Israel Security Establishment Breaks With Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu on Iran Deal


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Jul 22, 2015
Israel Security Establishment Breaks With Bibi on Iran Deal

There’s a deep crack emerging in the veneer of wall-to-wall support offered by Israel’s political leadership to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his war against the Iran nuclear agreement.

The crack has a name you might recognize: the Israeli security establishment. You know — the folks whose job it is to identify and address threats to Israel’s safety. A small but growing group of high-power ex-commanders has been speaking out in media interviews and op-ed essays in the past few days, saying that Netanyahu has got the Iran issue wrong.

Who are these critics?

They include a former chief of military intelligence, Amos Yadlin, who now heads Israel’s main defense think tank; a former chief of arms technology,Yitzhak Ben-Yisrael , who now chairs both The Israel Space Agency and the science ministry’s research and development council; a former chief of military operations,Israel Ziv ; a near-legendary architect of Israeli military intelligence, Dov Tamari ; a former director of the Shin Bet domestic security service, Ami Ayalon , and a former director of the Mossad intelligence agency, Efraim Halevy . And there are others.

Israel Security Establishment Breaks With Bibi on Iran Deal - Opinion

A few elaborations and additional points, if I might.

1) It should be highly noted that the Chief of Staff of the IDF, that is the CURRENT (as opposed to "mothballed") Chief of Staff gave a speech to a prestigious international forum not long ago. His topic was: "The Threats to Israel". In his entire speech, in everything he listed as existential threats to Israel, HE DID NOT EVEN MENTION THE WORD "IRAN"! Did I mention that it was the CURRENT Chief of Staff of the IDF who gave the speech?

2) It should also be pointed out that Efraim Halevy was appointed to his position as head of the Mossad BY NETANYAHU! (Mr. Halevy, by the way, came up with the most accurate observation of all: "Netanyahu is a greater threat to Israel than Iran!")
And MY feeling?
And MY feeling?

We already knew you are an anti-American traitor. When are you going to move there? Or, do you already live there?

Btw? The name of this website is ....U.S.messageboard....NOT Israelmessageboard.


Oh and the topic of THIS thread is...Israel Security Establishment Breaks With Bibi on Iran Deal

NOT..."I love Israel".
And MY feeling?

We already knew you are an anti-American traitor. When are you going to move there? Or, do you already live there?

Btw? The name of this website is ....U.S.messageboard....NOT Israelmessageboard.


Oh and the topic of THIS thread is...Israel Security Establishment Breaks With Bibi on Iran Deal

NOT..."I love Israel".
Iran, it's leaders and it's people can go to hell.
Iran, it's leaders and it's people can go to hell.

What about what the leaders of your beloved Israel have to say about Iran?

THEY say Iran is not a threat. Isn't it time you let go of the HATE you have that you were tricked into attaining by the marxist ZioMedia?
Iran, it's leaders and it's people can go to hell.

What about what the leaders of your beloved Israel have to say about Iran?

THEY say Iran is not a threat. Isn't it time you let go of the HATE you have that you were tricked into attaining by the marxist ZioMedia?
Iran does not need a nuke. Iran NEEDS to BE nuked.
Iran does not need a nuke. Iran NEEDS to BE nuked.

Iran doesn't want nukes. Nor is the topic of the thread what the world wants to have happen to Israel.

Iran is NOT an existential threat like the psychopathic thug Bibi or the marxist media claims. Only the delusional paranoid would think of a country that hasn't attacked anyone in 270 years as an existential threat.
Iran does not need a nuke. Iran NEEDS to BE nuked.

Iran doesn't want nukes. Nor is the topic of the thread what the world wants to have happen to Israel.

Iran is NOT an existential threat like the psychopathic thug Bibi or the marxist media claims. Only the delusional paranoid would think of a country that hasn't attacked anyone in 270 years as an existential threat.
So what they DID under Carter was a Tupperware party?
So what they DID under Carter was a Tupperware party?

Doesn't matter. That was resolved. Are you going to hate all of your life for something that happened (& was resolved) a generation ago?

Back on topic.

Yuval Diskin, former head of Shin Bet on Netanyahu and Barak:

"They are misleading the public on the Iran issue. They tell the public that if Israel acts, Iran won't have a nuclear bomb. This is misleading. Actually, many experts say that an Israeli attack would accelerate the Iranian nuclear race"

Similarly, in an interview with 60 Minutes, ex-Mossad chief Meir Dagan said that an Israeli attack would have "devastating" consequences for Israel and would be unlikely to end the Iranian nuclear program.
So what they DID under Carter was a Tupperware party?

Doesn't matter. That was resolved. Are you going to hate all of your life for something that happened (& was resolved) a generation ago?

Back on topic.

Yuval Diskin, former head of Shin Bet on Netanyahu and Barak:

"They are misleading the public on the Iran issue. They tell the public that if Israel acts, Iran won't have a nuclear bomb. This is misleading. Actually, many experts say that an Israeli attack would accelerate the Iranian nuclear race"

Similarly, in an interview with 60 Minutes, ex-Mossad chief Meir Dagan said that an Israeli attack would have "devastating" consequences for Israel and would be unlikely to end the Iranian nuclear program.
Oh but it DOES matter YOUR 270 year statement was not ONLY proven to be a LIE it's a LIE YOU ADMITTED to!
DarkFury,as not ONLY proven to be a LIE it's a LIE YOU ADMITTED to!


Not a lie. The Iranian government didn't attack the US Embassy. That was done by Iranian college students. Of, both sexes, I might add.

