Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport – Syrian state TV

Israeli airstrikes have hit targets near Damascus International Airport and in the town of Dimas near the Lebanon border, Syrian state TV reports.

"The Israeli enemy committed aggression against Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus province, in all of Dimas and near the Damascus International Airport," the report said, adding that there were no casualties.

The airstrikes targeted an arms depot, a source in Syrian army's Joint Staff told Sputnik news agency on Sunday. "The Israeli Air Force have conducted airstrikes on an arms depot, which caused huge blasts near the [Damascus] International Airport," the source said in a phone conversation.
Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport Syrian state TV RT News
Another provocation for war

Israel and Syria are in a state of war right now------bombing
munition sites in the present situation is absolutely legal-----unlike your fellow pigs Israelis do not enter with the agenda of
slitting the throats of infants
The hundreds of dead children of Israels latest campaign in Gaza tell a different story.

Bombing an arms depot hidden behind civilians, not specifically targeting children for the sake of killing children or spilling gazan blood. Hamas was wrong to have used the UN school to hide its military actions. Hamas is wrong to use human shields.
Hamas is wrong about that. No doubt. However, if Israel would accept the creation of a Palestinian state, things would calm down.
For a few minutes, then they'll be wanting Israel to leave or just friggen die.

BTW, why can't the Palestinians create their own stupid state. Do they need Israel's friggen permission or something?
I dont think so. The opression by Israel is the major reason for the support for the Hamas.
Israel and Syria are in a state of war right now------bombing
munition sites in the present situation is absolutely legal-----unlike your fellow pigs Israelis do not enter with the agenda of
slitting the throats of infants
The hundreds of dead children of Israels latest campaign in Gaza tell a different story.

Bombing an arms depot hidden behind civilians, not specifically targeting children for the sake of killing children or spilling gazan blood. Hamas was wrong to have used the UN school to hide its military actions. Hamas is wrong to use human shields.
Hamas is wrong about that. No doubt. However, if Israel would accept the creation of a Palestinian state, things would calm down.
For a few minutes, then they'll be wanting Israel to leave or just friggen die.

BTW, why can't the Palestinians create their own stupid state. Do they need Israel's friggen permission or something?
I dont think so. The opression by Israel is the major reason for the support for the Hamas.

are you sure it's not the blood matzohs?------I do understand that west Pakistanis raped 1/4 million east Pakistani girls in 1971------because da joooos told them to-----are you insisting
that the blood letting in Syria, and Iraq and in Yemen now on
going is being directed by the ladies division of the B'nai Brith?
Israel and Syria are in a state of war right now------bombing
munition sites in the present situation is absolutely legal-----unlike your fellow pigs Israelis do not enter with the agenda of
slitting the throats of infants
The hundreds of dead children of Israels latest campaign in Gaza tell a different story.

Bombing an arms depot hidden behind civilians, not specifically targeting children for the sake of killing children or spilling gazan blood. Hamas was wrong to have used the UN school to hide its military actions. Hamas is wrong to use human shields.
Hamas is wrong about that. No doubt. However, if Israel would accept the creation of a Palestinian state, things would calm down.
For a few minutes, then they'll be wanting Israel to leave or just friggen die.

BTW, why can't the Palestinians create their own stupid state. Do they need Israel's friggen permission or something?
I dont think so. The opression by Israel is the major reason for the support for the Hamas.
I think oppression is coming from Hamas more than Israel these days. Using human shields to protect their missiles.
Israel and Syria are in a state of war right now------bombing
munition sites in the present situation is absolutely legal-----unlike your fellow pigs Israelis do not enter with the agenda of
slitting the throats of infants
The hundreds of dead children of Israels latest campaign in Gaza tell a different story.

Bombing an arms depot hidden behind civilians, not specifically targeting children for the sake of killing children or spilling gazan blood. Hamas was wrong to have used the UN school to hide its military actions. Hamas is wrong to use human shields.
Hamas is wrong about that. No doubt. However, if Israel would accept the creation of a Palestinian state, things would calm down.
For a few minutes, then they'll be wanting Israel to leave or just friggen die.

