A lot less than the $61 Billion the US has given to Israel

All in all, I'd say American dollars going to Israel is money well invested. They're an island of democracy in a sea of lunatics. They put up with a lot of shit. They restrain themselves like civilized people must. But when one of the lunatic neighbors lobs rockets on your cities, by the thousands, year after year...well, enough is enough. Israel is a gritty friend, granted, but they're a friend. So in spite of our little coward in the White House, when Israel needs our help and support, we give it. That transcends money. It's something more than just money.
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I find this somewhat incomprehensible. There must be a backroom deal in play.

Today's FTO is tomorrow's snuggly buddy. Be realistic Rocco. How much foreign policy headway do you think this country could make if we followed the letter of the law? We have to buy all our "friends"...with the exception of Canada maybe, and Israel. I sat glaring at the TV cheering the IDF on, yelling like a fool every time they hit another Hamas rocket repository knowing full well that America would have to foot the cleanup bill. You have to do a lot of rule stretching to get by on this planet anymore. That's the reality.
Time for Israel to put up, shut up or Raus. You've been warned.

Hamas leader Khalil al-Haya insisted that Hamas "would not abandon its weapons" on Saturday, boasting that the group is allegedly closer to defeating "the Israeli entity and its leaders" more than ever.

"We say to those who brought the Jews [to Israel] from all over the world, we are now confident and believe more than ever in the implementation of the promise of Allah - that we will not keep you [Jews] in our country," Al-Haya threatened. "The option available to you is to leave the country for its native residents [Palestinian Arabs]."

Al-Haya added, in this context, that Hamas is "paving the way" for the success of the Palestinian "unity government," noting that Sunday's talks for international aid for Gaza in Cairo legitimizes the terror group politically and proves that war works.

Hamas Threatens Jews to Leave Israel - Or Else - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
This is Old au-nausium News Hoss...methinks a New Change is friend..steve
Steve, I posted the OP on Sunday, 12th, a few hours after Arutz Sheve published it. The speech was made the previous day, 11th. Hamas is dead serious because they believe they won something.They'll only win another ass whuppin' so they can mount another victory parade.

Nothing was won you say..steve

Much like the IDF/Hezbollah conflict some years ago, Hamas exposed their people to the carnage while hiding themselves, declared "victory" amidst that carnage, and then fell very quiet even as the IDF turned on their Hamas brethren. You may have noticed how quiet Hamas has been since their "great victory" over Israel and how ISIS/ISIL have kept their distance. Some here continue to exhort those hapless Palestinians to fight the Jooos but the Palestinians (and Lebanese) seem finally to have recognized the futility of doing the bidding of international keyboard warriors.
Time for Israel to put up, shut up or Raus. You've been warned.

Hamas leader Khalil al-Haya insisted that Hamas "would not abandon its weapons" on Saturday, boasting that the group is allegedly closer to defeating "the Israeli entity and its leaders" more than ever.

"We say to those who brought the Jews [to Israel] from all over the world, we are now confident and believe more than ever in the implementation of the promise of Allah - that we will not keep you [Jews] in our country," Al-Haya threatened. "The option available to you is to leave the country for its native residents [Palestinian Arabs]."

Al-Haya added, in this context, that Hamas is "paving the way" for the success of the Palestinian "unity government," noting that Sunday's talks for international aid for Gaza in Cairo legitimizes the terror group politically and proves that war works.

Hamas Threatens Jews to Leave Israel - Or Else - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
This is Old au-nausium News Hoss...methinks a New Change is friend..steve
Steve, I posted the OP on Sunday, 12th, a few hours after Arutz Sheve published it. The speech was made the previous day, 11th. Hamas is dead serious because they believe they won something.They'll only win another ass whuppin' so they can mount another victory parade.

Nothing was won you say..steve

Much like the IDF/Hezbollah conflict some years ago, Hamas exposed their people to the carnage while hiding themselves, declared "victory" amidst that carnage, and then fell very quiet even as the IDF turned on their Hamas brethren. You may have noticed how quiet Hamas has been since their "great victory" over Israel and how ISIS/ISIL have kept their distance. Some here continue to exhort those hapless Palestinians to fight the Jooos but the Palestinians (and Lebanese) seem finally to have recognized the futility of doing the bidding of international keyboard warriors.

"[A]nd the Lebanese, you say? Last I heard, Israel escaped from southern Lebanon with her tail between her legs and has never been seen there since.
Time for Israel to put up, shut up or Raus. You've been warned.

Hamas leader Khalil al-Haya insisted that Hamas "would not abandon its weapons" on Saturday, boasting that the group is allegedly closer to defeating "the Israeli entity and its leaders" more than ever.

"We say to those who brought the Jews [to Israel] from all over the world, we are now confident and believe more than ever in the implementation of the promise of Allah - that we will not keep you [Jews] in our country," Al-Haya threatened. "The option available to you is to leave the country for its native residents [Palestinian Arabs]."

Al-Haya added, in this context, that Hamas is "paving the way" for the success of the Palestinian "unity government," noting that Sunday's talks for international aid for Gaza in Cairo legitimizes the terror group politically and proves that war works.

