Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport – Syrian state TV

Why do these Israeli air strikes always happen when ISIS launches a major assault? Is Israel providing air cover for ISIS death squads?

While the occasional attack on Syrian territory is bad enough, the fact is that Israel has apparently coordinated these attacks with the death squad directors on the ground so as to provide cover fire and diversions for death squad “swarming” and jihadist invasions.

BTW, Israel is not attacking military targets in Syria, they're attacking civilian infrastructure and grain silo's that feed the civilian population, much like they did in Gaza.

... the targets of the Israeli jets were an agricultural airport in Dimas and an import-export warehouse in Damascus. Both of these locations are under control of the Syrian military and involve supplies and food greatly needed for the Syrian people.
Israel is fucked!

And so are the people who try to defend this shit.

Mondialisation is hardly impartial nor that concerned with human rights or it would report far more on the tragedies elsewhere in the world. The research is interesting from a limited perceptive, but the conclusions are neither fair or balanced.
I take everything thing from the site(s) with a grain of salt, sometimes two.
Why do these Israeli air strikes always happen when ISIS launches a major assault? Is Israel providing air cover for ISIS death squads?

While the occasional attack on Syrian territory is bad enough, the fact is that Israel has apparently coordinated these attacks with the death squad directors on the ground so as to provide cover fire and diversions for death squad “swarming” and jihadist invasions.

BTW, Israel is not attacking military targets in Syria, they're attacking civilian infrastructure and grain silo's that feed the civilian population, much like they did in Gaza.

... the targets of the Israeli jets were an agricultural airport in Dimas and an import-export warehouse in Damascus. Both of these locations are under control of the Syrian military and involve supplies and food greatly needed for the Syrian people.
Israel is fucked!

And so are the people who try to defend this shit.

Mondialisation is hardly impartial nor that concerned with human rights or it would report far more on the tragedies elsewhere in the world. The research is interesting from a limited perceptive, but the conclusions are neither fair or balanced.
I take everything thing from the site(s) with a grain of salt, sometimes two.

You are being generous. I don't even read the garbage that he posts.
Israeli airstrikes have hit targets near Damascus International Airport and in the town of Dimas near the Lebanon border, Syrian state TV reports.

"The Israeli enemy committed aggression against Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus province, in all of Dimas and near the Damascus International Airport," the report said, adding that there were no casualties.

The airstrikes targeted an arms depot, a source in Syrian army's Joint Staff told Sputnik news agency on Sunday. "The Israeli Air Force have conducted airstrikes on an arms depot, which caused huge blasts near the [Damascus] International Airport," the source said in a phone conversation.
Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport Syrian state TV RT News
Another provocation for war

Syria and Israel have technically been at war since 1967 and by arming Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria has continued that state of war.
So if Syria responds in kind that would be Kosher?

I hope they do.
Me too, Israel wont be brought to reason by talks, Make them bleed plead for peace

Yeah, because THAT would be the result of a military confrontation between Syria and Israel. :lol:
BTW, I believe Mudwhistle's post reflects his eagerness to see the Syrian military destroyed which would also signal Assad's demise (thus there will be no confrontation). Clearly you don't see clearly.
Old Tricks, Old Dogs: Israeli Attacks on Syria
Israel Strikes At Only Viable Nation Fighting ISIS in Region

At this current juncture in the Syrian crisis the illusion of “moderate rebels” has so utterly evaporated that even groups the US supposedly “vetted” and armed with sophisticated anti-tank weapons are now openly aligned with the so-called Islamic State (ISIS). The implications of this are, and as the Syrian government has said since 2011, that the Syrian government is fighting a battle not against its own people or “pro-democracy” forces, but heavily armed sectarian extremists either flying the flag of Al Qaeda, or openly having pledged allegiance to it.

It becomes increasingly difficult for casual observers then, to understand why nations like Israel are still conducting attacks directly against the government of Syria while providing de facto sanctuaries for ISIS terrorists and their affiliates along their border with Syria in the occupied Golan Heights. It would appear to the casual observer that Israel, Al Qaeda, and ISIS are in fact in league, and the conflict raging within Syria is instead a proxy war being waged from beyond its borders rather than solely within them.

