Israel refuses to to any refugees

So they can advocate and help and push for the invasion of Europe but they won't take any....typical jewish supremacism.

Smart move.

you're in favor of building a wall, closing and enforcing our borders and rounding up illegals and holding them in concentration camps for israel move indeed.

israel HAS a wall on the border and they DO enforce it and they DO capture illegals and they DO hold them in concentration camps for deportation...israel DOES protect THEIR heritage, culture and traditions...while jews in our zionist controlled government actively work to discourage nationalism and dilute and displace the white majority in the u.s.
israel HAS a wall on the border and they DO enforce it and they DO capture illegals and they DO hold them in concentration camps for deportation...israel DOES protect THEIR heritage, culture and traditions...while jews in our zionist controlled government actively work to discourage nationalism and dilute and displace the white majority in the u.s.
"According to the BBC, a furious Sharon turned toward Peres, saying:

“Every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” […]
So why DID the US media bury Sharon’s quote? Former New York Times journalist Phillip Weiss has offered the most plausible explanation. He says the majority of decision-makers in American mainstream journalism are Jewish, and that they feel like they are Israel’s last line of defense.
It seems Sharon won his argument with Peres. Jewish Zionists control America so completely that when the Israeli Prime Minister screams it from the rooftops, Americans are not allowed to hear it.

As Gilad Atzmon says: “Jewish power is the ability to get us to stop talking about Jewish power.”"
Burying Sharon – and “We Jews control America” | Veterans Today
israel HAS a wall on the border and they DO enforce it and they DO capture illegals and they DO hold them in concentration camps for deportation...israel DOES protect THEIR heritage, culture and traditions...while jews in our zionist controlled government actively work to discourage nationalism and dilute and displace the white majority in the u.s.
"According to the BBC, a furious Sharon turned toward Peres, saying:

“Every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” […]
So why DID the US media bury Sharon’s quote? Former New York Times journalist Phillip Weiss has offered the most plausible explanation. He says the majority of decision-makers in American mainstream journalism are Jewish, and that they feel like they are Israel’s last line of defense.
It seems Sharon won his argument with Peres. Jewish Zionists control America so completely that when the Israeli Prime Minister screams it from the rooftops, Americans are not allowed to hear it.

As Gilad Atzmon says: “Jewish power is the ability to get us to stop talking about Jewish power.”"
Burying Sharon – and “We Jews control America” | Veterans Today

American Jews are a different breed altogether. They are largely more Democrat than Jewish. Hell, American Jews and Sabras don't hardly agree on anything.

If the Jews ARE running America, how do you explain the strong support for the Islamists by Obama and the Democrats?
israel HAS a wall on the border and they DO enforce it and they DO capture illegals and they DO hold them in concentration camps for deportation...israel DOES protect THEIR heritage, culture and traditions...while jews in our zionist controlled government actively work to discourage nationalism and dilute and displace the white majority in the u.s.
"According to the BBC, a furious Sharon turned toward Peres, saying:

“Every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” […]
So why DID the US media bury Sharon’s quote? Former New York Times journalist Phillip Weiss has offered the most plausible explanation. He says the majority of decision-makers in American mainstream journalism are Jewish, and that they feel like they are Israel’s last line of defense.
It seems Sharon won his argument with Peres. Jewish Zionists control America so completely that when the Israeli Prime Minister screams it from the rooftops, Americans are not allowed to hear it.

As Gilad Atzmon says: “Jewish power is the ability to get us to stop talking about Jewish power.”"
Burying Sharon – and “We Jews control America” | Veterans Today

American Jews are a different breed altogether. They are largely more Democrat than Jewish. Hell, American Jews and Sabras don't hardly agree on anything.

If the Jews ARE running America, how do you explain the strong support for the Islamists by Obama and the Democrats?

I don't care what "breed" they are...they hate white christians, they see us as "goyim", "shiksas" and "unclean"...and they pretend to be above it all by claiming they are "god's chosen"..(LMFAO)... and actively work to undermine and subvert our country.

go look up how many jews are in congress/senate...go look up who owns the biggest media/movie studios/advertising agencies...go look up jewish demographics in america...
massive disproportion
Why should they?

Look people, this refugee problem isn't europe's fault, it isn't America's fault, and it isn't israel's fault. Hell, for once it isn't even Obama's fault.

If a country decides to take them then fine. If it doesn't it doesn't mean they are evil.

jews push for non whites into white countries but not their own country.Jews in Israel can be racist but Jews in the US call whites racist and bigoted etc for not bowing down to cultural marxism.

What does that have to do with this?
israel HAS a wall on the border and they DO enforce it and they DO capture illegals and they DO hold them in concentration camps for deportation...israel DOES protect THEIR heritage, culture and traditions...while jews in our zionist controlled government actively work to discourage nationalism and dilute and displace the white majority in the u.s.
"According to the BBC, a furious Sharon turned toward Peres, saying:

“Every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” […]
So why DID the US media bury Sharon’s quote? Former New York Times journalist Phillip Weiss has offered the most plausible explanation. He says the majority of decision-makers in American mainstream journalism are Jewish, and that they feel like they are Israel’s last line of defense.
It seems Sharon won his argument with Peres. Jewish Zionists control America so completely that when the Israeli Prime Minister screams it from the rooftops, Americans are not allowed to hear it.

