Nations that kill children are akin to child sacrificing Satan worshiping heathens. So nice Israel shows it's true colors. Monsters. Sorry, thanks for playing.
Israel doesn't "kill" children so which nations do the sacrificing?

448 children killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza, UN says
448 children killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza UN says The Electronic Intifada

Two things very wrong in your rebuttal.

One, your link is from Aug 8, in the midst of the fighting. Your post is on October 13 well after the fighting is over.

Two, there is still no comparison (to be clear, I am not condoning the deaths of any one, and especially children) to casualties during a fight and Satanic ritual child sacrificing. None. Try a different tact.
The Israelis are behaving more like the Nazis. Killing 2,000 people including hundreds of children because they are not the "chosen people" is Nazi-like behaviour. And, as a supporter,, you are a Nazi twat.
You have no common sense about the reason for the deaths and who is to blame. Just keep piling on the Taqiyyah and make yourself look like an Esel.

By your logic, the Italian Resistance (or the French) would have been to blame for the Nazi reprisals on civilians for the actions (attacking Germans) of the Resistance. Grow up. No one believes that propaganda. Israeli Jews killed over 2,000 people over a few weeks, hundreds of them children. It is the Israeli Jews that killed them, no one else. Live with it.

But you are ignoring the reason that Israel started the operation, propaganda - tici. Because you cannot handle the truth/ You are full of Palestinian shit. You make Tinmore look like a pro Israeli :

You ignore the reason why the Palestinians have to resist. Occupation and blockade. Do you think any people would just surrender to such oppression without a fight?
Fighting against an army is one thing. But launching unguided rockets into populated cities, even if they cause few casualties, is an invitation to get hot back Monti.
Do You expect Israel to do nothing when Hamas launches rockets?

Like the commander of the Algerian resistance said when criticized for using women (who often died themselves) to place explosives carried in handbags in French areas killing women and children as well as French soldiers. If you give me the weapons the French have, I'll give you them the handbags. Or something to that effect.

You just don't get it. The Israelis will never have peace, there are too many non-Jews and they are not going to give up. The Palestinians want their land back. It's that simple. As I have said, since a two state solution is no longer possible, the Israelis will have to agree to a secular democracy where all religions/races are treated equal. And, some land in Israel will have to be given back to the rightful owners. And yes, it won't be a "Jewish State", it will have to be a normal secular state. I believe that under such conditions the Islamists will be marginalized and most Palestinians (Christian and Muslim) will agree to share power with the Jews.
The Israelis are behaving more like the Nazis. Killing 2,000 people including hundreds of children because they are not the "chosen people" is Nazi-like behaviour. And, as a supporter,, you are a Nazi twat.
You lying fuckin moron. Palestinian got killed because Hamas started launching rockets non stop and Israel finally retaliated.
Are you a robot? Because there's no way one human can produce the amount of propaganda that you do.

Lets see if you can answer a simple question. How many of those Palestinians would still be alive had Hamas not launched a single rocket into Israel??

Who knows, the Israelis could have found another excuse to kill non-Jews, that's what they do. How many Palestinians would have been killed if the Israeli Jews had not invaded, occupied/blockaded Palestine? Easy question.

There never was an invasion.

And your potential scenario (if the Jews never came to Mandatory Palestine) is extremely unrealistic.
And you didn't answer my question, so lets try again:

How many Palestinians killed during the operation would still be alive had Hamas never fired a rocket into Israel in the weeks prior to it.

What do you call going to another continent, settling and throwing out the people that lived there previously? A birthday party?

I don't know how many Palestinians Israel would have killed if Hamas had not launched rockets. The Israelis kill Palestinians in the Occupied Territories all the time. Point is, the Palestinians have to resist and attack the occupier or else they will never be free of occupation and the blockade. Occupiers only leave when it becomes impossible for them to continue occupation. That is an historical fact.
The expulsion of Palestinians had nothing to do with the immigration . You have the timing of the events completely mixed up.
European Jews immigrated to Mandatory Palestine. Then about 50 years AFTER the immigration (which commenced by invitation from the British) Israel was attacked a day after declaring independence by 5 Arab armies PLUS Palestinian militias. After being on the defensive for the beginning of the war, Israel went on the offensive (military advancement), and expelled Palestinians from their villages. One very important fact you leave out is that the Arabs were trying to do the exact same thing to the Israelis. The only difference is that Israel won.
An invasion is a military offensive. Like the example I gave. If the European Jews immigrated to the region as combatants and immediately engaged the Palestinians in order to achieve a military objective, then yes that would be an invasion.
The Israelis are behaving more like the Nazis. Killing 2,000 people including hundreds of children because they are not the "chosen people" is Nazi-like behaviour. And, as a supporter,, you are a Nazi twat.
You lying fuckin moron. Palestinian got killed because Hamas started launching rockets non stop and Israel finally retaliated.
Are you a robot? Because there's no way one human can produce the amount of propaganda that you do.