Indeed, these implications are not only logical considering Israel’s recent attacks, the latest in a series of attacks it has carried out in support of terrorists and against the Syrian government since 2011, but they are also backed up with documented evidence from as early as 2007. However, Israel does not act alone.

Together, the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel openly conspired to use sectarian militants including Al Qaeda to wage a regional proxy war against Iran and its allies – including against both Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon. This explains why Israel has attacked both the Syrian government and Hezbollah even as both wage war on Al Qaeda, ISIS, and their affiliates.

Compounding the Israeli regime’s criminality is the fact that the only forces providing a defense for regional minorities, including Christians, Jews, Druzes, and secular Muslims of all sects, is in fact Hezbollah and the Syrian Arab Army. Attacks on either undermine their ability to stem what will otherwise be unhinged regional genocide carried out by US, Saudi, Israeli, and even Qatari-backed sectarian militants.

Israel’s Ties to Militants are Long Documented

The Jerusalem Post has recently published accusations by the Syrian government stating that the Israeli government is aiding Al Qaeda, including Al Nusra and ISIS. In its report titled, “Head of Syrian army after alleged airstrikes: Israel working with ISIS and al-Qaida,” the Post states:
The commander of the Syrian Armed forces Lt. General Ali Abdulla Ayoub claimed Israel was working with ISIS and al-Qaida to attack Syria, in the wake of Syrian government claims that Israeli planes attacked military sites near Damascus on Sunday night.

“This aggression confirms Israel directly supports terrorism in Syria, in addition to the known Western and regional countries, raising the morale of terrorist organizations, led by Jabhat al-Nusra, an arm of al-Qaida in the Levant, and ISIS,” the head of the Syrian military said.
Activist Post Old Tricks Old Dogs Israeli Attacks on Syria
Me too, Israel wont be brought to reason by talks, Make them bleed plead for peace

Yeah, because THAT would be the result of a military confrontation between Syria and Israel. :lol:
BTW, I believe Mudwhistle's post reflects his eagerness to see the Syrian military destroyed which would also signal Assad's demise (thus there will be no confrontation). Clearly you don't see clearly.
They are still at War, aren't they
Old Tricks, Old Dogs: Israeli Attacks on Syria
Israel Strikes At Only Viable Nation Fighting ISIS in Region

At this current juncture in the Syrian crisis the illusion of “moderate rebels” has so utterly evaporated that even groups the US supposedly “vetted” and armed with sophisticated anti-tank weapons are now openly aligned with the so-called Islamic State (ISIS). The implications of this are, and as the Syrian government has said since 2011, that the Syrian government is fighting a battle not against its own people or “pro-democracy” forces, but heavily armed sectarian extremists either flying the flag of Al Qaeda, or openly having pledged allegiance to it.

It becomes increasingly difficult for casual observers then, to understand why nations like Israel are still conducting attacks directly against the government of Syria while providing de facto sanctuaries for ISIS terrorists and their affiliates along their border with Syria in the occupied Golan Heights. It would appear to the casual observer that Israel, Al Qaeda, and ISIS are in fact in league, and the conflict raging within Syria is instead a proxy war being waged from beyond its borders rather than solely within them.

Indeed, these implications are not only logical considering Israel’s recent attacks, the latest in a series of attacks it has carried out in support of terrorists and against the Syrian government since 2011, but they are also backed up with documented evidence from as early as 2007. However, Israel does not act alone.

Together, the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel openly conspired to use sectarian militants including Al Qaeda to wage a regional proxy war against Iran and its allies – including against both Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon. This explains why Israel has attacked both the Syrian government and Hezbollah even as both wage war on Al Qaeda, ISIS, and their affiliates.

Compounding the Israeli regime’s criminality is the fact that the only forces providing a defense for regional minorities, including Christians, Jews, Druzes, and secular Muslims of all sects, is in fact Hezbollah and the Syrian Arab Army. Attacks on either undermine their ability to stem what will otherwise be unhinged regional genocide carried out by US, Saudi, Israeli, and even Qatari-backed sectarian militants.

