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Israel tells the US to Go Fxxx Itself, again.

Certainly, Israel's lobby holds great influence on Congress. However, AIPAC represents only the far right-wing policies of the Israeli government - it does not represent wide-spread opinion in Israel.

In fact, according to a recent poll in Israel taken March 16-17 2010 (taken after the recent dispute over the settlements) a “sweeping majority of Israelis” see Obama’s treatment of Israel as “friendly and fair.” 56% said they don’t believe Obama is anti-Semitic or seeking to bring down the Netanyahu government. A much smaller percentage, 27%, thought Obama is anti-Semitic.

I never said Pres. Obama was anti-semiticm, mainly because i don't believe so. I DO velieve that he never gave PM Netanyahu a chance, and was waiting for an chance to create an uproar, a chance given to him by Eli Yishay's (Idiotic or Subversive, depending on who you believe) decision to allow the building of 1,600 residnetial units i Jerusalem.

You did not include my first paragraph, where I replied to your claim that the flap over the settlements was "Obama's Agenda" - I said that many more around the world have come to the same conclusion.

The snippet you included above was actually a response to your remark "Thank god for Congress."

You seem to have misread the poll. Slightly less than half (48%) of the Israelis polled said that Israel must keep building in the capital, even at the expense of a rift with the United States. That's not "most people" by any mathematical means.

And even more interesting, that number was not very far ahead of the 41% of Israelis who answered that Israel must stop building in Jerusalem until the end of the negotiations.

Again, it's up to the most powerful countries to decide what to ignore and what not to. I gave you several examples of violators that (in the end) didn't get ignored. Right now, the U.S. government ain't ignoring Israel's illegal behavior. Whether this will lead to dramatic changes remains to be seen.

However, once the U.S. stopped protecting South Africa, the abomination of Apartheid came to an end. International action actually saved South Africa from itself.

Regarding its capital - Israel is free to proclaim its capital anywhere inside its internationally recognized borders. However, it does not have recognized sovereignty over occupied territory, which includes Jerusalem. The Israeli government can continue lying to itself, or face reality - the status of Jerusalem is a matter for final negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

Appartheid was the discrimination of the South African government against its own citizens for the color of their skin. Israel treats the palestinians differently not because of their religion, ethnicity or the color of their skin, but because they are citizens of what is still an enemy entity. it has nothing to do with race.

I mentioned South Africa as an example of a nation whose violations of international law were not ignored. There is no question that Israel has not been formally accused of Apartheid under international law. Rather, Israel is in violation of the Geneva Convention and U.N. resolutions regarding its conduct in occupied territory.

Israel is absolutely not in violation of the Geneva Conventions nor is Israel in violation of any binding UN resolutions.

The Pallies are in flagrant violation of the Geneva Conventions in targeting Israeli civilian population centers through violence and terrorism and in fighting out of uniform and engaging in routine human-shielding. Furthermore, Hamas has denied Gilad Shalit his rights under international law.

Pallies are in violation of UN resolutions prohibiting the funding and support for terrorism.

You are unfamiliar with the matter, so, don't pretend otherwise.
Israel is absolutely not in violation of the Geneva Conventions nor is Israel in violation of any binding UN resolutions.

The Pallies are in flagrant violation of the Geneva Conventions in targeting Israeli civilian population centers through violence and terrorism and in fighting out of uniform and engaging in routine human-shielding. Furthermore, Hamas has denied Gilad Shalit his rights under international law.

Pallies are in violation of UN resolutions prohibiting the funding and support for terrorism.

You are unfamiliar with the matter, so, don't pretend otherwise.

How many U.N. resolutions target Israel's behavior?

How many U.N. resolutions target Palestinians' behavior?
Israel is absolutely not in violation of the Geneva Conventions nor is Israel in violation of any binding UN resolutions.

The Pallies are in flagrant violation of the Geneva Conventions in targeting Israeli civilian population centers through violence and terrorism and in fighting out of uniform and engaging in routine human-shielding. Furthermore, Hamas has denied Gilad Shalit his rights under international law.

Pallies are in violation of UN resolutions prohibiting the funding and support for terrorism.

You are unfamiliar with the matter, so, don't pretend otherwise.

How many U.N. resolutions target Israel's behavior?

How many U.N. resolutions target Palestinians' behavior?

There is not one legally binding UN resolution issued against Israel. All others are a reflection of the UN dominated by anti-Israeli Arab and Islamic cesspools and the rest of the dictators, despots, tyrants, thugs and criminals comprising most of the UN General Assembly who are opposed to a democratic Israel.

