Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport – Syrian state TV

Why is not Syrian but American torture on tv, then?

Really dude? Did you not feel STUPID while typing that silliness. News of Syrian abuses is not only months old news, it is so commonplace in the Arab/Muslim World that it barely registers on anyone's radar. Of course, many of the same folks who ho-hum (or deny) the Syrian torture will be screaming about American abuses for the next six months.
The anti-Syrian false report never made it to the tv.
Yes it did. The photo's story has been in the news since the Amnesty International exposure in January and and again when the photo's were viewed and discussed by the UN Security Council in April. Each time a new development in the photo's and Syrian torture topic comes up it gets covered. Syrian torture programs have been in the news since the 70's. The subject of Syrian government torture and murder of it's citizens is barely news. It has been an accepted reality for so many decades that even the newest revelations seem like old news.
If it was on tv why are you the only one who knows about it?

I've been trying to get you to understand for more than a year here. People from the AOL forum know I've been speaking about it for a long time.

You are the one that refuses to "know" about it. TV, print, internet, radio.............I've had friends on my social sites with personal knowledge. Not just syrians tortured and killed in the jails but Lebanese as well. People disappeared and their families could get no information about what happened. Even trying to go directly to syria to seek information gave them no closure. More than a decade later in a "magnanimous" gesture by Assad there was a bus load of prisoners release. None had been charged or families give any information about the fact that they were in Syrian jails. All had been interrogated and abuse in some way. Many of the details would make a sadist cringe. A well know journalist that was awarded a golden feather was held and finally released. Sadly most that go into Mazzeh never some out, and families are never told.
I've told you of the executions and blood and bread the soldiers consume. The prison belongs in a medieval horror story not the 21 st century.
At a time when many countries wage a criminal Islamist terror proxy war on Syria it is not smart but quite pathetic to pay any attention to their horror tales. And when they got some cannibal head fetishists, who the hell cares?
But the fairytell is definitely fabricated and amplified with horrorfying details.
Really dude? Did you not feel STUPID while typing that silliness. News of Syrian abuses is not only months old news, it is so commonplace in the Arab/Muslim World that it barely registers on anyone's radar. Of course, many of the same folks who ho-hum (or deny) the Syrian torture will be screaming about American abuses for the next six months.
The anti-Syrian false report never made it to the tv.
Yes it did. The photo's story has been in the news since the Amnesty International exposure in January and and again when the photo's were viewed and discussed by the UN Security Council in April. Each time a new development in the photo's and Syrian torture topic comes up it gets covered. Syrian torture programs have been in the news since the 70's. The subject of Syrian government torture and murder of it's citizens is barely news. It has been an accepted reality for so many decades that even the newest revelations seem like old news.
If it was on tv why are you the only one who knows about it?

I've been trying to get you to understand for more than a year here. People from the AOL forum know I've been speaking about it for a long time.

You are the one that refuses to "know" about it. TV, print, internet, radio.............I've had friends on my social sites with personal knowledge. Not just syrians tortured and killed in the jails but Lebanese as well. People disappeared and their families could get no information about what happened. Even trying to go directly to syria to seek information gave them no closure. More than a decade later in a "magnanimous" gesture by Assad there was a bus load of prisoners release. None had been charged or families give any information about the fact that they were in Syrian jails. All had been interrogated and abuse in some way. Many of the details would make a sadist cringe. A well know journalist that was awarded a golden feather was held and finally released. Sadly most that go into Mazzeh never some out, and families are never told.
I've told you of the executions and blood and bread the soldiers consume. The prison belongs in a medieval horror story not the 21 st century.
At a time when many countries wage a criminal Islamist terror proxy war on Syria it is not smart but quite pathetic to pay any attention to their horror tales. And when they got some cannibal head fetishists, who the hell cares?
But the fairytell is definitely fabricated and amplified with horrorfying details.

right--------a remake of islamo Nazi propaganda which was being authored as early as the 1930s in Germany (and parts
of the USA) and got MIGRATED to Syria-----in 1945----and
authored there by the same authors for decades Captain Blei wins the ALOIS BRUNNER award for
December 2014
Why is not Syrian but American torture on tv, then?

Really dude? Did you not feel STUPID while typing that silliness. News of Syrian abuses is not only months old news, it is so commonplace in the Arab/Muslim World that it barely registers on anyone's radar. Of course, many of the same folks who ho-hum (or deny) the Syrian torture will be screaming about American abuses for the next six months.
The anti-Syrian false report never made it to the tv.

