Israel spraying toxins over Palestinian crops in Gaza

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...What reason could Israel have of damaging crops of Palestinians in Gaza?...
Assuming for a moment, for argument's sake, that the report is true...


Because the Israels want them to pack up and leave.

They should take the hint.

No point in hanging around a place where you have no future.

Choose sanity.

Choose life.

The Gaza buffer zone was an agreement reach in granting autonomy to Gaza. You know that. Perfectly legal..

Cities usually ALWAYS take a buffer zone and utility or other easements on your property. If I plant a tree there, and refuse to be apprehended -- EVENTUALLY someone from authority will have to shoot me if I assert a right to that tree.

Fisherman being shot at whilst they fish? Then how come so much of the evidence comes from well-camera'd journalists cluttering up the decks on their "fishing expeditions" into excluded zones? In better relationships and better diplomacy -- Israel would extend a narrow channel for small craft into deeper waters and just INSPECT the small boats on their return.

So Israel no longer has any jurisdiction in Gaza. BUT -- they have MILITARY jurisdiction in those other areas you mentioned. And THEY are responsible for public safety, and order..

Those areas COULD be refugee camps or peaceful prosperous autonomous Palestine. That decision was always and is now --- up to the Palestinians..
Mr. Mod, brandishing his A-game. I guess you gotta bring the best, when you debate the best? My compliments to the instructor of your speech class; he taught you well.

I don't know if I should rip you to shreds, or bask in the shine that is your rebuttal?

Since the Denver game is on and I have been drinking heavily since 10am, I'll give you a pass this time.

But hey, I ain't no kiss-ass!

That post had content -- I'm sure.. About 80 proof !!!! :poke:

So anytime you need to reminded that the deal for an Autonomous Gaza included a buffer zone -- or why Palestinians don't have rights of citizenship in any country -- you just ring me up... I'll also call you a cab if we have to.. :itsok:
That post had content -- I'm sure.. About 80 proof !!!! :poke:

So anytime you need to reminded that the deal for an Autonomous Gaza included a buffer zone -- or why Palestinians don't have rights of citizenship in any country -- you just ring me up... I'll also call you a cab if we have to.. :itsok:
I think you should produce evidence of this agreement.

Fisherman being shot at whilst they fish? Then how come so much of the evidence comes from well-camera'd journalists cluttering up the decks on their "fishing expeditions" into excluded zones?
How come there's so much evidence? Because Israel shoots at a lot of fishermen. And there's nothing wrong with journalists on a boat. Furthermore, Israel has no jurisdiction in international waters and therefore, cannot exclude Palestinian fishermen from accessing these waters.

Israel telling the Pals where they can (and cannot) fish, is like you coming over to my house and telling me what's what under my own roof. Do you not see how wrong that is? You have no right telling people what to do on their own property. If you think you do, then come over to my house and try to pull that shit with me.
Israel telling the Pals where they can (and cannot) fish, is like you coming over to my house and telling me what's what under my own roof. Do you not see how wrong that is? You have no right telling people what to do on their own property. If you think you do, then come over to my house and try to pull that shit with me.

What you do in your own house is none of our business. But when you start bringing weapons home and then firing at my house it becomes my business. Your rights are good exactly as far as they don't encroach upon other's rights. Stop encroaching on my right to live free from bullets (rockets, knives, etc.)
That post had content -- I'm sure.. About 80 proof !!!! :poke:

So anytime you need to reminded that the deal for an Autonomous Gaza included a buffer zone -- or why Palestinians don't have rights of citizenship in any country -- you just ring me up... I'll also call you a cab if we have to.. :itsok:
I think you should produce evidence of this agreement.

Fisherman being shot at whilst they fish? Then how come so much of the evidence comes from well-camera'd journalists cluttering up the decks on their "fishing expeditions" into excluded zones?
How come there's so much evidence? Because Israel shoots at a lot of fishermen. And there's nothing wrong with journalists on a boat. Furthermore, Israel has no jurisdiction in international waters and therefore, cannot exclude Palestinian fishermen from accessing these waters.

Israel telling the Pals where they can (and cannot) fish, is like you coming over to my house and telling me what's what under my own roof. Do you not see how wrong that is? You have no right telling people what to do on their own property. If you think you do, then come over to my house and try to pull that shit with me.

