Israel MUST stop recieving all USA funds

If it were my decision, Israel would never see another dime of US military aid nor would it be able to purchase US weapons. As for Israel not needing US aid, that is a joke.
Israel did just fine before 1973' with French weapons against the entire Arab world backed by the USSR.

You are the joke.

They were losing until the US resupplied them emergently. Golde Meir threatened to bomb the Saudi oilfields if they didn't. That caused the oil embargo.

Israel threatend to launch a nuclear attack on Sinai desert; Saudi had no role in this game.

And literally the US only supplied and supported Israel when they saw Israel is taking the upper hand. Mossad chief in Yom Kippur War: Tell CIA No. 2 to kiss my ass

Nope. They threatened to bomb the Saudi oil fields and all the Americans living and working there. They demanded to be resupplied.. and the US not only resupplied them but gave them some insane amount of money. Read Moshe Dayan.

You claim some nonsense BS. The least you can do is back your words with some resources and articles.

The Israelis are liars.. They think they are justified and entitled because of what Hitler did to them in Europe. They will eventually kill all the Palestinians.

Come on.. don't dodge the request.

You claimed some BS. I am gonna hold you accountable for your words. Provide some sort of proof/documents/resources or admit your lies.

The stupidity and ignorancy of so many people online, specifically from the west, is scary. And we thought you people were supposed to be smart.

Are you kidding me? You send me some kind of American article about the schizo-fear of the American press about how the evil Israelis might attack the oil fields of America's greatest ally - Saudi arabia? PLEASE.

then you sent an article from a site I never heard of - Saying that Israel was the one attacking Saudi Arabia's oil fields in 2019. What would be the next thing? Will you blame the jooz for 9/11?

And of course, non of this sites even spoke about 73 war. so what did you do? just sent 2 irelevant articles about 73 war.

I can't believe you are an actual grown man.
The only reason they can manage is because of natural resources they steal from Arab lands.

Camel urine?

They have been stealing natural gas from lebanon for a decade

First, we never took gas from the disputed territories. Second, because the Lebanese claims it, it means its theirs? nope.

When Israel was losing and needed to be resupplied, Nixon sent them everything they needed plus 2.2 Billion dollars.

The oil embargo followed.

The US sent ammunition to Israel towards the end of the war - after Israel has been showed to start winning the war.
The US supply to Israel? it was a donation in order to balance the massive Soviet help to the Arab world.
Literally the US would not help Israel when it seemed Israel was about to lose.
When Israel was losing and needed to be resupplied, Nixon sent them everything they needed plus 2.2 Billion dollars.

The oil embargo followed.

The US sent ammunition to Israel towards the end of the war - after Israel has been showed to start winning the war.
The US supply to Israel? it was a donation in order to balance the massive Soviet help to the Arab world.
Literally the US would not help Israel when it seemed Israel was about to lose.

The only countries involved were Egypt and Syria. Do you remember the United Arab Republic?

The Israelis were losing because they were running short of war supplies. Nixon ordered massive airlifts to Israel so the Israelis were not afraid to use up what they did have.

The Israelis have never wanted peace. You don't steal land and kill the neighbors if you want peace.
in the 80s Israel was building its own National Fighter Jet named 'Lavie' plane. Long story short, The US pressed Israel to stop developing it, in its final stages, in return for annual funding Standing on3 Billion USD of which 75% can only be used in buying from the US - killing the terrific Israeli industries.

View attachment 491616

Since 2019 Israel started recieving 3.8 Billion USD - 100% of it can only be used in buying from the US.

This Aid makes us uncapble of selling Israeli weapons without the US approval - to show you how bad the aid economically to Israel - in one drone deal with Azerbaijan we sold them 5 Billion USD worth of arms. not speaking about Russia and China - there are dozens of nations the US veto and forcing us not to sell them our drones in fear of competition .

the Aid is buying the US enormous amount of control in our land - which has been used maliciously against us several times - First of all - in the terrible Oslo agreement - forcing Israel to recognize and arm the murderous terror organization of Arafat - which killed thousands of Israeli citizens in bus bombing, drive by shootings and rocket attakcs, stabbing and suicide bombings.

the Second time - Clinton tried so hard to force Israel on giving the Arabs Jerusalem and Judeah and Samaria [ all in order to get a 'nobel peace' prize ] - Practically forming a terror state 5 km of our main airport, Making Israel a 16 KM wide border country.
View attachment 491618
[Tel aviv from Judeah and Samaria. Imagine if Israel got thousdands of missiles from this strategic mountains - instead of the desertish strip of Gaza. this would happen under the Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Obama's peace deals. every single one of them wished to force Israel out of this historically Jewish lands ]

The AID completley destroys Israel's independence - and is the worst thing to happen in the alliance between Israel to the USA.

