Israel´s terror attacks on Syria are going to end

The fact is that the targets Israel goes after are destroyed, so clearly the Syrian anti aircraft systems do not thwart Israeli attacks on Iranian and Hezbollah targets in Syria.
Not fact.
lol Of course it's a fact. You're beginning to sound like Baghdad Bob.
No, it isn´t. Air defense cannot intercept all missiles each time. But the Russian stuff is still way better than Iron Dome (made in UK, assembled in Israel) or Patriot.

Give me an hour and I will explain to You how Your side already confirmed everything the Israelis said.

The 2 rockets were intercepted on Syrian territory, the military allowed the ski resort to open as usual,
back to routine.
Syria denies any missiles were fired towards Israel.

Of course.. Because SYRIA did not launch them.. Assad has very little control over the 23 warring factions in his country -- OR IRANIAN forces...
Bibi will whine and cry. Dissembling talks of "self defense" will not convince Syrian air defense missiles.

Syrian air defense missiles are none of Israels goddamn business. Syrians have a right to defend themselves from foreign aggression. Israel has no right running sorties into Syria.

Ground to air missiles would if they were IRANIAN and could reach Israeli airspace.. That's the point.. But folks are confusing ground to air missiles with ground to ground missiles. EITHER type with Iranian logos on them are potential Israeli targets if they can reach the borders of Israel from this SNAFU zone...
Exchange Marks Start of New Battle in Secret Israel-Iran War, Experts Say

Israeli Air Force F-15 planes. Photo: Reuters / Amir Cohen.

Sunday’s Iranian rocket attack on the Golan Heights and the resulting massive Israeli retaliatory strike in Syria against targets connected to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’s Quds Force marked the opening of a new battle in the ongoing secret war between the Jewish state and the Tehran regime, experts said on Monday.

According to the Hebrew news site Mako, the rocket attack was planned in advance by Tehran in a bid to impede Israel’s ongoing air campaign against Iranian entrenchment in Syria. The IDF had identified preparations for such an attack for several weeks and readied a response plan.

The purpose of the Israeli operation was to restore deterrence against Iran and destroy high-value sites, such as ammunition dumps and intelligence installations. According to Mako, Iran’s ally Russia was informed of the strike just before it was launched.

In an analysis published by the Hebrew news site Walla, military analyst Amir Bohbot wrote, “The ayatollahs in Tehran made a decision several months ago to give full backing to the Quds Force commander, Qasem Soleimani, despite domestic criticism of continued Iranian consolidation in Syria, and despite Israeli determination and the price Iran will have to pay.”

“The purpose of the launch” at the Golan, he said, “was to create a balance of terror between Iran and Israel and to exert pressure on the Israeli government not to attack Iranian targets in Syria.”

“Israel’s response,” he noted, “was crushing.”

Latest Syria Exchange Marks Start of New Battle in Secret Israel-Iran War, Experts Say
So let's sum it up:

  • idiot opened a thread in the wrong forum,
  • was caught lying in the title
  • posts links contradicting his own BS, but won't look at them because of "slow connection"
  • realizing he's the joke of the room, reserves to claiming Israel should belong to Germany just to further prove us he's a real case of mental impotency.

When you burn the Reichskriegsflagge, does it mean you want to make peace?

It means that You deserve a mug of beer on Your dumb lying Nazi head.

"Wehrmacht service, in the early years of the war, protected them from the Gestapo."
Jewish Soldiers in Hitler's Nazi Army

You see, Wehrmacht was suspicious of NS leadership.

Morbid interest in Jews.

Can be quite addictive, can't it?
1. you forgot to put civilians in your post--too late now!!
It is not limited to civilians if you can read.

2. and you didn't prove it was unlawful
Neither are the attacks related to the Syrian-Israeli war nor is Israel at war with Iran.

3. self defense is not a political aim
This is not self defense.

they do not directly target civilians
See answer 1.

Israel not at war with Iran?

You sure about that?

Israel vs Iran - are they at war, what are they fighting about and what military powers do they have?
Do You look for the most ridiculous things to say, or You just dumb as a shoe?

“We’re ready for the decisive war that will bring about Israel’s disappearance from the earth. Our young airmen are prepared for the day when Israel will be destroyed,” Brig Gen Aziz Nasirzadeh said, according to an Iranian news site.
Personal opinion/statement. 4000 Iranian troops leaves you scared shitless.

Israeli Minister: Main threat is the Israeli security policy, not Hamas, Hezbollah or Iran
All eight missiles were shot down by the latest Buk M2 and Panzir systems on Sunder afternoon.