Until Gaza implements implements an Internationally APPROVED customs and border service --- they have no claim to an "open border" or unfettered smuggling. Essentially they are currently "lawless" in terms of International compliance. And their neighbors can certainly claim security concerns and take steps to PREVENT entrance of items that are forbidden by International agreements. Even if Gaza is not a party to those agreements.

All of this is pretty much off-topic and I can understand why you are BORED with the original flimsy lying ass OP.. Since THAT is such a minor dust-up (punny) compared with the Gaza Sanctions and trade restrictions. Maybe your couch warrior team should concentrate on picking more important topics and OPs..

Billo does not rule the world --- yet. And these security concerns are NOT JUST ISRAELI BS.. The rest of the world recognizes the need to have regular order on the borders of Gaza. Go blame the EU or NATO..

A senior Western diplomat said the countries, all NATO members, broadly agreed on a number of points and hoped to be able to produce a formal document or a programme of action at the next meeting in Britain in early March.

"We are not ready to adopt it yet, but we are going to meet in London in a few weeks' time and I hope that that will produce this agreed document over what it is we want to do," the diplomat said.

Civil servants from a majority of the countries agreed the use of naval force would be necessary to effectively halt the inflow of weapons to Gaza, although several countries opposed the use of military force, the senior diplomat said.

No political decisions were taken at the two-day meeting, which focused more on the routes weapons follow from their origin through the Red Sea towards the Gaza Strip than smuggling from tunnels between Egypt and the Palestinian enclave.

The senior diplomat said the conference had agreed on a number of points, including the need for cooperation in intelligence gathering and diplomatic actions to curb the flow of illicit arms into Gaza.

European Union Offers To Take Charge Of Gaza Borders (Did I miss the thread on THIS news item??? )

BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union offered Friday to take charge of Gaza's border crossings and work to prevent illegal arms flows, insisting on a durable truce and saying a return to the status quo before the latest war "is not an option."

As EU foreign ministers held an urgent meeting in Brussels about global conflicts, Hamas negotiators met with the Islamic militant group's leadership in Qatar to discuss a proposal for a long-term truce with Israel. An official said the group was inclined to accept the Egyptian-mediated offer.

The Gaza blockade remains the main stumbling block. It has greatly limited the movement of Palestinians in and out of the territory of 1.8 million people, restricted the flow of goods into Gaza and blocked virtually all exports.

The EU is prepared "to play a strong role" in managing the crossings while assuring that Israel's security is guaranteed, said the 28-nation bloc's foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton.

The EU foreign ministers said the bloc is also prepared to prevent arms smuggling and launch a training program for Palestinian Authority police and customs officers to be deployed in Gaza. (as bro FlaCalTenn just told you)

Stop insisting that this is just an UNJUSTIFIED CONCERN of Israel and start realizing that the Palis need to step up to accepting responsibilities that EVERY nation must live by..
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Lets just focus on reality here and all admit the original OP claim is just another palestinian lie intended to discredit Israel because the truth simply doesn't support the palestinian revisionist narrative.

Its more than obvious that there is no supporting evidence to the racism being expressed against Israel and the only way the bigots can hope to defend themselves is to lie

In the end the truth hurts. Racism is seldom if ever supported in fact.
Other than your little word game, your post has ZERO CONTENT!
I Probably missed the part where you refer to my argument regarding the OP... help me out here -
I Haven't reach a conclusion yet, but the initial claim is full of holes that only two possible reasons could fit.
1.Buffer Zone.
2.Tunnels Flooding.
Both could explain how come there is no actual photos of the planes and how come an agricultural planes would be daring to fly right over heavily armed Hamas outposts, in addition to the fact farmers can actually find where to grow so many crops on a land full of remains ever since operation Protective Edge, that is why I was also wondering WHERE EXACTLY are the damaged crops.
Makes sense?
If you have no problem shooting at farmers while they harvest, why would you have a problem spraying crops?
Anything yet?
...What reason could Israel have of damaging crops of Palestinians in Gaza?...
Assuming for a moment, for argument's sake, that the report is true...


Because the Israels want them to pack up and leave.

They should take the hint.

No point in hanging around a place where you have no future.

Choose sanity.

Choose life.

