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Israel violated Lebanons territory over 3000 times in 2012

The UN Charter makes military conquest of land unlawful, Occupations are supposed to be temporary measures. Israel will never have sovereignty rights in Occupied Palestine.

Sherri is doing the lawyer's tango again-----she is pedaling not only BACKWARDS--
but in heels. Now try to focus There is no issue at all regarding
Military Conquest ---in the west bank since that border
was never established. I know this is a stretch---
for a "lawyer" like you----but the situation regarding
jerusalem----which was taken from an in excess of 2000year old indigenous jewish in 1947 ----was not a "military
conquest"?? It was the jordanian army that instituted the
starvation siege and eventually TOOK east jerusalem which
was never PART of JORDAN before -----after 1967 they
did not know what to do with it so they abandoned it
Similar comments are true of Hebron etc.As to temporary ---occupation---right----it should be
"temporary" ----time to straigten things out----not
create a CHARTER calling for the ANNHILATION of
the other side or tying bombs to the stinking asses of
your whores and daughters and other sluts As to
your incessant claim that occupied nations have the
right to slit the throats of the people in the other country---
that law exists in SHARIAH LAW and to some extent

JUSTINIAN/NUREMBERG LAW----but not in any international
code amongst HUMANS

Israel occupies Palestine, that is fact that intl legal authorities agree on, a Palestine the UN even now recognixes.We are all waiting for Israel to end that illegal 45 year Occupation of Palestine!

LOL sherri----who is the "WE" to which you refer. some people have
"occupation" on their minds-----but the "WE" that includes you and hundreds
of million of the UMMAH are those who are wating for an OPPORTUNITY
to accomplish your and their REAL GOAL---the annhilation of the
ZIONIST ENTITY ie----you and your fellow filth have CREATED A
CESSPOOL REALITY -----an endeavor in which you and yours are well
practiced and skilled. For you and yours----a bit of an interpretation here,
and a bit of an interpretation there----are stepping stones to the REAL PRIZE---

Resistence against your filth is THE SINGLE MOST LEGAL ENDEAVOR
in the universe-----it is virtually zoroastrian----or even VEDIC.
Unfortunately ---you and yours have succeeded many times----just in the
past single century----at least 100 million in genocides to honor YOUR SHITTY

think todd-----they have one IMPORTANT THING IN COMMON
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& ima

think todd-----they have one IMPORTANT THING IN COMMON
& ima

sherri has it too......think todd and ima
Who are the Pals?
Followers of the gay Egyptian guy who died of AIDS a few years back?

All those "terrorists" in Gaza. Why can't the IDF get them to surrender unconditionally? The IDF got no balls or what?

Your terrorist buddies should stop hiding behind civilians.
Arab pussies.

Hitler hid in a bunker in the middle of Berlin. Yet Germany ended up surrendering unconditionally. So what's the problem? Does Israel have some kind of secret plan that necessitates that they don't win? Or they just can't? :dunno:
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is where you and I disagree.


Israel, itself, is a recognized nation. Just because you don't agree, doesn't make it untrue.

While Israel does control some additional land - referred to as the Occupied Territories, doesn't mean that the indigenous population has a right to insurrection. (That is a different issue.) Before the land came under Israeli control, it was under the control of the UK in the form of the British Mandate. It did not have Palestinian Rule during the term of the mandate. Before it was under the British mandate, it belonged to the Ottoman Empire; again, not under Palestinian Rule.

The idea that the people known as Palestinians have some inherent right, that gives them some dispensation to commit acts of violence has yet to be established. But the Occupation does not change the fact that the people known as the Palestinians never really controlled that land (at least for the last 4 Centuries).

Now the argument over "should their be a Palestinian State" and the argument over "should Israel withdraw to the 1967 borders," are questions that need a settlement. But it doesn't rise to the level of conflict that the Arab World incited and resulted in the compound losses in control.

Israel is not occupying the State of Palestine. There is no State of Palestine.

  • NOTE: I acknowledge that there are "some" (fewer by the day) of the people known as "Palestinians" in the area known as the "Occupied Territories" that may have a cause of action and legitimate grievances. But it is not a justification for indiscriminate terrorism action.

You and I will never agree on this. You believe that theses various Palestinian Terrorist operators have some right to use violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims and questionable claims; outside a judicial process or sanctioned diplomatic settlement process. I do not. You attempt to twist the terminology and facts to fit your agenda in an effort to justify war, suicide bombings, assignations, indiscriminate indirect fire, attacks on civilian targets, the formation of armed gangs of thugs, rabble, and bandits to further a dispute, rather than engaging customary law. This is the promotion of terrorism.

