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Israel’s right or not to exist – The facts and truth

Intl law says only Palestinians have sovereignty rights in Occupied Palestine. Israel needs to abide by the law and end her Occupation of Palestine. No people should be forced to give up sovereignty rights of their people in their lands. That would be like the US being asked to give up Texas to Mexico. Of course, Americans would oppose that. In that very same way Palestinians oppose giving up sovereignty rights in their lands.

" International Law" is a joke. Somehow I don't think the Arabs were interested in " International Law" between 1948 and 1967. They could have had their State but was too busy getting together with Hitler ; Obviously before 1948. If the Arabs had won any War we wouldn't be talking about " International Law". Under " International Law" Jordan was supposed to let the Jews have access to E. Jerusalem but of course that never happened. The Israelis complained to the U.N. where do you think became of their complaints????????/ Israel will never be denied access to that land again. They pulled out of Gaza and immediately got more rockets

When two or more parties " negotiate" about anything it's understood no one is going to get everything their way. Deal with it.


Intl law is what it is, you deal with it.

No way are they giving up their clear legal rights under intl law!

The world is fed up with Israel's Occupation and crimes against Humanity and seemingly endless violations of intl law with seeming Impunity!

Time for what is today the Rogue State of Israel to cease to exist, like that Nazi Regime they are just alike ceased to exist!
Of course Frau Sherri, that "good Christian woman," who if she had been around at the time would have made a good friend of Ilsa Koch, who was known as the bitch of Buchenwald. As we can see, Frau Sherri is not interested at all regarding all the atrocities going on in the Muslim world against innocent people, whether they are non Muslims or even Muslims of different sects. She can conveniently close her eyes to these goings on because there are no Jews involved who she can castigate. If she were really the humanitarian she wants the readers to believe that she is, she would at least be on just one other forum condemning what the Muslims are doing to innocent others. By the way, Frau Sherri, have you polled all the people of the world to see what they think about Israel. I would think that most of the people in the world are not even thinking about Israel but wondering where the next meal is coming from (as in places like Somalia) or how to take better care of their families. It's rather funny how Frau Sherri keeps on bringing up the "rogue state of Israel." Must be a standard line that people who are against Israel are trained to say. Meanwhile, has anyone seen any Hindus saying "that rogue state of Pakistan" when the Hindus who had to leave had ancestors who lived there for thousands and thousands of years and millions were killed when Pakistan was carved out of India? I guess the Hindus don't have a good propaganda machine. Maybe Frau Sherri and friends should tell the Hindus how to go about this.
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Ah, yes, in the late 1920's, Jewish immigration began towards Palestine, beginning in the mid-to-late 1930's, with gradual but steady land purchases, and the increase in immigration made more imperative do to the pressures of Germany's arrests of Jewish citizens, traffic to the Mandated Palestine was amplified. With the confrontation in Jerusalem, many see this as "the beginning of the war."

ima, et al,

Just so I'm clear on the question!


Just so I understand. Which war do you define as: "the initial war instigated by zionists?"

Most Respectfully,

Ethnic cleansing began in 1947 and it continues unabated, time for The Rogue State of Israel to abide by intl law for a change and end her Occupation or I think the end to Israel is coming up real soon. The sooner the better, the way I look at it. I am so tired of reading about all the massacres of innocent Palestinian children by the Zionists, who try so hard to be just like their Nazi teachers! They live to kill Palestinians, seems there is no quenching their desire for the blood of innocent Palestinians! How any human being who claims to have an ounce of morality can support these continuing everyday crimes against humanity that are the Occupation is beneath my ability to understand! Just this past week two Palestinians were murdered, a 15 yr old child and a 21 year old college student. Their lives matter, too!


But the was started when the Palestinians rejected a two-state solution and the Israelis accepted the two-state solution. A series of subsequent battles have been fought. All the Arab States, except Syria, have made peace with Israel.

It should probably be worth considering that, to end the stalemate, Israel should just consider annexing the Occupied Territories. That would make it an internal security problem and not an Occupation problem. This seems like the only option that has not been exhausted. Since the Palestinians do not want to negotiate a settlement, it might default to a "winner take all" scenarion.

I don't know, just a thought.

Most Respectfully.