Pallies are in flagrant violation of UN Res. 1368, 1373 and 1566 prohibiting the support and funding of terrorism. The latter two resolutions are legally binding.
AIPAC on its way to strong arm members of the US Government. The Israelis are are using the heat to fight any attempt by the US to hold Israel accountable for stirring up the crap when it announced the building of 1600 housing units in a no build zone.

What a joke. Them AIPACs trying to out-influence OPEC. As if they could bring about a global recession or something.

But. However. Israel absolutely must be held to account when building in Jerusalem. Just like we would have to be held to account if Cuba claimed to own Florida -- and China told us never to build there again.

Your analogy makes no sense. Florida is not occupied territory - at least not according to international law.

Zio-logic lol. The logic of the criminally insane.

There you go. Jumping to silly conclusions. Virtually leaping to delusions.

Where did I indicate international legalism as the basis of my argument? And given what a thoroughly, multilaterally flouted irrelevance international law is in clashing between Islamist and Israeli societies -- why would I?

Read the analogy as suggesting the moral argument that Palestinians have no more (moral) claim to Jerusalem than Cubans do to Miami.

And I'll even be generous to you. If you want to address international legalism instead of morality? No probs. Just say so in advance and I'll join right in.
Israel is absolutely not in violation of the Geneva Conventions nor is Israel in violation of any binding UN resolutions.

The Pallies are in flagrant violation of the Geneva Conventions in targeting Israeli civilian population centers through violence and terrorism and in fighting out of uniform and engaging in routine human-shielding. Furthermore, Hamas has denied Gilad Shalit his rights under international law.

Pallies are in violation of UN resolutions prohibiting the funding and support for terrorism.

You are unfamiliar with the matter, so, don't pretend otherwise.

How many U.N. resolutions target Israel's behavior?

How many U.N. resolutions target Palestinians' behavior?

It's sad that arab oil exerts so much control. Disgusting actually.
You seem to have misread the poll. Slightly less than half (48%) of the Israelis polled said that Israel must keep building in the capital, even at the expense of a rift with the United States. That's not "most people" by any mathematical means.

And even more interesting, that number was not very far ahead of the 41% of Israelis who answered that Israel must stop building in Jerusalem until the end of the negotiations.

I intentionally said the "most people asked" and not the majority of people asked. my support for building in Jerusalem was what the greatest number of people asked gave as an answer. true, it isn't an overwhelming conecnsus, but nothing in israel is. And, if my wording was a bit off, i am willing to correct it.

Again, it's up to the most powerful countries to decide what to ignore and what not to. I gave you several examples of violators that (in the end) didn't get ignored. Right now, the U.S. government ain't ignoring Israel's illegal behavior. Whether this will lead to dramatic changes remains to be seen.

No it is not up to the most powerful countries to decide what to ignore and what not to. if so called "inetrnational law" doesen't apply to everyone, then it apples to no one!

However, once the U.S. stopped protecting South Africa, the abomination of Apartheid came to an end. International action actually saved South Africa from itself.

Regarding its capital - Israel is free to proclaim its capital anywhere inside its internationally recognized borders. However, it does not have recognized sovereignty over occupied territory, which includes Jerusalem. The Israeli government can continue lying to itself, or face reality - the status of Jerusalem is a matter for final negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

Appartheid was the discrimination of the South African government against its own citizens for the color of their skin. Israel treats the palestinians differently not because of their religion, ethnicity or the color of their skin, but because they are citizens of what is still an enemy entity. it has nothing to do with race.

I mentioned South Africa as an example of a nation whose violations of international law were not ignored. There is no question that Israel has not been formally accused of Apartheid under international law. Rather, Israel is in violation of the Geneva Convention and U.N. resolutions regarding its conduct in occupied territory.

Just because Israel hasn't been accused of Appartheid according to international law, doesn't mean the the comparison is not in people's heads and i wanted to make the difference clear.
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Of course, because 9/11 conspiracy theories are credible...

BTW, here's a site debunking that cacamamie theory...

Your website doesn't seem more credible than published broadcasts/reports from NBC News, ABC's 20/20, Haaretz, Fox News, the New York Times, and the Forward (or perhaps you think they are all conspiracy theorists?)


Here are just a few --

5 Israelis detained for `puzzling behavior' after WTC tragedy - Haaretz - Israel News

ABC News 20/20:
Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies? - ABC News

New York Times:
The Detainees - Dozens of Israeli Jews Are Being Kept in Federal Detention - NYTimes.com

Fox News:
FOXNews.com - One Arrested, Others Detained at NY Airports - U.S. & World
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Israel is absolutely not in violation of the Geneva Conventions nor is Israel in violation of any binding UN resolutions.