BTW, why can't the Palestinians create their own stupid state. Do they need Israel's friggen permission or something?
I dont think so. The opression by Israel is the major reason for the support for the Hamas.

Incorrect. The repression, incompetence and corruption of the PLO is the major reason for Hamas's popularity. How is it you are so consistently wrong? Can it be you are ideologically rather than truth driven?
What is fucked is the baseless propaganda one finds at GlobalResearch and the hateful not-too-brights who post it here but I will concede this: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. If you still believe Assad is worth saving, you haven't been paying attention.

Report Syria tortured and executed 11 000 - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
You obviously didn't go to the link I provided. It's not baseless and it's not propaganda. As far as Assad, I don't give a shit! What he does in his own country, is not my fucking business, man!
Mondialisation is hardly impartial nor that concerned with human rights or it would report far more on the tragedies elsewhere in the world. The research is interesting from a limited perceptive, but the conclusions are neither fair or balanced.
I take everything thing from the site(s) with a grain of salt, sometimes two.
Do you have any evidence that would lead you to that "grain of salt" position?

Or do you take that position, for no reason whatsoever?
What is fucked is the baseless propaganda one finds at GlobalResearch and the hateful not-too-brights who post it here but I will concede this: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. If you still believe Assad is worth saving, you haven't been paying attention.

Report Syria tortured and executed 11 000 - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
You obviously didn't go to the link I provided. It's not baseless and it's not propaganda. As far as Assad, I don't give a shit! What he does in his own country, is not my fucking business, man!

So as long as he doesn't interfere with your spewing your hate for Jews, he stays on your Christmas list. Got it.
Israeli airstrikes have hit targets near Damascus International Airport and in the town of Dimas near the Lebanon border, Syrian state TV reports.

"The Israeli enemy committed aggression against Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus province, in all of Dimas and near the Damascus International Airport," the report said, adding that there were no casualties.

The airstrikes targeted an arms depot, a source in Syrian army's Joint Staff told Sputnik news agency on Sunday. "The Israeli Air Force have conducted airstrikes on an arms depot, which caused huge blasts near the [Damascus] International Airport," the source said in a phone conversation.
Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport Syrian state TV RT News
Another provocation for war

Syria and Israel have technically been at war since 1967 and by arming Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria has continued that state of war.
It is always the others. Without Israels aggressions there would be no Hezbollah, no Hamas and no permanent conflict.

Most of the genocides committed by your fellow islamo Nazi pigs were accomplished in the absolute absence of Israelis----and, for that matter, jews. Your fellow pigs managed to
murder a few million east Bengalis without an Israeli or a jew
in sight

there are no jews in Syria right now------and your fellow pigs are killing each other and also Christians. There are no jews left in Yemen-----but the streets run red with blood------gee you are stupid

No doubt the Jews are to blame for the poor solar cycle we are experiencing this year, they must have done something to the sun. I remember a muslim rejoicing over the drought in Israel some years back, until he was told that it affected the muslim nations more and they faced severe water shortages. He blamed the Jews for having this gun that stopped the rains from falling.
The hundreds of dead children of Israels latest campaign in Gaza tell a different story.

Bombing an arms depot hidden behind civilians, not specifically targeting children for the sake of killing children or spilling gazan blood. Hamas was wrong to have used the UN school to hide its military actions. Hamas is wrong to use human shields.
Hamas is wrong about that. No doubt. However, if Israel would accept the creation of a Palestinian state, things would calm down.
For a few minutes, then they'll be wanting Israel to leave or just friggen die.

BTW, why can't the Palestinians create their own stupid state. Do they need Israel's friggen permission or something?
I dont think so. The opression by Israel is the major reason for the support for the Hamas.

Incorrect. The repression, incompetence and corruption of the PLO is the major reason for Hamas's popularity. How is it you are so consistently wrong? Can it be you are ideologically rather than truth driven?
That question out of a Zions servants mouth sounds quite ludicrous. You talk as if Palestinians arent humans.
We hear such fairytales when Uncle Sam prepares for another raid on a weaker country. But this time it isnt working. Uncle Sam needs Syria to defeat the beast he created before it comes for himself.

