Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport – Syrian state TV

Why do these Israeli air strikes always happen when ISIS launches a major assault? Is Israel providing air cover for ISIS death squads?

While the occasional attack on Syrian territory is bad enough, the fact is that Israel has apparently coordinated these attacks with the death squad directors on the ground so as to provide cover fire and diversions for death squad “swarming” and jihadist invasions.

BTW, Israel is not attacking military targets in Syria, they're attacking civilian infrastructure and grain silo's that feed the civilian population, much like they did in Gaza.

... the targets of the Israeli jets were an agricultural airport in Dimas and an import-export warehouse in Damascus. Both of these locations are under control of the Syrian military and involve supplies and food greatly needed for the Syrian people.
Israel is fucked!

And so are the people who try to defend this shit.
Israel must explain airstrikes on Syria: Russia

The Russian Foreign Ministry has expressed grave concern over Israel’s recent airstrike against Syria, calling on Tel Aviv to provide explanation regarding the military aggression.

“Moscow is deeply worried by this dangerous development, the circumstances of which demand an explanation,” said Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich.

Russia has sent a letter to the UN complaining about Israel’s “aggressive action,” stressing that such attacks should not take place in the future, he added.
PressTV - Israel must explain airstrikes on Syria Russia
We hear such fairytales when Uncle Sam prepares for another raid on a weaker country. But this time it isnt working. Uncle Sam needs Syria to defeat the beast he created before it comes for himself.
Any Islamic Beast that is headed our way will get its ass kicked - suffering 100-to-1 or 1000-to-1 or 10000-to-1 kill-ratios...

At your service... whenever you and yours are ready... count on it, Achmed.
It is more likely that they plan terrorist attacks than a war.
Why do these Israeli air strikes always happen when ISIS launches a major assault? Is Israel providing air cover for ISIS death squads?

While the occasional attack on Syrian territory is bad enough, the fact is that Israel has apparently coordinated these attacks with the death squad directors on the ground so as to provide cover fire and diversions for death squad “swarming” and jihadist invasions.

BTW, Israel is not attacking military targets in Syria, they're attacking civilian infrastructure and grain silo's that feed the civilian population, much like they did in Gaza.

... the targets of the Israeli jets were an agricultural airport in Dimas and an import-export warehouse in Damascus. Both of these locations are under control of the Syrian military and involve supplies and food greatly needed for the Syrian people.
Israel is fucked!

And so are the people who try to defend this shit.
What dirty thugs. They claim to be chosen but they head directly towards hell.
Now the folks on the board got their link.
Israel is on the side of Isis PLUS Israel is on the side of the rebels PLUS Israel caused the earth quake PLUS Israel
created the plague out break ---------well----nothing new-------even the pig of mecca had a "logical reason for his genocide
of jews in Medina and the meccaist dogs had a logical reason for their genocides in Biafra, and Armenia and Uganda and East Bengal-------THE WILL OF ALLAH
AIDING ISIS: Israel Bombs Syria For Fifth Time in 18 Months, Gives Arms, Medical Aid to Militants

“In the past three months, battle-hardened Syrian rebels have transported scores of wounded Syrians across a cease-fire line that has separated Israel from Syria since 1974, according to a 15-page report by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the work of the U.N. Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). Once in Israel, they receive medical treatment in a field clinic before being sent back to Syria, where, presumably, some will return to carry on the fight.”

“U.N. blue helmets responsible for monitoring the decades-old cease-fire report observing armed opposition groups “transferring 89 wounded persons” from Syrian territory into Israel, where they were received by members of the Israel Defense Forces, according to the report. The IDF returned 21 Syrians to armed opposition members back in Syria, including the bodies of two who died.”


AID & COMFORT: Israel President Benjamin Netanyahu greets and congratulates Syrian Islamic terrorist at Israeli hospital.
AIDING ISIS Israel Bombs Syria For Fifth Time in 18 Months Gives Arms Medical Aid to Militants
Israeli airstrikes have hit targets near Damascus International Airport and in the town of Dimas near the Lebanon border, Syrian state TV reports.

"The Israeli enemy committed aggression against Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus province, in all of Dimas and near the Damascus International Airport," the report said, adding that there were no casualties.

The airstrikes targeted an arms depot, a source in Syrian army's Joint Staff told Sputnik news agency on Sunday. "The Israeli Air Force have conducted airstrikes on an arms depot, which caused huge blasts near the [Damascus] International Airport," the source said in a phone conversation.
Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport Syrian state TV RT News
Another provocation for war

Israel and Syria are in a state of war right now------bombing
munition sites in the present situation is absolutely legal-----unlike your fellow pigs Israelis do not enter with the agenda of
slitting the throats of infants
The hundreds of dead children of Israels latest campaign in Gaza tell a different story.

