Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport – Syrian state TV

Israel is still hunting down Nazis. Payback is a bitch.
Israel is really boring. Always whining while militarily and politically torturing its neighbours.

Torturing its neighbors ? Looks like you're the paid liar. The only torturing going on in Syria is the Syrian army , which YOU support, killing its own citizens and other Muslim groups like ISIS torturing Syrians.

Explain how Israel is torturing its neighbors ?
Israeli airstrikes have hit targets near Damascus International Airport and in the town of Dimas near the Lebanon border, Syrian state TV reports.

"The Israeli enemy committed aggression against Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus province, in all of Dimas and near the Damascus International Airport," the report said, adding that there were no casualties.

The airstrikes targeted an arms depot, a source in Syrian army's Joint Staff told Sputnik news agency on Sunday. "The Israeli Air Force have conducted airstrikes on an arms depot, which caused huge blasts near the [Damascus] International Airport," the source said in a phone conversation.
Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport Syrian state TV RT News
Another provocation for war

Syria and Israel have technically been at war since 1967 and by arming Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria has continued that state of war.

So if Syria responds in kind that would be Kosher?

Sure. In fact, I suggest you recommend just that type of action to Assad.
Syria has thousands of scuds that could wipe its enemies off the map in no time. But in sharp contrast to the warmongers of the Knesset, the Syrian government is wise and keeps its power for a major aggression that would be crushed and repelled in the first hour.

Warmongers of the Knesset :lol:

Syria has been bombing its own civilians for 3 years now, killing tens of thousands of their own people. Not a single word of opposition from you morons.
Israel launches one strike to make sure weapons don't reach Hezbollah, and you guys start whining.
Anti Zionists are some of the most pathetic people I've ever met.
What stupid false comparison you use to call one anti Zionist. Who told you to call terrorists "the own" people?
Syria and Israel have technically been at war since 1967 and by arming Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria has continued that state of war.

So if Syria responds in kind that would be Kosher?

Sure. In fact, I suggest you recommend just that type of action to Assad.
Syria has thousands of scuds that could wipe its enemies off the map in no time. But in sharp contrast to the warmongers of the Knesset, the Syrian government is wise and keeps its power for a major aggression that would be crushed and repelled in the first hour.

Warmongers of the Knesset :lol:

Syria has been bombing its own civilians for 3 years now, killing tens of thousands of their own people. Not a single word of opposition from you morons.
Israel launches one strike to make sure weapons don't reach Hezbollah, and you guys start whining.
Anti Zionists are some of the most pathetic people I've ever met.
What stupid false comparison you use to call one anti Zionist. Who told you to call terrorists "the own" people?

I have no idea what you just asked me
Israel does an amazing job defending itself while living in a bad neighborhood of brutal Muslim dictators, and Islamist savages. Both are evil, one is not better than the other.

You seem to think that just because Assad is fighting ISIS, that makes him an angel. Assad is the same mass murderer that dropped chemical weapons on his own people, and uses his own military to brutalize and slaughter Syrians. And Assad's late father has a trail of blood even worse than his son. So the apple doesn't fall from the tree as they say.

Actually the rise of ISIS is BECAUSE of Assad's brutality and the Obama administration's incompetence and failure to take the necessary action.

So let's not make Syria and Assad into something they aren't.
I am very tired of the lies about Assad.


This is where you loose me. Do you actually believe this? Assad and his father are brutal tyrants and madmen responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of their own countrymen, just like Sadam was.

You are heavily invested in putting a good face on this iron fisted regime that is in bed with all the bad elements in the world, ie N. Korea, Iran and Russia, and responsible for sponsoring many terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and wreaking havoc in neighboring Lebanon.

Seems like your moral compass is a little off.
It is very clear that no criminal effort has been spared to create this hell in the name democracy.
Your moral compass points at Uncle Sams boots. Have fun, hes walking through all kinds of dirt these days.

What are you talking about? You just falsely accused the U.S. of dropping chemical weapons on the Syrian people. Use of chemical weapons by the Surian military on its civilian population was documented many times. The evidence is irrefutable. You realize that after lying about "not having any chemical weapons" Syria volunteered to hand them over, when faced with an imminent an attack by the U.S. and the West, after even Syria's allies backed out.

Assad is just a desperate dictator who is doing everything he can to hold on to power. As it happens, while he's slaughtering his own people, he's also doing a decent job of fighting ISIS. Let's not kid ourselves.