Be careful Kondie......what you are advocating is that the use of toxins and chemical you would then agree for both sides to use these on each other,according to your prose.....You Silly need to put your brain into gear before opening you mouth,truely what has become of you...!!!!!...steve
Lets just focus on reality here and all admit the original OP claim is just another palestinian lie intended to discredit Israel because the truth simply doesn't support the palestinian revisionist narrative.

Its more than obvious that there is no supporting evidence to the racism being expressed against Israel and the only way the bigots can hope to defend themselves is to lie

In the end the truth hurts. Racism is seldom if ever supported in fact.
Funny Boss,your post that is, because I've found Zionists some of the biggest liars and malcriants on earth
That post had content -- I'm sure.. About 80 proof !!!! :poke:

So anytime you need to reminded that the deal for an Autonomous Gaza included a buffer zone -- or why Palestinians don't have rights of citizenship in any country -- you just ring me up... I'll also call you a cab if we have to.. :itsok:
I think you should produce evidence of this agreement.

Fisherman being shot at whilst they fish? Then how come so much of the evidence comes from well-camera'd journalists cluttering up the decks on their "fishing expeditions" into excluded zones?
How come there's so much evidence? Because Israel shoots at a lot of fishermen. And there's nothing wrong with journalists on a boat. Furthermore, Israel has no jurisdiction in international waters and therefore, cannot exclude Palestinian fishermen from accessing these waters.

Israel telling the Pals where they can (and cannot) fish, is like you coming over to my house and telling me what's what under my own roof. Do you not see how wrong that is? You have no right telling people what to do on their own property. If you think you do, then come over to my house and try to pull that shit with me.

Until Gaza implements implements an Internationally APPROVED customs and border service --- they have no claim to an "open border" or unfettered smuggling. Essentially they are currently "lawless" in terms of International compliance. And their neighbors can certainly claim security concerns and take steps to PREVENT entrance of items that are forbidden by International agreements. Even if Gaza is not a party to those agreements.

All of this is pretty much off-topic and I can understand why you are BORED with the original flimsy lying ass OP.. Since THAT is such a minor dust-up (punny) compared with the Gaza Sanctions and trade restrictions. Maybe your couch warrior team should concentrate on picking more important topics and OPs..

Billo does not rule the world --- yet. And these security concerns are NOT JUST ISRAELI BS.. The rest of the world recognizes the need to have regular order on the borders of Gaza. Go blame the EU or NATO..

A senior Western diplomat said the countries, all NATO members, broadly agreed on a number of points and hoped to be able to produce a formal document or a programme of action at the next meeting in Britain in early March.

"We are not ready to adopt it yet, but we are going to meet in London in a few weeks' time and I hope that that will produce this agreed document over what it is we want to do," the diplomat said.

Civil servants from a majority of the countries agreed the use of naval force would be necessary to effectively halt the inflow of weapons to Gaza, although several countries opposed the use of military force, the senior diplomat said.

No political decisions were taken at the two-day meeting, which focused more on the routes weapons follow from their origin through the Red Sea towards the Gaza Strip than smuggling from tunnels between Egypt and the Palestinian enclave.

The senior diplomat said the conference had agreed on a number of points, including the need for cooperation in intelligence gathering and diplomatic actions to curb the flow of illicit arms into Gaza.

European Union Offers To Take Charge Of Gaza Borders (Did I miss the thread on THIS news item??? )

BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union offered Friday to take charge of Gaza's border crossings and work to prevent illegal arms flows, insisting on a durable truce and saying a return to the status quo before the latest war "is not an option."

As EU foreign ministers held an urgent meeting in Brussels about global conflicts, Hamas negotiators met with the Islamic militant group's leadership in Qatar to discuss a proposal for a long-term truce with Israel. An official said the group was inclined to accept the Egyptian-mediated offer.

The Gaza blockade remains the main stumbling block. It has greatly limited the movement of Palestinians in and out of the territory of 1.8 million people, restricted the flow of goods into Gaza and blocked virtually all exports.

The EU is prepared "to play a strong role" in managing the crossings while assuring that Israel's security is guaranteed, said the 28-nation bloc's foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton.