The Pallies are in flagrant violation of the Geneva Conventions in targeting Israeli civilian population centers through violence and terrorism and in fighting out of uniform and engaging in routine human-shielding. Furthermore, Hamas has denied Gilad Shalit his rights under international law.

Pallies are in violation of UN resolutions prohibiting the funding and support for terrorism.

You are unfamiliar with the matter, so, don't pretend otherwise.

How many U.N. resolutions target Israel's behavior?

How many U.N. resolutions target Palestinians' behavior?

It's sad that arab oil exerts so much control. Disgusting actually.

Carnival of the Clueless.

The U.S. is the world's largest consumer of oil, using 50% of the world's production. Yet it has repeatedly shielded Israel from the bulk of U.N. resolutions. Thanks to that protection, Israel continues to violate international law with impunity.

So much for that "Arab control"...
How many U.N. resolutions target Israel's behavior?

How many U.N. resolutions target Palestinians' behavior?

It's sad that arab oil exerts so much control. Disgusting actually.

Carnival of the Clueless.

The U.S. is the world's largest consumer of oil, using 50% of the world's production. Yet it has repeatedly shielded Israel from the bulk of U.N. resolutions. Thanks to that protection, Israel continues to violate international law with impunity.

So much for that "Arab control"...

The UN is a mockery and UN resolutions are a joke that no countries adhere to, including the US. Indeed, not one UN resolution issued against Israel was important enough for the UN to adopt as legally binding.

Israel has violated no international law.

Pallies violate anti-terrorism UN resolutions 1368, 1373 and 1566 each day in providing safe haven to numerous Muslim terrorist factions, the last two of which constitute international law.
Your website doesn't seem more credible than published broadcasts/reports from NBC News, ABC's 20/20, Haaretz, Fox News, the New York Times, and the Forward (or perhaps you think they are all conspiracy theorists?)


Here are just a few --

5 Israelis detained for `puzzling behavior' after WTC tragedy - Haaretz - Israel News

ABC News 20/20:
Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies? - ABC News

New York Times:
The Detainees - Dozens of Israeli Jews Are Being Kept in Federal Detention - NYTimes.com

Fox News:
FOXNews.com - One Arrested, Others Detained at NY Airports - U.S. & World

According to your links they were working in the US without papers.

This has some relevance?

Are you trying to compare this to the thousands of palestinians who celebrated the 911 attack, and the PA who threatened and kidnapped journalists so the videos wouldn't be released?
FOXNews.com - Palestinian Officials Quash Pictures of Arab Celebrations - U.S. & World

Palestinian Officials Quash Pictures of Arab Celebrations

The Palestinian Authority has warned journalists they might be in danger if they continue to use images of Arabs celebrating Tuesday�s terrorist attacks.

PA officials allegedly have threatened journalists who continue to show Palestinians rejoicing and dancing at the news of the devastation caused by hijacked jets in New York City, Washington and Pennsylvania.

The Foreign Press Association of Israel said the PA sent armed police to block camera crews from photographing Tuesday�s rally in the West Bank town of Nablus -- where thousands filled the streets to celebrate.

In addition, PA officials have reportedly phoned TV stations and other media to caution them their safety would be in jeopardy if they aired the segments

Officially, Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat condemned the hijackings that demolished the World Trade towers in New York, damaged the Pentagon in Washington and claimed thousands of victims. Arafat publicly criticized Tuesday�s acts of terrorism soon after word of the Arab celebrations leaked.

The images of exuberant, cheering Palestinians � some of them children and teens � when they heard news of the tragedies angered and horrified people worldwide.
...As early as Tuesday afternoon, TV stations everywhere were broadcasting footage of revelers in the streets of Jerusalem and Nablus, in refugee camps and in coffee shops. Some joyously fired rifles in the air, laughed, handed out sodas and candy and made signs of victory with their fingers.

Most American networks, including Fox News Channel, aired the images.

In addition, many newspapers, magazines, Web sites and wire services ran photographs of the festivities.

The Associated Press would not confirm reports that it had stopped broadcasting film of the celebrations. "I have nothing to say about this matter at this time," AP Israel Bureau Chief Dan Perry told The Jerusalem Post.

But one foreign correspondent told the Post that AP producers had been threatened by PA Cabinet Secretary Abdel Ahmed Rahman, who told them their safety couldn�t be guaranteed if they insisted on broadcasting the images.
Characterizing the threats against such footage and photos as "censorship," the Foreign Press Association of Israel released a statement expressing its "deep concern over the harassment of journalists by the Palestinian Authority."