Whoa, I get it now. The report's authors, Qatar, Al-Jazeera and the Syrian military photographer are all complicit in some American scheme to make your Fuhrer look evil. And I suppose we have your secret "trusted sources" to thank for that "info?"
You should know that despite his barbarity, I have no particular bone to pick with Assad. I thought he'd be the first of the Arab Mideast's new breed of leader but he's been a major disappointment. In his defense, his wife is hot and he wears nice suits. His actions are, regrettably, much like that of his predecessor (Daddy) and so many of the Arab World's top dogs ... brutally repressive. I suspect that is what the Arabs want - even demand - of their leaders. Rigidly and viciously enforced societal submissiveness.
Have you not something else to say? Blaming Assad for fabricated nothings seems to be the only answer you have to the hard truth.

Classic Turnspeak. Ignoring or denying the hard evidence of Assad's brutality is dishonest at best. Despite your pretensions, you are no friend of the Syrians.

Report Syria tortured and executed 11 000 - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Why is not Syrian but American torture on tv, then?

to which TV do you refer? You expect Syria to discuss its decades of torture in its prisons? ------Adolf Hitler did not advertise his exploits in Auschwitz either
So you try to ignore the torture report that is in the news while you drooling point at Assad and accuse him falsely of fabricated shit?
We hear such fairytales when Uncle Sam prepares for another raid on a weaker country. But this time it isnt working. Uncle Sam needs Syria to defeat the beast he created before it comes for himself.

Whoa, I get it now. The report's authors, Qatar, Al-Jazeera and the Syrian military photographer are all complicit in some American scheme to make your Fuhrer look evil. And I suppose we have your secret "trusted sources" to thank for that "info?"
You should know that despite his barbarity, I have no particular bone to pick with Assad. I thought he'd be the first of the Arab Mideast's new breed of leader but he's been a major disappointment. In his defense, his wife is hot and he wears nice suits. His actions are, regrettably, much like that of his predecessor (Daddy) and so many of the Arab World's top dogs ... brutally repressive. I suspect that is what the Arabs want - even demand - of their leaders. Rigidly and viciously enforced societal submissiveness.
Have you not something else to say? Blaming Assad for fabricated nothings seems to be the only answer you have to the hard truth.

Classic Turnspeak. Ignoring or denying the hard evidence of Assad's brutality is dishonest at best. Despite your pretensions, you are no friend of the Syrians.

Report Syria tortured and executed 11 000 - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Why is not Syrian but American torture on tv, then?

Really dude? Did you not feel STUPID while typing that silliness. News of Syrian abuses is not only months old news, it is so commonplace in the Arab/Muslim World that it barely registers on anyone's radar. Of course, many of the same folks who ho-hum (or deny) the Syrian torture will be screaming about American abuses for the next six months.
The anti-Syrian false report never made it to the tv.
We hear such fairytales when Uncle Sam prepares for another raid on a weaker country. But this time it isnt working. Uncle Sam needs Syria to defeat the beast he created before it comes for himself.

Whoa, I get it now. The report's authors, Qatar, Al-Jazeera and the Syrian military photographer are all complicit in some American scheme to make your Fuhrer look evil. And I suppose we have your secret "trusted sources" to thank for that "info?"
You should know that despite his barbarity, I have no particular bone to pick with Assad. I thought he'd be the first of the Arab Mideast's new breed of leader but he's been a major disappointment. In his defense, his wife is hot and he wears nice suits. His actions are, regrettably, much like that of his predecessor (Daddy) and so many of the Arab World's top dogs ... brutally repressive. I suspect that is what the Arabs want - even demand - of their leaders. Rigidly and viciously enforced societal submissiveness.
Have you not something else to say? Blaming Assad for fabricated nothings seems to be the only answer you have to the hard truth.

Classic Turnspeak. Ignoring or denying the hard evidence of Assad's brutality is dishonest at best. Despite your pretensions, you are no friend of the Syrians.