The EU foreign ministers said the bloc is also prepared to prevent arms smuggling and launch a training program for Palestinian Authority police and customs officers to be deployed in Gaza. (as bro FlaCalTenn just told you)

Stop insisting that this is just an UNJUSTIFIED CONCERN of Israel and start realizing that the Palis need to step up to accepting responsibilities that EVERY nation must live by..
The Israelis will prevent any sea or air access and you know it
That post had content -- I'm sure.. About 80 proof !!!! :poke:

So anytime you need to reminded that the deal for an Autonomous Gaza included a buffer zone -- or why Palestinians don't have rights of citizenship in any country -- you just ring me up... I'll also call you a cab if we have to.. :itsok:
I think you should produce evidence of this agreement.

Fisherman being shot at whilst they fish? Then how come so much of the evidence comes from well-camera'd journalists cluttering up the decks on their "fishing expeditions" into excluded zones?
How come there's so much evidence? Because Israel shoots at a lot of fishermen. And there's nothing wrong with journalists on a boat. Furthermore, Israel has no jurisdiction in international waters and therefore, cannot exclude Palestinian fishermen from accessing these waters.

Israel telling the Pals where they can (and cannot) fish, is like you coming over to my house and telling me what's what under my own roof. Do you not see how wrong that is? You have no right telling people what to do on their own property. If you think you do, then come over to my house and try to pull that shit with me.

Until Gaza implements implements an Internationally APPROVED customs and border service --- they have no claim to an "open border" or unfettered smuggling. Essentially they are currently "lawless" in terms of International compliance. And their neighbors can certainly claim security concerns and take steps to PREVENT entrance of items that are forbidden by International agreements. Even if Gaza is not a party to those agreements.

All of this is pretty much off-topic and I can understand why you are BORED with the original flimsy lying ass OP.. Since THAT is such a minor dust-up (punny) compared with the Gaza Sanctions and trade restrictions. Maybe your couch warrior team should concentrate on picking more important topics and OPs..

Billo does not rule the world --- yet. And these security concerns are NOT JUST ISRAELI BS.. The rest of the world recognizes the need to have regular order on the borders of Gaza. Go blame the EU or NATO..

A senior Western diplomat said the countries, all NATO members, broadly agreed on a number of points and hoped to be able to produce a formal document or a programme of action at the next meeting in Britain in early March.

"We are not ready to adopt it yet, but we are going to meet in London in a few weeks' time and I hope that that will produce this agreed document over what it is we want to do," the diplomat said.

Civil servants from a majority of the countries agreed the use of naval force would be necessary to effectively halt the inflow of weapons to Gaza, although several countries opposed the use of military force, the senior diplomat said.

No political decisions were taken at the two-day meeting, which focused more on the routes weapons follow from their origin through the Red Sea towards the Gaza Strip than smuggling from tunnels between Egypt and the Palestinian enclave.

The senior diplomat said the conference had agreed on a number of points, including the need for cooperation in intelligence gathering and diplomatic actions to curb the flow of illicit arms into Gaza.

European Union Offers To Take Charge Of Gaza Borders (Did I miss the thread on THIS news item??? )

BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union offered Friday to take charge of Gaza's border crossings and work to prevent illegal arms flows, insisting on a durable truce and saying a return to the status quo before the latest war "is not an option."

As EU foreign ministers held an urgent meeting in Brussels about global conflicts, Hamas negotiators met with the Islamic militant group's leadership in Qatar to discuss a proposal for a long-term truce with Israel. An official said the group was inclined to accept the Egyptian-mediated offer.

The Gaza blockade remains the main stumbling block. It has greatly limited the movement of Palestinians in and out of the territory of 1.8 million people, restricted the flow of goods into Gaza and blocked virtually all exports.

The EU is prepared "to play a strong role" in managing the crossings while assuring that Israel's security is guaranteed, said the 28-nation bloc's foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton.

The EU foreign ministers said the bloc is also prepared to prevent arms smuggling and launch a training program for Palestinian Authority police and customs officers to be deployed in Gaza. (as bro FlaCalTenn just told you)

Stop insisting that this is just an UNJUSTIFIED CONCERN of Israel and start realizing that the Palis need to step up to accepting responsibilities that EVERY nation must live by..
The Israelis will prevent any sea or air access and you know it
Here is a challenge - name one step the Palestinians ever made for their sake.

Can't find any? I know, me neither.

Unfortunately as for now the WHOLE Palestinian and anti-Israeli campaign is established upon making as many holes in the boat while they can, what would be the only step Israel could take when abandoning the ship is not an option?
That post had content -- I'm sure.. About 80 proof !!!! :poke:

So anytime you need to reminded that the deal for an Autonomous Gaza included a buffer zone -- or why Palestinians don't have rights of citizenship in any country -- you just ring me up... I'll also call you a cab if we have to.. :itsok:
I think you should produce evidence of this agreement.