We appreciatThey pay or the weapone the US [ not the modern democratic party.. tho ] and we do not wish to get your money. now listen to this.

The US aid to Israel - 3.8 Bs$ - is less than 0.8% of our GDP.

Unlike what many in the world would think - Israel could give up on the aid TODAY, and it not only would not kill our country - it would strenghten Israel - and the US -Israel relations.
It is a military contract you moron. Israel pays for the weapons, they aren't free. Dumbass.
Israel pays for their weapons with money given o them by the US
Let's make it easy for them - the US should cancel all aid to Israel.

They won't.. Israel has betrayed America and US presidents so often with Deir Yassin, Sabra and Shatilla, the Suez Crisis, the bombing of the King David Hotel, the attack on the USS Liberty, the Lavon Affair.. The list is long. They are every bit as bad as Iran.
Let's make it easy for them - the US should cancel all aid to Israel.

They won't.. Israel has betrayed America and US presidents so often with Deir Yassin, Sabra and Shatilla, the Suez Crisis, the bombing of the King David Hotel, the attack on the USS Liberty, the Lavon Affair.. The list is long. They are every bit as bad as Iran.
How is Jewish liberation against the British occupation is a betrayel against the US? LOL

You embarass yourself
in the 80s Israel was building its own National Fighter Jet named 'Lavie' plane. Long story short, The US pressed Israel to stop developing it, in its final stages, in return for annual funding Standing on3 Billion USD of which 75% can only be used in buying from the US - killing the terrific Israeli industries.

View attachment 491616

Since 2019 Israel started recieving 3.8 Billion USD - 100% of it can only be used in buying from the US.

This Aid makes us uncapble of selling Israeli weapons without the US approval - to show you how bad the aid economically to Israel - in one drone deal with Azerbaijan we sold them 5 Billion USD worth of arms. not speaking about Russia and China - there are dozens of nations the US veto and forcing us not to sell them our drones in fear of competition .

the Aid is buying the US enormous amount of control in our land - which has been used maliciously against us several times - First of all - in the terrible Oslo agreement - forcing Israel to recognize and arm the murderous terror organization of Arafat - which killed thousands of Israeli citizens in bus bombing, drive by shootings and rocket attakcs, stabbing and suicide bombings.

the Second time - Clinton tried so hard to force Israel on giving the Arabs Jerusalem and Judeah and Samaria [ all in order to get a 'nobel peace' prize ] - Practically forming a terror state 5 km of our main airport, Making Israel a 16 KM wide border country.
View attachment 491618
[Tel aviv from Judeah and Samaria. Imagine if Israel got thousdands of missiles from this strategic mountains - instead of the desertish strip of Gaza. this would happen under the Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Obama's peace deals. every single one of them wished to force Israel out of this historically Jewish lands ]

The AID completley destroys Israel's independence - and is the worst thing to happen in the alliance between Israel to the USA.

We appreciatThey pay or the weapone the US [ not the modern democratic party.. tho ] and we do not wish to get your money. now listen to this.

The US aid to Israel - 3.8 Bs$ - is less than 0.8% of our GDP.

Unlike what many in the world would think - Israel could give up on the aid TODAY, and it not only would not kill our country - it would strenghten Israel - and the US -Israel relations.
It is a military contract you moron. Israel pays for the weapons, they aren't free. Dumbass.
Israel pays for their weapons with money given o them by the US
Wrong. US doesn't give Israel money. It is a military contract.

in the 80s Israel was building its own National Fighter Jet named 'Lavie' plane. Long story short, The US pressed Israel to stop developing it, in its final stages, in return for annual funding Standing on3 Billion USD of which 75% can only be used in buying from the US - killing the terrific Israeli industries.

View attachment 491616

Since 2019 Israel started recieving 3.8 Billion USD - 100% of it can only be used in buying from the US.

This Aid makes us uncapble of selling Israeli weapons without the US approval - to show you how bad the aid economically to Israel - in one drone deal with Azerbaijan we sold them 5 Billion USD worth of arms. not speaking about Russia and China - there are dozens of nations the US veto and forcing us not to sell them our drones in fear of competition .

the Aid is buying the US enormous amount of control in our land - which has been used maliciously against us several times - First of all - in the terrible Oslo agreement - forcing Israel to recognize and arm the murderous terror organization of Arafat - which killed thousands of Israeli citizens in bus bombing, drive by shootings and rocket attakcs, stabbing and suicide bombings.

the Second time - Clinton tried so hard to force Israel on giving the Arabs Jerusalem and Judeah and Samaria [ all in order to get a 'nobel peace' prize ] - Practically forming a terror state 5 km of our main airport, Making Israel a 16 KM wide border country.
View attachment 491618
[Tel aviv from Judeah and Samaria. Imagine if Israel got thousdands of missiles from this strategic mountains - instead of the desertish strip of Gaza. this would happen under the Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Obama's peace deals. every single one of them wished to force Israel out of this historically Jewish lands ]

The AID completley destroys Israel's independence - and is the worst thing to happen in the alliance between Israel to the USA.