The UN did not approve the UN Partition Plan, so there was no plan for Palestinians to reject. Israel started ethnically cleansing the land of Palestine in November of 1947 and the surrounding Arab nations only began fighting with Israel after Israel began ethnically cleansing land not only set aside for the Jewish State but also villages that were supposed to be part of the Arab State, Israel started the fighting with surrounding nations by their unlawful acts of ethnic cleansing in Palestine. And the two state solution has never been offered to the Palestinian people. From November of 1947 through to the present, Israel has been engaged in acts of ethnically cleansing Palestine.
All those Arab nations surrounding Israel which mobilized their armies to defend the poor helpless Palestinians in '48 certainly seem to have changed their minds about helping the Palestinians after the fighting stopped......

After all, the assorted nations left the Palestinians in those camps, refusing to give them any aid or to allow them to become citizens or even to hold jobs.

And most of all - neither Jordan nor Egypt ever allowed the Palestinians self-determination in their own villages which were in the territories *Occupied* by those nations.

And yet somehow, all of that is just invisible to a self-proclaimed 'pacifist humanitarian' here.....
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Ah, yes, in the late 1920's, Jewish immigration began towards Palestine, beginning in the mid-to-late 1930's, with gradual but steady land purchases, and the increase in immigration made more imperative do to the pressures of Germany's arrests of Jewish citizens, traffic to the Mandated Palestine was amplified. With the confrontation in Jerusalem, many see this as "the beginning of the war."

Ethnic cleansing began in 1947 and it continues unabated, time for The Rogue State of Israel to abide by intl law for a change and end her Occupation or I think the end to Israel is coming up real soon. The sooner the better, the way I look at it. I am so tired of reading about all the massacres of innocent Palestinian children by the Zionists, who try so hard to be just like their Nazi teachers! They live to kill Palestinians, seems there is no quenching their desire for the blood of innocent Palestinians! How any human being who claims to have an ounce of morality can support these continuing everyday crimes against humanity that are the Occupation is beneath my ability to understand! Just this past week two Palestinians were murdered, a 15 yr old child and a 21 year old college student. Their lives matter, too!


But the was started when the Palestinians rejected a two-state solution and the Israelis accepted the two-state solution. A series of subsequent battles have been fought. All the Arab States, except Syria, have made peace with Israel.

It should probably be worth considering that, to end the stalemate, Israel should just consider annexing the Occupied Territories. That would make it an internal security problem and not an Occupation problem. This seems like the only option that has not been exhausted. Since the Palestinians do not want to negotiate a settlement, it might default to a "winner take all" scenarion.

I don't know, just a thought.

Most Respectfully.

The UN did not approve the UN Partition Plan, so there was no plan for Palestinians to reject. Israel started ethnically cleansing the land of Palestine in November of 1947 and the surrounding Arab nations only began fighting with Israel after Israel began ethnically cleansing land not only set aside for the Jewish State but also villages that were supposed to be part of the Arab State, Israel started the fighting with surrounding nations by their unlawful acts of ethnic cleansing in Palestine. And the two state solution has never been offered to the Palestinian people. From November of 1947 through to the present, Israel has been engaged in acts of ethnically cleansing Palestine.

How much is the Palestinian Authority and the terrorist organization Hamas is paying you Sherri?
Just one SMALL example; Hebron Those kind of massacres have been going on for centuries and obviously continued. Before 1948

Israeli American Jewish Terrorist Baruch Goldstein carried out a massacre killing 30 or 40 Muslims praying in a mosque. I think that was in 1994. Jewish terrorism in Hebron certainly does have a long history!

And just how many Baruch Goldsteins are there?:doubt:

i dunno. next purim i'll try to get a head count of the wee circumcised sprouts runnin' 'round in their costumes and beggin' for goodies in al-khalil.
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

I think I might be confused. Certainly the UN sees it another way.

The UN did not approve the UN Partition Plan, so there was no plan for Palestinians to reject. Israel started ethnically cleansing the land of Palestine in November of 1947 and the surrounding Arab nations only began fighting with Israel after Israel began ethnically cleansing land not only set aside for the Jewish State but also villages that were supposed to be part of the Arab State, Israel started the fighting with surrounding nations by their unlawful acts of ethnic cleansing in Palestine. And the two state solution has never been offered to the Palestinian people. From November of 1947 through to the present, Israel has been engaged in acts of ethnically cleansing Palestine.

