved into Jordan, some to Syria. Those you reference "living there" for generations were exiles from other Arab nations. Only a small portion of the land became Israel, Israel retains the historical claim. The solution is a vote in present day Israel; the Arab nations surrounding her can all donate land to the Palestinians. Short of restoring the boundaries BEFORE the Roman, and Ottoman Empires, nothing else can be fair to the people of Judea.
Why do you think Jews alone are entitled to land their ancestors conquered thousands of years ago? In 1948 there were twice as many Arabs as Jews living between the River and the sea. Jews drove over 700,000 Arabs from their land and some of them still have the legal deeds to that land, land that had been in the same family for generations. Unless you believe Jews are Chosen, how can you call for the victims of ethnic cleansing to abandon what is rightfully theirs?

I believe Jews are the chosen people, yes. And Israel existed before Mohammed was born. Arabs have many nations, often changing, Palestinians are Arabs, should reside on Arab lands. Go through the list of conquerors, Arabs invaded Judea, afeter Mohammed. Jews predate any Muslim claim.
Do you believe Jews have the right to ethnically cleanse Gaza and the West Bank today?
Israel is still being too kind. They should sterilize the place.

Jews are some of those Americans who are now really sorry they didn't vote for Romney when they had the chance.
Zionist Jews are doing what Zionist Jews have always planned for Palestine

"It all started in a small way as the first Zionist settlement in Palestine was founded with the financial help of Edmond James de Rothschild (1845-1934), a French financier who assisted a small group of the Russian Bilu Jewish Society to immigrate to Palestine in 1882.

"This Philanthropist sponsored a few more tiny settlements at the time such as Gai Oni, Roch Pina, Zichron-Ya’acov (which he named after his grandfather) and Rishon Letzion with settlers from around Eastern Europe.

The single aim of all these settlements and their planners who envisioned them was to slowly and secretly transfer, drive out and ethnically cleanse Palestine of its indigenous people."

Are you surprised?

The Zionist Project - 1948

Arabs sold land to Jews forcing the Arab sellers to evict the Arabs tenants.
Legal transactions are a bitch, aren't they?
HEY!!!!! Whatever you do do NOT speak the truth!
Yes many arabs sold their land to Jews and these arabs then evicted the arabs living on the land.
If the arabs want to get pissed they can start with their own brothers.
Typical arab mind set: He sells some one a rug then discovers he undersold the rug then he goes to the new owner of the rug and demands the rug back. He demands to not pay back all the money he got for the rug b/c he claims the rig is now "worthless" bc it's been used by the new rug owner. Seriously folks. This is the way the arab mind works.
There's no dealing with them. Try to be fair and they consider you stupid.
Let them steal and cheat and they believe they are smarter than you b/c you were so stupid to as o believe their lies.
Sounds like wishful thinking, GP. At the end of the day the most virulent Jihadists are busy in Iraq and Syria meaning Hamas and the PLO will have to go it alone. Abbas is too smart and has too much invested to allow a loose cannon like Hamas to wreak it all. Look for Gaza and Hamas to be isolated and decimated. Sorry. Oh wait ... no, I'm not. :D
"Chaim Weizmann, who was born in Motal near Pinsk in Belarus, (1874-1952) and who was to become Israel’s first president, once said: '…there is a country which happens to be called Palestine, a country without a people…and there exists the Jewish people and it has no country. What is left is to fit the gem into the ring…'

"The Zionist leadership did not actually mean that there were no people in Palestine.

"They meant that there were no people in Palestine worth considering as a people.

"The Zionists truly believed that the Land of Israel belonged exclusively to the Jewish people.

"Theodor Herzl wrote in June 1895: 'We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border…and both the process of expropriation and removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly...'

"Israel Zangwill followed by saying that 'if we wish to give a country to a people without a country, it is utter foolishness to allow it to be the country of two peoples…'”.

Do you believe the Land of Israel belongs exclusively to Jews?

The Zionist Project - 1948

Israel will accommodate peaceful Arabs, finding them is the problem.
Do you agree that Israel is the Occupying Power on the West Bank?
If so, the "civilian" Jews living there aren't looking for peaceful Arabs; they are looking for Arabs who will "voluntarily" leave land their families have lived on for generations so that "Jews" from Belurussia can take it over.

"Eliezer Kaplan (1891-1952), born in Minsk, Belurussia, was appointed head of the Finance and Administrative Department of the Jewish Executive (and later became the Finance Minister in Ben-Gurion government). He declared that 'the question here is not one of expulsion, but of organised transfer from Jewish territories to another place'.

"Other Zionist leaders were even worried that such a transfer to neighbouring countries would actually jeopardize future expansion of the Jewish state [into these neighbouring countries]!"

Nile to the Euphrates?

The Concept of Transfer - 1948
Israel phones in warnings at locations prior to dropping ordnance and what does Hamas do.....purposely move women and children to those locations. Amazing stupidity!!!
Israel phones in warnings at locations prior to dropping ordnance and what does Hamas do.....purposely move women and children to those locations. Amazing stupidity!!!

Yes, though warnings do not magically clear areas to be bombed.
Zionist Jews are doing what Zionist Jews have always planned for Palestine

"It all started in a small way as the first Zionist settlement in Palestine was founded with the financial help of Edmond James de Rothschild (1845-1934), a French financier who assisted a small group of the Russian Bilu Jewish Society to immigrate to Palestine in 1882.