Hamas Threatens Jews to Leave Israel - Or Else - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
This is Old au-nausium News Hoss...methinks a New Change is friend..steve
Steve, I posted the OP on Sunday, 12th, a few hours after Arutz Sheve published it. The speech was made the previous day, 11th. Hamas is dead serious because they believe they won something.They'll only win another ass whuppin' so they can mount another victory parade.

Nothing was won you say..steve

Much like the IDF/Hezbollah conflict some years ago, Hamas exposed their people to the carnage while hiding themselves, declared "victory" amidst that carnage, and then fell very quiet even as the IDF turned on their Hamas brethren. You may have noticed how quiet Hamas has been since their "great victory" over Israel and how ISIS/ISIL have kept their distance. Some here continue to exhort those hapless Palestinians to fight the Jooos but the Palestinians (and Lebanese) seem finally to have recognized the futility of doing the bidding of international keyboard warriors.

"[A]nd the Lebanese, you say? Last I heard, Israel escaped from southern Lebanon with her tail between her legs and has never been seen there since.

The silence on that border, even at the height of Hamas's recent "great victory," is exactly what Israel sought.
A lot less than the $61 Billion the US has given to Israel

All in all, I'd say American dollars going to Israel is money well invested. They're an island of democracy in a sea of lunatics. They put up with a lot of shit. They restrain themselves like civilized people must. But when one of the lunatic neighbors lobs rockets on your cities, by the thousands, year after year...well, enough is enough. Israel is a gritty friend, granted, but they're a friend. So in spite of our little coward in the White House, when Israel needs our help and support, we give it. That transcends money. It's something more than just money.
Would they give you support though..........No if the past is any guide,and the times they have ignored Americas requests....Your "Lunatic" comment merely shows how ignorant you are.........and really your comments as banal as they are,could never improve the situation both Israel or Palestine are in...I suggest you Fcuk off to another only well meaning folk from both sides dwell here.
<snip>. . . . and are there any Israeli Muslims?

Ignorance at its best. Let me see, Carmel al Dalit (sic), Nazareth, Afula, the Muslim quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, parts of Tiberius, need I continue? Well, actually the only reason I didn't is because those are the example I know from personal experience.
Maybe I don't get it...'Ol Sniffer AKA Sayit and Sprayit, said that Muslims volunteer for the IDF implying that a significant number existed when in fact Haaretz numbered 150 to perhaps 400 in total...Like your byline says, a lie told often enough becomes the truth, only in your mind and the Sniffers...Can you produce new verifiable numbers or are you a liar also?

Time for Israel to put up, shut up or Raus. You've been warned.

Hamas leader Khalil al-Haya insisted that Hamas "would not abandon its weapons" on Saturday, boasting that the group is allegedly closer to defeating "the Israeli entity and its leaders" more than ever.

"We say to those who brought the Jews [to Israel] from all over the world, we are now confident and believe more than ever in the implementation of the promise of Allah - that we will not keep you [Jews] in our country," Al-Haya threatened. "The option available to you is to leave the country for its native residents [Palestinian Arabs]."

Al-Haya added, in this context, that Hamas is "paving the way" for the success of the Palestinian "unity government," noting that Sunday's talks for international aid for Gaza in Cairo legitimizes the terror group politically and proves that war works.

Hamas Threatens Jews to Leave Israel - Or Else - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
This is Old au-nausium News Hoss...methinks a New Change is friend..steve
Steve, I posted the OP on Sunday, 12th, a few hours after Arutz Sheve published it. The speech was made the previous day, 11th. Hamas is dead serious because they believe they won something.They'll only win another ass whuppin' so they can mount another victory parade.[/QUOTE

Hi Hoss for you my friend.....

You and the Zionist Possee tried to destroy a culture and a people...YOU ALL FAILED
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<snip>. . . . and are there any Israeli Muslims?

Ignorance at its best. Let me see, Carmel al Dalit (sic), Nazareth, Afula, the Muslim quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, parts of Tiberius, need I continue? Well, actually the only reason I didn't is because those are the example I know from personal experience.
Maybe I don't get it...'Ol Sniffer AKA Sayit and Sprayit, said that Muslims volunteer for the IDF implying that a significant number existed when in fact Haaretz numbered 150 to perhaps 400 in total...Like your byline says, a lie told often enough becomes the truth, only in your mind and the Sniffers...Can you produce new verifiable numbers or are you a liar also?


Silliness. When it was pointed out that Monte had slipped up and used "Jew" to describe "Israeli," you and the rest of the Jew-haters quickly rose to defend. There was no implication in my post other than to say the IDF, like Israel, is comprised not just of Jews. Stop pretending you actually know something about Israel other than the fact you hate her.
What does "Raus" mean?
Raus is German for -Scat!

Nazi terminology.