The only LIES being told here are by YOU. Liar!

Back on topic.

Iran has more soldiers fighting ISIS in the front ranks with Iraqi soldiers than the US does. And as ABC News reports today, "In stark contrast to the U.S. government's measured approach to countering ISIS in Iraq through the deployment of military advisors and stand-off airstrikes, Iran flatly offered Iraq an "open check" to battle the Islamic extremists, the Iraqi Ambassador to the U.S. said today."
Iran unveils $29 billion mining projects


Iran has introduced $29 billion worth of mining projects to a trade and investment conference held with the EU in Vienna to discuss post-sanction opportunities for cooperation.

The projects include production of aluminum, steel, rare earth elements, copper, gold and coal by tapping Iran’s mineral reserves, Deputy Industry Minister Mehdi Karbasian said.

“Current projects have a value of $9 billion and future schemes are worth $20 billion,” said the official, projecting they would create about 70,000 jobs when they get underway.

Karbasian said under the new mining development plan, prospective investors will be provided with geological data to raise confidence about the viability of development projects.

Some of the major mining projects involve production of steel which the country plans to quadruple to 55 million tons a year by 2025 in order to keep pace with demand in its industry and an economy being billed as one of the emerging Next Eleven.

Steel is a strategic commodity for the country of about 80 million. It is crucial to Iran’s massive oil and gas industry and its automotive sector which is the Middle East’s largest.

Iran has also a massive transportation and water supply network and a mammoth construction sector as well as sprawling urban centers which devour steel in stupendous quantities.

The Iran-EU trade and investment conference in Vienna brought together officials and traders from the resource-rich country as well as Austria, France, Germany, the UK and other countries to discuss opportunities for trade.

At the opening of the two-day forum, Iranian officials pledged to splash out more than $180 billion on oil and gas projects.

Trade, however, is expected to take off at a slow pace as Iran’s return to the international financial fold is bound to take time.

Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Minister Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh told the conference that Iran expected to rejoin the international electronic payment system or SWIFT three month after the sanctions are lifted.

Iran’s reintegration into SWIFT is crucial for trade, without which Tehran faced enormous challenges for banking transfers for years.

Nematzadeh said he expected international banks to re-establish links with Iran as the sanctions relief comes to effect.

Headline and "news" story, as follows....


The Iran deal will provide Iran with a cash windfall as sanctions are eased and assets are unfrozen. The total amount is estimated to be as high as $150 billion. If so, the Iran deal would give more cash to Iran than the $124.3 billion U.S. has given in total aid to Israel since 1948.

Iran Deal Worth More than All U.S. Aid to Israel Since 1948 - Breitbart

There is a major point to be made here. All that money to Israel was taken from the American taxpayers. The money Iran is getting is theirs to begin with, earned by them before being frozen (stolen) by the US sanctions!

DISGUSTING: Iran receives AID??!!??

The Jewish Press is all upset about the "Iran deal being worth more than all U.S. aid to Israel since 1948" What despicable deceptive wording! Told in a despicably Jewish way, which I will dissect here.

1. As part of the recent deal, Iran had 150 billion in previously seized assets unfrozen and returned, which in reality is only a moderate percentage of the grand total stolen by Jews everywhere from Iran. But it is something, and that pissed the Jewish community off.

2. The Jewish community knows that there are a fair number of Americans that are pissed about all the "aid" America gives Israel, which Israel clearly, in no uncertain terms does not need, it's just reparative parasitism. The amount is so high it amounts to thousands of dollars per year (about $2,000) for every Jew in Israel, nice little bonus there.

3. The Jews want to diffuse the anger caused by their most outwardly visible form of parasitism, so they used word games to peg this anger, which they rightly deserve, on someone else, a scapegoat, IRAN.

Let me dissect the phrase "Iran receives $150 billion in deal, more than all aid given by America to Israel"

When you see that worded this way, a very strong implication is made that America took from taxpayers, the same way it does for Israel, and just handed Iran $150 billion. The headline, which reads: "Iran Deal Worth More than All U.S. Aid to Israel Since 1948" is obviously designed to fool couch potato Joe into believing that the U.S., in ONE SHOT, handed Iran a huge amount of cash from the same coffer Israel digs from, which will no doubt trigger tons of discussions in forums and blogs about how Obama sold out to Iran, which is a bold faced lie. I won't mince words, I hate Obama, but he did not sell out AT ALL with regard to Iran. He still screwed them good.

And here you see a disgusting and prime example of Jewish word play. Yep, you cannot deny Iran received a huge sum of asset value. And you cannot deny it is more than Israel ever officially got from America in the form of cash. But the devil is in the details, which is where it all came from, which is previously stolen assets which are being returned to Iran now, after the Zio's held them for in some cases decades.

While the Jews held these assets they probably profited from them more than the total sum of "$150 billion" now being returned, and they are being returned now only because they HAVE TO return them. And how much were they worth when taken? Probably a LOT MORE than $150 billion! They have probably been stripped of value and milked hard before return.

I have an additional fine example of Jewish word play:

Jew: I see your dog has puppies. She is a mother!

Goy: Yes, my dog has puppies. They are cute.

Jew: So you own this dog, you cannot deny it is yours, and she is a mother. That makes the dog YOUR MOTHER, and by your own admission, the puppies are therefore your brothers and sisters.

This type of word play was used by Jews to do huge damage to Western civilization. You see it in the courts all the time, this is how the law is mis-applied to destroy anyone they target.
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