Lets see if you can answer a simple question. How many of those Palestinians would still be alive had Hamas not launched a single rocket into Israel??

So in the case below, the Italian civilians got killed because the resistance fighters killed Germans?

"German reaction to resistance activity was brutal; in one incident, German soldiers killed 382 Italian men, women, and children as revenge for a partisan attack that killed 35 German soldiers."

Italian resistance fighters persevere mdash This Day in History mdash 9 6 1944
The Israelis are behaving more like the Nazis. Killing 2,000 people including hundreds of children because they are not the "chosen people" is Nazi-like behaviour. And, as a supporter,, you are a Nazi twat.
You lying fuckin moron. Palestinian got killed because Hamas started launching rockets non stop and Israel finally retaliated.
Are you a robot? Because there's no way one human can produce the amount of propaganda that you do.

Lets see if you can answer a simple question. How many of those Palestinians would still be alive had Hamas not launched a single rocket into Israel??

Who knows, the Israelis could have found another excuse to kill non-Jews, that's what they do. How many Palestinians would have been killed if the Israeli Jews had not invaded, occupied/blockaded Palestine? Easy question.

There never was an invasion.

And your potential scenario (if the Jews never came to Mandatory Palestine) is extremely unrealistic.
And you didn't answer my question, so lets try again:

How many Palestinians killed during the operation would still be alive had Hamas never fired a rocket into Israel in the weeks prior to it.

What do you call going to another continent, settling and throwing out the people that lived there previously? A birthday party?

I don't know how many Palestinians Israel would have killed if Hamas had not launched rockets. The Israelis kill Palestinians in the Occupied Territories all the time. Point is, the Palestinians have to resist and attack the occupier or else they will never be free of occupation and the blockade. Occupiers only leave when it becomes impossible for them to continue occupation. That is an historical fact.
The expulsion of Palestinians had nothing to do with the immigration . You have the timing of the events completely mixed up.
European Jews immigrated to Mandatory Palestine. Then about 50 years AFTER the immigration (which commenced by invitation from the British) Israel was attacked a day after declaring independence by 5 Arab armies PLUS Palestinian militias. After being on the defensive for the beginning of the war, Israel went on the offensive (military advancement), and expelled Palestinians from their villages. One very important fact you leave out is that the Arabs were trying to do the exact same thing to the Israelis. The only difference is that Israel won.
An invasion is a military offensive. Like the example I gave. If the European Jews immigrated to the region as combatants and immediately engaged the Palestinians in order to achieve a military objective, then yes that would be an invasion.

How could a third country invite people from their same continent to settle and take land from the indigenous people? So, according to you, the European settlers to North America were not an invasion because they did not immediately enter the region as combatants, and it was the native American's fault that the lost their land.

The Arabs were simply resisting their expulsion, the Jews came from Europe, another continent FSS. You people are so hard headed.
You have no common sense about the reason for the deaths and who is to blame. Just keep piling on the Taqiyyah and make yourself look like an Esel.

By your logic, the Italian Resistance (or the French) would have been to blame for the Nazi reprisals on civilians for the actions (attacking Germans) of the Resistance. Grow up. No one believes that propaganda. Israeli Jews killed over 2,000 people over a few weeks, hundreds of them children. It is the Israeli Jews that killed them, no one else. Live with it.

But you are ignoring the reason that Israel started the operation, propaganda - tici. Because you cannot handle the truth/ You are full of Palestinian shit. You make Tinmore look like a pro Israeli :

You ignore the reason why the Palestinians have to resist. Occupation and blockade. Do you think any people would just surrender to such oppression without a fight?
Fighting against an army is one thing. But launching unguided rockets into populated cities, even if they cause few casualties, is an invitation to get hot back Monti.
Do You expect Israel to do nothing when Hamas launches rockets?

