Israel vs Terror Groups attacks from Gaza and PA

Sixties Fan

Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2017

[ We just went through another "mini war" caused by some terrorist group from Gaza needing to shoot some missiles into Israel to feel good about themselves.​

That is something they do periodically. These are the results this time]

Islamic Jihad's "victory:" They killed 6 civilians - five of whom were Palestinian, three of them children

Islamic Jihad media is reporting that this morning, Gazans are waking up to the "euphoria of victory" even though they admit they suffered "painful losses" as many of their leaders were "martyred."

Let's look at their "victory."

Over 1,200 rockets were fired by Islamic Jihad and its allied terror groups. Those rockets killed six civilians.

Five of them were Gazan, including three children.

Layan Belal Mohammed Modawikh, 8
Killed by an Islamic Jihad rocket on 5-story house on al-Sahaba Street in Gaza City

Yazan Jawdat ‘Eliyan, 16 or 17
Killed in same incident

Rami Shadi Mousa Hamdan, 16
Killed by Islamic Jihad rocket on his house in Beit Hanoun, Gaza

Ahmed Mohammed al-Shebaki, 50
Killed by Islamic Jihad rocket in Qleibo area in Beit Lahia, northern Gaza

Abdullah Abu Jaba, 34
Gazan killed when a PIJ rocket hit a building near Shokeda, Israel, where he was working

Inga Abramian, 80
The only Israeli victim of PIJ rocket fire, Rehovot

This the the "victory" that they say Gazans were celebrating this morning - killing five of their own civilians and one elderly Israeli woman. As far as I can tell, they did not damage a single military asset.

Palestinian "human rights groups" know very well that the four Palestinians killed in Gaza were victims of Palestinian rockets. PCHR admits this explicitly, saying "PCHR’s preliminary investigations indicate casualties fell after homemade rockets had fallen in three incidents" which were the three incidents listed here; Al Mezan says they were killed by "projectiles" which is their euphemism for Gaza rockets that fell short.

Even though these deaths are documented by Palestinians themselves, I have yet to see a single "human rights group" condemn Islamic Jihad for killing four civilians in Gaza and two in Israel.

Every single civilian killed this past week was either killed by Palestinian rocket fire or were involuntarily acting as human shields for Palestinian militants who were legitimate targets under international law.

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Five days of fighting between Israel and Palestinian Islamic Jihad led to more than 1,000 rockets being fired at Israel and most of those that were a threat to civilians being intercepted. More than 200 PIJ rockets malfunctioned. For Iran, which backs PIJ as a proxy, the round of fighting does not seem to have produced any kind of victory that Tehran can point to - on the other hand, it may not be a loss for Iran either.

One piece of evidence for Iran’s feeling on whether it has achieved success is Iran’s pro-regime media. Iran today is not bragging the way it did before the May 2021 war between Israel and Hamas. Iran also isn’t bragging as strongly as it did after the round of clashes over Passover week when Iran claimed it had “unified” various fronts against Israel. Tehran’s talking point about the “unity” of fronts didn’t appear to achieve any results during the fighting between May 8 and 13.

What this means is Iran doesn’t seem to have operationalized Hamas, or gotten groups like Liwa al-Quds in Syria involved. In the West Bank, where Iran claims it has helped smuggle guns to groups in Jenin and Nablus, there were no large clashes either.

(full article online)

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant had issued instructions regarding the overnight airstrikes in Gaza last week on Tuesday,

The IDF and Shin Bet has been ready for an operation with Gaza since Tuesday last week, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant confirmed on Tuesday afternoon, hours after the IDF launched Operation Shield and Arrow.

"The IDF and Shin Bet carried out a precise and successful operation against the leadership of the Islamic Jihad organization in the Gaza Strip last night," he said in a meeting with council leaders and officials in southern Israel. "We will not tolerate shooting that threatens the residents of Israel, this is not only an act of terrorism, but a challenge to our presence."

He continued, confirming that the IDF had been prepared for the operation for the last week, saying: "Already on Tuesday, I instructed the IDF and the Shin Bet to be ready to thwart the three terrorists who were killed last night, who are responsible for firing rockets into Israel and for directing numerous attacks in Israel.

"We must be ready for any scenario, including a prolonged campaign and expanding the firing ranges. It is very important that the citizens, under your leadership, be disciplined, attentive and listen to life-saving instructions. The IDF and the security forces are prepared by all means on all fronts."

The IDF struck a number of senior terrorists in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist movement in airstrikes in the Gaza Strip early Tuesday morning, declaring the launch of Operation Shield and Arrow.

The officials targeted include the commander of the al-Quds Brigades in the northern Gaza Strip, an official responsible for terrorist activities in the West Bank and the secretary of the military council in the movement.

(full article online)

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said Sunday that Israel had not made any concessions to Palestinian Islamic Jihad as part of the ceasefire agreement that brought an end to the latest round of violence after five days.