The Question of Palestine before the United Nations
MAP on Page 8; Map No. 4153 UNITED NATIONS October 2000​

At its second regular session, after an intense two-month-long debate, the General Assembly, on 29 November 1947, adopted resolution 181 (II), approving with minor changes the Plan of Partition with Economic Union as proposed by the majority in the Special Committee on Palestine. The partition plan, a detailed four-part document attached to the resolution, provided for the termination of the Mandate, the progressive withdrawal of British armed forces and the delineation of boundaries between the two States and Jerusalem. The plan included:

  • The creation of the Arab and Jewish States, not later than 1 October 1948;
  • Division of Palestine into eight parts: three were allotted to the Arab State and three to the Jewish State, with the town of Jaffa forming an Arab enclave within Jewish territory, and
  • An international regime for Jerusalem, the eighth division, to be administered
  • by the United Nations Trusteeship Council.
The plan also set out the steps to be taken prior to independence. It dealt with the questions of citizenship, transit, the economic union and a declaration to be made by the provisional government of each proposed State regarding access to holy places and religious and minority rights. By resolution 181 (II), the Assembly also set up the United Nations Palestine Commission to carry out its recommendations and requested the Security Council to take the necessary measures to implement the plan of partition. The Jewish Agency accepted the resolution despite its dissatisfaction over such matters as Jewish emigration from Europe and the territorial limits set on the proposed Jewish State. The plan was not accepted by the Palestinian Arabs and Arab States on the ground that it violated the provisions of the United Nations Charter, which granted people the right to decide their own destiny. They said that the Assembly had endorsed the plan under circumstances unworthy of the United Nations and that the Arabs of Palestine would oppose any scheme that provided for the dissection, segregation or partition of their country, or which gave special and preferential rights and status to a minority.

Maybe I don't understand.

Most Respectfully,
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

I think I might be confused. Certainly the UN sees it another way.

The UN did not approve the UN Partition Plan, so there was no plan for Palestinians to reject. Israel started ethnically cleansing the land of Palestine in November of 1947 and the surrounding Arab nations only began fighting with Israel after Israel began ethnically cleansing land not only set aside for the Jewish State but also villages that were supposed to be part of the Arab State, Israel started the fighting with surrounding nations by their unlawful acts of ethnic cleansing in Palestine. And the two state solution has never been offered to the Palestinian people. From November of 1947 through to the present, Israel has been engaged in acts of ethnically cleansing Palestine.

The Question of Palestine before the United Nations
MAP on Page 8; Map No. 4153 UNITED NATIONS October 2000​

At its second regular session, after an intense two-month-long debate, the General Assembly, on 29 November 1947, adopted resolution 181 (II), approving with minor changes the Plan of Partition with Economic Union as proposed by the majority in the Special Committee on Palestine. The partition plan, a detailed four-part document attached to the resolution, provided for the termination of the Mandate, the progressive withdrawal of British armed forces and the delineation of boundaries between the two States and Jerusalem. The plan included:

  • The creation of the Arab and Jewish States, not later than 1 October 1948;
  • Division of Palestine into eight parts: three were allotted to the Arab State and three to the Jewish State, with the town of Jaffa forming an Arab enclave within Jewish territory, and
  • An international regime for Jerusalem, the eighth division, to be administered
  • by the United Nations Trusteeship Council.
The plan also set out the steps to be taken prior to independence. It dealt with the questions of citizenship, transit, the economic union and a declaration to be made by the provisional government of each proposed State regarding access to holy places and religious and minority rights. By resolution 181 (II), the Assembly also set up the United Nations Palestine Commission to carry out its recommendations and requested the Security Council to take the necessary measures to implement the plan of partition. The Jewish Agency accepted the resolution despite its dissatisfaction over such matters as Jewish emigration from Europe and the territorial limits set on the proposed Jewish State. The plan was not accepted by the Palestinian Arabs and Arab States on the ground that it violated the provisions of the United Nations Charter, which granted people the right to decide their own destiny. They said that the Assembly had endorsed the plan under circumstances unworthy of the United Nations and that the Arabs of Palestine would oppose any scheme that provided for the dissection, segregation or partition of their country, or which gave special and preferential rights and status to a minority.