Israel’s Ties to Militants are Long Documented

The Jerusalem Post has recently published accusations by the Syrian government stating that the Israeli government is aiding Al Qaeda, including Al Nusra and ISIS. In its report titled, “Head of Syrian army after alleged airstrikes: Israel working with ISIS and al-Qaida,” the Post states:
The commander of the Syrian Armed forces Lt. General Ali Abdulla Ayoub claimed Israel was working with ISIS and al-Qaida to attack Syria, in the wake of Syrian government claims that Israeli planes attacked military sites near Damascus on Sunday night.

“This aggression confirms Israel directly supports terrorism in Syria, in addition to the known Western and regional countries, raising the morale of terrorist organizations, led by Jabhat al-Nusra, an arm of al-Qaida in the Levant, and ISIS,” the head of the Syrian military said.
Activist Post Old Tricks Old Dogs Israeli Attacks on Syria

More bullshit and propoganda. Engage flush!

Old Tricks, Old Dogs: Israeli Attacks on Syria
Israel Strikes At Only Viable Nation Fighting ISIS in Region

At this current juncture in the Syrian crisis the illusion of “moderate rebels” has so utterly evaporated that even groups the US supposedly “vetted” and armed with sophisticated anti-tank weapons are now openly aligned with the so-called Islamic State (ISIS). The implications of this are, and as the Syrian government has said since 2011, that the Syrian government is fighting a battle not against its own people or “pro-democracy” forces, but heavily armed sectarian extremists either flying the flag of Al Qaeda, or openly having pledged allegiance to it.

It becomes increasingly difficult for casual observers then, to understand why nations like Israel are still conducting attacks directly against the government of Syria while providing de facto sanctuaries for ISIS terrorists and their affiliates along their border with Syria in the occupied Golan Heights. It would appear to the casual observer that Israel, Al Qaeda, and ISIS are in fact in league, and the conflict raging within Syria is instead a proxy war being waged from beyond its borders rather than solely within them.

Indeed, these implications are not only logical considering Israel’s recent attacks, the latest in a series of attacks it has carried out in support of terrorists and against the Syrian government since 2011, but they are also backed up with documented evidence from as early as 2007. However, Israel does not act alone.

Together, the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel openly conspired to use sectarian militants including Al Qaeda to wage a regional proxy war against Iran and its allies – including against both Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon. This explains why Israel has attacked both the Syrian government and Hezbollah even as both wage war on Al Qaeda, ISIS, and their affiliates.

Compounding the Israeli regime’s criminality is the fact that the only forces providing a defense for regional minorities, including Christians, Jews, Druzes, and secular Muslims of all sects, is in fact Hezbollah and the Syrian Arab Army. Attacks on either undermine their ability to stem what will otherwise be unhinged regional genocide carried out by US, Saudi, Israeli, and even Qatari-backed sectarian militants.

Israel’s Ties to Militants are Long Documented

The Jerusalem Post has recently published accusations by the Syrian government stating that the Israeli government is aiding Al Qaeda, including Al Nusra and ISIS. In its report titled, “Head of Syrian army after alleged airstrikes: Israel working with ISIS and al-Qaida,” the Post states:
The commander of the Syrian Armed forces Lt. General Ali Abdulla Ayoub claimed Israel was working with ISIS and al-Qaida to attack Syria, in the wake of Syrian government claims that Israeli planes attacked military sites near Damascus on Sunday night.

“This aggression confirms Israel directly supports terrorism in Syria, in addition to the known Western and regional countries, raising the morale of terrorist organizations, led by Jabhat al-Nusra, an arm of al-Qaida in the Levant, and ISIS,” the head of the Syrian military said.
Activist Post Old Tricks Old Dogs Israeli Attacks on Syria

I love origami but that is some twist fold and bend of the citations and facts going on there.
Survivalists then to be paranoid conspiracy believers and not linear thinkers. When you believe the world is out to get you, you can find any excuse to support those beliefs, even the most minute.
If you are convinced the world is coming to an end you often neglect the facts that show it might but not for several billion or trillion years from now. Your fears do more to bring about an early end than would happen naturally. Self fulfilling prophecy, you are the one to bring it about but you will blame everyone else.