“We did not promise anything,” Cohen told Army Radio when pressed, confirming the account of a senior Egyptian official who told The Times of Israel on Saturday that Israel would not sign a ceasefire agreement that entailed any conditions beyond the IDF holding its fire.

PIJ has pushed for Israel to release the body of its senior member Khader Adnan, who died earlier this month after hunger striking in Israeli prison for 86 days in protest of his detention. Islamic Jihad had also demanded that Israel commit to halting the targeted killing of its leaders, the Egyptian official said, adding that Israel refused the inclusion of either demand in a ceasefire deal.

(full article online)

At a joint appearance last Wednesday, late on the second day of Israel’s Operation Shield and Arrow against the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group in Gaza, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant proclaimed that the prime goals of the operation had already been achieved — indeed that they were achieved in what Netanyahu specified were the “first two seconds [of the operation], in the middle of the night,” when the IDF killed three Islamic Jihad commanders in three separate, simultaneous strikes.

“We wiped out the leadership” of Islamic Jihad, Gallant confirmed.

And when those first, devastating blows were followed by hundreds of attacks on sites used by Islamic Jihad for the production and storage of arms, on terror cells with anti-tank weaponry, and on rocket launch pits and the rockets therein that were ready for firing at Israel, the defense minister went on to claim, “the murderous organization had no answer.”

The intelligence information and the guided missile capabilities that enabled the IDF to eliminate not only those first three prime targets, but also several other Islamic Jihad commanders over the next few days, certainly testify to the IDF’s astounding capabilities in the relentless battle against Gaza’s terror groups.

But the bitter fact is that, even with its key leaders dead, weapons stores blown up, anti-tank cells thwarted, and innumerable rocket launchers targeted, the “murderous organization” did manage to muster an “answer” through four full days of conflict, and was still firing rocket salvos at Israel in the minutes before and after a ceasefire finally went into effect on Saturday night.

(full article online)

  • Neither Ukraine nor Israel has any territorial ambitions or aggressive intent against their attackers — both Ukraine and Israel are fighting purely defensive wars to protect their civilian populations.
  • There is another common factor. Islamic Jihad in Gaza is an Iranian proxy terrorist group, funded and directed from Tehran. Iran's hand is behind this conflict....
  • I do not recall any Western government or international body suggesting moral equivalence between the aggressor and the defender in the Ukraine war, but that is exactly what we have seen repeatedly in this and previous conflicts between Israel and Gaza with the UN Secretary General calling on "both sides" to exercise restraint.
  • Unlike the immediate condemnation of Russian violence, we have seen only silence in the US and Europe since Islamic Jihad's rockets began to fall on Israel. The best we have heard from the White House is that "Israel has the right to protect itself", a statement of the blindingly obvious. None of this is good enough when what is needed is the strongest support for Israel and the most blunt condemnation of Islamic Jihad, along the lines we see over the Ukraine war.
  • The usual media suspects, such as the BBC and CNN, both cheerleaders for Ukraine's defensive operations, have predictably been doing their best to slant their coverage against Israel.
  • As we can see from the Western approach to Ukraine as well as wars everywhere, no other country that is unlawfully attacked by a foreign power is portrayed as the aggressor or at best on a par with the attacker.... The IDF takes the greatest possible care to defend its civilians while avoiding unnecessary casualties among civilians on enemy territory, frequently aborting attacks when there is the risk of killing innocent people....
  • Gaza terrorist leaders, on the other hand, make sure their wives and children are nearby and ready to die whenever there is the risk of attack against them. They deliberately position their weapons stores, missile launch sites and fighters among the civilian population, including in schools, hospitals and occupied residential buildings. The IDF will frequently warn civilians to get out of the area when preparing an attack. Understanding how this undermines their policy of causing maximum casualties on their own civilians in order to achieve international condemnation of Israel, terrorists in Gaza have warned their citizens that anyone who complies will be punished.
  • In such circumstances it is impossible for the IDF to do the vital work of destroying offensive weapons aimed against their own population and eliminating the terrorist commanders who direct them without inflicting some civilian casualties. Despite the misguided or malign commentary of some journalists, politicians, academics and human rights groups, such collateral damage is not illegal or a war crime, provided all possible measures are taken to avoid it.
  • In the last five days, more than 1,234 rockets have been fired from Gaza, 976 of which have crossed into Israel – a country roughly the size of New Jersey -- with the remainder falling short into Gaza itself. The nearest comparable bombardment against Western countries was in 1944, when the Germans fired rockets at Britain with a maximum rate of 100 per day. Britain responded with a bombing campaign of devastating force in which many civilians were unavoidably killed.
  • The question Western commentators so eager to condemn Israel should ask themselves is: how many rockets fired into their own countries would be tolerated?
  • The Ukraine war has focused European governments' minds on this issue and their current planning includes not just improving missile defences but also offensive capabilities to strike at the enemy in his own territory, just as Israel is forced to do today.