That totally true report of Assad's torture chambers was not only reported by the MS media worldwide, it made it to Al-Jazeera and to Congressional hearings.
Al-Jazeera, the channel that always has been the first to spread anti-Syrian propganda lies. Great.

could be------Al-Jazeera is a propaganda tool for the kind of islamicist pigs who are anti Baathist----Baathist being another kind of islamicist pig. Sadaam Hussein was a Baathist pig----Gamal l Nasser was a Baathist pig. Baathists do not get along with OIL EMIRS------lots of islamicist pigs despise
oil emirs

considering what is going on in the ummah-----BAATHIST can be considered another Islamic sect
Baathism is pan-arabic socialism. Nothing religious. This kind of "soft-socialism" has made the Baathist countries wealthy and educated.
Hamas is wrong about that. No doubt. However, if Israel would accept the creation of a Palestinian state, things would calm down.
For a few minutes, then they'll be wanting Israel to leave or just friggen die.

BTW, why can't the Palestinians create their own stupid state. Do they need Israel's friggen permission or something?
I dont think so. The opression by Israel is the major reason for the support for the Hamas.

Incorrect. The repression, incompetence and corruption of the PLO is the major reason for Hamas's popularity. How is it you are so consistently wrong? Can it be you are ideologically rather than truth driven?
That question out of a Zions servants mouth sounds quite ludicrous. You talk as if Palestinians arent humans.

Have they shown any sings of being human yet, after all they do eat their enemies after tenderising their flesh.
All of them are cannibals?
Really dude? Did you not feel STUPID while typing that silliness. News of Syrian abuses is not only months old news, it is so commonplace in the Arab/Muslim World that it barely registers on anyone's radar. Of course, many of the same folks who ho-hum (or deny) the Syrian torture will be screaming about American abuses for the next six months.
The anti-Syrian false report never made it to the tv.

That totally true report of Assad's torture chambers was not only reported by the MS media worldwide, it made it to Al-Jazeera and to Congressional hearings.
Al-Jazeera, the channel that always has been the first to spread anti-Syrian propganda lies. Great.

could be------Al-Jazeera is a propaganda tool for the kind of islamicist pigs who are anti Baathist----Baathist being another kind of islamicist pig. Sadaam Hussein was a Baathist pig----Gamal l Nasser was a Baathist pig. Baathists do not get along with OIL EMIRS------lots of islamicist pigs despise
oil emirs

considering what is going on in the ummah-----BAATHIST can be considered another Islamic sect
Baathism is pan-arabic socialism. Nothing religious. This kind of "soft-socialism" has made the Baathist countries wealthy and educated.

not true----BAATHISM is muslim Arabism------as fascist as
ideology driven as NAZISM------of course the goal is the same-------a UTOPIA-------a AN ARYAN REICH for
germans and an arab CALIPHATE for arab muslims.
SHARIAH for the ARAB CALIPHATE-------and
JUSTINIAN LAW for the reich. ------of course -----all are happy in the REICH UTOPIA and all are happy in the glorious CALIPHATE

the glory of the "everyone happy" CALIPHATE is as basic
a belief among muslims as is the trinity doctrine and "salvation thru Christ" doctrine amongst christians
For a few minutes, then they'll be wanting Israel to leave or just friggen die.

BTW, why can't the Palestinians create their own stupid state. Do they need Israel's friggen permission or something?
I dont think so. The opression by Israel is the major reason for the support for the Hamas.

Incorrect. The repression, incompetence and corruption of the PLO is the major reason for Hamas's popularity. How is it you are so consistently wrong? Can it be you are ideologically rather than truth driven?
That question out of a Zions servants mouth sounds quite ludicrous. You talk as if Palestinians arent humans.

Have they shown any sings of being human yet, after all they do eat their enemies after tenderising their flesh.
All of them are cannibals?

no ----none of them are cannibals-----cannibals eat human flesh as a food-------jihadis chew on people parts or blood----as a symbol of the "greatness of allah"
I dont think so. The opression by Israel is the major reason for the support for the Hamas.

Incorrect. The repression, incompetence and corruption of the PLO is the major reason for Hamas's popularity. How is it you are so consistently wrong? Can it be you are ideologically rather than truth driven?
That question out of a Zions servants mouth sounds quite ludicrous. You talk as if Palestinians arent humans.