You have to understand where the author is coming from before swallowing hook, line and sinker what they are feeding you.
Israeli airstrikes have hit targets near Damascus International Airport and in the town of Dimas near the Lebanon border, Syrian state TV reports.

"The Israeli enemy committed aggression against Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus province, in all of Dimas and near the Damascus International Airport," the report said, adding that there were no casualties.

The airstrikes targeted an arms depot, a source in Syrian army's Joint Staff told Sputnik news agency on Sunday. "The Israeli Air Force have conducted airstrikes on an arms depot, which caused huge blasts near the [Damascus] International Airport," the source said in a phone conversation.
Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport Syrian state TV RT News
Another provocation for war

Syria and Israel have technically been at war since 1967 and by arming Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria has continued that state of war.
So if Syria responds in kind that would be Kosher?

I hope they do.
I don't know where you get your numbers but the following is from the January, 2014 Al-Jazeera article:

The report was written by Desmond de Silva, the former chief prosecutor of the special court for Sierra Leone; Geoffrey Nice, the former lead prosecutor in the trial of former Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic; and David Crane, who indicted the Liberian president, Charles Taylor.
It features evidence from a forensic pathologist, an anthropologist who investigated mass graves in Kosovo and an expert in digital images.
De Silva said the report was the "smoking gun" showing evidence of "industrial-scale" killing by the Syrian regime.
The defector, identified only as "Caesar", presented about 55,000 images of 11,000 dead prisoners since the start of the uprising in Syria in March 2011.
The evidence was viewed by forensic experts commissioned by a London legal firm representing Qatar.
The defector claims that the victims all died in captivity before being taken to a military hospital to be photographed.
"The pictures show over a period of years the systematic murder of detainees by starvation, by torture, the gouging out of eyes, the hideous beating of people, the mutilation of bodies," De Silva said.

We hear such fairytales when Uncle Sam prepares for another raid on a weaker country. But this time it isnt working. Uncle Sam needs Syria to defeat the beast he created before it comes for himself.

Whoa, I get it now. The report's authors, Qatar, Al-Jazeera and the Syrian military photographer are all complicit in some American scheme to make your Fuhrer look evil. And I suppose we have your secret "trusted sources" to thank for that "info?"
You should know that despite his barbarity, I have no particular bone to pick with Assad. I thought he'd be the first of the Arab Mideast's new breed of leader but he's been a major disappointment. In his defense, his wife is hot and he wears nice suits. His actions are, regrettably, much like that of his predecessor (Daddy) and so many of the Arab World's top dogs ... brutally repressive. I suspect that is what the Arabs want - even demand - of their leaders. Rigidly and viciously enforced societal submissiveness.
Have you not something else to say? Blaming Assad for fabricated nothings seems to be the only answer you have to the hard truth.

Classic Turnspeak. Ignoring or denying the hard evidence of Assad's brutality is dishonest at best. Despite your pretensions, you are no friend of the Syrians.

Report Syria tortured and executed 11 000 - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

It's a sad situation for the Syrian people. On one hand you have a brutal genocidal dictator and on the other hand you have barbaric Islamist animals like ISIS.

Indeed, and you can feel the compassion these anti-Israelists have for those hapless Syrians
Old Tricks, Old Dogs: Israeli Attacks on Syria
Israel Strikes At Only Viable Nation Fighting ISIS in Region

At this current juncture in the Syrian crisis the illusion of “moderate rebels” has so utterly evaporated that even groups the US supposedly “vetted” and armed with sophisticated anti-tank weapons are now openly aligned with the so-called Islamic State (ISIS). The implications of this are, and as the Syrian government has said since 2011, that the Syrian government is fighting a battle not against its own people or “pro-democracy” forces, but heavily armed sectarian extremists either flying the flag of Al Qaeda, or openly having pledged allegiance to it.

It becomes increasingly difficult for casual observers then, to understand why nations like Israel are still conducting attacks directly against the government of Syria while providing de facto sanctuaries for ISIS terrorists and their affiliates along their border with Syria in the occupied Golan Heights. It would appear to the casual observer that Israel, Al Qaeda, and ISIS are in fact in league, and the conflict raging within Syria is instead a proxy war being waged from beyond its borders rather than solely within them.