As Gilad Atzmon says: “Jewish power is the ability to get us to stop talking about Jewish power.”"
Burying Sharon – and “We Jews control America” | Veterans Today

American Jews are a different breed altogether. They are largely more Democrat than Jewish. Hell, American Jews and Sabras don't hardly agree on anything.

If the Jews ARE running America, how do you explain the strong support for the Islamists by Obama and the Democrats?

I don't care what "breed" they are...they hate white christians, they see us as "goyim", "shiksas" and "unclean"...and they pretend to be above it all by claiming they are "god's chosen"..(LMFAO)... and actively work to undermine and subvert our country.

go look up how many jews are in congress/senate...go look up who owns the biggest media/movie studios/advertising agencies...go look up jewish demographics in america...
massive disproportion
I loves me some Christians. White supremacists,neo-nazis, I don't like. You've been reading too much storm front bull. We dont use "goyum" much, only the fake Jews on this board do
Last edited:
israel HAS a wall on the border and they DO enforce it and they DO capture illegals and they DO hold them in concentration camps for deportation...israel DOES protect THEIR heritage, culture and traditions...while jews in our zionist controlled government actively work to discourage nationalism and dilute and displace the white majority in the u.s.
"According to the BBC, a furious Sharon turned toward Peres, saying:

“Every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” […]
So why DID the US media bury Sharon’s quote? Former New York Times journalist Phillip Weiss has offered the most plausible explanation. He says the majority of decision-makers in American mainstream journalism are Jewish, and that they feel like they are Israel’s last line of defense.
It seems Sharon won his argument with Peres. Jewish Zionists control America so completely that when the Israeli Prime Minister screams it from the rooftops, Americans are not allowed to hear it.

As Gilad Atzmon says: “Jewish power is the ability to get us to stop talking about Jewish power.”"
Burying Sharon – and “We Jews control America” | Veterans Today

American Jews are a different breed altogether. They are largely more Democrat than Jewish. Hell, American Jews and Sabras don't hardly agree on anything.

If the Jews ARE running America, how do you explain the strong support for the Islamists by Obama and the Democrats?

I don't care what "breed" they are...they hate white christians, they see us as "goyim", "shiksas" and "unclean"...and they pretend to be above it all by claiming they are "god's chosen"..(LMFAO)... and actively work to undermine and subvert our country.

go look up how many jews are in congress/senate...go look up who owns the biggest media/movie studios/advertising agencies...go look up jewish demographics in america...
massive disproportion
I loves me some Christians. White supremacists,neo-nazis, I don't like. You've been reading too much storm front bull.We dont use "goyum" much, only the fake Jews on this board do

here you go , some new invaders like these pervs and headed to Europe and England to have a little fun while the fun lasts . --- Aylesbury child sex ring members jailed for 'grotesque' abuse of vulnerable schoolgirls --- then off to jail for a few years for room and board amongst their 'peers' Coyote .

Wow...I forgot all about that. All the child sex rings are run only by muslims. Dang.

You're so funny pismoe :lol:

I hate to say it, but so much of that is going on by Muslims. I remember when it was being discussed on a forum, and a Paki Brit poster said that was OK because those girls are only White meat.

There's a lot of that which goes on by all religions. Two of the worst countries for human trafficking and sexual exploitation of children are Thailand and Myanmar.
Good move...

Slovakia Will Only Accept Christian Migrants

might sound good but HOW do the 'slovaks' vet or guarantee Christianity ?? 'Islamic state' henchman murderer says that he is Christian . To me its impossible to check , I wouldn't accept ANY at all . 'euro' navies should be turning boats around and transporting the invaders back to where they come from as far as I am concerned .
Good move...

Slovakia Will Only Accept Christian Migrants

might sound good but HOW do the 'slovaks' vet or guarantee Christianity ?? 'Islamic state' henchman murderer says that he is Christian . To me its impossible to check , I wouldn't accept ANY at all . 'euro' navies be turning boats around and transporting the invaders back to where they come from as far as I am concerned .

SS St Louis: The ship of Jewish refugees nobody wanted
Good move...

Slovakia Will Only Accept Christian Migrants

Just like the anti-Jewish rhetoric in the 30's and 40's. Some things never change.

Nope. The persecuted Jews of that period were for the most part citizens of the countries in which they were persecuted.

They were persecuted refugees much the same as the Syrian refugees. And they were demonized as anarchists and bolsheviks and refused safe harbor.
here you go , some new invaders like these pervs and headed to Europe and England to have a little fun while the fun lasts . --- Aylesbury child sex ring members jailed for 'grotesque' abuse of vulnerable schoolgirls --- then off to jail for a few years for room and board amongst their 'peers' Coyote .

Wow...I forgot all about that. All the child sex rings are run only by muslims. Dang.

You're so funny pismoe :lol:

I hate to say it, but so much of that is going on by Muslims. I remember when it was being discussed on a forum, and a Paki Brit poster said that was OK because those girls are only White meat.

There's a lot of that which goes on by all religions. Two of the worst countries for human trafficking and sexual exploitation of children are Thailand and Myanmar.

So you don't think it was nauseating for a Paki Brit to say the young girls being turned into prostitutes by his brethren are just White meat?. Suppose you and I were naive enough to fall for this when we were young teenagers, do you think other Americans would have liked us to be seen as White Meat by immigrants for whom we opened up our country.?

And let's bring this up. It is not Thailand or Myanmar but right here in Western countries where people were allowed to immigrate, but if you feel you have to drag in Thailand or Myanmar, go right ahead..


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