Have they shown any sings of being human yet, after all they do eat their enemies after tenderising their flesh.
All of them are cannibals?

no ----none of them are cannibals-----cannibals eat human flesh as a food-------jihadis chew on people parts or blood----as a symbol of the "greatness of allah"
Cannibal is cannibal.
The anti-Syrian false report never made it to the tv.

That totally true report of Assad's torture chambers was not only reported by the MS media worldwide, it made it to Al-Jazeera and to Congressional hearings.
Al-Jazeera, the channel that always has been the first to spread anti-Syrian propganda lies. Great.

could be------Al-Jazeera is a propaganda tool for the kind of islamicist pigs who are anti Baathist----Baathist being another kind of islamicist pig. Sadaam Hussein was a Baathist pig----Gamal l Nasser was a Baathist pig. Baathists do not get along with OIL EMIRS------lots of islamicist pigs despise
oil emirs

considering what is going on in the ummah-----BAATHIST can be considered another Islamic sect
Baathism is pan-arabic socialism. Nothing religious. This kind of "soft-socialism" has made the Baathist countries wealthy and educated.

not true----BAATHISM is muslim Arabism------as fascist as
ideology driven as NAZISM------of course the goal is the same-------a UTOPIA-------a AN ARYAN REICH for
germans and an arab CALIPHATE for arab muslims.
SHARIAH for the ARAB CALIPHATE-------and
JUSTINIAN LAW for the reich. ------of course -----all are happy in the REICH UTOPIA and all are happy in the glorious CALIPHATE

the glory of the "everyone happy" CALIPHATE is as basic
a belief among muslims as is the trinity doctrine and "salvation thru Christ" doctrine amongst christians
No, it provides freedom of religion for everyone.
That totally true report of Assad's torture chambers was not only reported by the MS media worldwide, it made it to Al-Jazeera and to Congressional hearings.
Al-Jazeera, the channel that always has been the first to spread anti-Syrian propganda lies. Great.

could be------Al-Jazeera is a propaganda tool for the kind of islamicist pigs who are anti Baathist----Baathist being another kind of islamicist pig. Sadaam Hussein was a Baathist pig----Gamal l Nasser was a Baathist pig. Baathists do not get along with OIL EMIRS------lots of islamicist pigs despise
oil emirs

considering what is going on in the ummah-----BAATHIST can be considered another Islamic sect
Baathism is pan-arabic socialism. Nothing religious. This kind of "soft-socialism" has made the Baathist countries wealthy and educated.

not true----BAATHISM is muslim Arabism------as fascist as
ideology driven as NAZISM------of course the goal is the same-------a UTOPIA-------a AN ARYAN REICH for
germans and an arab CALIPHATE for arab muslims.
SHARIAH for the ARAB CALIPHATE-------and
JUSTINIAN LAW for the reich. ------of course -----all are happy in the REICH UTOPIA and all are happy in the glorious CALIPHATE

the glory of the "everyone happy" CALIPHATE is as basic
a belief among muslims as is the trinity doctrine and "salvation thru Christ" doctrine amongst christians
No, it provides freedom of religion for everyone.

BULL SHIT LIE. lets ask come chaldeans how things were for them under BAATHIST SADAAM -----and some
COPTS how things were for them under murdering pig
MUBARAK A Coptic colleague of mine----smart kid---
medical school graduate----told me in tears--(long ago) ----
Mubarak had the patriarch of the Coptic church murdered.----
his policy was very much ---destroy the copts PS---like pig Nasser----while pig Mubarak was not such a horror as are the present dogs running Egypt------he was----indeed a BAATHIST-----as was AL HUSSEINI----leader of the Hebron
massacre-----Baathism is Islamic nazism
Bombing an arms depot hidden behind civilians, not specifically targeting children for the sake of killing children or spilling gazan blood. Hamas was wrong to have used the UN school to hide its military actions. Hamas is wrong to use human shields.
Hamas is wrong about that. No doubt. However, if Israel would accept the creation of a Palestinian state, things would calm down.
For a few minutes, then they'll be wanting Israel to leave or just friggen die.

BTW, why can't the Palestinians create their own stupid state. Do they need Israel's friggen permission or something?
I dont think so. The opression by Israel is the major reason for the support for the Hamas.