Report Syria tortured and executed 11 000 - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Why is not Syrian but American torture on tv, then?

Really dude? Did you not feel STUPID while typing that silliness. News of Syrian abuses is not only months old news, it is so commonplace in the Arab/Muslim World that it barely registers on anyone's radar. Of course, many of the same folks who ho-hum (or deny) the Syrian torture will be screaming about American abuses for the next six months.
The anti-Syrian false report never made it to the tv.
Bombing an arms depot hidden behind civilians, not specifically targeting children for the sake of killing children or spilling gazan blood. Hamas was wrong to have used the UN school to hide its military actions. Hamas is wrong to use human shields.
Hamas is wrong about that. No doubt. However, if Israel would accept the creation of a Palestinian state, things would calm down.
For a few minutes, then they'll be wanting Israel to leave or just friggen die.

BTW, why can't the Palestinians create their own stupid state. Do they need Israel's friggen permission or something?
I dont think so. The opression by Israel is the major reason for the support for the Hamas.

Incorrect. The repression, incompetence and corruption of the PLO is the major reason for Hamas's popularity. How is it you are so consistently wrong? Can it be you are ideologically rather than truth driven?
That question out of a Zions servants mouth sounds quite ludicrous. You talk as if Palestinians arent humans.
I had a Palestinian Arabic instructor a few years ago. She was a really nice lady. But mention Israel and she became unhinged. This is what propaganda and bigotry does to normally rational people.
Hamas is wrong about that. No doubt. However, if Israel would accept the creation of a Palestinian state, things would calm down.
For a few minutes, then they'll be wanting Israel to leave or just friggen die.

BTW, why can't the Palestinians create their own stupid state. Do they need Israel's friggen permission or something?
I dont think so. The opression by Israel is the major reason for the support for the Hamas.

Incorrect. The repression, incompetence and corruption of the PLO is the major reason for Hamas's popularity. How is it you are so consistently wrong? Can it be you are ideologically rather than truth driven?
That question out of a Zions servants mouth sounds quite ludicrous. You talk as if Palestinians arent humans.
I had a Palestinian Arabic instructor a few years ago. She was a really nice lady. But mention Israel and she became unhinged. This is what propaganda and bigotry does to normally rational people.
Israel is not opressing YOUR people. It happens when a neighbouring leader considers his people a kind of masterrace.
Whoa, I get it now. The report's authors, Qatar, Al-Jazeera and the Syrian military photographer are all complicit in some American scheme to make your Fuhrer look evil. And I suppose we have your secret "trusted sources" to thank for that "info?"
You should know that despite his barbarity, I have no particular bone to pick with Assad. I thought he'd be the first of the Arab Mideast's new breed of leader but he's been a major disappointment. In his defense, his wife is hot and he wears nice suits. His actions are, regrettably, much like that of his predecessor (Daddy) and so many of the Arab World's top dogs ... brutally repressive. I suspect that is what the Arabs want - even demand - of their leaders. Rigidly and viciously enforced societal submissiveness.
Have you not something else to say? Blaming Assad for fabricated nothings seems to be the only answer you have to the hard truth.

Classic Turnspeak. Ignoring or denying the hard evidence of Assad's brutality is dishonest at best. Despite your pretensions, you are no friend of the Syrians.

Report Syria tortured and executed 11 000 - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Why is not Syrian but American torture on tv, then?

Really dude? Did you not feel STUPID while typing that silliness. News of Syrian abuses is not only months old news, it is so commonplace in the Arab/Muslim World that it barely registers on anyone's radar. Of course, many of the same folks who ho-hum (or deny) the Syrian torture will be screaming about American abuses for the next six months.
The anti-Syrian false report never made it to the tv.
Yes it did. The photo's story has been in the news since the Amnesty International exposure in January and and again when the photo's were viewed and discussed by the UN Security Council in April. Each time a new development in the photo's and Syrian torture topic comes up it gets covered. Syrian torture programs have been in the news since the 70's. The subject of Syrian government torture and murder of it's citizens is barely news. It has been an accepted reality for so many decades that even the newest revelations seem like old news.

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