Indeed, these implications are not only logical considering Israel’s recent attacks, the latest in a series of attacks it has carried out in support of terrorists and against the Syrian government since 2011, but they are also backed up with documented evidence from as early as 2007. However, Israel does not act alone.

Together, the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel openly conspired to use sectarian militants including Al Qaeda to wage a regional proxy war against Iran and its allies – including against both Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon. This explains why Israel has attacked both the Syrian government and Hezbollah even as both wage war on Al Qaeda, ISIS, and their affiliates.

Compounding the Israeli regime’s criminality is the fact that the only forces providing a defense for regional minorities, including Christians, Jews, Druzes, and secular Muslims of all sects, is in fact Hezbollah and the Syrian Arab Army. Attacks on either undermine their ability to stem what will otherwise be unhinged regional genocide carried out by US, Saudi, Israeli, and even Qatari-backed sectarian militants.

Israel’s Ties to Militants are Long Documented

The Jerusalem Post has recently published accusations by the Syrian government stating that the Israeli government is aiding Al Qaeda, including Al Nusra and ISIS. In its report titled, “Head of Syrian army after alleged airstrikes: Israel working with ISIS and al-Qaida,” the Post states:
The commander of the Syrian Armed forces Lt. General Ali Abdulla Ayoub claimed Israel was working with ISIS and al-Qaida to attack Syria, in the wake of Syrian government claims that Israeli planes attacked military sites near Damascus on Sunday night.

“This aggression confirms Israel directly supports terrorism in Syria, in addition to the known Western and regional countries, raising the morale of terrorist organizations, led by Jabhat al-Nusra, an arm of al-Qaida in the Levant, and ISIS,” the head of the Syrian military said.
Activist Post Old Tricks Old Dogs Israeli Attacks on Syria

Uh-huh. Written by someone named Tony Cartalucci. So who and what the fuk is a Tony Cartalucci and why would any rational poster use his blog as proof of anything?
Israeli airstrikes have hit targets near Damascus International Airport and in the town of Dimas near the Lebanon border, Syrian state TV reports.

"The Israeli enemy committed aggression against Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus province, in all of Dimas and near the Damascus International Airport," the report said, adding that there were no casualties.

The airstrikes targeted an arms depot, a source in Syrian army's Joint Staff told Sputnik news agency on Sunday. "The Israeli Air Force have conducted airstrikes on an arms depot, which caused huge blasts near the [Damascus] International Airport," the source said in a phone conversation.
Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport Syrian state TV RT News
Another provocation for war

Israel and Syria are in a state of war right now------bombing
munition sites in the present situation is absolutely legal-----unlike your fellow pigs Israelis do not enter with the agenda of
slitting the throats of infants
The hundreds of dead children of Israels latest campaign in Gaza tell a different story.

Bombing an arms depot hidden behind civilians, not specifically targeting children for the sake of killing children or spilling gazan blood. Hamas was wrong to have used the UN school to hide its military actions. Hamas is wrong to use human shields.
Hamas is wrong about that. No doubt. However, if Israel would accept the creation of a Palestinian state, things would calm down.
It is very clear that no criminal effort has been spared to create this hell in the name democracy.
Your moral compass points at Uncle Sams boots. Have fun, hes walking through all kinds of dirt these days.

What are you talking about? You just falsely accused the U.S. of dropping chemical weapons on the Syrian people. Use of chemical weapons by the Surian military on its civilian population was documented many times. The evidence is irrefutable. You realize that after lying about "not having any chemical weapons" Syria volunteered to hand them over, when faced with an imminent an attack by the U.S. and the West, after even Syria's allies backed out.

Assad is just a desperate dictator who is doing everything he can to hold on to power. As it happens, while he's slaughtering his own people, he's also doing a decent job of fighting ISIS. Let's not kid ourselves.

Syria Strong Evidence Government Used Chemicals as a Weapon Human Rights Watch

UN confirms chemical weapons were used in Syria repeatedly - NBC News

U.N. confirms use of chemical weapons in Syria -
It has only been proven that it was not the Syrian government. It is really senseless to discuss this with paid liars.