Like the commander of the Algerian resistance said when criticized for using women (who often died themselves) to place explosives carried in handbags in French areas killing women and children as well as French soldiers. If you give me the weapons the French have, I'll give you them the handbags. Or something to that effect.

You just don't get it. The Israelis will never have peace, there are too many non-Jews and they are not going to give up. The Palestinians want their land back. It's that simple. As I have said, since a two state solution is no longer possible, the Israelis will have to agree to a secular democracy where all religions/races are treated equal. And, some land in Israel will have to be given back to the rightful owners. And yes, it won't be a "Jewish State", it will have to be a normal secular state. I believe that under such conditions the Islamists will be marginalized and most Palestinians (Christian and Muslim) will agree to share power with the Jews.
If Israel won't have peace, neither will the Palestinians.
And what land in Israel do you expect Israel to give up ??!?!?!??????
Israel will always be a Jewish state. No one else can dictate what kind of country Israel should be. And Israel IS a secular country. Most Israelis are not religious. And in the all religions and races ARE treated equal. Yes, there is some racism towards blacks and some Israeli are anti Arabs, but any Israeli citizen can vote, go to school, join the army, walk into a restaurant, start a business, practice their religion....
And I disagree with your last statement. I believe that Islamist will NEVER accept Israel under any circumstances
<snip>. . . . and are there any Israeli Muslims?

Ignorance at its best. Let me see, Carmel al Dalit (sic), Nazareth, Afula, the Muslim quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, parts of Tiberius, need I continue? Well, actually the only reason I didn't is because those are the example I know from personal experience.
You lying fuckin moron. Palestinian got killed because Hamas started launching rockets non stop and Israel finally retaliated.
Are you a robot? Because there's no way one human can produce the amount of propaganda that you do.

Lets see if you can answer a simple question. How many of those Palestinians would still be alive had Hamas not launched a single rocket into Israel??

Who knows, the Israelis could have found another excuse to kill non-Jews, that's what they do. How many Palestinians would have been killed if the Israeli Jews had not invaded, occupied/blockaded Palestine? Easy question.

There never was an invasion.

And your potential scenario (if the Jews never came to Mandatory Palestine) is extremely unrealistic.
And you didn't answer my question, so lets try again:

How many Palestinians killed during the operation would still be alive had Hamas never fired a rocket into Israel in the weeks prior to it.

What do you call going to another continent, settling and throwing out the people that lived there previously? A birthday party?

I don't know how many Palestinians Israel would have killed if Hamas had not launched rockets. The Israelis kill Palestinians in the Occupied Territories all the time. Point is, the Palestinians have to resist and attack the occupier or else they will never be free of occupation and the blockade. Occupiers only leave when it becomes impossible for them to continue occupation. That is an historical fact.
The expulsion of Palestinians had nothing to do with the immigration . You have the timing of the events completely mixed up.
European Jews immigrated to Mandatory Palestine. Then about 50 years AFTER the immigration (which commenced by invitation from the British) Israel was attacked a day after declaring independence by 5 Arab armies PLUS Palestinian militias. After being on the defensive for the beginning of the war, Israel went on the offensive (military advancement), and expelled Palestinians from their villages. One very important fact you leave out is that the Arabs were trying to do the exact same thing to the Israelis. The only difference is that Israel won.
An invasion is a military offensive. Like the example I gave. If the European Jews immigrated to the region as combatants and immediately engaged the Palestinians in order to achieve a military objective, then yes that would be an invasion.

How could a third country invite people from their same continent to settle and take land from the indigenous people? So, according to you, the European settlers to North America were not an invasion because they did not immediately enter the region as combatants, and it was the native American's fault that the lost their land.

The Arabs were simply resisting their expulsion, the Jews came from Europe, another continent FSS. You people are so hard headed.
Your comparison are so ridiculous. The Palestinian/Israel conflict is unique. Stop comparing it to the Holocaust/Native Americans/Italians.

To answer your first question, Britain controlled the region, not the Palestinians. The Palestinian simply owned land there. Britain captured the region from the Ottoman empire, not from the Palestinians.