Syria Strong Evidence Government Used Chemicals as a Weapon Human Rights Watch

UN confirms chemical weapons were used in Syria repeatedly - NBC News

U.N. confirms use of chemical weapons in Syria -
It has only been proven that it was not the Syrian government. It is really senseless to discuss this with paid liars.

Syria s sarin whodunit Assigning responsibility for war crime RT Op-Edge

Russian news? Get a life dude. Half of RT news is lies and the other half is propoganda. He used chemical weapons on his people. And so far he's used his own military to slaughter tens of thousands of his own people. This is a dictator who will stop at nothing in order to stay in power.
Israel is still hunting down Nazis. Payback is a bitch.
Israel is really boring. Always whining while militarily and politically torturing its neighbours.

Torturing its neighbors ? Looks like you're the paid liar. The only torturing going on in Syria is the Syrian army , which YOU support, killing its own citizens and other Muslim groups like ISIS torturing Syrians.

Explain how Israel is torturing its neighbors ?
So - with your accusations - you have chosen to stand at the side of the Al Qaeda and ISIS whose members you consider harmless citizens slaughtered by the SAA.

What a mess that takes place in your brain eating up your conscience.
Israel is still hunting down Nazis. Payback is a bitch.
Israel is really boring. Always whining while militarily and politically torturing its neighbours.

Torturing its neighbors ? Looks like you're the paid liar. The only torturing going on in Syria is the Syrian army , which YOU support, killing its own citizens and other Muslim groups like ISIS torturing Syrians.

Explain how Israel is torturing its neighbors ?
So - with your accusations - you have chosen to stand at the side of the Al Qaeda and ISIS whose members you consider harmless citizens slaughtered by the SAA.

What a mess that takes place in your brain eating up your conscience.

I read the posts------where--captain blei----do you see roudy supporting ISIS murderers over your all time fave murdering pigs---the ASSADS? --------I will help you----the assads are murdering
Baathist pigs just as was Baathist Sadaam and even Baathist pig
Gamal abdel Nasser (some people do not know----Baathist pig
Nasser actually dropped nitrogen mustard gas on Yemeni children
in the 1960s ----an act so disgusting that it is outlawed ---but that pig did it anyway) Hezbollah are murdering pigs----
and Isis and al Quaeda are murdering pigs. Sometimes in war--
one choosed one murdering pig over the other depending
on the circumstances of the moment
Yes they are always up to no good, glad they don't boarder the US.

So you believe an islamonazi source that has no credibility, shows how much you hate the Jews.

Are you talking the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights? which the Israel newspapers quote from daily? when I question it I am ignored, as its run by a Syrian Hater who was kicked out of Syria or some story which I don't remember, but its anti Syrian Government. Suppose to be run by one man in an apt in London, who has reporters on the ground. Since Israel uses this as a source constantly, I'm sure this is something they want the public to know.

What its really saying is Iran is giving arms to Hezbollah through Syria, and we will defend ourselves, and Israel wants the world to know.

Which is not illegal is it, anything that can harm Israeli civilians must be stopped by what ever means
Syria and Israel have technically been at war since 1967 and by arming Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria has continued that state of war.

So if Syria responds in kind that would be Kosher?

Sure. In fact, I suggest you recommend just that type of action to Assad.
Syria has thousands of scuds that could wipe its enemies off the map in no time. But in sharp contrast to the warmongers of the Knesset, the Syrian government is wise and keeps its power for a major aggression that would be crushed and repelled in the first hour.

If they had Scuds they would have been deployed by now...............

Do you think those countries really want war with Israel? its the other way around.

Well it is written into their constitutions and charters so they must
Syria and Israel have technically been at war since 1967 and by arming Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria has continued that state of war.

So if Syria responds in kind that would be Kosher?

Sure. In fact, I suggest you recommend just that type of action to Assad.
Syria has thousands of scuds that could wipe its enemies off the map in no time. But in sharp contrast to the warmongers of the Knesset, the Syrian government is wise and keeps its power for a major aggression that would be crushed and repelled in the first hour.

If they had Scuds they would have been deployed by now...............
Why? To provoke a war?