Incorrect. The repression, incompetence and corruption of the PLO is the major reason for Hamas's popularity. How is it you are so consistently wrong? Can it be you are ideologically rather than truth driven?
That question out of a Zions servants mouth sounds quite ludicrous. You talk as if Palestinians arent humans.
Incorrect. The repression, incompetence and corruption of the PLO is the major reason for Hamas's popularity. How is it you are so consistently wrong? Can it be you are ideologically rather than truth driven?
That question out of a Zions servants mouth sounds quite ludicrous. You talk as if Palestinians arent humans.
I had a Palestinian Arabic instructor a few years ago. She was a really nice lady. But mention Israel and she became unhinged. This is what propaganda and bigotry does to normally rational people.
Israel is not opressing YOUR people. It happens when a neighbouring leader considers his people a kind of masterrace.

You're brainwashed. I dislike Orthodox Jews, but Israel is simply trying to assure their survival. They feel threatened by Hamas and Hezbollah, and threatened by your average PLO member. Syria and Iran is waging a proxy war with Israel using the Palestinian people as pawns. The people on the West Bank and Gaza would have better lives inside a month if it weren't for outside influences.
What nonesense. How is the Hamas a threat to Israels existence, a countey that largely consists of weapons? Tell us.

You can't be serious. All Hamas needs to do is get it's hands on a WMD from one of it's terrorist sponsoring states like Iran. It can be anything, a dirty bomb, chemical weapon, suitcase bomb, anthrax, etc.and somehow get it into Israel to be deployed. Same threats that the US is watching for.
Really dude? Did you not feel STUPID while typing that silliness. News of Syrian abuses is not only months old news, it is so commonplace in the Arab/Muslim World that it barely registers on anyone's radar. Of course, many of the same folks who ho-hum (or deny) the Syrian torture will be screaming about American abuses for the next six months.
The anti-Syrian false report never made it to the tv.

That totally true report of Assad's torture chambers was not only reported by the MS media worldwide, it made it to Al-Jazeera and to Congressional hearings.
Al-Jazeera, the channel that always has been the first to spread anti-Syrian propganda lies. Great.

could be------Al-Jazeera is a propaganda tool for the kind of islamicist pigs who are anti Baathist----Baathist being another kind of islamicist pig. Sadaam Hussein was a Baathist pig----Gamal l Nasser was a Baathist pig. Baathists do not get along with OIL EMIRS------lots of islamicist pigs despise
oil emirs

considering what is going on in the ummah-----BAATHIST can be considered another Islamic sect
Baathism is pan-arabic socialism. Nothing religious. This kind of "soft-socialism" has made the Baathist countries wealthy and educated.

Baathism is an offshoot of Palestinian IslamoNazism. The Mufti brought Nazism into the Arab / Muslim psyche and divided it into two branches, one became Islamic Nazism via the Muslim Brotherhood, and the other Arab Nationalistic Nazism, via the Baath party:

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

Amin Al Husseini Nazi Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
For the sake of being complete----there are some people from
the middle east who consider themselves Christians who are
BAATHISTS----just as there are some people who consider themselves Christians who are Nazis.
For the sake of being complete----there are some people from
the middle east who consider themselves Christians who are
BAATHISTS----just as there are some people who consider themselves Christians who are Nazis.
Correct. Hanaan Ashrawi, Sadam, Naser, Assad, these are all Baathists who formed their ideologies to mimic the German Nazis, thanks to the Nazi Mufti of Palestine.
That totally true report of Assad's torture chambers was not only reported by the MS media worldwide, it made it to Al-Jazeera and to Congressional hearings.
Al-Jazeera, the channel that always has been the first to spread anti-Syrian propganda lies. Great.

could be------Al-Jazeera is a propaganda tool for the kind of islamicist pigs who are anti Baathist----Baathist being another kind of islamicist pig. Sadaam Hussein was a Baathist pig----Gamal l Nasser was a Baathist pig. Baathists do not get along with OIL EMIRS------lots of islamicist pigs despise
oil emirs

considering what is going on in the ummah-----BAATHIST can be considered another Islamic sect
Baathism is pan-arabic socialism. Nothing religious. This kind of "soft-socialism" has made the Baathist countries wealthy and educated.