We appreciate the US [ not the modern democratic party.. tho ] and we do not wish to get your money. now listen to this.

The US aid to Israel - 3.8 Bs$ - is less than 0.8% of our GDP.

Unlike what many in the world would think - Israel could give up on the aid TODAY, and it not only would not kill our country - it would strenghten Israel - and the US -Israel relations.
Israel won’t give up the Jordan valley or the WB would get thousands of rockets
in the 80s Israel was building its own National Fighter Jet named 'Lavie' plane. Long story short, The US pressed Israel to stop developing it, in its final stages, in return for annual funding Standing on3 Billion USD of which 75% can only be used in buying from the US - killing the terrific Israeli industries.

View attachment 491616

Since 2019 Israel started recieving 3.8 Billion USD - 100% of it can only be used in buying from the US.

This Aid makes us uncapble of selling Israeli weapons without the US approval - to show you how bad the aid economically to Israel - in one drone deal with Azerbaijan we sold them 5 Billion USD worth of arms. not speaking about Russia and China - there are dozens of nations the US veto and forcing us not to sell them our drones in fear of competition .

the Aid is buying the US enormous amount of control in our land - which has been used maliciously against us several times - First of all - in the terrible Oslo agreement - forcing Israel to recognize and arm the murderous terror organization of Arafat - which killed thousands of Israeli citizens in bus bombing, drive by shootings and rocket attakcs, stabbing and suicide bombings.

the Second time - Clinton tried so hard to force Israel on giving the Arabs Jerusalem and Judeah and Samaria [ all in order to get a 'nobel peace' prize ] - Practically forming a terror state 5 km of our main airport, Making Israel a 16 KM wide border country.
View attachment 491618
[Tel aviv from Judeah and Samaria. Imagine if Israel got thousdands of missiles from this strategic mountains - instead of the desertish strip of Gaza. this would happen under the Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Obama's peace deals. every single one of them wished to force Israel out of this historically Jewish lands ]

The AID completley destroys Israel's independence - and is the worst thing to happen in the alliance between Israel to the USA.

We appreciate the US [ not the modern democratic party.. tho ] and we do not wish to get your money. now listen to this.

The US aid to Israel - 3.8 Bs$ - is less than 0.8% of our GDP.

Unlike what many in the world would think - Israel could give up on the aid TODAY, and it not only would not kill our country - it would strenghten Israel - and the US -Israel relations.
Israel won’t give up the Jordan valley or the WB would get thousands of rockets

We will not give up any Jewish land, NEVER. Be sure of that. Btw, East bank is coming.
Are you kidding me? You send me some kind of American article about the schizo-fear of the American press about how the evil Israelis might attack the oil fields of America's greatest ally - Saudi arabia? PLEASE.
Five Israelis were seen filming as jet liners ploughed into the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 ...

THERE was ruin and terror in Manhattan, but, over the Hudson River in New Jersey, a handful of men were dancing. As the World Trade Centre burned and crumpled, the five men celebrated and filmed the worst atrocity ever committed on American soil as it played out before their eyes.

Who do you think they were? Palestinians? Saudis? Iraqis, even? Al-Qaeda, surely? Wrong on all counts. They were Israelis - and at least two of them were Israeli intelligence agents, working for Mossad, the equivalent of MI6 or the CIA.

Five Israelis were seen filming as jet liners ploughed into the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 ... | HeraldScotland

Then we have this----

The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship, USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats, on 8 June 1967, during the Six-Day War.[2]
USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia

the truth will set you free
Are you kidding me? You send me some kind of American article about the schizo-fear of the American press about how the evil Israelis might attack the oil fields of America's greatest ally - Saudi arabia? PLEASE.
Five Israelis were seen filming as jet liners ploughed into the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 ...

THERE was ruin and terror in Manhattan, but, over the Hudson River in New Jersey, a handful of men were dancing. As the World Trade Centre burned and crumpled, the five men celebrated and filmed the worst atrocity ever committed on American soil as it played out before their eyes.

Who do you think they were? Palestinians? Saudis? Iraqis, even? Al-Qaeda, surely? Wrong on all counts. They were Israelis - and at least two of them were Israeli intelligence agents, working for Mossad, the equivalent of MI6 or the CIA.

Five Israelis were seen filming as jet liners ploughed into the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 ... | HeraldScotland

Then we have this----

The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship, USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats, on 8 June 1967, during the Six-Day War.[2]
USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia

the truth will set you free
Oh, the damn jooz are at it again! 9\11 - Jewish attack. of course. those damn jooz.

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