Israeli airforce supports Islamist terrorist offensive in southern Syria

You do when you claim that Israel supports them. Typical islamonazi trait to derail and deflect away from the truth
So in your opinion, why did Israel repeatedly attack the Syrian army when it is attacked by al-Qaeda forces?

For attacks on Israeli's or gun running. Remember that Syria is still at war with Israel, they have never rescinded the declaration.
No attacks on Israelis or "gun running".

According to which islamonazi terrorist organisation. Israel has attacked arms shipments going to hamas, fatah, hezbollacks and many other terrorist groups targetting Israel from Syria and Iran. A state of war is still in place, and has been since 1947 and has never been lifted, until it is any move by Syria that looks like it could be an attack will be replied to as if it is.
Iran and Hezbollah don´t attack Israel. They are just there. Israel on the other hand attacked Hezbollah often.
another islamo Nazi innovative defense----to replace
"I was just a cog in the wheel"

"we was just 'there' "
You do when you claim that Israel supports them. Typical islamonazi trait to derail and deflect away from the truth
So in your opinion, why did Israel repeatedly attack the Syrian army when it is attacked by al-Qaeda forces?

For attacks on Israeli's or gun running. Remember that Syria is still at war with Israel, they have never rescinded the declaration.
No attacks on Israelis or "gun running".

According to which islamonazi terrorist organisation. Israel has attacked arms shipments going to hamas, fatah, hezbollacks and many other terrorist groups targetting Israel from Syria and Iran. A state of war is still in place, and has been since 1947 and has never been lifted, until it is any move by Syria that looks like it could be an attack will be replied to as if it is.
Iran and Hezbollah don´t attack Israel. They are just there. Israel on the other hand attacked Hezbollah often.

NOPE hezbollocks has threatened to unleash its army on Israel any time soon, then Israel will reply with rolling thunder so the islamonazi terrorists can use children and civilians as human shields
So in your opinion, why did Israel repeatedly attack the Syrian army when it is attacked by al-Qaeda forces?

For attacks on Israeli's or gun running. Remember that Syria is still at war with Israel, they have never rescinded the declaration.
No attacks on Israelis or "gun running".

According to which islamonazi terrorist organisation. Israel has attacked arms shipments going to hamas, fatah, hezbollacks and many other terrorist groups targetting Israel from Syria and Iran. A state of war is still in place, and has been since 1947 and has never been lifted, until it is any move by Syria that looks like it could be an attack will be replied to as if it is.
Iran and Hezbollah don´t attack Israel. They are just there. Israel on the other hand attacked Hezbollah often.

NOPE hezbollocks has threatened to unleash its army on Israel any time soon, then Israel will reply with rolling thunder so the islamonazi terrorists can use children and civilians as human shields
Israel has avoided a ground war against Hezbollah for obvious reasons. The IDF could not defeat them.
Israel also avoids war against Hamas but for other reasons. No threat means no military aid.
For attacks on Israeli's or gun running. Remember that Syria is still at war with Israel, they have never rescinded the declaration.
No attacks on Israelis or "gun running".

According to which islamonazi terrorist organisation. Israel has attacked arms shipments going to hamas, fatah, hezbollacks and many other terrorist groups targetting Israel from Syria and Iran. A state of war is still in place, and has been since 1947 and has never been lifted, until it is any move by Syria that looks like it could be an attack will be replied to as if it is.
Iran and Hezbollah don´t attack Israel. They are just there. Israel on the other hand attacked Hezbollah often.

NOPE hezbollocks has threatened to unleash its army on Israel any time soon, then Israel will reply with rolling thunder so the islamonazi terrorists can use children and civilians as human shields
Israel has avoided a ground war against Hezbollah for obvious reasons. The IDF could not defeat them.
Israel also avoids war against Hamas but for other reasons. No threat means no military aid.

Israel has "AVOIDED" a ground war with Hezbollah for
"OBVIOUS" reasons??? the reason you supply is "THE IDF COULD NOT DEFEAT THEM"?? Why should Israel
engage in a ground war with Hezbollah if Hezbollah is not on
the ground in Israel? I can imagine very few reasons to do it---either with Hamas or Hezbollah or any islamo Nazi pig army.
Way back getting into Lebanon was a good idea in order to
search out the massive armament dumps that were
constructed on the Syrian/Lebanese border------but right now
I can imagine no reason at all for Israel to put boots on
the ground either in Lebanon or Syria. BOMBS are better
Why should Israel
engage in a ground war with Hezbollah if Hezbollah is not on
the ground in Israel?
Yeah, this is what I have been telling you all the time.

I don't remember you saying that ------not once. I do
not support ground war at all until it becomes absolutely
necessary. surface missiles are a better idea------or, if
necessary------bomber jets. It is sad that Hezbollah plants
itself and its missile launchers next to the cribs of infants----
It is a war crime but Israel cannot do anything about Islamic
crime----or Baathist crime
For attacks on Israeli's or gun running. Remember that Syria is still at war with Israel, they have never rescinded the declaration.
No attacks on Israelis or "gun running".

According to which islamonazi terrorist organisation. Israel has attacked arms shipments going to hamas, fatah, hezbollacks and many other terrorist groups targetting Israel from Syria and Iran. A state of war is still in place, and has been since 1947 and has never been lifted, until it is any move by Syria that looks like it could be an attack will be replied to as if it is.
Iran and Hezbollah don´t attack Israel. They are just there. Israel on the other hand attacked Hezbollah often.

NOPE hezbollocks has threatened to unleash its army on Israel any time soon, then Israel will reply with rolling thunder so the islamonazi terrorists can use children and civilians as human shields
Israel has avoided a ground war against Hezbollah for obvious reasons. The IDF could not defeat them.
Israel also avoids war against Hamas but for other reasons. No threat means no military aid.