not true----BAATHISM is muslim Arabism------as fascist as
ideology driven as NAZISM------of course the goal is the same-------a UTOPIA-------a AN ARYAN REICH for
germans and an arab CALIPHATE for arab muslims.
SHARIAH for the ARAB CALIPHATE-------and
JUSTINIAN LAW for the reich. ------of course -----all are happy in the REICH UTOPIA and all are happy in the glorious CALIPHATE

the glory of the "everyone happy" CALIPHATE is as basic
a belief among muslims as is the trinity doctrine and "salvation thru Christ" doctrine amongst christians
No, it provides freedom of religion for everyone.
For the sake of being complete----there are some people from
the middle east who consider themselves Christians who are
BAATHISTS----just as there are some people who consider themselves Christians who are Nazis.
Correct. Hanaan Ashrawi, Sadam, Naser, Assad, these are all Baathists who formed their ideologies to mimic the German Nazis, thanks to the Nazi Mufti of Palestine.

we are so lucky----we have our very own BAATHIST right here----
the great and glorious CAPTAIN BLEI. a fan of papa and
baby ASSAD------and ---of SADAAM and of mass murderer---
GAMAL ABDEL NASSER--------the only person in the past 60
years to use nitrogen mustard gas on babies
Al-Jazeera, the channel that always has been the first to spread anti-Syrian propganda lies. Great.

could be------Al-Jazeera is a propaganda tool for the kind of islamicist pigs who are anti Baathist----Baathist being another kind of islamicist pig. Sadaam Hussein was a Baathist pig----Gamal l Nasser was a Baathist pig. Baathists do not get along with OIL EMIRS------lots of islamicist pigs despise
oil emirs

considering what is going on in the ummah-----BAATHIST can be considered another Islamic sect
Baathism is pan-arabic socialism. Nothing religious. This kind of "soft-socialism" has made the Baathist countries wealthy and educated.

not true----BAATHISM is muslim Arabism------as fascist as
ideology driven as NAZISM------of course the goal is the same-------a UTOPIA-------a AN ARYAN REICH for
germans and an arab CALIPHATE for arab muslims.
SHARIAH for the ARAB CALIPHATE-------and
JUSTINIAN LAW for the reich. ------of course -----all are happy in the REICH UTOPIA and all are happy in the glorious CALIPHATE

the glory of the "everyone happy" CALIPHATE is as basic
a belief among muslims as is the trinity doctrine and "salvation thru Christ" doctrine amongst christians
No, it provides freedom of religion for everyone.

BULL SHIT LIE. lets ask come chaldeans how things were for them under BAATHIST SADAAM -----and some
COPTS how things were for them under murdering pig
MUBARAK A Coptic colleague of mine----smart kid---
medical school graduate----told me in tears--(long ago) ----
Mubarak had the patriarch of the Coptic church murdered.----
his policy was very much ---destroy the copts PS---like pig Nasser----while pig Mubarak was not such a horror as are the present dogs running Egypt------he was----indeed a BAATHIST-----as was AL HUSSEINI----leader of the Hebron
massacre-----Baathism is Islamic nazism
Are you clear thinking or has the hatred taken over?
Hamas is wrong about that. No doubt. However, if Israel would accept the creation of a Palestinian state, things would calm down.
For a few minutes, then they'll be wanting Israel to leave or just friggen die.

BTW, why can't the Palestinians create their own stupid state. Do they need Israel's friggen permission or something?
I dont think so. The opression by Israel is the major reason for the support for the Hamas.

Incorrect. The repression, incompetence and corruption of the PLO is the major reason for Hamas's popularity. How is it you are so consistently wrong? Can it be you are ideologically rather than truth driven?
That question out of a Zions servants mouth sounds quite ludicrous. You talk as if Palestinians arent humans.
That question out of a Zions servants mouth sounds quite ludicrous. You talk as if Palestinians arent humans.
I had a Palestinian Arabic instructor a few years ago. She was a really nice lady. But mention Israel and she became unhinged. This is what propaganda and bigotry does to normally rational people.
Israel is not opressing YOUR people. It happens when a neighbouring leader considers his people a kind of masterrace.

You're brainwashed. I dislike Orthodox Jews, but Israel is simply trying to assure their survival. They feel threatened by Hamas and Hezbollah, and threatened by your average PLO member. Syria and Iran is waging a proxy war with Israel using the Palestinian people as pawns. The people on the West Bank and Gaza would have better lives inside a month if it weren't for outside influences.
What nonesense. How is the Hamas a threat to Israels existence, a countey that largely consists of weapons? Tell us.