A lot less than the $61 Billion the US has given to Israel

All in all, I'd say American dollars going to Israel is money well invested. They're an island of democracy in a sea of lunatics. They put up with a lot of shit. They restrain themselves like civilized people must. But when one of the lunatic neighbors lobs rockets on your cities, by the thousands, year after year...well, enough is enough. Israel is a gritty friend, granted, but they're a friend. So in spite of our little coward in the White House, when Israel needs our help and support, we give it. That transcends money. It's something more than just money.

No its not. They are not a democracy but a fascist racial group, and their main goal is to incite and cause unrest with the Pals and then blame the Pals as an excuse to war with them. They do not and have never wanted peace, and the reason they have been kicked out of every country is they try and control it, as they did with Germany and Russia and like they are doing in the US since the beginning of the 1900's when a whole lot of them came from the pogroms of Russia.
<snip>. . . . and are there any Israeli Muslims?

Ignorance at its best. Let me see, Carmel al Dalit (sic), Nazareth, Afula, the Muslim quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, parts of Tiberius, need I continue? Well, actually the only reason I didn't is because those are the example I know from personal experience.
Maybe I don't get it...'Ol Sniffer AKA Sayit and Sprayit, said that Muslims volunteer for the IDF implying that a significant number existed when in fact Haaretz numbered 150 to perhaps 400 in total...Like your byline says, a lie told often enough becomes the truth, only in your mind and the Sniffers...Can you produce new verifiable numbers or are you a liar also?


Maybe I did answer a bit out of context. Your question asked if there are any Israeli moslems, and I answered with a short list of the Arab/Muslim towns I know of and visited in Israel.
The innocent kids were packed into structures by the UN to protect them from the murderous child killing savage Jews. Who bombed the UN structures anyway.

The innocent kids were packed into UN structures by Hamas; where Hamas had stored rockets, fired rockets and even held their press conferences from. The innocent kids were not allowed to leave because Hamas wanted to use them and/or their deaths to use as propaganda against Israel.

What an idiot!

If the rockets were just being "stored" (if they really existed at all) then they weren't being used. If you were feuding with your neighbor and knew that he had some .223 rounds stored in his shed would you kill his Kindergarten aged kids in an effort to destroy his rounds of ammo? Please explain the civilized logic in THAT? Now if you were a total barbarian who lacked all regard for human life then I could understand taking said actions (although I would disagree with those actions).
<snip>. . . . and are there any Israeli Muslims?

Ignorance at its best. Let me see, Carmel al Dalit (sic), Nazareth, Afula, the Muslim quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, parts of Tiberius, need I continue? Well, actually the only reason I didn't is because those are the example I know from personal experience.
Maybe I don't get it...'Ol Sniffer AKA Sayit and Sprayit, said that Muslims volunteer for the IDF implying that a significant number existed when in fact Haaretz numbered 150 to perhaps 400 in total...Like your byline says, a lie told often enough becomes the truth, only in your mind and the Sniffers...Can you produce new verifiable numbers or are you a liar also?


Silliness. When it was pointed out that Monte had slipped up and used "Jew" to describe "Israeli," you and the rest of the Jew-haters quickly rose to defend. There was no implication in my post other than to say the IDF, like Israel, is comprised not just of Jews. Stop pretending you actually know something about Israel other than the fact you hate her.
Oh Bull you clarify by turn speak...Who are the others besides Joos, you think .00004 or what ever constitutes others oh Sniffer...As usual you're the proverbial snake in the grass!
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<snip>. . . . and are there any Israeli Muslims?

Ignorance at its best. Let me see, Carmel al Dalit (sic), Nazareth, Afula, the Muslim quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, parts of Tiberius, need I continue? Well, actually the only reason I didn't is because those are the example I know from personal experience.
Maybe I don't get it...'Ol Sniffer AKA Sayit and Sprayit, said that Muslims volunteer for the IDF implying that a significant number existed when in fact Haaretz numbered 150 to perhaps 400 in total...Like your byline says, a lie told often enough becomes the truth, only in your mind and the Sniffers...Can you produce new verifiable numbers or are you a liar also?


Maybe I did answer a bit out of context. Your question asked if there are any Israeli moslems, and I answered with a short list of the Arab/Muslim towns I know of and visited in Israel.
Another bullshit artist, you must have read the previous posts.
"Jews" and not "Israelis" noted.

I love it how you uncover your venom, time and time again.

Were they not Jews that were bombing the crap out of Gaza?

The IDF, like Israel, is comprised of people of many religions ... something of which you are well aware.
As Lipush noted, sometimes you just can't hide what you are.
Can you give us the percentages, and are there any Israeli Muslims?

Dear Lipshiits, I asked for percentages not Bullshit.

What exactly is bullshit about this video?
You claim to be the resident genius around here. You tell us.

Neither side particularly cares about peace. Does that sound about right?
No. Israel wants peace. The other side doesn't. Elementary.

That is not true, now find me another source or I will put this down as more propaganda.

Best souce is reality.

Well we see reality a little differently. You are bias, you live there so it may be clouding your perspective.

Guilty as charged. I never claimed to be unbiased.

If I tried, it would be dishonest. I'm not trying to be politically correct.

That is the job for those who aren't Israelis or Palestinians.

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