Fisherman being shot at whilst they fish? Then how come so much of the evidence comes from well-camera'd journalists cluttering up the decks on their "fishing expeditions" into excluded zones?
How come there's so much evidence? Because Israel shoots at a lot of fishermen. And there's nothing wrong with journalists on a boat. Furthermore, Israel has no jurisdiction in international waters and therefore, cannot exclude Palestinian fishermen from accessing these waters.

Israel telling the Pals where they can (and cannot) fish, is like you coming over to my house and telling me what's what under my own roof. Do you not see how wrong that is? You have no right telling people what to do on their own property. If you think you do, then come over to my house and try to pull that shit with me.

Until Gaza implements implements an Internationally APPROVED customs and border service --- they have no claim to an "open border" or unfettered smuggling. Essentially they are currently "lawless" in terms of International compliance. And their neighbors can certainly claim security concerns and take steps to PREVENT entrance of items that are forbidden by International agreements. Even if Gaza is not a party to those agreements.

All of this is pretty much off-topic and I can understand why you are BORED with the original flimsy lying ass OP.. Since THAT is such a minor dust-up (punny) compared with the Gaza Sanctions and trade restrictions. Maybe your couch warrior team should concentrate on picking more important topics and OPs..

Billo does not rule the world --- yet. And these security concerns are NOT JUST ISRAELI BS.. The rest of the world recognizes the need to have regular order on the borders of Gaza. Go blame the EU or NATO..

A senior Western diplomat said the countries, all NATO members, broadly agreed on a number of points and hoped to be able to produce a formal document or a programme of action at the next meeting in Britain in early March.

"We are not ready to adopt it yet, but we are going to meet in London in a few weeks' time and I hope that that will produce this agreed document over what it is we want to do," the diplomat said.

Civil servants from a majority of the countries agreed the use of naval force would be necessary to effectively halt the inflow of weapons to Gaza, although several countries opposed the use of military force, the senior diplomat said.

No political decisions were taken at the two-day meeting, which focused more on the routes weapons follow from their origin through the Red Sea towards the Gaza Strip than smuggling from tunnels between Egypt and the Palestinian enclave.

The senior diplomat said the conference had agreed on a number of points, including the need for cooperation in intelligence gathering and diplomatic actions to curb the flow of illicit arms into Gaza.

European Union Offers To Take Charge Of Gaza Borders (Did I miss the thread on THIS news item??? )

BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union offered Friday to take charge of Gaza's border crossings and work to prevent illegal arms flows, insisting on a durable truce and saying a return to the status quo before the latest war "is not an option."

As EU foreign ministers held an urgent meeting in Brussels about global conflicts, Hamas negotiators met with the Islamic militant group's leadership in Qatar to discuss a proposal for a long-term truce with Israel. An official said the group was inclined to accept the Egyptian-mediated offer.

The Gaza blockade remains the main stumbling block. It has greatly limited the movement of Palestinians in and out of the territory of 1.8 million people, restricted the flow of goods into Gaza and blocked virtually all exports.

The EU is prepared "to play a strong role" in managing the crossings while assuring that Israel's security is guaranteed, said the 28-nation bloc's foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton.

The EU foreign ministers said the bloc is also prepared to prevent arms smuggling and launch a training program for Palestinian Authority police and customs officers to be deployed in Gaza. (as bro FlaCalTenn just told you)

Stop insisting that this is just an UNJUSTIFIED CONCERN of Israel and start realizing that the Palis need to step up to accepting responsibilities that EVERY nation must live by..
The Israelis will prevent any sea or air access and you know it
Here is a challenge - name one step the Palestinians ever made for their sake.

Can't find any? I know, me neither.

Unfortunately as for now the WHOLE Palestinian and anti-Israeli campaign is established upon making as many holes in the boat while they can, what would be the only step Israel could take when abandoning the ship is not an option?
I have always said Danny the there should be an Israel,I am Pragmatic enough to know that.........Israel are going no where,I just want to see a 2 state solution where there is Peace for both peoples..........Lets hope it happens...despite all that is said,fundamentally the majority on both sides are good people indeed.steve
That's an issue of customs and smuggling. Not really about fishing. You can unload a lot of shoulder-fired missiles into very small fishing boats. Therefore -- there are limits on the fishing grounds. If the PA authorities were to set up inspections for fishing boats coming back to port and showed a willingness to control arms/people smuggling coming into Gaza --- that could change.