Syria s sarin whodunit Assigning responsibility for war crime RT Op-Edge

Seriously, you're still on this? :cuckoo:

RT is a Russian propaganda site, and the Russians are backers of the Syrian regime, so naturally, they are lying through their teeth on behalf of their Syrian clients.

Now, how about Assad turning the country's military unto its own people?
RT is also the strongest foreign channel in the US. Due to its neutral and good reports, I guess. Not everyone is happy with bogus uplined propagana news.

RT is a propoganda network run by the Russian govt. It is hardly neutral.

You don't have any other "neutral" networks that make this insane claim of US being behind the Syrian chemical attacks, do you?

And is it American military killing Syrian civilians or Syrian military? Please clarify that.
The first who made that claim was a well known American tv moderator.
And here the proof:
UN Investigator Undercuts New York Times on Syria. Assad Government not Responsible for August 21 Chemical Attack Global Research

The Syrian army is supported by the people.
I don't know where you get your numbers but the following is from the January, 2014 Al-Jazeera article:

The report was written by Desmond de Silva, the former chief prosecutor of the special court for Sierra Leone; Geoffrey Nice, the former lead prosecutor in the trial of former Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic; and David Crane, who indicted the Liberian president, Charles Taylor.
It features evidence from a forensic pathologist, an anthropologist who investigated mass graves in Kosovo and an expert in digital images.
De Silva said the report was the "smoking gun" showing evidence of "industrial-scale" killing by the Syrian regime.
The defector, identified only as "Caesar", presented about 55,000 images of 11,000 dead prisoners since the start of the uprising in Syria in March 2011.
The evidence was viewed by forensic experts commissioned by a London legal firm representing Qatar.
The defector claims that the victims all died in captivity before being taken to a military hospital to be photographed.
"The pictures show over a period of years the systematic murder of detainees by starvation, by torture, the gouging out of eyes, the hideous beating of people, the mutilation of bodies," De Silva said.

We hear such fairytales when Uncle Sam prepares for another raid on a weaker country. But this time it isnt working. Uncle Sam needs Syria to defeat the beast he created before it comes for himself.

Whoa, I get it now. The report's authors, Qatar, Al-Jazeera and the Syrian military photographer are all complicit in some American scheme to make your Fuhrer look evil. And I suppose we have your secret "trusted sources" to thank for that "info?"
You should know that despite his barbarity, I have no particular bone to pick with Assad. I thought he'd be the first of the Arab Mideast's new breed of leader but he's been a major disappointment. In his defense, his wife is hot and he wears nice suits. His actions are, regrettably, much like that of his predecessor (Daddy) and so many of the Arab World's top dogs ... brutally repressive. I suspect that is what the Arabs want - even demand - of their leaders. Rigidly and viciously enforced societal submissiveness.
Have you not something else to say? Blaming Assad for fabricated nothings seems to be the only answer you have to the hard truth.

Classic Turnspeak. Ignoring or denying the hard evidence of Assad's brutality is dishonest at best. Despite your pretensions, you are no friend of the Syrians.

Report Syria tortured and executed 11 000 - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Why is not Syrian but American torture on tv, then?
Israeli airstrikes have hit targets near Damascus International Airport and in the town of Dimas near the Lebanon border, Syrian state TV reports.

"The Israeli enemy committed aggression against Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus province, in all of Dimas and near the Damascus International Airport," the report said, adding that there were no casualties.

The airstrikes targeted an arms depot, a source in Syrian army's Joint Staff told Sputnik news agency on Sunday. "The Israeli Air Force have conducted airstrikes on an arms depot, which caused huge blasts near the [Damascus] International Airport," the source said in a phone conversation.
Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport Syrian state TV RT News
Another provocation for war

Israel and Syria are in a state of war right now------bombing
munition sites in the present situation is absolutely legal-----unlike your fellow pigs Israelis do not enter with the agenda of
slitting the throats of infants
The hundreds of dead children of Israels latest campaign in Gaza tell a different story.