5 Arab states were resisting against Israel ?? How does that logic work? They had nothing to do with the situation. They invaded the region and attacked Israeli forces and towns the day AFTER Israel declared independence. Also, they had threatened to do so previously:

“If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea… Even if we are beaten now in Palestine, we will never submit. We will never accept the Jewish state... But for politics, the Egyptian army alone, or volunteers of the Muslim Brotherhood, could have destroyed the Jews.”
- Hassan al-Banna, Muslim Brotherhood founder
(New York Times, August 2, 1948)

“I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre or the Crusader wars.”
- Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League
(Akhbar al-Yom, Egypt, October 11, 1947; quoted in David Barnett and Efraim Karsh, “Azzam’s Genocidal Threat,” Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2011)

Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict
By your logic, the Italian Resistance (or the French) would have been to blame for the Nazi reprisals on civilians for the actions (attacking Germans) of the Resistance. Grow up. No one believes that propaganda. Israeli Jews killed over 2,000 people over a few weeks, hundreds of them children. It is the Israeli Jews that killed them, no one else. Live with it.

But you are ignoring the reason that Israel started the operation, propaganda - tici. Because you cannot handle the truth/ You are full of Palestinian shit. You make Tinmore look like a pro Israeli :

You ignore the reason why the Palestinians have to resist. Occupation and blockade. Do you think any people would just surrender to such oppression without a fight?
Fighting against an army is one thing. But launching unguided rockets into populated cities, even if they cause few casualties, is an invitation to get hot back Monti.
Do You expect Israel to do nothing when Hamas launches rockets?

Like the commander of the Algerian resistance said when criticized for using women (who often died themselves) to place explosives carried in handbags in French areas killing women and children as well as French soldiers. If you give me the weapons the French have, I'll give you them the handbags. Or something to that effect.

You just don't get it. The Israelis will never have peace, there are too many non-Jews and they are not going to give up. The Palestinians want their land back. It's that simple. As I have said, since a two state solution is no longer possible, the Israelis will have to agree to a secular democracy where all religions/races are treated equal. And, some land in Israel will have to be given back to the rightful owners. And yes, it won't be a "Jewish State", it will have to be a normal secular state. I believe that under such conditions the Islamists will be marginalized and most Palestinians (Christian and Muslim) will agree to share power with the Jews.
If Israel won't have peace, neither will the Palestinians.
And what land in Israel do you expect Israel to give up ??!?!?!??????
Israel will always be a Jewish state. No one else can dictate what kind of country Israel should be. And Israel IS a secular country. Most Israelis are not religious. And in the all religions and races ARE treated equal. Yes, there is some racism towards blacks and some Israeli are anti Arabs, but any Israeli citizen can vote, go to school, join the army, walk into a restaurant, start a business, practice their religion....
And I disagree with your last statement. I believe that Islamist will NEVER accept Israel under any circumstances

Here we go again. The Jews control all the non-Jews, not just those few that were able to escape expulsion and remained in the Jew partition. The Boers tried the same thing controlling the non-white citizens of the Bantustans. It doesn't work in the long term. Israeli Jews are free to continue the Apartheid, but you know it won't last forever. So the Jews can go through a peaceful reconciliation like in South Africa, or end up like Rhodesian whites who would never compromise:

But you are ignoring the reason that Israel started the operation, propaganda - tici. Because you cannot handle the truth/ You are full of Palestinian shit. You make Tinmore look like a pro Israeli :

You ignore the reason why the Palestinians have to resist. Occupation and blockade. Do you think any people would just surrender to such oppression without a fight?
Fighting against an army is one thing. But launching unguided rockets into populated cities, even if they cause few casualties, is an invitation to get hot back Monti.
Do You expect Israel to do nothing when Hamas launches rockets?

Like the commander of the Algerian resistance said when criticized for using women (who often died themselves) to place explosives carried in handbags in French areas killing women and children as well as French soldiers. If you give me the weapons the French have, I'll give you them the handbags. Or something to that effect.