Maybe I don't understand.

Most Respectfully,
Not to worry, Rocco, no-one on this green earth understands Tinfoil's and Sherri Muslimy's reasoning.
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Ah, yes, in the late 1920's, Jewish immigration began towards Palestine, beginning in the mid-to-late 1930's, with gradual but steady land purchases, and the increase in immigration made more imperative do to the pressures of Germany's arrests of Jewish citizens, traffic to the Mandated Palestine was amplified. With the confrontation in Jerusalem, many see this as "the beginning of the war."

Ethnic cleansing began in 1947 and it continues unabated, time for The Rogue State of Israel to abide by intl law for a change and end her Occupation or I think the end to Israel is coming up real soon. The sooner the better, the way I look at it. I am so tired of reading about all the massacres of innocent Palestinian children by the Zionists, who try so hard to be just like their Nazi teachers! They live to kill Palestinians, seems there is no quenching their desire for the blood of innocent Palestinians! How any human being who claims to have an ounce of morality can support these continuing everyday crimes against humanity that are the Occupation is beneath my ability to understand! Just this past week two Palestinians were murdered, a 15 yr old child and a 21 year old college student. Their lives matter, too!


But the was started when the Palestinians rejected a two-state solution and the Israelis accepted the two-state solution. A series of subsequent battles have been fought. All the Arab States, except Syria, have made peace with Israel.

It should probably be worth considering that, to end the stalemate, Israel should just consider annexing the Occupied Territories. That would make it an internal security problem and not an Occupation problem. This seems like the only option that has not been exhausted. Since the Palestinians do not want to negotiate a settlement, it might default to a "winner take all" scenarion.

I don't know, just a thought.

Most Respectfully.

The UN did not approve the UN Partition Plan, so there was no plan for Palestinians to reject. Israel started ethnically cleansing the land of Palestine in November of 1947 and the surrounding Arab nations only began fighting with Israel after Israel began ethnically cleansing land not only set aside for the Jewish State but also villages that were supposed to be part of the Arab State, Israel started the fighting with surrounding nations by their unlawful acts of ethnic cleansing in Palestine. And the two state solution has never been offered to the Palestinian people. From November of 1947 through to the present, Israel has been engaged in acts of ethnically cleansing Palestine.

Click here: What was the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan (a.k.a. UN General Assembly Resolution 181)? - Israeli-Palestinian[/URL]

ict Home Page > Peace Proposals, Negotiations, and Resolutions > 1947 UN Partition Plan >

What was the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan (a.k.a. UN General Assembly Resolution 181)?

General Reference (not clearly pro or con)

The United Nations document from 1990, titled "The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem: 1917-1988, Part II 1947-1977," contained the following description of the UN Partition Plan:

"The resolution of the General Assembly to partition Palestine, identified as resolution 181 (II), in effect constituted a recommendation 'to the United Kingdom, as the Mandatory Power, and to all other Members of the United Nations the adoption and implementation, with regard to the future government of Palestine, of the Plan of Partition with Economic Union ...', requesting the Security Council to 'undertake the necessary measures as provided in the plan for its implementation ...'
Palestine was to be divided into an un-named 'Jewish State' and an un-named 'Arab State'. Great Britain was to withdraw its presence by 1 August 1948, however making available by 1 February 1948 to the Jewish State an area including a seaport to facilitate 'substantial immigration'. During the transitional period beginning in November 1947, the United Nations would progressively take over the administration in the entire territory, to be exercised through a Commission, and power handed over to the two States on the day of independence, not later than 1 October 1948. The two States were to be linked in an economic union.

The territory of Palestine was divided into eight parts. Three were allotted to the Jewish State, three to the Arab State. The seventh, Jaffa, was to form an Arab enclave in Jewish territory. The eighth part was to be Jerusalem as a corpus separatum under a special international régime. This was to be administered by the United Nations Trusteeship Council for an initial period of 10 years, at the end of which the scheme would be re-examined by the Council, and 'the residents of the city shall then be free to express by means of a referendum their wishes as to possible modification of the régime of the City'."