Actually a very similar story-----Israel sends up return fire to the missile launching sites------and muslims store their children. Give them a few days-----muslims will start forcing kids into the munitions sites in Syria
there for the glory of allah
Israeli airstrikes have hit targets near Damascus International Airport and in the town of Dimas near the Lebanon border, Syrian state TV reports.

"The Israeli enemy committed aggression against Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus province, in all of Dimas and near the Damascus International Airport," the report said, adding that there were no casualties.

The airstrikes targeted an arms depot, a source in Syrian army's Joint Staff told Sputnik news agency on Sunday. "The Israeli Air Force have conducted airstrikes on an arms depot, which caused huge blasts near the [Damascus] International Airport," the source said in a phone conversation.
Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport Syrian state TV RT News
Another provocation for war

Israel and Syria are in a state of war right now------bombing
munition sites in the present situation is absolutely legal-----unlike your fellow pigs Israelis do not enter with the agenda of
slitting the throats of infants
The hundreds of dead children of Israels latest campaign in Gaza tell a different story.

Actually a very similar story-----Israel sends up return fire to the missile launching sites------and muslims store their children. Give them a few days-----muslims will start forcing kids into the munitions sites in Syria
there for the glory of allah
Do you accuse the Syrian army of such behavior?
I don't know where you get your numbers but the following is from the January, 2014 Al-Jazeera article:

The report was written by Desmond de Silva, the former chief prosecutor of the special court for Sierra Leone; Geoffrey Nice, the former lead prosecutor in the trial of former Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic; and David Crane, who indicted the Liberian president, Charles Taylor.
It features evidence from a forensic pathologist, an anthropologist who investigated mass graves in Kosovo and an expert in digital images.
De Silva said the report was the "smoking gun" showing evidence of "industrial-scale" killing by the Syrian regime.
The defector, identified only as "Caesar", presented about 55,000 images of 11,000 dead prisoners since the start of the uprising in Syria in March 2011.
The evidence was viewed by forensic experts commissioned by a London legal firm representing Qatar.
The defector claims that the victims all died in captivity before being taken to a military hospital to be photographed.
"The pictures show over a period of years the systematic murder of detainees by starvation, by torture, the gouging out of eyes, the hideous beating of people, the mutilation of bodies," De Silva said.

We hear such fairytales when Uncle Sam prepares for another raid on a weaker country. But this time it isnt working. Uncle Sam needs Syria to defeat the beast he created before it comes for himself.

Whoa, I get it now. The report's authors, Qatar, Al-Jazeera and the Syrian military photographer are all complicit in some American scheme to make your Fuhrer look evil. And I suppose we have your secret "trusted sources" to thank for that "info?"
You should know that despite his barbarity, I have no particular bone to pick with Assad. I thought he'd be the first of the Arab Mideast's new breed of leader but he's been a major disappointment. In his defense, his wife is hot and he wears nice suits. His actions are, regrettably, much like that of his predecessor (Daddy) and so many of the Arab World's top dogs ... brutally repressive. I suspect that is what the Arabs want - even demand - of their leaders. Rigidly and viciously enforced societal submissiveness.
there are no jews in Syria right now------and your fellow pigs are killing each other and also Christians. There are no jews left in Yemen-----but the streets run red with blood------gee you are stupid

I am sure there are jews...

Where once there were many, now there are few:
"Today only a few Jews still live in Syria. The largest Syrian-Jewish community is located in Israel..."
History of the Jews in Syria - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Most Yemenite Jews now live in Israel, with some others in the United States and fewer elsewhere. Only a handful remain in Yemen, mostly elderly."
Yemenite Jews - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Why do these Israeli air strikes always happen when ISIS launches a major assault? Is Israel providing air cover for ISIS death squads?

While the occasional attack on Syrian territory is bad enough, the fact is that Israel has apparently coordinated these attacks with the death squad directors on the ground so as to provide cover fire and diversions for death squad “swarming” and jihadist invasions.

BTW, Israel is not attacking military targets in Syria, they're attacking civilian infrastructure and grain silo's that feed the civilian population, much like they did in Gaza.

... the targets of the Israeli jets were an agricultural airport in Dimas and an import-export warehouse in Damascus. Both of these locations are under control of the Syrian military and involve supplies and food greatly needed for the Syrian people.
Israel is fucked!