You just don't get it. The Israelis will never have peace, there are too many non-Jews and they are not going to give up. The Palestinians want their land back. It's that simple. As I have said, since a two state solution is no longer possible, the Israelis will have to agree to a secular democracy where all religions/races are treated equal. And, some land in Israel will have to be given back to the rightful owners. And yes, it won't be a "Jewish State", it will have to be a normal secular state. I believe that under such conditions the Islamists will be marginalized and most Palestinians (Christian and Muslim) will agree to share power with the Jews.
If Israel won't have peace, neither will the Palestinians.
And what land in Israel do you expect Israel to give up ??!?!?!??????
Israel will always be a Jewish state. No one else can dictate what kind of country Israel should be. And Israel IS a secular country. Most Israelis are not religious. And in the all religions and races ARE treated equal. Yes, there is some racism towards blacks and some Israeli are anti Arabs, but any Israeli citizen can vote, go to school, join the army, walk into a restaurant, start a business, practice their religion....
And I disagree with your last statement. I believe that Islamist will NEVER accept Israel under any circumstances

Here we go again. The Jews control all the non-Jews, not just those few that were able to escape expulsion and remained in the Jew partition. The Boers tried the same thing controlling the non-white citizens of the Bantustans. It doesn't work in the long term. Israeli Jews are free to continue the Apartheid, but you know it won't last forever. So the Jews can go through a peaceful reconciliation like in South Africa, or end up like Rhodesian whites who would never compromise:

You're obviously talking about the West Bank. Because nothing you said applies to Israel
You ignore the reason why the Palestinians have to resist. Occupation and blockade. Do you think any people would just surrender to such oppression without a fight?
Fighting against an army is one thing. But launching unguided rockets into populated cities, even if they cause few casualties, is an invitation to get hot back Monti.
Do You expect Israel to do nothing when Hamas launches rockets?

Like the commander of the Algerian resistance said when criticized for using women (who often died themselves) to place explosives carried in handbags in French areas killing women and children as well as French soldiers. If you give me the weapons the French have, I'll give you them the handbags. Or something to that effect.

You just don't get it. The Israelis will never have peace, there are too many non-Jews and they are not going to give up. The Palestinians want their land back. It's that simple. As I have said, since a two state solution is no longer possible, the Israelis will have to agree to a secular democracy where all religions/races are treated equal. And, some land in Israel will have to be given back to the rightful owners. And yes, it won't be a "Jewish State", it will have to be a normal secular state. I believe that under such conditions the Islamists will be marginalized and most Palestinians (Christian and Muslim) will agree to share power with the Jews.
If Israel won't have peace, neither will the Palestinians.
And what land in Israel do you expect Israel to give up ??!?!?!??????
Israel will always be a Jewish state. No one else can dictate what kind of country Israel should be. And Israel IS a secular country. Most Israelis are not religious. And in the all religions and races ARE treated equal. Yes, there is some racism towards blacks and some Israeli are anti Arabs, but any Israeli citizen can vote, go to school, join the army, walk into a restaurant, start a business, practice their religion....
And I disagree with your last statement. I believe that Islamist will NEVER accept Israel under any circumstances

Here we go again. The Jews control all the non-Jews, not just those few that were able to escape expulsion and remained in the Jew partition. The Boers tried the same thing controlling the non-white citizens of the Bantustans. It doesn't work in the long term. Israeli Jews are free to continue the Apartheid, but you know it won't last forever. So the Jews can go through a peaceful reconciliation like in South Africa, or end up like Rhodesian whites who would never compromise:

You're obviously talking about the West Bank. Because nothing you said applies to Israel

The West Bank (and east Jerusalem) is completely controlled by Israel and is inhabited by an increasing number of Jews. Gaza's borders are controlled by Israel. You figure it out.
Ok, but I'm talki
Fighting against an army is one thing. But launching unguided rockets into populated cities, even if they cause few casualties, is an invitation to get hot back Monti.
Do You expect Israel to do nothing when Hamas launches rockets?