The Pro- Palestinian lies. They all do. Ethnic cleaning of the Jews by the Arabs long before 1948 had been going on for years. Hebron is just one small example
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Ah, yes, in the late 1920's, Jewish immigration began towards Palestine, beginning in the mid-to-late 1930's, with gradual but steady land purchases, and the increase in immigration made more imperative do to the pressures of Germany's arrests of Jewish citizens, traffic to the Mandated Palestine was amplified. With the confrontation in Jerusalem, many see this as "the beginning of the war."


But the was started when the Palestinians rejected a two-state solution and the Israelis accepted the two-state solution. A series of subsequent battles have been fought. All the Arab States, except Syria, have made peace with Israel.

It should probably be worth considering that, to end the stalemate, Israel should just consider annexing the Occupied Territories. That would make it an internal security problem and not an Occupation problem. This seems like the only option that has not been exhausted. Since the Palestinians do not want to negotiate a settlement, it might default to a "winner take all" scenarion.

I don't know, just a thought.

Most Respectfully.

The UN did not approve the UN Partition Plan, so there was no plan for Palestinians to reject. Israel started ethnically cleansing the land of Palestine in November of 1947 and the surrounding Arab nations only began fighting with Israel after Israel began ethnically cleansing land not only set aside for the Jewish State but also villages that were supposed to be part of the Arab State, Israel started the fighting with surrounding nations by their unlawful acts of ethnic cleansing in Palestine. And the two state solution has never been offered to the Palestinian people. From November of 1947 through to the present, Israel has been engaged in acts of ethnically cleansing Palestine.

Click here: What was the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan (a.k.a. UN General Assembly Resolution 181)? - Israeli-Palestinian[/URL]

ict Home Page > Peace Proposals, Negotiations, and Resolutions > 1947 UN Partition Plan >

What was the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan (a.k.a. UN General Assembly Resolution 181)?

General Reference (not clearly pro or con)

The United Nations document from 1990, titled "The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem: 1917-1988, Part II 1947-1977," contained the following description of the UN Partition Plan:

"The resolution of the General Assembly to partition Palestine, identified as resolution 181 (II), in effect constituted a recommendation 'to the United Kingdom, as the Mandatory Power, and to all other Members of the United Nations the adoption and implementation, with regard to the future government of Palestine, of the Plan of Partition with Economic Union ...', requesting the Security Council to 'undertake the necessary measures as provided in the plan for its implementation ...'
Palestine was to be divided into an un-named 'Jewish State' and an un-named 'Arab State'. Great Britain was to withdraw its presence by 1 August 1948, however making available by 1 February 1948 to the Jewish State an area including a seaport to facilitate 'substantial immigration'. During the transitional period beginning in November 1947, the United Nations would progressively take over the administration in the entire territory, to be exercised through a Commission, and power handed over to the two States on the day of independence, not later than 1 October 1948. The two States were to be linked in an economic union.

The territory of Palestine was divided into eight parts. Three were allotted to the Jewish State, three to the Arab State. The seventh, Jaffa, was to form an Arab enclave in Jewish territory. The eighth part was to be Jerusalem as a corpus separatum under a special international régime. This was to be administered by the United Nations Trusteeship Council for an initial period of 10 years, at the end of which the scheme would be re-examined by the Council, and 'the residents of the city shall then be free to express by means of a referendum their wishes as to possible modification of the régime of the City'."

The Pro- Palestinian lies. They all do. Ethnic cleaning of the Jews by the Arabs long before 1948 had been going on for years. Hebron is just one small example
What was the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan (a.k.a. UN General Assembly Resolution 181)? - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - ProCon.org
Israeli American Jewish Terrorist Baruch Goldstein carried out a massacre killing 30 or 40 Muslims praying in a mosque. I think that was in 1994. Jewish terrorism in Hebron certainly does have a long history!

And just how many Baruch Goldsteins are there?:doubt:

i dunno. next purim i'll try to get a head count of the wee circumcised sprouts runnin' 'round in their costumes and beggin' for goodies in al-khalil.
A better idea for you, Seal, is to count the incidents of violence during Ramadan and report back to us just how many people were killed (as per usual) by the circumcised Muslims during their holy month.
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

I think I might be confused. Certainly the UN sees it another way.