They are already at war with ISLAMINAZI insurgents, so why haven't they used these scuds to bring it to an end. Quick and easy when you have that sort of firepower, just a few well aimed attacks and the stuffing would be knocked out of the IS and MB.
So if Syria responds in kind that would be Kosher?

Sure. In fact, I suggest you recommend just that type of action to Assad.
Syria has thousands of scuds that could wipe its enemies off the map in no time. But in sharp contrast to the warmongers of the Knesset, the Syrian government is wise and keeps its power for a major aggression that would be crushed and repelled in the first hour.

If they had Scuds they would have been deployed by now...............
Why? To provoke a war?

They are already at war with ISLAMINAZI insurgents, so why haven't they used these scuds to bring it to an end. Quick and easy when you have that sort of firepower, just a few well aimed attacks and the stuffing would be knocked out of the IS and MB.
Not a good idea. Waste of firepower. Few were launched. They need a good determement.
Presumably what was damaged was a new russian air defense system.

The following has been said about this:

Mid-East sources: Israel’s air strikes hit Russian top-line air defense missiles sent to Syria & Hizballah
DEBKAfile Special Report December 7, 2014, 10:18 PM (IDT)


Israeli air strike
Israel’s air strikes near Damascus international air port and the Syrian-Lebanese border Sunday, Dec. 7, are depicted by Middle East military and intelligence sources as Israel’s first overt military clash with Russia in the course of the more than three-year Syrian war. Those sources assert that the strikes demolished components of Russian SA-25 or other types of top-line anti air missile systems that Moscow had destined for Syria and the Lebanese Hizballah terrorist group.
Russian transport planes are said to have shipped these consignments in the last few days to the military section of Damascus international airport. It was pointed out that the Israeli air strikes occurred less than 24 hours after Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, the Kremlin’s point man for the Syrian war, met with Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah Saturday in Beirut. The Russians for the first time insisted on widely circulating photos of the two officials shaking hands.
Israeli military and intelligence sources have not confirmed this account. However, debkafile’s sources have learned that Moscow has been looking for a reckoning with the US and Israel over the fall in the last week of October of the large Russian intelligence post at Tel a-Hara in southern Syria to Syrian rebel units.. One of the most highly sophisticated Russian intelligence bases outside its borders, the secret site was located strategically close to the junction of Syria’s borders with Jordan and Israel.
The prized hi-tech apparatus, much of it unfamiliar to Western spy agencies, was quickly shipped out of Syria for examination in the West.
Other Israeli air force targets struck near Damascus airport in Sunday’s raid were the 103rd brigade of the 4th Division, which is the Syrian president’s republican guard, and the same division’s logistic rear base at Dimas near the Lebanese border.
The fact that Israel conducted air strikes against two facilities of the same Syrian army division along the route to Lebanon indicates that the targeted weapons were on their way from Syria to Hizballah strongholds in Lebanon.
Of course, the maintaining of air defense is an act of aggression so Israel must act.

Your idol is crazy enough to have shot these new missiles at Israel. Why does he even need these missiles since you want us to believe that the Syrian Army is so mighty that it is the one which is doing the most damage to ISIS.
Of course, the maintaining of air defense is an act of aggression so Israel must act.

Your idol is crazy enough to have shot these new missiles at Israel. Why does he even need these missiles since you want us to believe that the Syrian Army is so mighty that it is the one which is doing the most damage to ISIS.
The Syrian armed forces do indeed the most damage to Isis. Also with missiles.
Having a proper air defense is essential with such an aggressive government in the neighbourhood, however.
Last edited:
Presumably what was damaged was a new russian air defense system.

The following has been said about this:

Mid-East sources: Israel’s air strikes hit Russian top-line air defense missiles sent to Syria & Hizballah
DEBKAfile Special Report December 7, 2014, 10:18 PM (IDT)