The issue HERE is that Israel has to keep the "buffer zone" clear of scrubs/vegetation so that they can detect tunnel construction underground. That's why the "round-up" spraying.. And they are not intentionally spraying any large areas of Pali farmland. If the wind blows DURING spraying, there might be unintentional leakage of the spray. Just like happens EVERYWHERE else on the planet.

So AGAIN -- PRODUCE the chemical tests on the alleged Pali fields and show a connection to the Israeli spraying and NOT that some Palis might have manufactured the result for propaganda purposes. Got any lab tests??

I'm sure the Israelis are smart enough to put a chemical marker into the herbicide used in that buffer area to disprove claims like these...
The issue here is Israel has no legal jurisdiction in Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem or the Golan Heights. Therefore, if it has no jurisdiction, then it cannot allocate that side of the fence to a "buffer zone".

If your my neighbor, do you think you have a right to declare a 10' strip of my front yard, a "buffer zone" along your front yard? And if I happen to walk into that area, you will shoot me? Do you think you have that right?

And as far as the fishermen goes, they were FISHING when they were shot at!

And as far as weapons, are you saying Gazans do not have the right to defend themselves?

Who says that Israel has no legal jurisdiction to impose a buffer zone, as the UN charter, Geneva conventions and IHL all say you are WRONG. If you are acting illegally then I can get a court to impose such a buffer zone and you face prison if you breach the order, try looking at real laws for once and not those you have made up.

So what fish where they after using cargo nets with a mesh size of 6 inches square, there is nothing of that size swimming in the coastal waters of the Mediterranean sea. The only use for cargo nets is to retrieve packages smuggled and dropped in shallow waters. So once again prove they were fishing, and then prove they were not outside of their territorial waters.

Since when has firing illegal weapons at children been defence, it is an act of war and a war crime every time hamas fires a qassam at Israel and so Israel can respond as they see fit to such actions. Try looking at International laws correctly and read them fully to see what the Palestinians can actually do, and what the Israeli's can respond with.
I Haven't reach a conclusion yet, but the initial claim is full of holes that only two possible reasons could fit.
1.Buffer Zone.
2.Tunnels Flooding.
Both could explain how come there is no actual photos of the planes and how come an agricultural planes would be daring to fly right over heavily armed Hamas outposts, in addition to the fact farmers can actually find where to grow so many crops on a land full of remains ever since operation Protective Edge, that is why I was also wondering WHERE EXACTLY are the damaged crops.
Makes sense?
If you have no problem shooting at farmers while they harvest, why would you have a problem spraying crops?

Prove they were farmers harvesting their crops, as the video you used shows non gazan activists trampling around arid scrubland and throwing themselves on the floor. This was followed by a dubbed sound of a gunshot some 10 seconds later that did not even disturb the bird sat on a rock.

You really need to stop posting faked propaganda video's if you want to be taken seriously
Evidence to support your claims, in other words produce the international law that says this.
Evidence to support your claims, in other words produce the international law that says this.
I Haven't reach a conclusion yet, but the initial claim is full of holes that only two possible reasons could fit.
1.Buffer Zone.
2.Tunnels Flooding.
Both could explain how come there is no actual photos of the planes and how come an agricultural planes would be daring to fly right over heavily armed Hamas outposts, in addition to the fact farmers can actually find where to grow so many crops on a land full of remains ever since operation Protective Edge, that is why I was also wondering WHERE EXACTLY are the damaged crops.
Makes sense?
If you have no problem shooting at farmers while they harvest, why would you have a problem spraying crops?

Prove they were farmers harvesting their crops, as the video you used shows non gazan activists trampling around arid scrubland and throwing themselves on the floor. This was followed by a dubbed sound of a gunshot some 10 seconds later that did not even disturb the bird sat on a rock.

You really need to stop posting faked propaganda video's if you want to be taken seriously
That post had content -- I'm sure.. About 80 proof !!!! :poke:

So anytime you need to reminded that the deal for an Autonomous Gaza included a buffer zone -- or why Palestinians don't have rights of citizenship in any country -- you just ring me up... I'll also call you a cab if we have to.. :itsok:
I think you should produce evidence of this agreement.