The UN did not approve the UN Partition Plan, so there was no plan for Palestinians to reject. Israel started ethnically cleansing the land of Palestine in November of 1947 and the surrounding Arab nations only began fighting with Israel after Israel began ethnically cleansing land not only set aside for the Jewish State but also villages that were supposed to be part of the Arab State, Israel started the fighting with surrounding nations by their unlawful acts of ethnic cleansing in Palestine. And the two state solution has never been offered to the Palestinian people. From November of 1947 through to the present, Israel has been engaged in acts of ethnically cleansing Palestine.

The Question of Palestine before the United Nations
MAP on Page 8; Map No. 4153 UNITED NATIONS October 2000​

At its second regular session, after an intense two-month-long debate, the General Assembly, on 29 November 1947, adopted resolution 181 (II), approving with minor changes the Plan of Partition with Economic Union as proposed by the majority in the Special Committee on Palestine. The partition plan, a detailed four-part document attached to the resolution, provided for the termination of the Mandate, the progressive withdrawal of British armed forces and the delineation of boundaries between the two States and Jerusalem. The plan included:

  • The creation of the Arab and Jewish States, not later than 1 October 1948;
  • Division of Palestine into eight parts: three were allotted to the Arab State and three to the Jewish State, with the town of Jaffa forming an Arab enclave within Jewish territory, and
  • An international regime for Jerusalem, the eighth division, to be administered
  • by the United Nations Trusteeship Council.
The plan also set out the steps to be taken prior to independence. It dealt with the questions of citizenship, transit, the economic union and a declaration to be made by the provisional government of each proposed State regarding access to holy places and religious and minority rights. By resolution 181 (II), the Assembly also set up the United Nations Palestine Commission to carry out its recommendations and requested the Security Council to take the necessary measures to implement the plan of partition. The Jewish Agency accepted the resolution despite its dissatisfaction over such matters as Jewish emigration from Europe and the territorial limits set on the proposed Jewish State. The plan was not accepted by the Palestinian Arabs and Arab States on the ground that it violated the provisions of the United Nations Charter, which granted people the right to decide their own destiny. They said that the Assembly had endorsed the plan under circumstances unworthy of the United Nations and that the Arabs of Palestine would oppose any scheme that provided for the dissection, segregation or partition of their country, or which gave special and preferential rights and status to a minority.

Maybe I don't understand.

Most Respectfully,

The plan was not accepted by the Palestinian Arabs and Arab States on the ground that it violated the provisions of the United Nations Charter, which granted people the right to decide their own destiny. They said that the Assembly had endorsed the plan under circumstances unworthy of the United Nations and that the Arabs of Palestine would oppose any scheme that provided for the dissection, segregation or partition of their country, or which gave special and preferential rights and status to a minority.

What part of that don't you understand?
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Ah, yes, in the late 1920's, Jewish immigration began towards Palestine, beginning in the mid-to-late 1930's, with gradual but steady land purchases, and the increase in immigration made more imperative do to the pressures of Germany's arrests of Jewish citizens, traffic to the Mandated Palestine was amplified. With the confrontation in Jerusalem, many see this as "the beginning of the war."

Ethnic cleansing began in 1947 and it continues unabated, time for The Rogue State of Israel to abide by intl law for a change and end her Occupation or I think the end to Israel is coming up real soon. The sooner the better, the way I look at it. I am so tired of reading about all the massacres of innocent Palestinian children by the Zionists, who try so hard to be just like their Nazi teachers! They live to kill Palestinians, seems there is no quenching their desire for the blood of innocent Palestinians! How any human being who claims to have an ounce of morality can support these continuing everyday crimes against humanity that are the Occupation is beneath my ability to understand! Just this past week two Palestinians were murdered, a 15 yr old child and a 21 year old college student. Their lives matter, too!


But the was started when the Palestinians rejected a two-state solution and the Israelis accepted the two-state solution. A series of subsequent battles have been fought. All the Arab States, except Syria, have made peace with Israel.

It should probably be worth considering that, to end the stalemate, Israel should just consider annexing the Occupied Territories. That would make it an internal security problem and not an Occupation problem. This seems like the only option that has not been exhausted. Since the Palestinians do not want to negotiate a settlement, it might default to a "winner take all" scenarion.