Most Respectfully,

Well, I have to be at work at 7 AM but I will leave you with the 1949 armistice agreements. These took place after resolution 181, after Israel declared its independence from the mandate, after the end of the mandate, and after the end of the 1948 war.

The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949
The Avalon Project : Lebanese-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, March 23, 1949
The Avalon Project : Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, April 3, 1949
The Avalon Project : Israeli-Syrian General Armistice Agreement, July 20, 1949

This is one of the most important parts of the armistice agreements.

Article II

1. In pursuance of the foregoing principles and of the resolutions of the Security Council of 4 and 16 November 1948, a general armistice between the armed forces of the two Parties-land, sea and air-is hereby established.

An armistice was called by UN Security Council resolution. An armistice is a cessation of fighting without anyone surrendering.

When Israel says that the Arabs lost the 1948 war it is not true.

To follow through from the fact that Israel did not win the 1948 war is the fact that Israel did not win any land in that war.

Israel came out of the 1948 war with no land and no borders.
Well, I have to be at work at 7 AM but I will leave you with the 1949 armistice agreements. These took place after resolution 181, after Israel declared its independence from the mandate, after the end of the mandate, and after the end of the 1948 war.

The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949
The Avalon Project : Lebanese-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, March 23, 1949
The Avalon Project : Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, April 3, 1949
The Avalon Project : Israeli-Syrian General Armistice Agreement, July 20, 1949

This is one of the most important parts of the armistice agreements.

Article II

1. In pursuance of the foregoing principles and of the resolutions of the Security Council of 4 and 16 November 1948, a general armistice between the armed forces of the two Parties-land, sea and air-is hereby established.

An armistice was called by UN Security Council resolution. An armistice is a cessation of fighting without anyone surrendering.

When Israel says that the Arabs lost the 1948 war it is not true.

To follow through from the fact that Israel did not win the 1948 war is the fact that Israel did not win any land in that war.

Israel came out of the 1948 war with no land and no borders.
So where do we go from here, knowing 7 million Israelis are landless? With no place to go.
This is one of the most important parts of the armistice agreements.

An armistice was called by UN Security Council resolution. An armistice is a cessation of fighting without anyone surrendering.

When Israel says that the Arabs lost the 1948 war it is not true.

To follow through from the fact that Israel did not win the 1948 war is the fact that Israel did not win any land in that war.

Israel came out of the 1948 war with no land and no borders.
So where do we go from here, knowing 7 million Israelis are landless? With no place to go.

Israel has created quite a problem.
Tinmore still clings to the concept that any land upon which
muslims have raped, and murdered and enslaved becomes
'MUSLIM LAND" forever. I am not young----I heard about the concept of "MUSLIM LAND" when I was still a child----from another child-----who told me his father was a PAKISTANI
diplomat (for the record----I did not live in New York City at that time----but not far----close enough for a UN DIPLOMAT
to commute------and---the kid I knew-----lived in a town that
got progressively more and more ISLAMIC ----to the point
that there were celebrations there on 9-11-01)
Sherri is doing the lawyer's tango again-----she is pedaling not only BACKWARDS--
but in heels. Now try to focus There is no issue at all regarding
Military Conquest ---in the west bank since that border
was never established. I know this is a stretch---
for a "lawyer" like you----but the situation regarding
jerusalem----which was taken from an in excess of 2000year old indigenous jewish in 1947 ----was not a "military
conquest"?? It was the jordanian army that instituted the
starvation siege and eventually TOOK east jerusalem which
was never PART of JORDAN before -----after 1967 they
did not know what to do with it so they abandoned it
Similar comments are true of Hebron etc.As to temporary ---occupation---right----it should be
"temporary" ----time to straigten things out----not
create a CHARTER calling for the ANNHILATION of
the other side or tying bombs to the stinking asses of
your whores and daughters and other sluts As to
your incessant claim that occupied nations have the
right to slit the throats of the people in the other country---
that law exists in SHARIAH LAW and to some extent

JUSTINIAN/NUREMBERG LAW----but not in any international
code amongst HUMANS

Israel occupies Palestine, that is fact that intl legal authorities agree on, a Palestine the UN even now recognixes.We are all waiting for Israel to end that illegal 45 year Occupation of Palestine!