Israeli air strike
Israel’s air strikes near Damascus international air port and the Syrian-Lebanese border Sunday, Dec. 7, are depicted by Middle East military and intelligence sources as Israel’s first overt military clash with Russia in the course of the more than three-year Syrian war. Those sources assert that the strikes demolished components of Russian SA-25 or other types of top-line anti air missile systems that Moscow had destined for Syria and the Lebanese Hizballah terrorist group.
Russian transport planes are said to have shipped these consignments in the last few days to the military section of Damascus international airport. It was pointed out that the Israeli air strikes occurred less than 24 hours after Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, the Kremlin’s point man for the Syrian war, met with Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah Saturday in Beirut. The Russians for the first time insisted on widely circulating photos of the two officials shaking hands.
Israeli military and intelligence sources have not confirmed this account. However, debkafile’s sources have learned that Moscow has been looking for a reckoning with the US and Israel over the fall in the last week of October of the large Russian intelligence post at Tel a-Hara in southern Syria to Syrian rebel units.. One of the most highly sophisticated Russian intelligence bases outside its borders, the secret site was located strategically close to the junction of Syria’s borders with Jordan and Israel.
The prized hi-tech apparatus, much of it unfamiliar to Western spy agencies, was quickly shipped out of Syria for examination in the West.
Other Israeli air force targets struck near Damascus airport in Sunday’s raid were the 103rd brigade of the 4th Division, which is the Syrian president’s republican guard, and the same division’s logistic rear base at Dimas near the Lebanese border.
The fact that Israel conducted air strikes against two facilities of the same Syrian army division along the route to Lebanon indicates that the targeted weapons were on their way from Syria to Hizballah strongholds in Lebanon.
How did the West obtain the Russian equipment from the armed jihadists?
Presumably what was damaged was a new russian air defense system.

The following has been said about this:

Mid-East sources: Israel’s air strikes hit Russian top-line air defense missiles sent to Syria & Hizballah
DEBKAfile Special Report December 7, 2014, 10:18 PM (IDT)


Israeli air strike
Israel’s air strikes near Damascus international air port and the Syrian-Lebanese border Sunday, Dec. 7, are depicted by Middle East military and intelligence sources as Israel’s first overt military clash with Russia in the course of the more than three-year Syrian war. Those sources assert that the strikes demolished components of Russian SA-25 or other types of top-line anti air missile systems that Moscow had destined for Syria and the Lebanese Hizballah terrorist group.
Russian transport planes are said to have shipped these consignments in the last few days to the military section of Damascus international airport. It was pointed out that the Israeli air strikes occurred less than 24 hours after Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, the Kremlin’s point man for the Syrian war, met with Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah Saturday in Beirut. The Russians for the first time insisted on widely circulating photos of the two officials shaking hands.
Israeli military and intelligence sources have not confirmed this account. However, debkafile’s sources have learned that Moscow has been looking for a reckoning with the US and Israel over the fall in the last week of October of the large Russian intelligence post at Tel a-Hara in southern Syria to Syrian rebel units.. One of the most highly sophisticated Russian intelligence bases outside its borders, the secret site was located strategically close to the junction of Syria’s borders with Jordan and Israel.
The prized hi-tech apparatus, much of it unfamiliar to Western spy agencies, was quickly shipped out of Syria for examination in the West.
Other Israeli air force targets struck near Damascus airport in Sunday’s raid were the 103rd brigade of the 4th Division, which is the Syrian president’s republican guard, and the same division’s logistic rear base at Dimas near the Lebanese border.
The fact that Israel conducted air strikes against two facilities of the same Syrian army division along the route to Lebanon indicates that the targeted weapons were on their way from Syria to Hizballah strongholds in Lebanon.
How did the West obtain the Russian equipment from the armed jihadists?

Why don't you tell us this? You are on your computer day and night babbling about Syria so surely you must know all the facts about the conflict. I am wondering if you ever get out of your residence since you are always so quick to respond to a post no matter what time it is.
Of course, the maintaining of air defense is an act of aggression so Israel must act.

Your idol is crazy enough to have shot these new missiles at Israel. Why does he even need these missiles since you want us to believe that the Syrian Army is so mighty that it is the one which is doing the most damage to ISIS.
The Syrian armed forces do indeed the most damage to Isis. Also with missiles.
Having a proper air defense is essential with such an aggressive government in the neighbourhood, however.

Really? Can you give us a rundown of this and include the members who are also conducting strikes against ISIS? Perhaps you can also list the missile attacks the Syrian Army conducted against ISIS.
How about we just let Assad and ISIS keep slaughtering each other? :clap2:

If you want to make one side into something they're not, well, that's your choice.
How about we just let Assad and ISIS keep slaughtering each other? :clap2:

If you want to make one side into something they're not, well, that's your choice.
If your boss tells you to clap for Assad it could be heard loud and clear.
Anytime Muslims are busy killing each other, it's a good thing for us infidels. Didn't you know that? :clap2:

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