I don't know, just a thought.

Most Respectfully.

The UN did not approve the UN Partition Plan, so there was no plan for Palestinians to reject. Israel started ethnically cleansing the land of Palestine in November of 1947 and the surrounding Arab nations only began fighting with Israel after Israel began ethnically cleansing land not only set aside for the Jewish State but also villages that were supposed to be part of the Arab State, Israel started the fighting with surrounding nations by their unlawful acts of ethnic cleansing in Palestine. And the two state solution has never been offered to the Palestinian people. From November of 1947 through to the present, Israel has been engaged in acts of ethnically cleansing Palestine.

I need to clarify what I wrote, the UN has no authority to create nations, if anyone thinks otherwise, please identify the provision in the UN Charter that gives them such a right.

Here is an excerpt of a UN document addressing the purpose of the UN Partition Plan, voted on by the UN General Assembly, how it was essentially a recommendation to the United Kingdom as to how to wrap up the Mandate, they wanted to turn over control of the country and end the Mandate. and the plan required subsequent action by both the UK and the UN to act as admonistrator and the UN Security Council, none of which ever happened.

"The provisions of the Partition resolution

The resolution of the General Assembly to partition Palestine, identified as resolution 181 (II), in effect constituted a recommendation "to the United Kingdom, as the Mandatory Power, and to all other Members of the United Nations the adoption and implementation, with regard to the future government of Palestine, of the Plan of Partition with Economic Union ...", requesting the Security Council to "undertake the necessary measures as provided in the plan for its implementation ..."

Palestine was to be divided into an un-named "Jewish State" and an un-named "Arab State". Great Britain was to withdraw its presence by 1 August 1948, however making available by 1 February 1948 to the Jewish State an area including a seaport to facilitate "substantial immigration". During the transitional period beginning in November 1947, the United Nations would progressively take over the administration in the entire territory, to be exercised through a Commission, and power handed over to the two States on the day of independence, not later than 1 October 1948. The two States were to be linked in an economic union."

The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP, DPR study, part II: 1947-1977 (30 June 1979)

SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

I think I might be confused. Certainly the UN sees it another way.

The UN did not approve the UN Partition Plan, so there was no plan for Palestinians to reject. Israel started ethnically cleansing the land of Palestine in November of 1947 and the surrounding Arab nations only began fighting with Israel after Israel began ethnically cleansing land not only set aside for the Jewish State but also villages that were supposed to be part of the Arab State, Israel started the fighting with surrounding nations by their unlawful acts of ethnic cleansing in Palestine. And the two state solution has never been offered to the Palestinian people. From November of 1947 through to the present, Israel has been engaged in acts of ethnically cleansing Palestine.

The Question of Palestine before the United Nations
MAP on Page 8; Map No. 4153 UNITED NATIONS October 2000​

Maybe I don't understand.

Most Respectfully,

The plan was not accepted by the Palestinian Arabs and Arab States on the ground that it violated the provisions of the United Nations Charter, which granted people the right to decide their own destiny. They said that the Assembly had endorsed the plan under circumstances unworthy of the United Nations and that the Arabs of Palestine would oppose any scheme that provided for the dissection, segregation or partition of their country, or which gave special and preferential rights and status to a minority.

What part of that don't you understand?

Additional arguments as to the unlawfulness of the UN Partition Plan, when it was voted upon by the UN General Assembly:

"The States opposing the partition of Palestine questioned the legal competence of the United Nations to take this drastic measure, asserting that it violated the principle of self-determination by denying it to the Palestinian people, and also infringed Article 6 of the Mandate which stipulated that "the rights and position of other (than Jewish) sections of the population are not prejudiced". These States further charged that interested Powers were using political pressure to gather the votes for the two-thirds majority required."

The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP, DPR study, part II: 1947-1977 (30 June 1979)

"The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People has a mandate from the United Nations General Assembly “to extend its cooperation and support to Palestinian and other civil society organizations”."

Obviously NOT an impartial body or an impartial website.
"The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People has a mandate from the United Nations General Assembly “to extend its cooperation and support to Palestinian and other civil society organizations”."

Obviously NOT an impartial body or an impartial website.