LOL sherri----who is the "WE" to which you refer. some people have
"occupation" on their minds-----but the "WE" that includes you and hundreds
of million of the UMMAH are those who are wating for an OPPORTUNITY
to accomplish your and their REAL GOAL---the annhilation of the
ZIONIST ENTITY ie----you and your fellow filth have CREATED A
CESSPOOL REALITY -----an endeavor in which you and yours are well
practiced and skilled. For you and yours----a bit of an interpretation here,
and a bit of an interpretation there----are stepping stones to the REAL PRIZE---

Resistence against your filth is THE SINGLE MOST LEGAL ENDEAVOR
in the universe-----it is virtually zoroastrian----or even VEDIC.
Unfortunately ---you and yours have succeeded many times----just in the
past single century----at least 100 million in genocides to honor YOUR SHITTY

We is the world, and intl legal authorities address the Occupation, explaining Israel's Occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza , in that international court of justice opinion on the wall. Israel is an occupier of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza. There is no disputed land at all, every bit of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza are the Occupied Palestinain territories and Isreal needs to leave these occupied lands and take her terrorist illegal settlers with her, all over 600,000 of them. The world is waiting for Israel to abide by intl law, we have been waiting for almost 70 years now. Patience is wearing thin, and I think time is running out for Israel!

Tinmore still clings to the concept that any land upon which
muslims have raped, and murdered and enslaved becomes
'MUSLIM LAND" forever
. I am not young----I heard about the concept of "MUSLIM LAND" when I was still a child----from another child-----who told me his father was a PAKISTANI
diplomat (for the record----I did not live in New York City at that time----but not far----close enough for a UN DIPLOMAT
to commute------and---the kid I knew-----lived in a town that
got progressively more and more ISLAMIC ----to the point
that there were celebrations there on 9-11-01)

Doesn't Israel and all their supporters here keep banging on about how it's been Jewish land for 4000 years or something like that? How is that different? Please explain rationally.
Tinmore still clings to the concept that any land upon which
muslims have raped, and murdered and enslaved becomes
'MUSLIM LAND" forever
. I am not young----I heard about the concept of "MUSLIM LAND" when I was still a child----from another child-----who told me his father was a PAKISTANI
diplomat (for the record----I did not live in New York City at that time----but not far----close enough for a UN DIPLOMAT
to commute------and---the kid I knew-----lived in a town that
got progressively more and more ISLAMIC ----to the point
that there were celebrations there on 9-11-01)

Doesn't Israel and all their supporters here keep banging on about how it's been Jewish land for 4000 years or something like that? How is that different? Please explain rationally.

Jews correctly and properly claim that the land is the homeland of jews---since Judaism
was founded there ----the language which jews use developed there and there was a jewish country there for thousand of years until it was invaded -----SINCE that time there
has been a consistend jewish presence there----sometimes ---secretly. <<<all well
documented. Also---a factoid unknown to many people is that over the centuries---there
have been SEVERAL movements to----"go back there" ----in all cases the mode was----
by virtue of BUYING land-----not the rape and pillage approach employed by Isa-
respectors starting with Constantine. Even today----Isa respectors live on land OWNED
by jews by actual purchase from OTTOMAN owners ----as recently as the early 20th century. In order to make claims on that land----Isa respectors simply discount
the fact that ottomans had the power to "legally" sell the land to jews since under the
laws of the ISA-RESPECTERS land ownership by jews was virtually outlawed by the nazi pig Constantine and ---even more so by the nazi NUREMBURG LAWS of dhimmia.

Jews have no actual history of Imperialistic evangelism -----the program which has
fomented GENOCIDES ----in the hundreds of millions. ----nor invasion and enslavement---
also a habit and custom of Isa-respecters. The actual founders of that system----those
who DEVELOPED it-----are the pre-Isa Romans The current Isa respecters are the
children of ROME -----and the nazi concept PAX ROMANA which is the equivalent

Jews make no attempt to declare Brooklyn, New York ---"jewish land"-----but somehow
large parts of india have become MUSLIM LAND. ---simply because muslims
MOVED IN and raped and pillaged.
Israel occupies Palestine, that is fact that intl legal authorities agree on, a Palestine the UN even now recognixes.We are all waiting for Israel to end that illegal 45 year Occupation of Palestine!

