Israel refuses to to any refugees

already the girls in Bavarian schools are being warned to make sure they don't dress in normal fashion because they might TEMPT the savages / invader new comers to THEIR country . I'll get the link .
It has been a long time since someone dragged that up from the hate sites. We are going to have to upgrade DefCon4 to Defcon5 because he is really starting to look dangerous to civilized people. This instead of just having a full ID check when DefCon4 is in effect on military bases, perhaps they will also make you get out of your car and pat you down.

Say, maybe the heirs of Haym Salomon can ask DefCon4 to give them back the money that was used to finance the American Revolution..
If you are good looking honey I'll be happy if you patting me down..and up… and down…. could you do it topless?

When they have a higher alert at military bases than DefCon4, I will tell the guards at the gate to look you over very, very closely and to be sure one of them has his gun ready. One can never be too careful these days with mentally ill anti-Semites are on the loose. Last time I was on a base, it was DefCon4 because of those servicemen who were killed. Not only full ID check but a police dog as well who would have sniffed you over like you were in heat.

Dedicated to those posters dragging things up from the NeoNazi hate sites

Watch: German town plays prank on neo-Nazissites.
Good move...

Slovakia Will Only Accept Christian Migrants

Just like the anti-Jewish rhetoric in the 30's and 40's. Some things never change.

More stupid rhetoric from CAIR girl...Jews weren't running from Jews, They had nowhere else to go. There was no Jewish state, and the whole of Europe was executing them. Those people are running from their own people, Plenty of their Arab muslim brothers can take them
and how long have 'pogroms' been done . Think they have been conducted against Jews in Russia , Poland . Also done in Spain I think . And that's throughout history I think .
Good move...

Slovakia Will Only Accept Christian Migrants

Just like the anti-Jewish rhetoric in the 30's and 40's. Some things never change.

More stupid rhetoric from CAIR girl...Jews weren't running from Jews, They had nowhere else to go. There was no Jewish state, and the whole of Europe was executing them. Those people are running from their own people, Plenty of their Arab muslim brothers can take them

:lol: You sound just like the anti - semites - let someone else take care of them There were plenty of safe countries for the Jews - US, Canada, Australia who could have taken huge numbers, just like they could take in Syrians. You seem to think only countries with the same religions should take in refugees - or, at least that is your "excuse". Ironic how much you have in common with the anti-semites who turned away boatloads of desperate people.
Jewish leader compares Europe refugee crisis to Holocaust

Melbourne's Jewish Holocaust Centre has compared the refugee crisis engulfing Europe with the desperate and doomed attempts of Jewish refugees to flee Nazi Germany.

In a speech on Tuesday night, curator and head of collections Jayne Josem said the sight of thousands of Syrian refugees making desperate attempts to reach and settle in Europe bore chilling similarities to the attempts of Jewish families to flee the Nazis before and during World War II.

Millions perished after world leaders failed to agree on a plan to accept substantially more Jewish refugees, trapping them in Hitler's net.

"It is a fantastic commentary on the inhumanity of our times that for thousands and thousands of people a piece of paper with a stamp on it is the difference between life and death," Mrs Josem said, quoting American journalist Dorothy Thompson in 1938.

"I wonder, is it just me or did that make any of you think about what's going on in Europe right now with thousands of Syrian refugees clamouring to find a safe haven for themselves and for their families?

"The news this past week has made me think a lot about Jews in Europe in the period 1938 to 1939, about the Evian Conference, and about the St Louis 'voyage of the damned'," she said.
HEARD that both Canada and Hungary won't accept the invaders . Hope that its true .
Holocaust refugee: We owe it to mankind to allow Syrian refugees into Europe

Leslie Baruch Brent, a professor emeritus in immunology, was just a child when his parents sent him to live at a Jewish orphanage in Berlin to escape the unbearable anti-Semitism in the small German town where they lived. After three years at the orphanage and with the situation becoming grim for the Jews of Europe, the director of the orphanage selected Brent, originally named Lothar Baruch, and a few other boys to join the Kindertransport, which sent 10,000 children from around Europe to Britain during World War II.

Now with a desperate situation facing refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria, Brent says Europe has a duty to let in the refugees.

"We owe this to mankind to help the unfortunate people who are desperate and whose plight we are to some extent to blame for," he said in reference to the Iraq War, which he claimed lead to the creation of Islamic State.

Brent compared the situation to Britain's treatment of Jewish children during the Second World War, in which Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain gave mass visas to children in order for the Kindertransport to be possible. This generosity, he said, was what saved him from joining the fate of his family who stayed in Germany, who he later found out were murdered in the woods of Riga, Latvia by Nazi gunfire in October 1942.