But the Zionist war hawks took revenge for their lost missiles and stroke again in the night:
Update: Israeli missiles hammer Damascus in newest wave of strikes

All eight missiles were shot down by the latest Buk M2 and Panzir systems on Sunder afternoon.

But the Zionist war hawks took revenge for their lost missiles and stroke again in the night:
Update: Israeli missiles hammer Damascus in newest wave of strikes

Your reliance on Syrian media for all the Assad "victory" stories is the reason you believe Iran is there to "contain" Israel.. And all the other scary tales..... We had this discussion when you posted Syrian media propaganda about "shooting down" many of the cruise missiles that the US launched in 2 attacks..

Israel only has 2 strategic concerns in Syria/Lebanon.

1) to prevent the basing of medium range Iranian missiles and expansion of their Shia Caliphate into those areas.


2) to conduct humanitarian medical operations on the Golan to patch up as many Jihadis as possible and return them quickly to combat in Syria so they can kill other Jihadis..

You´re out of touch with reality. They patched up their Jihadis so they can fight the Syrian army. And, by the way, guess you missed it in reliance on your super media: The war in the south is over. No "rebel" far and wide.
And Iran´s presence is solely about fighting the "rebels".
So let's sum it up:

  • idiot opened a thread in the wrong forum,
  • was caught lying in the title
  • posts links contradicting his own BS, but won't look at them because of "slow connection"
  • realizing he's the joke of the room, reserves to claiming Israel should belong to Germany just to further prove us he's a real case of mental impotency.

When you burn the Reichskriegsflagge, does it mean you want to make peace?

It means that You deserve a mug of beer on Your dumb lying Nazi head.

"Wehrmacht service, in the early years of the war, protected them from the Gestapo."
Jewish Soldiers in Hitler's Nazi Army

You see, Wehrmacht was suspicious of NS leadership.

Morbid interest in Jews.

Can be quite addictive, can't it?

You have propaganda and invincible chosen stuff, fanatic religious second class Christian Zionism. Have fun with your economy class place in heaven.
I have history. I saw movies and read books. The Wehrmacht was suspicious of the entire Nazism, and massacres were not carried out by the Wehrmacht but by services like the SD (Sicherheitsdienst) or special SS units.
Not fact.
lol Of course it's a fact. You're beginning to sound like Baghdad Bob.
No, it isn´t. Air defense cannot intercept all missiles each time. But the Russian stuff is still way better than Iron Dome (made in UK, assembled in Israel) or Patriot.

Give me an hour and I will explain to You how Your side already confirmed everything the Israelis said.

The 2 rockets were intercepted on Syrian territory, the military allowed the ski resort to open as usual,
back to routine.
Syria denies any missiles were fired towards Israel.

Of course.. Because SYRIA did not launch them.. Assad has very little control over the 23 warring factions in his country -- OR IRANIAN forces...
His popularity makes sure he has more control over his country
Ground to air missiles would if they were IRANIAN and could reach Israeli airspace.. That's the point.. But folks are confusing ground to air missiles with ground to ground missiles. EITHER type with Iranian logos on them are potential Israeli targets if they can reach the borders of Israel from this SNAFU zone...
What happens within Syrian sovereign borders, is none of Israel's god-damn business. Israel does not dictate what other countries can (and cannot) do. These Israeli bombing raids are going on in Syrian air space. This is just another example of Israeli aggression.
So let's sum it up:

  • idiot opened a thread in the wrong forum,
  • was caught lying in the title
  • posts links contradicting his own BS, but won't look at them because of "slow connection"
  • realizing he's the joke of the room, reserves to claiming Israel should belong to Germany just to further prove us he's a real case of mental impotency.

When you burn the Reichskriegsflagge, does it mean you want to make peace?

It means that You deserve a mug of beer on Your dumb lying Nazi head.

"Wehrmacht service, in the early years of the war, protected them from the Gestapo."
Jewish Soldiers in Hitler's Nazi Army

You see, Wehrmacht was suspicious of NS leadership.

Morbid interest in Jews.

Can be quite addictive, can't it?

You have propaganda and invincible chosen stuff, fanatic religious second class Christian Zionism. Have fun with your economy class place in heaven.
I have history. I saw movies and read books. The Wehrmacht was suspicious of the entire Nazism, and massacres were not carried out by the Wehrmacht but by services like the SD (Sicherheitsdienst) or special SS units.

You saw movies? And read books? Didn't we all?

What has Christian Zionism to do with me?