Fisherman being shot at whilst they fish? Then how come so much of the evidence comes from well-camera'd journalists cluttering up the decks on their "fishing expeditions" into excluded zones?
How come there's so much evidence? Because Israel shoots at a lot of fishermen. And there's nothing wrong with journalists on a boat. Furthermore, Israel has no jurisdiction in international waters and therefore, cannot exclude Palestinian fishermen from accessing these waters.

Israel telling the Pals where they can (and cannot) fish, is like you coming over to my house and telling me what's what under my own roof. Do you not see how wrong that is? You have no right telling people what to do on their own property. If you think you do, then come over to my house and try to pull that shit with me.

Until Gaza implements implements an Internationally APPROVED customs and border service --- they have no claim to an "open border" or unfettered smuggling. Essentially they are currently "lawless" in terms of International compliance. And their neighbors can certainly claim security concerns and take steps to PREVENT entrance of items that are forbidden by International agreements. Even if Gaza is not a party to those agreements.

All of this is pretty much off-topic and I can understand why you are BORED with the original flimsy lying ass OP.. Since THAT is such a minor dust-up (punny) compared with the Gaza Sanctions and trade restrictions. Maybe your couch warrior team should concentrate on picking more important topics and OPs..

Billo does not rule the world --- yet. And these security concerns are NOT JUST ISRAELI BS.. The rest of the world recognizes the need to have regular order on the borders of Gaza. Go blame the EU or NATO..

A senior Western diplomat said the countries, all NATO members, broadly agreed on a number of points and hoped to be able to produce a formal document or a programme of action at the next meeting in Britain in early March.

"We are not ready to adopt it yet, but we are going to meet in London in a few weeks' time and I hope that that will produce this agreed document over what it is we want to do," the diplomat said.

Civil servants from a majority of the countries agreed the use of naval force would be necessary to effectively halt the inflow of weapons to Gaza, although several countries opposed the use of military force, the senior diplomat said.

No political decisions were taken at the two-day meeting, which focused more on the routes weapons follow from their origin through the Red Sea towards the Gaza Strip than smuggling from tunnels between Egypt and the Palestinian enclave.

The senior diplomat said the conference had agreed on a number of points, including the need for cooperation in intelligence gathering and diplomatic actions to curb the flow of illicit arms into Gaza.

European Union Offers To Take Charge Of Gaza Borders (Did I miss the thread on THIS news item??? )

BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union offered Friday to take charge of Gaza's border crossings and work to prevent illegal arms flows, insisting on a durable truce and saying a return to the status quo before the latest war "is not an option."

As EU foreign ministers held an urgent meeting in Brussels about global conflicts, Hamas negotiators met with the Islamic militant group's leadership in Qatar to discuss a proposal for a long-term truce with Israel. An official said the group was inclined to accept the Egyptian-mediated offer.

The Gaza blockade remains the main stumbling block. It has greatly limited the movement of Palestinians in and out of the territory of 1.8 million people, restricted the flow of goods into Gaza and blocked virtually all exports.

The EU is prepared "to play a strong role" in managing the crossings while assuring that Israel's security is guaranteed, said the 28-nation bloc's foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton.

The EU foreign ministers said the bloc is also prepared to prevent arms smuggling and launch a training program for Palestinian Authority police and customs officers to be deployed in Gaza. (as bro FlaCalTenn just told you)

Stop insisting that this is just an UNJUSTIFIED CONCERN of Israel and start realizing that the Palis need to step up to accepting responsibilities that EVERY nation must live by..
The Israelis will prevent any sea or air access and you know it
Here is a challenge - name one step the Palestinians ever made for their sake.

Can't find any? I know, me neither.

Unfortunately as for now the WHOLE Palestinian and anti-Israeli campaign is established upon making as many holes in the boat while they can, what would be the only step Israel could take when abandoning the ship is not an option?
I have always said Danny the there should be an Israel,I am Pragmatic enough to know that.........Israel are going no where,I just want to see a 2 state solution where there is Peace for both peoples..........Lets hope it happens...despite all that is said,fundamentally the majority on both sides are good people indeed.steve

Just as long as there are no Jews living in Israel isn't that right stevie loser.
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