(full article online)

Part 1

For those that are old enough to remember, there was a time when Gazans commuted with ease to work in Israel, and Israelis went shopping in markets in the Gaza Strip. When I first arrived in Israel many of those I worked alongside lived in places such as Beit Lahia or Beit Hanoun (two towns at the northern tip of Gaza). This continued for a while, even after the outbreak of the first Intifada.

None of that seems believable today. The Gaza Strip is a terrorist enclave, and every year or so violence erupts – just as it did last week. Rockets are fired at Israeli civilians, Israel targets terrorists, civilians in Gaza inevitably get killed, and images of dead children fill social media.

Media reporting in the west has descended into farce. Israel and Hamas (or Islamic Jihad) are held up as if they are equals. Somehow Israel is expected to lay down and play nice. How on earth do you play nice with radical Islamic terrorists who only want to see you and your family dead?

The naivety of Oslo’s hope​

The descent into madness began in the early 1990s. Yitzhak Rabin (the real one, not the messiah figure), led by Shimon Peres and Shlomo Ben-Ami, imported terrorists in the naive hope that the PLO really wanted to (or could deliver) make peace. Israel legitimised the terrorist Yasser Arafat and let him bring in 1000s of ‘armed police’.

armed Palestinian police came from Jordan

Israel literally gave guns and power to terrorists. This led to the 1994 Gaza–Jericho Agreement and a partial withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza.

The Israeli right-wing claimed that giving Arafat control of Gaza would lead to rocket fire on Israeli towns. Rabin ridiculed them. He called them ‘cowards of peace’ and promised there would be no rocket fire from Gaza:
(vide video online)

Part 2

Sharon’s Gaza Strip Gambit​

True to form Arafat threw away countless chances of building a Palestinian state. He said one thing in English to placate western diplomats whilst speaking very differently in Arabic to his home crowd. Arafat rejected all the peace deals that came before him while also making sure the Palestinians were arming themselves in preparation. The result of the madness was the brutal second Intifada.

Ariel Sharon was to embed the mistake even further. Sharon decided to withdraw from Gaza completely, even dismantling Israeli settlements. 8000 Israelis living in towns in the Gaza strip were forcibly evicted. There were mass protests, but the withdrawal went ahead.

Gaza celebrated, with the President Mahmoud Abbas calling it “a day of joy and happiness”:

2005 Gaza withdrawal

The world turned to congratulate Israel. The Palestinians rejoiced. Israel had given up land for peace in the hope that the Palestinians would take the opportunity. Sharon said that the rise of a new Palestinian leadership after the death of Arafat presented a ‘historic breakthrough’.

This is what Netanyahu wrote when he quit the Government in opposition to the plan:

“I am not prepared to be a partner to a move which ignores reality, and proceeds blindly toward turning the Gaza Strip into a base for Islamic terrorism which will threaten the state”
Not for the first time, the fears of Israel’s right-wing bloc proved all too accurate.

The election and the Gaza Strip takeover​

With Israel out of the Gaza Strip, it was an opportunity for Palestinians to show they were serious about making peace with Israel. Instead, they burnt the synagogues and the fields of the Jewish settlements and voted for Hamas. These 2006 elections were the last elections Palestinians enjoyed as factional warunfolded.


Hamas ousted Fatah from the strip and began firing rockets at Israel.

Part 3

Eighteen years later​

These are the lessons Israel learnt – the hard way. This is why the Israeli peace camp imploded – as Israelis became aware that there is no Palestinian peace partner. It does not mean that there are not Palestinians who would make peace – but that the Islamic terrorists – those who want war – control the Palestinian street.

This means that every time Israel moved towards peace with the Palestinians – it paid a bloody price. It is worth remembering that in the 1990s there was enormous pressure to get Israel to give up the Golan. Given what happened in Syria we can only be thankful that the naivety of the Israeli ‘peace bloc’ did not leave ISIS just a few miles from Tiberias.

Egypt wanted peace – and got it. Jordan wanted peace – and got it. The Palestinian leadership has no interest in peace – it just wants Israel gone. This is why there is still conflict.

The truth is that everything we see in Gaza today is a result of Israel ‘playing nice’ and doing whatever it could to make peace. Every time Israel ceded ground, or did what the west was telling it to, the price was paid in Israeli blood.

If there was a radical Islamic enclave firing rockets and cities in the US, UK, France, or any other western nation – these nation’s forces would have obliterated the terrorists long ago – at whatever cost. In consistently showing self-restraint, Israel is – as always – going above and beyond what every other nation would do.

Never forget this when reading the distorted news reports that circulate during times of conflict.

[ Gaza has decided, every time they send rockets into Israel and are not is a victory.
Gotta cheer one self somehow to continue the war against Israel and continue to kill Jews ]


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