Like the commander of the Algerian resistance said when criticized for using women (who often died themselves) to place explosives carried in handbags in French areas killing women and children as well as French soldiers. If you give me the weapons the French have, I'll give you them the handbags. Or something to that
You just don't get it. The Israelis will never have peace, there are too many non-Jews and they are not going to give up. The Palestinians want their land back. It's that simple. As I have said, since a two state solution is no longer possible, the Israelis will have to agree to a secular democracy where all religions/races are treated equal. And, some land in Israel will have to be given back to the rightful owners. And yes, it won't be a "Jewish State", it will have to be a normal secular state. I believe that under such conditions the Islamists will be marginalized and most Palestinians (Christian and Muslim) will agree to share power with the Jews.
If Israel won't have peace, neither will the Palestinians.
And what land in Israel do you expect Israel to give up ??!?!?!??????
Israel will always be a Jewish state. No one else can dictate what kind of country Israel should be. And Israel IS a secular country. Most Israelis are not religious. And in the all religions and races ARE treated equal. Yes, there is some racism towards blacks and some Israeli are anti Arabs, but any Israeli citizen can vote, go to school, join the army, walk into a restaurant, start a business, practice their religion....
And I disagree with your last statement. I believe that Islamist will NEVER accept Israel under any circumstances

Here we go again. The Jews control all the non-Jews, not just those few that were able to escape expulsion and remained in the Jew partition. The Boers tried the same thing controlling the non-white citizens of the Bantustans. It doesn't work in the long term. Israeli Jews are free to continue the Apartheid, but you know it won't last forever. So the Jews can go through a peaceful reconciliation like in South Africa, or end up like Rhodesian whites who would never compromise:

You're obviously talking about the West Bank. Because nothing you said applies to Israel

The West Bank (and east Jerusalem) is completely controlled by Israel and is inhabited by an increasing number of Jews. Gaza's borders are controlled by Israel. You figure it out.

Ok but I'm talking about Israel proper.

And those borders are controlled for a reason. Did you forget the second intifada when Palestinians were entering Israel via the West Bank to blow themselves up in crowded places??
Controlling the borders of Gaza and the West Bank is purely for security for Israels. It costs Israel tons of money and manpower to do so, so why else would they be doing it ? For fun?
theliq, Tom Sweetnam, et al,

I find this somewhat incomprehensible. There must be a backroom deal in play.

I wonder how many rockets they can buy with the $215 million we just promised them.
A lot less than the $61 Billion the US has given to Israel

I simply do not understand the authority the US Government is using!

  1. It is unlawful for a person in the United States or subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to knowingly provide "material support or resources" to a designated FTO. (The term "material support or resources" is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 2339A(b)(1) as " any property, tangible or intangible, or service, including currency or monetary instruments or financial securities, financial services, lodging, training, expert advice or assistance, safehouses, false documentation or identification, communications equipment, facilities, weapons, lethal substances, explosives, personnel (1 or more individuals who maybe or include oneself), and transportation, except medicine or religious materials.” 18 U.S.C. § 2339A(b)(2) provides that for these purposes “the term ‘training’ means instruction or teaching designed to impart a specific skill, as opposed to general knowledge.” 18 U.S.C. § 2339A(b)(3) further provides that for these purposes the term ‘expert advice or assistance’ means advice or assistance derived from scientific, technical or other specialized knowledge.’’

Most Respectfully,
Ok, but I'm talki
Like the commander of the Algerian resistance said when criticized for using women (who often died themselves) to place explosives carried in handbags in French areas killing women and children as well as French soldiers. If you give me the weapons the French have, I'll give you them the handbags. Or something to that
You just don't get it. The Israelis will never have peace, there are too many non-Jews and they are not going to give up. The Palestinians want their land back. It's that simple. As I have said, since a two state solution is no longer possible, the Israelis will have to agree to a secular democracy where all religions/races are treated equal. And, some land in Israel will have to be given back to the rightful owners. And yes, it won't be a "Jewish State", it will have to be a normal secular state. I believe that under such conditions the Islamists will be marginalized and most Palestinians (Christian and Muslim) will agree to share power with the Jews.
If Israel won't have peace, neither will the Palestinians.
And what land in Israel do you expect Israel to give up ??!?!?!??????
Israel will always be a Jewish state. No one else can dictate what kind of country Israel should be. And Israel IS a secular country. Most Israelis are not religious. And in the all religions and races ARE treated equal. Yes, there is some racism towards blacks and some Israeli are anti Arabs, but any Israeli citizen can vote, go to school, join the army, walk into a restaurant, start a business, practice their religion....
And I disagree with your last statement. I believe that Islamist will NEVER accept Israel under any circumstances

Here we go again. The Jews control all the non-Jews, not just those few that were able to escape expulsion and remained in the Jew partition. The Boers tried the same thing controlling the non-white citizens of the Bantustans. It doesn't work in the long term. Israeli Jews are free to continue the Apartheid, but you know it won't last forever. So the Jews can go through a peaceful reconciliation like in South Africa, or end up like Rhodesian whites who would never compromise:

You're obviously talking about the West Bank. Because nothing you said applies to Israel

The West Bank (and east Jerusalem) is completely controlled by Israel and is inhabited by an increasing number of Jews. Gaza's borders are controlled by Israel. You figure it out.