LOL sherri----who is the "WE" to which you refer. some people have
"occupation" on their minds-----but the "WE" that includes you and hundreds
of million of the UMMAH are those who are wating for an OPPORTUNITY
to accomplish your and their REAL GOAL---the annhilation of the
ZIONIST ENTITY ie----you and your fellow filth have CREATED A
CESSPOOL REALITY -----an endeavor in which you and yours are well
practiced and skilled. For you and yours----a bit of an interpretation here,
and a bit of an interpretation there----are stepping stones to the REAL PRIZE---

Resistence against your filth is THE SINGLE MOST LEGAL ENDEAVOR
in the universe-----it is virtually zoroastrian----or even VEDIC.
Unfortunately ---you and yours have succeeded many times----just in the
past single century----at least 100 million in genocides to honor YOUR SHITTY

We is the world, and intl legal authorities address the Occupation, explaining Israel's Occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza , in that international court of justice opinion on the wall. Israel is an occupier of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza. There is no disputed land at all, every bit of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza are the Occupied Palestinain territories and Isreal needs to leave these occupied lands and take her terrorist illegal settlers with her, all over 600,000 of them. The world is waiting for Israel to abide by intl law, we have been waiting for almost 70 years now. Patience is wearing thin, and I think time is running out for Israel!


Israel is an occupier of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

Who did Israel take it from?
LOL sherri----who is the "WE" to which you refer. some people have
"occupation" on their minds-----but the "WE" that includes you and hundreds
of million of the UMMAH are those who are wating for an OPPORTUNITY
to accomplish your and their REAL GOAL---the annhilation of the
ZIONIST ENTITY ie----you and your fellow filth have CREATED A
CESSPOOL REALITY -----an endeavor in which you and yours are well
practiced and skilled. For you and yours----a bit of an interpretation here,
and a bit of an interpretation there----are stepping stones to the REAL PRIZE---

Resistence against your filth is THE SINGLE MOST LEGAL ENDEAVOR
in the universe-----it is virtually zoroastrian----or even VEDIC.
Unfortunately ---you and yours have succeeded many times----just in the
past single century----at least 100 million in genocides to honor YOUR SHITTY

We is the world, and intl legal authorities address the Occupation, explaining Israel's Occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza , in that international court of justice opinion on the wall. Israel is an occupier of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza. There is no disputed land at all, every bit of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza are the Occupied Palestinain territories and Isreal needs to leave these occupied lands and take her terrorist illegal settlers with her, all over 600,000 of them. The world is waiting for Israel to abide by intl law, we have been waiting for almost 70 years now. Patience is wearing thin, and I think time is running out for Israel!


Israel is an occupier of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

Who did Israel take it from?

Don't expect her to come up with an answer, she's stumped ! Poor Sherri
Tinmore still clings to the concept that any land upon which
muslims have raped, and murdered and enslaved becomes
'MUSLIM LAND" forever
. I am not young----I heard about the concept of "MUSLIM LAND" when I was still a child----from another child-----who told me his father was a PAKISTANI
diplomat (for the record----I did not live in New York City at that time----but not far----close enough for a UN DIPLOMAT
to commute------and---the kid I knew-----lived in a town that
got progressively more and more ISLAMIC ----to the point
that there were celebrations there on 9-11-01)

Doesn't Israel and all their supporters here keep banging on about how it's been Jewish land for 4000 years or something like that? How is that different? Please explain rationally.

Jews correctly and properly claim that the land is the homeland of jews---since Judaism
was founded there -

So since Christianity was started in the area, shouldn't catholics and protestants lay claim to the land as well? And when are you moving off of Indian land? Anytime soon?
Doesn't Israel and all their supporters here keep banging on about how it's been Jewish land for 4000 years or something like that? How is that different? Please explain rationally.

Jews correctly and properly claim that the land is the homeland of jews---since Judaism
was founded there -

So since Christianity was started in the area, shouldn't catholics and protestants lay claim to the land as well? And when are you moving off of Indian land? Anytime soon?

In fact----christianity developed in ROME not palestine and later on under
roman empire auspices ----- not the issue ----anyway... Christianity ---very early on
was a sect of Judaism. ------its followers largely ROMANS and GREEKS ----from rome and
greece. Still not the issue. Indians do live in the USA -----North america was conquored and invaded and its inhabitants were subjected to genocide----not by JOOOOS
but by the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE I was not involved----some of my co-religionists
did escape a genocide underway at that time ----in the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE
by coming to what is now ----New York ---review the history of the SPANISH AND PORTUGESE SYNAGOGUE of Manhattan New York ------those people bought the land
upon which they built that synagogue----just as the zionists of the 1800s RE PURCHASED
Hebron-----from the TURKS who invaded and STOLE IT

History is lots of fun. btw-----the people who built the Spanish portugese synagogue
were having the same problems with bitch ISABELLA that killed MONTEZUMA
(hint-----cortez claimed mexico IN THE NAME OF "CHRISTENDOM" <<< aka
the holy roman empire-----AKA FIRST REICH ---neither jews nor jesus
were involved and today most christians repudiate that crap )

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