And so are the people who try to defend this shit.

What is fucked is the baseless propaganda one finds at GlobalResearch and the hateful not-too-brights who post it here but I will concede this: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. If you still believe Assad is worth saving, you haven't been paying attention.

Report Syria tortured and executed 11 000 - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Why do these Israeli air strikes always happen when ISIS launches a major assault? Is Israel providing air cover for ISIS death squads?

While the occasional attack on Syrian territory is bad enough, the fact is that Israel has apparently coordinated these attacks with the death squad directors on the ground so as to provide cover fire and diversions for death squad “swarming” and jihadist invasions.

BTW, Israel is not attacking military targets in Syria, they're attacking civilian infrastructure and grain silo's that feed the civilian population, much like they did in Gaza.

... the targets of the Israeli jets were an agricultural airport in Dimas and an import-export warehouse in Damascus. Both of these locations are under control of the Syrian military and involve supplies and food greatly needed for the Syrian people.
Israel is fucked!

And so are the people who try to defend this shit.
What dirty thugs. They claim to be chosen but they head directly towards hell.
Now the folks on the board got their link.

Yeah ... GlobalResearch.
AIDING ISIS: Israel Bombs Syria For Fifth Time in 18 Months, Gives Arms, Medical Aid to Militants

“In the past three months, battle-hardened Syrian rebels have transported scores of wounded Syrians across a cease-fire line that has separated Israel from Syria since 1974, according to a 15-page report by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the work of the U.N. Disengagement Observer Force (
UNDOF). Once in Israel, they receive medical treatment in a field clinic before being sent back to Syria, where, presumably, some will return to carry on the fight.”

“U.N. blue helmets responsible for monitoring the decades-old cease-fire report observing armed opposition groups “transferring 89 wounded persons” from Syrian territory into Israel, where they were received by members of the Israel Defense Forces, according to the report. The IDF returned 21 Syrians to armed opposition members back in Syria, including the bodies of two who died.”

AIDING ISIS Israel Bombs Syria For Fifth Time in 18 Months Gives Arms Medical Aid to Militants

Despite the misleading headline, the article actually says that Israel has giving medical treatment (read: saving lives) to Syrian rebels not ISIS. There is a diff but not one you could understand or recognize. If Israel was turning the injured away you and the international community would be whining about Israel's inhumanity. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. Just think ... 87 wounded Syrians - 66 of whom remain in Israel, perhaps because they are civilians - survived thanks to Israeli compassion. Chew on that, Bitch.
I don't know where you get your numbers but the following is from the January, 2014 Al-Jazeera article:

The report was written by Desmond de Silva, the former chief prosecutor of the special court for Sierra Leone; Geoffrey Nice, the former lead prosecutor in the trial of former Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic; and David Crane, who indicted the Liberian president, Charles Taylor.
It features evidence from a forensic pathologist, an anthropologist who investigated mass graves in Kosovo and an expert in digital images.
De Silva said the report was the "smoking gun" showing evidence of "industrial-scale" killing by the Syrian regime.
The defector, identified only as "Caesar", presented about 55,000 images of 11,000 dead prisoners since the start of the uprising in Syria in March 2011.
The evidence was viewed by forensic experts commissioned by a London legal firm representing Qatar.
The defector claims that the victims all died in captivity before being taken to a military hospital to be photographed.
"The pictures show over a period of years the systematic murder of detainees by starvation, by torture, the gouging out of eyes, the hideous beating of people, the mutilation of bodies," De Silva said.

We hear such fairytales when Uncle Sam prepares for another raid on a weaker country. But this time it isnt working. Uncle Sam needs Syria to defeat the beast he created before it comes for himself.

Whoa, I get it now. The report's authors, Qatar, Al-Jazeera and the Syrian military photographer are all complicit in some American scheme to make your Fuhrer look evil. And I suppose we have your secret "trusted sources" to thank for that "info?"
You should know that despite his barbarity, I have no particular bone to pick with Assad. I thought he'd be the first of the Arab Mideast's new breed of leader but he's been a major disappointment. In his defense, his wife is hot and he wears nice suits. His actions are, regrettably, much like that of his predecessor (Daddy) and so many of the Arab World's top dogs ... brutally repressive. I suspect that is what the Arabs want - even demand - of their leaders. Rigidly and viciously enforced societal submissiveness.
Have you not something else to say? Blaming Assad for fabricated nothings seems to be the only answer you have to the hard truth.
I don't know where you get your numbers but the following is from the January, 2014 Al-Jazeera article:

The report was written by Desmond de Silva, the former chief prosecutor of the special court for Sierra Leone; Geoffrey Nice, the former lead prosecutor in the trial of former Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic; and David Crane, who indicted the Liberian president, Charles Taylor.
It features evidence from a forensic pathologist, an anthropologist who investigated mass graves in Kosovo and an expert in digital images.
De Silva said the report was the "smoking gun" showing evidence of "industrial-scale" killing by the Syrian regime.
The defector, identified only as "Caesar", presented about 55,000 images of 11,000 dead prisoners since the start of the uprising in Syria in March 2011.
The evidence was viewed by forensic experts commissioned by a London legal firm representing Qatar.
The defector claims that the victims all died in captivity before being taken to a military hospital to be photographed.
"The pictures show over a period of years the systematic murder of detainees by starvation, by torture, the gouging out of eyes, the hideous beating of people, the mutilation of bodies," De Silva said.

We hear such fairytales when Uncle Sam prepares for another raid on a weaker country. But this time it isnt working. Uncle Sam needs Syria to defeat the beast he created before it comes for himself.

Whoa, I get it now. The report's authors, Qatar, Al-Jazeera and the Syrian military photographer are all complicit in some American scheme to make your Fuhrer look evil. And I suppose we have your secret "trusted sources" to thank for that "info?"
You should know that despite his barbarity, I have no particular bone to pick with Assad. I thought he'd be the first of the Arab Mideast's new breed of leader but he's been a major disappointment. In his defense, his wife is hot and he wears nice suits. His actions are, regrettably, much like that of his predecessor (Daddy) and so many of the Arab World's top dogs ... brutally repressive. I suspect that is what the Arabs want - even demand - of their leaders. Rigidly and viciously enforced societal submissiveness.
Have you not something else to say? Blaming Assad for fabricated nothings seems to be the only answer you have to the hard truth.

Classic Turnspeak. Ignoring or denying the hard evidence of Assad's brutality is dishonest at best. Despite your pretensions, you are no friend of the Syrians.

Report Syria tortured and executed 11 000 - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Sure. In fact, I suggest you recommend just that type of action to Assad.
Syria has thousands of scuds that could wipe its enemies off the map in no time. But in sharp contrast to the warmongers of the Knesset, the Syrian government is wise and keeps its power for a major aggression that would be crushed and repelled in the first hour.

If they had Scuds they would have been deployed by now...............
Why? To provoke a war?

They are already at war with ISLAMINAZI insurgents, so why haven't they used these scuds to bring it to an end. Quick and easy when you have that sort of firepower, just a few well aimed attacks and the stuffing would be knocked out of the IS and MB.
Not a good idea. Waste of firepower. Few were launched. They need a good determement.

Actually a brilliant idea as it would send the insurgents running for cover and the civil war would be over. Or is he about to do a Saddam and unleash them on Israel instead...........................
Israeli airstrikes have hit targets near Damascus International Airport and in the town of Dimas near the Lebanon border, Syrian state TV reports.

"The Israeli enemy committed aggression against Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus province, in all of Dimas and near the Damascus International Airport," the report said, adding that there were no casualties.

The airstrikes targeted an arms depot, a source in Syrian army's Joint Staff told Sputnik news agency on Sunday. "The Israeli Air Force have conducted airstrikes on an arms depot, which caused huge blasts near the [Damascus] International Airport," the source said in a phone conversation.
Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport Syrian state TV RT News
Another provocation for war

Israel and Syria are in a state of war right now------bombing
munition sites in the present situation is absolutely legal-----unlike your fellow pigs Israelis do not enter with the agenda of
slitting the throats of infants
The hundreds of dead children of Israels latest campaign in Gaza tell a different story.

Bombing an arms depot hidden behind civilians, not specifically targeting children for the sake of killing children or spilling gazan blood. Hamas was wrong to have used the UN school to hide its military actions. Hamas is wrong to use human shields.
This is where you loose me. Do you actually believe this? Assad and his father are brutal tyrants and madmen responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of their own countrymen, just like Sadam was.

You are heavily invested in putting a good face on this iron fisted regime that is in bed with all the bad elements in the world, ie N. Korea, Iran and Russia, and responsible for sponsoring many terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and wreaking havoc in neighboring Lebanon.

Seems like your moral compass is a little off.
It is very clear that no criminal effort has been spared to create this hell in the name democracy.
Your moral compass points at Uncle Sams boots. Have fun, hes walking through all kinds of dirt these days.