Shows how much you really know, it is hezbollocks that refuse to meet on the field of battle as they know they will be pulverised, which is why they hide behind women and children.
As for hamas would it not make sense then to stop all belligerence and violence so that Israel loses its aid ( along with Egypt and Jordan ) and they are then able to defeat Israel.
If the UN took the cuffs of Israel and allowed them to engage their enemies in the same manner they allow Saudi, America, UK, France etc then you would see the problems in the M.E. grind to a sudden halt. It is the arab muslims that dont want the threats to stop as the insurgents would be forced into turning on them and as they are in Syria
Why should Israel
engage in a ground war with Hezbollah if Hezbollah is not on
the ground in Israel?
Yeah, this is what I have been telling you all the time.

Does not mean they are not a threat to Israel and can cause problems from Lebanon. Pakistan is not in Israel yet is an existential threat to Israel because of its nuclear weapons ( illegal by the way ) Time for you to remove those islamonazi glasses and look at the real world.
No attacks on Israelis or "gun running".

According to which islamonazi terrorist organisation. Israel has attacked arms shipments going to hamas, fatah, hezbollacks and many other terrorist groups targetting Israel from Syria and Iran. A state of war is still in place, and has been since 1947 and has never been lifted, until it is any move by Syria that looks like it could be an attack will be replied to as if it is.
Iran and Hezbollah don´t attack Israel. They are just there. Israel on the other hand attacked Hezbollah often.

NOPE hezbollocks has threatened to unleash its army on Israel any time soon, then Israel will reply with rolling thunder so the islamonazi terrorists can use children and civilians as human shields
Israel has avoided a ground war against Hezbollah for obvious reasons. The IDF could not defeat them.
Israel also avoids war against Hamas but for other reasons. No threat means no military aid.

Shows how much you really know, it is hezbollocks that refuse to meet on the field of battle as they know they will be pulverised, which is why they hide behind women and children.
As for hamas would it not make sense then to stop all belligerence and violence so that Israel loses its aid ( along with Egypt and Jordan ) and they are then able to defeat Israel.
If the UN took the cuffs of Israel and allowed them to engage their enemies in the same manner they allow Saudi, America, UK, France etc then you would see the problems in the M.E. grind to a sudden halt. It is the arab muslims that dont want the threats to stop as the insurgents would be forced into turning on them and as they are in Syria

Why should Israel
engage in a ground war with Hezbollah if Hezbollah is not on
the ground in Israel?
Yeah, this is what I have been telling you all the time.

Does not mean they are not a threat to Israel and can cause problems from Lebanon. Pakistan is not in Israel yet is an existential threat to Israel because of its nuclear weapons ( illegal by the way ) Time for you to remove those islamonazi glasses and look at the real world.
You are making up threats. Time to remove those zionazi glasses. Israel has nukes, too. They are in the hands of crazed Zionist supremacists. That´s a major threat to the world and the Middle East in particular.



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According to which islamonazi terrorist organisation. Israel has attacked arms shipments going to hamas, fatah, hezbollacks and many other terrorist groups targetting Israel from Syria and Iran. A state of war is still in place, and has been since 1947 and has never been lifted, until it is any move by Syria that looks like it could be an attack will be replied to as if it is.
Iran and Hezbollah don´t attack Israel. They are just there. Israel on the other hand attacked Hezbollah often.

NOPE hezbollocks has threatened to unleash its army on Israel any time soon, then Israel will reply with rolling thunder so the islamonazi terrorists can use children and civilians as human shields
Israel has avoided a ground war against Hezbollah for obvious reasons. The IDF could not defeat them.
Israel also avoids war against Hamas but for other reasons. No threat means no military aid.

Shows how much you really know, it is hezbollocks that refuse to meet on the field of battle as they know they will be pulverised, which is why they hide behind women and children.
As for hamas would it not make sense then to stop all belligerence and violence so that Israel loses its aid ( along with Egypt and Jordan ) and they are then able to defeat Israel.
If the UN took the cuffs of Israel and allowed them to engage their enemies in the same manner they allow Saudi, America, UK, France etc then you would see the problems in the M.E. grind to a sudden halt. It is the arab muslims that dont want the threats to stop as the insurgents would be forced into turning on them and as they are in Syria

Why should Israel
engage in a ground war with Hezbollah if Hezbollah is not on
the ground in Israel?
Yeah, this is what I have been telling you all the time.

Does not mean they are not a threat to Israel and can cause problems from Lebanon. Pakistan is not in Israel yet is an existential threat to Israel because of its nuclear weapons ( illegal by the way ) Time for you to remove those islamonazi glasses and look at the real world.
You are making up threats. Time to remove those zionazi glasses. Israel has nukes, too. They are in the hands of crazed Zionist supremacists. That´s a major threat to the world and the Middle East in particular.




When has Israel EVER threatened anyone with a nuclear weapon, they wont even say if they have them or not. It is not illegal to not be a member of the NPT, but it is illegal to threaten the use of nuclear weapons like pakistan did.
Once again you resort to islamonazi BLOOD LIBELS and LIES rather than use the truth because the truth would destroy islam once and for all. Remember when the ayotoilet threatened Israel with all out nuclear war once they had managed to create one, and they did not care if 10 million arab muslims died in the process as long as one Jew was killed.

OXYMORON TIME AGAIN do explain how you can support and defend the creation of the Jewish homeland and its right to defend against attack while also wanting to wipe out the Jews and rid the world of their influence and achievements. That is what zionazi means, and it has went out of favour because islamomorons overused it for everything
Capt blei is scared

No he is brainwashed into believing the Jews are the master race that outnumber the rest of the world and are threatening the arab muslims with genocide all the time. When pressed to show the evidence he comes out with " everyone knows "

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