They granted visa's to the children but refused them to the parents. It's a mixed generosity isn't it? That would save children but exclude adults who might otherwise be deemed "dangerous".
both Canada and Hungary are doing good if they have refused invaders . invaders shoulda stayed where they belonged Coyote .
Good move...

Slovakia Will Only Accept Christian Migrants

Just like the anti-Jewish rhetoric in the 30's and 40's. Some things never change.

More stupid rhetoric from CAIR girl...Jews weren't running from Jews, They had nowhere else to go. There was no Jewish state, and the whole of Europe was executing them. Those people are running from their own people, Plenty of their Arab muslim brothers can take them

:lol: You sound just like the anti - semites - let someone else take care of them There were plenty of safe countries for the Jews - US, Canada, Australia who could have taken huge numbers, just like they could take in Syrians. You seem to think only countries with the same religions should take in refugees - or, at least that is your "excuse". Ironic how much you have in common with the anti-semites who turned away boatloads of desperate people.

I'm saying if there were wealthy Jewish counrties, with lots of room, i would expect those Jews to take in their brothers. is that hard concept for you CAIR girl?
Good move...

Slovakia Will Only Accept Christian Migrants

Just like the anti-Jewish rhetoric in the 30's and 40's. Some things never change.

More stupid rhetoric from CAIR girl...Jews weren't running from Jews, They had nowhere else to go. There was no Jewish state, and the whole of Europe was executing them. Those people are running from their own people, Plenty of their Arab muslim brothers can take them

:lol: You sound just like the anti - semites - let someone else take care of them There were plenty of safe countries for the Jews - US, Canada, Australia who could have taken huge numbers, just like they could take in Syrians. You seem to think only countries with the same religions should take in refugees - or, at least that is your "excuse". Ironic how much you have in common with the anti-semites who turned away boatloads of desperate people.

I'm saying if there were wealthy Jewish counrties, with lots of room, i would expect those Jews to take in their brothers. is that hard concept for you CAIR girl?

My French Jewish neighbor sent me this article today which you will find interesting. Her mother and father were lucky that they survived over there in France. Her father was close to the border one time, and a couple of Nazis stopped him and started harassing him for being a Jew. He said, "Do you think a Jew could speak such perfect German as I do?" They weren't too smart and fell for what he said.

Syrian Refugees, How Lucky They Aren’t Jews - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva
Holocaust refugee: We owe it to mankind to allow Syrian refugees into Europe

Leslie Baruch Brent, a professor emeritus in immunology, was just a child when his parents sent him to live at a Jewish orphanage in Berlin to escape the unbearable anti-Semitism in the small German town where they lived. After three years at the orphanage and with the situation becoming grim for the Jews of Europe, the director of the orphanage selected Brent, originally named Lothar Baruch, and a few other boys to join the Kindertransport, which sent 10,000 children from around Europe to Britain during World War II.

Now with a desperate situation facing refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria, Brent says Europe has a duty to let in the refugees.

"We owe this to mankind to help the unfortunate people who are desperate and whose plight we are to some extent to blame for," he said in reference to the Iraq War, which he claimed lead to the creation of Islamic State.

Brent compared the situation to Britain's treatment of Jewish children during the Second World War, in which Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain gave mass visas to children in order for the Kindertransport to be possible. This generosity, he said, was what saved him from joining the fate of his family who stayed in Germany, who he later found out were murdered in the woods of Riga, Latvia by Nazi gunfire in October 1942.

They granted visa's to the children but refused them to the parents. It's a mixed generosity isn't it? That would save children but exclude adults who might otherwise be deemed "dangerous".
That's the the CAIR model form their hand brook,To equate what is happening in the middle east to the Holocaust is pure idiocy actually, only in the mind of a propagandist like you, but that's the CAIR way. We can take the Christians. Let the muslims take care of their own. We can help with money, organization, but we aren't under any obligation to take in all those people. We already have a refugee problem of or own. So how many refugees have Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE taken in? Those four Arab muslim countries combined, have taken in exactly...Drum roll please....0 :uhh:
Good move...

Slovakia Will Only Accept Christian Migrants

Just like the anti-Jewish rhetoric in the 30's and 40's. Some things never change.

More stupid rhetoric from CAIR girl...Jews weren't running from Jews, They had nowhere else to go. There was no Jewish state, and the whole of Europe was executing them. Those people are running from their own people, Plenty of their Arab muslim brothers can take them

:lol: You sound just like the anti - semites - let someone else take care of them There were plenty of safe countries for the Jews - US, Canada, Australia who could have taken huge numbers, just like they could take in Syrians. You seem to think only countries with the same religions should take in refugees - or, at least that is your "excuse". Ironic how much you have in common with the anti-semites who turned away boatloads of desperate people.