Do you know any Holocaust survivors? Personally?
Israeli UN Envoy Reveals: Iran Spends $7 Billion Annually on Terror Activities in Middle East.

Israeli UN Ambassador Danny Danon revealed to the Security Council on Tuesday details of Iran’s terror activities throughout the Middle East.

“The Iranian regime’s obsession with Israel is not just well-known. It is expensive,” he said. “Seven billion dollars annually are directed toward the never ending attempts to destroy Israel. Follow the bloody trail of money starting in Tehran and you will arrive at the terror tunnels in Lebanon and Gaza and the weapons warehouses in Syria. It is now trying to infiltrate Judea and Samaria,”

“With the help of Saleh Al-Arouri, Hamas’ deputy political chief, and Saeed Izadi, the head of the Palestinian branch of the Iranian Quds Force, Iran is trying to turn Judea and Samaria into a fourth military front against Israel,” Danon added. “The world’s silence allows Iran to continue with its operations and aggression to undermine stability in the Middle East.”

The ambassador urged the Security Council to blacklist Hamas and Hezbollah, noting that “weakening these terrorist organizations is the first step to dismantling the epicenter of terrorism that sits in Tehran.”

Israeli UN Envoy Reveals: Iran Spends $7 Billion Annually on Terror Activities in Middle East
When you burn the Reichskriegsflagge, does it mean you want to make peace?
It means that You deserve a mug of beer on Your dumb lying Nazi head.
"Wehrmacht service, in the early years of the war, protected them from the Gestapo."
Jewish Soldiers in Hitler's Nazi Army

You see, Wehrmacht was suspicious of NS leadership.

Morbid interest in Jews.

Can be quite addictive, can't it?
You have propaganda and invincible chosen stuff, fanatic religious second class Christian Zionism. Have fun with your economy class place in heaven.
I have history. I saw movies and read books. The Wehrmacht was suspicious of the entire Nazism, and massacres were not carried out by the Wehrmacht but by services like the SD (Sicherheitsdienst) or special SS units.

You saw movies? And read books? Didn't we all?

What has Christian Zionism to do with me?

Do you know any Holocaust survivors? Personally?
So then you are just in line with US foreign policies and celebrate the womens´ freedom in democratic Saudi Arabia?
If you read the reports and see the docus you will realize that "holocaust survivors" are all over the place...
Israeli UN Envoy Reveals: Iran Spends $7 Billion Annually on Terror Activities in Middle East.

Israeli UN Ambassador Danny Danon revealed to the Security Council on Tuesday details of Iran’s terror activities throughout the Middle East.

“The Iranian regime’s obsession with Israel is not just well-known. It is expensive,” he said. “Seven billion dollars annually are directed toward the never ending attempts to destroy Israel. Follow the bloody trail of money starting in Tehran and you will arrive at the terror tunnels in Lebanon and Gaza and the weapons warehouses in Syria. It is now trying to infiltrate Judea and Samaria,”

“With the help of Saleh Al-Arouri, Hamas’ deputy political chief, and Saeed Izadi, the head of the Palestinian branch of the Iranian Quds Force, Iran is trying to turn Judea and Samaria into a fourth military front against Israel,” Danon added. “The world’s silence allows Iran to continue with its operations and aggression to undermine stability in the Middle East.”

The ambassador urged the Security Council to blacklist Hamas and Hezbollah, noting that “weakening these terrorist organizations is the first step to dismantling the epicenter of terrorism that sits in Tehran.”

Israeli UN Envoy Reveals: Iran Spends $7 Billion Annually on Terror Activities in Middle East
How Israel helped create Hamas
Israeli UN Envoy Reveals: Iran Spends $7 Billion Annually on Terror Activities in Middle East.

Israeli UN Ambassador Danny Danon revealed to the Security Council on Tuesday details of Iran’s terror activities throughout the Middle East.

“The Iranian regime’s obsession with Israel is not just well-known. It is expensive,” he said. “Seven billion dollars annually are directed toward the never ending attempts to destroy Israel. Follow the bloody trail of money starting in Tehran and you will arrive at the terror tunnels in Lebanon and Gaza and the weapons warehouses in Syria. It is now trying to infiltrate Judea and Samaria,”

“With the help of Saleh Al-Arouri, Hamas’ deputy political chief, and Saeed Izadi, the head of the Palestinian branch of the Iranian Quds Force, Iran is trying to turn Judea and Samaria into a fourth military front against Israel,” Danon added. “The world’s silence allows Iran to continue with its operations and aggression to undermine stability in the Middle East.”