The United Nations obviously highly regards these reports, the reports appear to have been commissioned by the UN General Assembly.

The Reports are included on the UN website which collects important documents related to the conflict and appear in the Introductory pages of that website.

Your comment is like saying The Goldstone Report is biased because the UN commisssioned it.

The United Nations is an organization nations choose to become members in voluntarily and these nations agree to be bound by the UN Charter when they become members voluntarily in the UN.

This report documents the historical events in this conflict, with references, and sets forth intl law.

There is no bias in this report.

"The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People has a mandate from the United Nations General Assembly “to extend its cooperation and support to Palestinian and other civil society organizations”."

Obviously NOT an impartial body or an impartial website.

The United Nations obviously highly regards these reports, the reports appear to have been commissioned by the UN General Assembly.

The Reports are included on the UN website which collects important documents related to the conflict and appear in the Introductory pages of that website.

Your comment is like saying The Goldstone Report is biased because the UN commisssioned it.

The United Nations is an organization nations choose to become members in voluntarily and these nations agree to be bound by the UN Charter when they become members voluntarily in the UN.

This report documents the historical events in this conflict, with references, and sets forth intl law.

There is no bias in this report.


How much they are paying you Sherri?

Your blood brothers .. the terrorists Hamas ..and the Palestinian Authority ... to carry on with your useless propaganda?
"The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People has a mandate from the United Nations General Assembly “to extend its cooperation and support to Palestinian and other civil society organizations”."

Obviously NOT an impartial body or an impartial website.

The United Nations obviously highly regards these reports, the reports appear to have been commissioned by the UN General Assembly.

The Reports are included on the UN website which collects important documents related to the conflict and appear in the Introductory pages of that website.

Your comment is like saying The Goldstone Report is biased because the UN commisssioned it.

The United Nations is an organization nations choose to become members in voluntarily and these nations agree to be bound by the UN Charter when they become members voluntarily in the UN.

This report documents the historical events in this conflict, with references, and sets forth intl law.

There is no bias in this report.


And the UN is magically vaccinated against any of its staff having prejudice or bias exactly how? No other group of humans on the planet has achieved that - is there some secret stuff they put in the water there, or what?

And just how did that information come to you?
"The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People has a mandate from the United Nations General Assembly “to extend its cooperation and support to Palestinian and other civil society organizations”."

Obviously NOT an impartial body or an impartial website.

The United Nations obviously highly regards these reports, the reports appear to have been commissioned by the UN General Assembly.

The Reports are included on the UN website which collects important documents related to the conflict and appear in the Introductory pages of that website.

Your comment is like saying The Goldstone Report is biased because the UN commisssioned it.

The United Nations is an organization nations choose to become members in voluntarily and these nations agree to be bound by the UN Charter when they become members voluntarily in the UN.

This report documents the historical events in this conflict, with references, and sets forth intl law.

There is no bias in this report.


How much they are paying you Sherri?

Your blood brothers .. the terrorists Hamas ..and the Palestinian Authority ... to carry on with your useless propaganda?

Jesus leads and guides me in all of this, it is His example I follow in confronting Injustice with Truth, and Him alone.

I am addressing a UN Commissioned Report, not Propaganda! There is a difference between the two!
"The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People has a mandate from the United Nations General Assembly “to extend its cooperation and support to Palestinian and other civil society organizations”."

Obviously NOT an impartial body or an impartial website.

The United Nations obviously highly regards these reports, the reports appear to have been commissioned by the UN General Assembly.

The Reports are included on the UN website which collects important documents related to the conflict and appear in the Introductory pages of that website.

Your comment is like saying The Goldstone Report is biased because the UN commisssioned it.

The United Nations is an organization nations choose to become members in voluntarily and these nations agree to be bound by the UN Charter when they become members voluntarily in the UN.

This report documents the historical events in this conflict, with references, and sets forth intl law.

There is no bias in this report.


And the UN is magically vaccinated against any of its staff having prejudice or bias exactly how? No other group of humans on the planet has achieved that - is there some secret stuff they put in the water there, or what?

And just how did that information come to you?

For Zionists, there is always bias.

God is even biased, He loves The Chosen People above all others!

The rest of the world does not think like Zionsits do!

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