I'm saying if there were wealthy Jewish counrties, with lots of room, i would expect those Jews to take in their brothers. is that hard concept for you CAIR girl?

I don't sort refugees by religion - I expect any countries capable of it, to help people in need. If you feel the need to determine who to help by some sort of religious calculous - that is your business. Your statements however, echo those of another era where desperate refugees were refused shelter on the basis of their religion. I don't see how you can justify it - whether it's Jews or Muslims or Christians.
Good move...

Slovakia Will Only Accept Christian Migrants

Just like the anti-Jewish rhetoric in the 30's and 40's. Some things never change.

More stupid rhetoric from CAIR girl...Jews weren't running from Jews, They had nowhere else to go. There was no Jewish state, and the whole of Europe was executing them. Those people are running from their own people, Plenty of their Arab muslim brothers can take them

:lol: You sound just like the anti - semites - let someone else take care of them There were plenty of safe countries for the Jews - US, Canada, Australia who could have taken huge numbers, just like they could take in Syrians. You seem to think only countries with the same religions should take in refugees - or, at least that is your "excuse". Ironic how much you have in common with the anti-semites who turned away boatloads of desperate people.

I'm saying if there were wealthy Jewish counrties, with lots of room, i would expect those Jews to take in their brothers. is that hard concept for you CAIR girl?

My French Jewish neighbor sent me this article today which you will find interesting. Her mother and father were lucky that they survived over there in France. Her father was close to the border one time, and a couple of Nazis stopped him and started harassing him for being a Jew. He said, "Do you think a Jew could speak such perfect German as I do?" They weren't too smart and fell for what he said.

Syrian Refugees, How Lucky They Aren’t Jews - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Wow. The author sounds just like the anti-semites who refused to let Jews immigrate into their countries. Just as hateful and full of the same sort of propaganda. I just find astounding that someone who's people were so horribly persecuted and turned away over and over in their time of need would in turn promote more of the same because he did not like the refugee's religion.

Sorry - it's so wrong. Just like it's so wrong to take only children in and leave the adults to die.
both Canada and Hungary are doing good if they have refused invaders . invaders shoulda stayed where they belonged Coyote .

You would have turned away the SS St Louis then?
These people look more like Jihadists by their age… military aged Jihadist men are invading Europe….

European Refugee Crisis: Hungarian Prime Minister To Meet EU Leaders As Asylum-Seekers Remain Trapped In Budapest
Good move...

Slovakia Will Only Accept Christian Migrants

Just like the anti-Jewish rhetoric in the 30's and 40's. Some things never change.

More stupid rhetoric from CAIR girl...Jews weren't running from Jews, They had nowhere else to go. There was no Jewish state, and the whole of Europe was executing them. Those people are running from their own people, Plenty of their Arab muslim brothers can take them

:lol: You sound just like the anti - semites - let someone else take care of them There were plenty of safe countries for the Jews - US, Canada, Australia who could have taken huge numbers, just like they could take in Syrians. You seem to think only countries with the same religions should take in refugees - or, at least that is your "excuse". Ironic how much you have in common with the anti-semites who turned away boatloads of desperate people.

I'm saying if there were wealthy Jewish counrties, with lots of room, i would expect those Jews to take in their brothers. is that hard concept for you CAIR girl?

I don't sort refugees by religion - I expect any countries capable of it, to help people in need. If you feel the need to determine who to help by some sort of religious calculous - that is your business. Your statements however, echo those of another era where desperate refugees were refused shelter on the basis of their religion. I don't see how you can justify it - whether it's Jews or Muslims or Christians.

calculous is calculus.------- both the math and the plaque on teeth and the
calculi in the kidneys of unfortunate victims of that condition-----calculi is
the plural of calculus. It is not clear to me why Sir Isaac Newton named
his math ROCK-----maybe because it is useful in describing gravity.
I think the problem is not religion-----it is impending war
both Canada and Hungary are doing good if they have refused invaders . invaders shoulda stayed where they belonged Coyote .

You would have turned away the SS St Louis then?
These people look more like Jihadists by their age… military aged Jihadist men are invading Europe….

View attachment 49896
European Refugee Crisis: Hungarian Prime Minister To Meet EU Leaders As Asylum-Seekers Remain Trapped In Budapest
of course they are 'jihadi' reinforcements' to the already existing 'fifth column' of jihadis in 'europe' Defcon .

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