The ambassador urged the Security Council to blacklist Hamas and Hezbollah, noting that “weakening these terrorist organizations is the first step to dismantling the epicenter of terrorism that sits in Tehran.”

Israeli UN Envoy Reveals: Iran Spends $7 Billion Annually on Terror Activities in Middle East
How Israel helped create Hamas

sheeeesh Capt Blei-------your article presents sophistry which could easily be used
to explain how Jesus was the founder of the german Nazi party
It means that You deserve a mug of beer on Your dumb lying Nazi head.
"Wehrmacht service, in the early years of the war, protected them from the Gestapo."
Jewish Soldiers in Hitler's Nazi Army

You see, Wehrmacht was suspicious of NS leadership.

Morbid interest in Jews.

Can be quite addictive, can't it?
You have propaganda and invincible chosen stuff, fanatic religious second class Christian Zionism. Have fun with your economy class place in heaven.
I have history. I saw movies and read books. The Wehrmacht was suspicious of the entire Nazism, and massacres were not carried out by the Wehrmacht but by services like the SD (Sicherheitsdienst) or special SS units.

You saw movies? And read books? Didn't we all?

What has Christian Zionism to do with me?

Do you know any Holocaust survivors? Personally?
So then you are just in line with US foreign policies and celebrate the womens´ freedom in democratic Saudi Arabia?
If you read the reports and see the docus you will realize that "holocaust survivors" are all over the place...

Is there something wrong with you?

I asked if you knew one personally.

All you do is read newspapers and magazines.
Ground to air missiles would if they were IRANIAN and could reach Israeli airspace.. That's the point.. But folks are confusing ground to air missiles with ground to ground missiles. EITHER type with Iranian logos on them are potential Israeli targets if they can reach the borders of Israel from this SNAFU zone...
What happens within Syrian sovereign borders, is none of Israel's god-damn business. Israel does not dictate what other countries can (and cannot) do. These Israeli bombing raids are going on in Syrian air space. This is just another example of Israeli aggression.
aggression --ahahahhahahahaha
the Arabs have been vowing to eradicate Israel for decades---this is self defense
"Wehrmacht service, in the early years of the war, protected them from the Gestapo."
Jewish Soldiers in Hitler's Nazi Army

You see, Wehrmacht was suspicious of NS leadership.

Morbid interest in Jews.

Can be quite addictive, can't it?
You have propaganda and invincible chosen stuff, fanatic religious second class Christian Zionism. Have fun with your economy class place in heaven.
I have history. I saw movies and read books. The Wehrmacht was suspicious of the entire Nazism, and massacres were not carried out by the Wehrmacht but by services like the SD (Sicherheitsdienst) or special SS units.

You saw movies? And read books? Didn't we all?

What has Christian Zionism to do with me?

Do you know any Holocaust survivors? Personally?
So then you are just in line with US foreign policies and celebrate the womens´ freedom in democratic Saudi Arabia?
If you read the reports and see the docus you will realize that "holocaust survivors" are all over the place...

Is there something wrong with you?

I asked if you knew one personally.

All you do is read newspapers and magazines.
I also asked you something.
Israeli UN Envoy Reveals: Iran Spends $7 Billion Annually on Terror Activities in Middle East.

Israeli UN Ambassador Danny Danon revealed to the Security Council on Tuesday details of Iran’s terror activities throughout the Middle East.

“The Iranian regime’s obsession with Israel is not just well-known. It is expensive,” he said. “Seven billion dollars annually are directed toward the never ending attempts to destroy Israel. Follow the bloody trail of money starting in Tehran and you will arrive at the terror tunnels in Lebanon and Gaza and the weapons warehouses in Syria. It is now trying to infiltrate Judea and Samaria,”

“With the help of Saleh Al-Arouri, Hamas’ deputy political chief, and Saeed Izadi, the head of the Palestinian branch of the Iranian Quds Force, Iran is trying to turn Judea and Samaria into a fourth military front against Israel,” Danon added. “The world’s silence allows Iran to continue with its operations and aggression to undermine stability in the Middle East.”

The ambassador urged the Security Council to blacklist Hamas and Hezbollah, noting that “weakening these terrorist organizations is the first step to dismantling the epicenter of terrorism that sits in Tehran.”

Israeli UN Envoy Reveals: Iran Spends $7 Billion Annually on Terror Activities in Middle East
How Israel helped create Hamas

sheeeesh Capt Blei-------your article presents sophistry which could easily be used
to explain how Jesus was the founder of the german Nazi party
Jesus founded the NSDAP?

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