You can't be serious. All Hamas needs to do is get it's hands on a WMD from one of it's terrorist sponsoring states like Iran. It can be anything, a dirty bomb, chemical weapon, suitcase bomb, anthrax, etc.and somehow get it into Israel to be deployed. Same threats that the US is watching for.
Really? Why isnt the IDF confronting the threat and finishing Hamas off then?
Incorrect. The repression, incompetence and corruption of the PLO is the major reason for Hamas's popularity. How is it you are so consistently wrong? Can it be you are ideologically rather than truth driven?
That question out of a Zions servants mouth sounds quite ludicrous. You talk as if Palestinians arent humans.

Have they shown any sings of being human yet, after all they do eat their enemies after tenderising their flesh.
All of them are cannibals?

no ----none of them are cannibals-----cannibals eat human flesh as a food-------jihadis chew on people parts or blood----as a symbol of the "greatness of allah"
Cannibal is cannibal.

but syrian soldiers dipping bread in human blood or those executed is not?

That question out of a Zions servants mouth sounds quite ludicrous. You talk as if Palestinians arent humans.

Have they shown any sings of being human yet, after all they do eat their enemies after tenderising their flesh.
All of them are cannibals?

no ----none of them are cannibals-----cannibals eat human flesh as a food-------jihadis chew on people parts or blood----as a symbol of the "greatness of allah"
Cannibal is cannibal.

but syrian soldiers dipping bread in human blood or those executed is not?

Its already enough of that bogus shit.
could be------Al-Jazeera is a propaganda tool for the kind of islamicist pigs who are anti Baathist----Baathist being another kind of islamicist pig. Sadaam Hussein was a Baathist pig----Gamal l Nasser was a Baathist pig. Baathists do not get along with OIL EMIRS------lots of islamicist pigs despise
oil emirs

considering what is going on in the ummah-----BAATHIST can be considered another Islamic sect
Baathism is pan-arabic socialism. Nothing religious. This kind of "soft-socialism" has made the Baathist countries wealthy and educated.

not true----BAATHISM is muslim Arabism------as fascist as
ideology driven as NAZISM------of course the goal is the same-------a UTOPIA-------a AN ARYAN REICH for
germans and an arab CALIPHATE for arab muslims.
SHARIAH for the ARAB CALIPHATE-------and
JUSTINIAN LAW for the reich. ------of course -----all are happy in the REICH UTOPIA and all are happy in the glorious CALIPHATE

the glory of the "everyone happy" CALIPHATE is as basic
a belief among muslims as is the trinity doctrine and "salvation thru Christ" doctrine amongst christians
No, it provides freedom of religion for everyone.

BULL SHIT LIE. lets ask come chaldeans how things were for them under BAATHIST SADAAM -----and some
COPTS how things were for them under murdering pig
MUBARAK A Coptic colleague of mine----smart kid---
medical school graduate----told me in tears--(long ago) ----
Mubarak had the patriarch of the Coptic church murdered.----
his policy was very much ---destroy the copts PS---like pig Nasser----while pig Mubarak was not such a horror as are the present dogs running Egypt------he was----indeed a BAATHIST-----as was AL HUSSEINI----leader of the Hebron
massacre-----Baathism is Islamic nazism
Are you clear thinking or has the hatred taken over?

I am not a Baathist-----BAATHISM is your thing. I am not sure
just what you call "hatred"-------I have not been directly harmed by Baathist pigs------I have simply known lots of people who
have been and I know a bit of history of the filth you so love.
I have not been directly harmed by POL POT either-----but I do not consider him a nice guy either or his proposed UTOPIA
That question out of a Zions servants mouth sounds quite ludicrous. You talk as if Palestinians arent humans.

Have they shown any sings of being human yet, after all they do eat their enemies after tenderising their flesh.
All of them are cannibals?

no ----none of them are cannibals-----cannibals eat human flesh as a food-------jihadis chew on people parts or blood----as a symbol of the "greatness of allah"
Cannibal is cannibal.

but syrian soldiers dipping bread in human blood or those executed is not?


not what ? cannibals? Not by my impression of cannibals----
they are simply disgusting barbaric monsters. Cannibals use
humans as food------of course sometimes for symbolic reasons also

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