What are you talking about? You just falsely accused the U.S. of dropping chemical weapons on the Syrian people. Use of chemical weapons by the Surian military on its civilian population was documented many times. The evidence is irrefutable. You realize that after lying about "not having any chemical weapons" Syria volunteered to hand them over, when faced with an imminent an attack by the U.S. and the West, after even Syria's allies backed out.

Assad is just a desperate dictator who is doing everything he can to hold on to power. As it happens, while he's slaughtering his own people, he's also doing a decent job of fighting ISIS. Let's not kid ourselves.

Syria Strong Evidence Government Used Chemicals as a Weapon Human Rights Watch

UN confirms chemical weapons were used in Syria repeatedly - NBC News

U.N. confirms use of chemical weapons in Syria -
It has only been proven that it was not the Syrian government. It is really senseless to discuss this with paid liars.

Syria s sarin whodunit Assigning responsibility for war crime RT Op-Edge

Seriously, you're still on this? :cuckoo:

RT is a Russian propaganda site, and the Russians are backers of the Syrian regime, so naturally, they are lying through their teeth on behalf of their Syrian clients.

Now, how about Assad turning the country's military unto its own people?
RT is also the strongest foreign channel in the US. Due to its neutral and good reports, I guess. Not everyone is happy with bogus uplined propagana news.

RT is a propoganda network run by the Russian govt. It is hardly neutral.

You don't have any other "neutral" networks that make this insane claim of US being behind the Syrian chemical attacks, do you?

And is it American military killing Syrian civilians or Syrian military? Please clarify that.
Israel must explain airstrikes on Syria: Russia

The Russian Foreign Ministry has expressed grave concern over Israel’s recent airstrike against Syria, calling on Tel Aviv to provide explanation regarding the military aggression.

“Moscow is deeply worried by this dangerous development, the circumstances of which demand an explanation,” said Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich.

Russia has sent a letter to the UN complaining about Israel’s “aggressive action,” stressing that such attacks should not take place in the future, he added.
PressTV - Israel must explain airstrikes on Syria Russia

Well if the Russians demand an explanation then Israel has to comply. Ha ha ha.
I don't know where you get your numbers but the following is from the January, 2014 Al-Jazeera article:

The report was written by Desmond de Silva, the former chief prosecutor of the special court for Sierra Leone; Geoffrey Nice, the former lead prosecutor in the trial of former Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic; and David Crane, who indicted the Liberian president, Charles Taylor.
It features evidence from a forensic pathologist, an anthropologist who investigated mass graves in Kosovo and an expert in digital images.
De Silva said the report was the "smoking gun" showing evidence of "industrial-scale" killing by the Syrian regime.
The defector, identified only as "Caesar", presented about 55,000 images of 11,000 dead prisoners since the start of the uprising in Syria in March 2011.
The evidence was viewed by forensic experts commissioned by a London legal firm representing Qatar.
The defector claims that the victims all died in captivity before being taken to a military hospital to be photographed.
"The pictures show over a period of years the systematic murder of detainees by starvation, by torture, the gouging out of eyes, the hideous beating of people, the mutilation of bodies," De Silva said.

We hear such fairytales when Uncle Sam prepares for another raid on a weaker country. But this time it isnt working. Uncle Sam needs Syria to defeat the beast he created before it comes for himself.

Whoa, I get it now. The report's authors, Qatar, Al-Jazeera and the Syrian military photographer are all complicit in some American scheme to make your Fuhrer look evil. And I suppose we have your secret "trusted sources" to thank for that "info?"
You should know that despite his barbarity, I have no particular bone to pick with Assad. I thought he'd be the first of the Arab Mideast's new breed of leader but he's been a major disappointment. In his defense, his wife is hot and he wears nice suits. His actions are, regrettably, much like that of his predecessor (Daddy) and so many of the Arab World's top dogs ... brutally repressive. I suspect that is what the Arabs want - even demand - of their leaders. Rigidly and viciously enforced societal submissiveness.
Have you not something else to say? Blaming Assad for fabricated nothings seems to be the only answer you have to the hard truth.

Classic Turnspeak. Ignoring or denying the hard evidence of Assad's brutality is dishonest at best. Despite your pretensions, you are no friend of the Syrians.

Report Syria tortured and executed 11 000 - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

It's a sad situation for the Syrian people. On one hand you have a brutal genocidal dictator and on the other hand you have barbaric Islamist animals like ISIS.

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