"This Philanthropist sponsored a few more tiny settlements at the time such as Gai Oni, Roch Pina, Zichron-Ya’acov (which he named after his grandfather) and Rishon Letzion with settlers from around Eastern Europe.

The single aim of all these settlements and their planners who envisioned them was to slowly and secretly transfer, drive out and ethnically cleanse Palestine of its indigenous people."

Are you surprised?

The Zionist Project - 1948

Arabs sold land to Jews forcing the Arab sellers to evict the Arabs tenants.
Legal transactions are a bitch, aren't they?
HEY!!!!! Whatever you do do NOT speak the truth!
Yes many arabs sold their land to Jews and these arabs then evicted the arabs living on the land.
If the arabs want to get pissed they can start with their own brothers.
Typical arab mind set: He sells some one a rug then discovers he undersold the rug then he goes to the new owner of the rug and demands the rug back. He demands to not pay back all the money he got for the rug b/c he claims the rig is now "worthless" bc it's been used by the new rug owner. Seriously folks. This is the way the arab mind works.
There's no dealing with them. Try to be fair and they consider you stupid.
Let them steal and cheat and they believe they are smarter than you b/c you were so stupid to as o believe their lies.
Seriously, Einstein...what would happen to your fictitious Arab merchant if he sold that rug to a real-life settler near Jerusalem today, think he might get burned alive? Jews have been stealing Palestine for over a hundred years, and they're not planning to give any of their spoils back either. That's the way the Zionist mind works.
"During the search for the 3 missing boys during Operation Brother's Keeper, the IDF arrested many of the people who had been released during the exchange for Gilad Shalit.

"Hamas vowed it will not stop its rocket fire until the release of those held prisoners.[14]

"Hamas, which had been credited by Israel as reining in militant rocket fire from the Gaza Strip since a ceasefire agreement with Israel was drawn up in November 2012 at the conclusion of Operation Pillar of Defense, took direct responsibility for a barrage of rockets fired into Israel on 8 July 2014.[15]

"Hamas and other Palestinian organizations fired more than 450 rockets at Israel since the beginning of 2014, by the time Operation Protective Edge began.

Operation Protective Edge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israel had only one answer for dealing with a united Palestinian front composed of Hamas, and Fatah, and it's basically the same lie Zionists have used for generations in Palestine: no land for peace, and if you don't like it, we'll burn your children alive.
I hope Israel exterminate the vermin.
"The Israeli government persists in building settlements in occupied territories claimed by Palestinians for a future state, including east Jerusalem and the West Bank, 'despite all the pertinent United Nations resolutions declaring that the existence of the settlements is illegal and calling for their cessation,' the report said.

"The settlements are 'a mesh of construction and infrastructure leading to a creeping annexation that prevents the establishment of a contiguous and viable Palestinian State and undermines the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,' the report concludes.

"More than 500,000 Israelis already live in settlements that dot the West..."

UN report: Israel's 'creeping annexation' of territory is illegal -
But of course...

This is how they win...

The Reconquista continues apace...

While the rest of the world pretends to object, but actually looks the other way, and does nothing...

There's a reason for that... the rest of the world (beyond the domain of Islam, anyway) doesn't want to do anything 'real'...

There is no Arab cavalry coming over the hill, to the rescue, either...

Stick a fork in the Palestinians...

They're done...

The Palestinians are screwed, blued, and tatooed...

Time to pack up their bags and head for greener pastures...

I hope Israel exterminate the vermin.
"The Israeli government persists in building settlements in occupied territories claimed by Palestinians for a future state, including east Jerusalem and the West Bank, 'despite all the pertinent United Nations resolutions declaring that the existence of the settlements is illegal and calling for their cessation,' the report said.

"The settlements are 'a mesh of construction and infrastructure leading to a creeping annexation that prevents the establishment of a contiguous and viable Palestinian State and undermines the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,' the report concludes.

"More than 500,000 Israelis already live in settlements that dot the West..."

UN report: Israel's 'creeping annexation' of territory is illegal -
Last edited:
But of course...

This is how they win...

The Reconquista continues apace...

While the rest of the world pretends to object, but actually looks the other way, and does nothing...

There's a reason for that... the rest of the world (beyond the domain of Islam, anyway) doesn't want to do anything 'real'...

There is no Arab cavalry coming over the hill, to the rescue, either...

Stick a fork in the Palestinians...

They're done...

The Palestinians are screwed, blued, and tatooed...

Time to pack up their bags and head for greener pastures...

I hope Israel exterminate the vermin.
"The Israeli government persists in building settlements in occupied territories claimed by Palestinians for a future state, including east Jerusalem and the West Bank, 'despite all the pertinent United Nations resolutions declaring that the existence of the settlements is illegal and calling for their cessation,' the report said.

"The settlements are 'a mesh of construction and infrastructure leading to a creeping annexation that prevents the establishment of a contiguous and viable Palestinian State and undermines the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,' the report concludes.

"More than 500,000 Israelis already live in settlements that dot the West..."

UN report: Israel's 'creeping annexation' of territory is illegal -
"The Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council was set up in 2006 to replace a 60-year-old commission that was widely discredited as a forum dominated by nations with poor rights records.

"The United States finally joined the council in 2009, and US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said earlier this month that while all countries should appear for their review 'we also consistently registered our opposition to the council's consistent anti-Israel bias.'"

Nuland's your bitch in this brawl?

UN report: Israel's 'creeping annexation' of territory is illegal -

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