Bombing an arms depot hidden behind civilians, not specifically targeting children for the sake of killing children or spilling gazan blood. Hamas was wrong to have used the UN school to hide its military actions. Hamas is wrong to use human shields.
Hamas is wrong about that. No doubt. However, if Israel would accept the creation of a Palestinian state, things would calm down.
For a few minutes, then they'll be wanting Israel to leave or just friggen die.

BTW, why can't the Palestinians create their own stupid state. Do they need Israel's friggen permission or something?
Israeli airstrikes have hit targets near Damascus International Airport and in the town of Dimas near the Lebanon border, Syrian state TV reports.

"The Israeli enemy committed aggression against Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus province, in all of Dimas and near the Damascus International Airport," the report said, adding that there were no casualties.

The airstrikes targeted an arms depot, a source in Syrian army's Joint Staff told Sputnik news agency on Sunday. "The Israeli Air Force have conducted airstrikes on an arms depot, which caused huge blasts near the [Damascus] International Airport," the source said in a phone conversation.
Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport Syrian state TV RT News
Another provocation for war

Israel and Syria are in a state of war right now------bombing
munition sites in the present situation is absolutely legal-----unlike your fellow pigs Israelis do not enter with the agenda of
slitting the throats of infants
The hundreds of dead children of Israels latest campaign in Gaza tell a different story.

Bombing an arms depot hidden behind civilians, not specifically targeting children for the sake of killing children or spilling gazan blood. Hamas was wrong to have used the UN school to hide its military actions. Hamas is wrong to use human shields.

Hamas is wrong about that. No doubt. However, if Israel would accept the creation of a Palestinian state, things would calm down.

Camel crap. From 1948 to 1967 the Arabs controlled Gaza and the WB, including all of Jerusalem. In none of those years when Israeli cooperation was unnecessary did the Arabs establish their Palestinian State because that was not on their agenda. Destroying Israel was and remains their only reason for living.

The Palestine National Charter (1964) does not recognize Israel's existence, considers Israeli sovereign territory to be part of Arab Palestine and requires armed struggle by Arabs to "restore" all territory to Arab control (read: DESTROY ISRAEL).

"No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it..." - Khartoum Resolution (Sept. 1, 1967)

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory). - from The Hamas Covenant (1988)
I don't know where you get your numbers but the following is from the January, 2014 Al-Jazeera article:

The report was written by Desmond de Silva, the former chief prosecutor of the special court for Sierra Leone; Geoffrey Nice, the former lead prosecutor in the trial of former Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic; and David Crane, who indicted the Liberian president, Charles Taylor.
It features evidence from a forensic pathologist, an anthropologist who investigated mass graves in Kosovo and an expert in digital images.
De Silva said the report was the "smoking gun" showing evidence of "industrial-scale" killing by the Syrian regime.
The defector, identified only as "Caesar", presented about 55,000 images of 11,000 dead prisoners since the start of the uprising in Syria in March 2011.
The evidence was viewed by forensic experts commissioned by a London legal firm representing Qatar.
The defector claims that the victims all died in captivity before being taken to a military hospital to be photographed.
"The pictures show over a period of years the systematic murder of detainees by starvation, by torture, the gouging out of eyes, the hideous beating of people, the mutilation of bodies," De Silva said.

We hear such fairytales when Uncle Sam prepares for another raid on a weaker country. But this time it isnt working. Uncle Sam needs Syria to defeat the beast he created before it comes for himself.

Whoa, I get it now. The report's authors, Qatar, Al-Jazeera and the Syrian military photographer are all complicit in some American scheme to make your Fuhrer look evil. And I suppose we have your secret "trusted sources" to thank for that "info?"
You should know that despite his barbarity, I have no particular bone to pick with Assad. I thought he'd be the first of the Arab Mideast's new breed of leader but he's been a major disappointment. In his defense, his wife is hot and he wears nice suits. His actions are, regrettably, much like that of his predecessor (Daddy) and so many of the Arab World's top dogs ... brutally repressive. I suspect that is what the Arabs want - even demand - of their leaders. Rigidly and viciously enforced societal submissiveness.
Have you not something else to say? Blaming Assad for fabricated nothings seems to be the only answer you have to the hard truth.

Classic Turnspeak. Ignoring or denying the hard evidence of Assad's brutality is dishonest at best. Despite your pretensions, you are no friend of the Syrians.