Ok but I'm talking about Israel proper.

And those borders are controlled for a reason. Did you forget the second intifada when Palestinians were entering Israel via the West Bank to blow themselves up in crowded places??
Controlling the borders of Gaza and the West Bank is purely for security for Israels. It costs Israel tons of money and manpower to do so, so why else would they be doing it ? For fun?

Hi Toastie,I think the past could be irrellevant sic,with the talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians....also in view of 134 Countries accepting Palestinian Statehood,Sweden being the latest and the Brits now working towards a 2 state solution.....but in the end it will be the Israelis and Palestinians who will decide to bring this forward,Soon Forward in my opinion......As I have previously said...Israel and Hamas have been in talks for the past year..steve
Time for Israel to put up, shut up or Raus. You've been warned.

Hamas leader Khalil al-Haya insisted that Hamas "would not abandon its weapons" on Saturday, boasting that the group is allegedly closer to defeating "the Israeli entity and its leaders" more than ever.

"We say to those who brought the Jews [to Israel] from all over the world, we are now confident and believe more than ever in the implementation of the promise of Allah - that we will not keep you [Jews] in our country," Al-Haya threatened. "The option available to you is to leave the country for its native residents [Palestinian Arabs]."

Al-Haya added, in this context, that Hamas is "paving the way" for the success of the Palestinian "unity government," noting that Sunday's talks for international aid for Gaza in Cairo legitimizes the terror group politically and proves that war works.

Hamas Threatens Jews to Leave Israel - Or Else - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
This is Old au-nausium News Hoss...methinks a New Change is friend..steve
Time for Israel to put up, shut up or Raus. You've been warned.

Hamas leader Khalil al-Haya insisted that Hamas "would not abandon its weapons" on Saturday, boasting that the group is allegedly closer to defeating "the Israeli entity and its leaders" more than ever.

"We say to those who brought the Jews [to Israel] from all over the world, we are now confident and believe more than ever in the implementation of the promise of Allah - that we will not keep you [Jews] in our country," Al-Haya threatened. "The option available to you is to leave the country for its native residents [Palestinian Arabs]."

Al-Haya added, in this context, that Hamas is "paving the way" for the success of the Palestinian "unity government," noting that Sunday's talks for international aid for Gaza in Cairo legitimizes the terror group politically and proves that war works.

Hamas Threatens Jews to Leave Israel - Or Else - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
This is Old au-nausium News Hoss...methinks a New Change is friend..steve
Steve, I posted the OP on Sunday, 12th, a few hours after Arutz Sheve published it. The speech was made the previous day, 11th. Hamas is dead serious because they believe they won something.They'll only win another ass whuppin' so they can mount another victory parade.
Time for Israel to put up, shut up or Raus. You've been warned.

Hamas leader Khalil al-Haya insisted that Hamas "would not abandon its weapons" on Saturday, boasting that the group is allegedly closer to defeating "the Israeli entity and its leaders" more than ever.

"We say to those who brought the Jews [to Israel] from all over the world, we are now confident and believe more than ever in the implementation of the promise of Allah - that we will not keep you [Jews] in our country," Al-Haya threatened. "The option available to you is to leave the country for its native residents [Palestinian Arabs]."

Al-Haya added, in this context, that Hamas is "paving the way" for the success of the Palestinian "unity government," noting that Sunday's talks for international aid for Gaza in Cairo legitimizes the terror group politically and proves that war works.

Hamas Threatens Jews to Leave Israel - Or Else - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
This is Old au-nausium News Hoss...methinks a New Change is friend..steve
Steve, I posted the OP on Sunday, 12th, a few hours after Arutz Sheve published it. The speech was made the previous day, 11th. Hamas is dead serious because they believe they won something.They'll only win another ass whuppin' so they can mount another victory parade.

Nothing was won you say..steve

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