"We strongly condemn the direct threats made against local videographers by local militia members and the attitude of Palestinian officials who made no effort to counter the threats, control the situation or guarantee the safety of the journalists and the freedom of the press," the FPA said.
israelinsider: diplomacy: Thousands of Palestinians again celebrate attacks, videotape suppressed

...thousands of Palestinians again paraded through cities in the West Bank and Gaza, celebrating the attacks on the United States. Some Palestinian policeman reportedly joined the celebrations, while other Palestinian security officials confiscated videotape shot by journalists at the rally.
International news agencies continue to refrain from broadcasting video footage showing Palestinians, including members of Palestinian security forces, celebrating after this week's terrorist attacks in the United States due to severe threats and warnings issued by Palestinian Authority officials and representatives.

The Associated Press (AP) filed an official complaint with the Palestinian Authority after a freelance cameraman who filmed Palestinians celebrating the terror was threatened.

According to the AP, a videographer on assignment for Associated Press Television News, was "summoned to a Palestinian Authority security office and told that the material must not be aired." Tanzim militia members reportedly called and warned the freelancer that he would be held responsible if the footage was shown and made what he interpreted as threats on his life.

Arafat aide Ahmed Abdel Rahman reportedly told AP representatives in Jerusalem that the Palestinian Authority "cannot guarantee the life" of the cameraman if the footage was broadcast.

AP and Reuters have reported on Palestinian celebrations in West Bank cities but have limited their coverage to a small number of still pictures and videotape of rallies in East Jerusalem and Lebanon, reportedly due to the threats they have received.

AP ackowledges having the videotape, but refuses to release it, believing it would endanger its phographer's life. After trying unsuccessfully to persuaded AP to release the tape, Israeli government spokesman Raanan Gissin blasted the censorship, saying it showed "journalism in Service of terrorism" and "journalism surrendering to terrorism."

Usually unflappable Palestinian politician Hanan Ashrawi repeated that only a small unrepresentative minority were singing and dancing, but she did not deny that tapes were suppressed. "We are living in a situation of crisis," she said, "and I do not need to justify anything."

Motorists honk horns and policemen fire into the air
A Reuters report filed in Beirut stated: "Jubilant Palestinians took to the streets of refugee camps of Lebanon and the West Bank, waving Palestinian flags and distributing sweets to celebrate the attacks on major U.S. landmarks and government offices."

The same report noted: "In Nablus, motorists honked their horns and gunmen fired into the air from assault rifles to cheer on the attacks which unfolded in the space of a few hours and stunned people around the globe."

The AP film that was not aired reportedly shows "Palestinian policemen celebrating and shooting into the air, in addition to civilians dancing," according to senior Israeli sources. The film was reportedly shot in Nablus, where more than 3,000 demonstrators took to the streets, and in the Balata refugee camp.

Palestinians forcibly confined foreign journalists to a Nablus hotel Tuesday night, guarded by armed Palestinians while festivities took place in the streets outside, according to a Jerusalem Post report.

Israel Television correspondent Oded Granot reported last night that Tanzim militiamen had kidnapped a Palestinian cameraman who shot a report for a major news agency showing Palestinians in Ramallah celebrating the attacks against the United States. This film reportedly includes footage of Palestinian Police firing their assault rifles in the air in celebration as hundreds cheer. This morning the Tanzim reportedly released the cameraman.

Ha'aretz reported that mourners at the funerals of nine Palestinians killed early Wednesday morning in IDF military operations in Jenin cheered in celebration of the terror attacks in the United States.

Maariv reported this morning that Arab students at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem held a party Tuesday night celebrating the attacks and giving out candy to participants. University officials closed the dormitory lounge in which the party was held shortly afterwards, Maariv added.
As compelling as a report "Israel Insider" seems to be, I'm afraid that your claim will require confirmation from a media outlet that isn't blatantly biased against those being charged.

Hey, check it out!
The leader of Israeli settlers' council has said the regime plans to triple Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank despite international pressures to halt settlement expansions on Palestinian lands.

- Israel(Pigs) to triple West Bank settlements - Ansar Al-Mujahideen

I read it on Ansar al-Jihad; it must be true! :lol:
Nice illustration of US financial aid to Israel as compared to the US financial aid to the rest of the world :D ROFLMAO ...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssGZiADiw10&feature=related]YouTube - US Financial Aid to Israel - (Occupation 101 Movie Clip)[/ame]
This one is even funnier because it shows reality ... the reality of what Israel is actually doing on internationally recognized Palestinian territory. Creating 'new realities on the ground' that are all perfectly illegal according to any post-WWI international law.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ewF7AXn3dg]YouTube - Israel-Palestine: A Land in Fragments[/ame]

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