Report Syria tortured and executed 11 000 - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Why is not Syrian but American torture on tv, then?

to which TV do you refer? You expect Syria to discuss its decades of torture in its prisons? ------Adolf Hitler did not advertise his exploits in Auschwitz either
Israeli airstrikes have hit targets near Damascus International Airport and in the town of Dimas near the Lebanon border, Syrian state TV reports.

"The Israeli enemy committed aggression against Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus province, in all of Dimas and near the Damascus International Airport," the report said, adding that there were no casualties.

The airstrikes targeted an arms depot, a source in Syrian army's Joint Staff told Sputnik news agency on Sunday. "The Israeli Air Force have conducted airstrikes on an arms depot, which caused huge blasts near the [Damascus] International Airport," the source said in a phone conversation.
Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport Syrian state TV RT News
Another provocation for war

Israel and Syria are in a state of war right now------bombing
munition sites in the present situation is absolutely legal-----unlike your fellow pigs Israelis do not enter with the agenda of
slitting the throats of infants
The hundreds of dead children of Israels latest campaign in Gaza tell a different story.

Bombing an arms depot hidden behind civilians, not specifically targeting children for the sake of killing children or spilling gazan blood. Hamas was wrong to have used the UN school to hide its military actions. Hamas is wrong to use human shields.
Hamas is wrong about that. No doubt. However, if Israel would accept the creation of a Palestinian state, things would calm down.
For a few minutes, then they'll be wanting Israel to leave or just friggen die.

BTW, why can't the Palestinians create their own stupid state. Do they need Israel's friggen permission or something?

they don't know how--- they never did it before
I don't know where you get your numbers but the following is from the January, 2014 Al-Jazeera article:

The report was written by Desmond de Silva, the former chief prosecutor of the special court for Sierra Leone; Geoffrey Nice, the former lead prosecutor in the trial of former Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic; and David Crane, who indicted the Liberian president, Charles Taylor.
It features evidence from a forensic pathologist, an anthropologist who investigated mass graves in Kosovo and an expert in digital images.
De Silva said the report was the "smoking gun" showing evidence of "industrial-scale" killing by the Syrian regime.
The defector, identified only as "Caesar", presented about 55,000 images of 11,000 dead prisoners since the start of the uprising in Syria in March 2011.
The evidence was viewed by forensic experts commissioned by a London legal firm representing Qatar.
The defector claims that the victims all died in captivity before being taken to a military hospital to be photographed.
"The pictures show over a period of years the systematic murder of detainees by starvation, by torture, the gouging out of eyes, the hideous beating of people, the mutilation of bodies," De Silva said.

We hear such fairytales when Uncle Sam prepares for another raid on a weaker country. But this time it isnt working. Uncle Sam needs Syria to defeat the beast he created before it comes for himself.

Whoa, I get it now. The report's authors, Qatar, Al-Jazeera and the Syrian military photographer are all complicit in some American scheme to make your Fuhrer look evil. And I suppose we have your secret "trusted sources" to thank for that "info?"
You should know that despite his barbarity, I have no particular bone to pick with Assad. I thought he'd be the first of the Arab Mideast's new breed of leader but he's been a major disappointment. In his defense, his wife is hot and he wears nice suits. His actions are, regrettably, much like that of his predecessor (Daddy) and so many of the Arab World's top dogs ... brutally repressive. I suspect that is what the Arabs want - even demand - of their leaders. Rigidly and viciously enforced societal submissiveness.
Have you not something else to say? Blaming Assad for fabricated nothings seems to be the only answer you have to the hard truth.

Classic Turnspeak. Ignoring or denying the hard evidence of Assad's brutality is dishonest at best. Despite your pretensions, you are no friend of the Syrians.

Report Syria tortured and executed 11 000 - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Why is not Syrian but American torture on tv, then?

Really dude? Did you not feel STUPID while typing that silliness. News of Syrian abuses is not only months old news, it is so commonplace in the Arab/Muslim World that it barely registers on anyone's radar. Of course, many of the same folks who ho-hum (or deny) the Syrian torture will be screaming about American abuses for the next six months.

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