Israeli Apartheid

March 13. The number of children killed in the Gaza Strip in four months has exceeded the number of casualties among minors in conflicts over the past four years worldwide.
This was reported by the Commissioner General of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Philippe Lazzarini.
"The number of children killed in just over four months in the Gaza Strip exceeds the number of children killed in four years of wars around the world combined," Lazzarini said in a statement. He also called the current escalation in the Middle East a "war against children."
Genocidal Zionist shills are as plentiful as they are dishonest.

Why cant you answer my question in your own words?

That question was:

" please explain how Raz Segal and a rapidly growing number of people who condemn Netanyahu's genocide are wrong."
Why do you start by assuming "genocide"? Not only have Arab populations increased but if you recall, even the ICJ didn't claim that.

I enjoyed how you dismiss a contrary voice as a shill but arbitrarily decide that the writer whose position you like is not a shill or dishonest. Why can't you (who likes to footnote, cite articles to support your claims, expecting everyone to trust your sources) do the same when I provide a source?
March 13. The number of children killed in the Gaza Strip in four months has exceeded the number of casualties among minors in conflicts over the past four years worldwide.
Maybe the Gazans should not have attacked Israel on October 7, 2023...

...and beheaded Jewish babies in front of their parents...

...and raped Jewish girls in front of their families...

...and cut the throats of Jewish parents in front of their children...

...and killed 1,000+ Jews...

...and take hundreds hostages which they abuse and kill and rape?

Actions have consequences.

These are the consequences that the Gazans have brought down upon their own heads by enabling and supporting Hamas.

This is war.

A formally declared war, complete with a national unity war cabinet... a war initiated by the Gazans and their Hamas scum.

Civilians die in wars... including children... truly unfortunate that the Gazans and Hamas chose this path for themselves.

The Gazan war-making capability must now be destroyed and Hamas eviscerated and a severe lesson taught to the Gazans.

Israel is doing just that... a truly righteous war... to ensure that Gazans and Hamas can never again launch an October 7th.

This was reported by the Commissioner General of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Philippe Lazzarini.
"The number of children killed in just over four months in the Gaza Strip exceeds the number of children killed in four years of wars around the world combined," Lazzarini said in a statement. He also called the current escalation in the Middle East a "war against children."
Given that the UNRWA takes sides with the Gazans to the point of hosting their operational bases, it may be safely ignored.


The Gazans can end this in a single day.

Run up the White Flag of Unconditional Surrender.

  • Cease all hostilities
  • Surrender all weapons
  • Surrender all remaining Jewish hostages
  • Dissolve Hamas
  • Turn over Hamas leadership
  • Turn over all Hamas cadre who participated in October 7th
  • Identify all intact Hamas tunnels and operational bases and weapons caches

Do that and it all ends.

Fail to do that and Gazans will continue to die... Hamas cadre, and the civilians that those chicken$hit pu$$ie$ hide behind.

After October 7, 2023... after voting-for and enabling and supporting and staffing and cheering Hamas for years...,

After all that, Gazans want us to feel sorry for them?

Phukk 'em.


Death to Hamas.

Go Team Israel.

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Maybe the Gazans should not have attacked Israel on October 7, 2023...

...and beheaded Jewish babies in front of their parents...

...and raped Jewish girls in front of their families...

...and cut the throats of Jewish parents in front of their children...

...and killed 1,000+ Jews...

...and take hundreds hostages which they abuse and kill and rape?

Actions have consequences.

These are the consequences that the Gazans have brought down upon their own heads by enabling and supporting Hamas.

This is war.

A formally declared war, complete with a national unity war cabinet... a war initiated by the Gazans and their Hamas scum.

Civilians die in wars... including children... truly unfortunate that the Gazans and Hamas chose this path for themselves.

The Gazan war-making capability must now be destroyed and Hamas eviscerated and a severe lesson taught to the Gazans.

Israel is doing just that... a truly righteous war... to ensure that Gazans and Hamas can never again launch an October 7th.

Given that the UNRWA takes sides with the Gazans to the point of hosting their operational bases, it may be safely ignored.


The Gazans can end this in a single day.

Run up the White Flag of Unconditional Surrender.

  • Cease all hostilities
  • Surrender all weapons
  • Surrender all remaining Jewish hostages
  • Dissolve Hamas
  • Turn over Hamas leadership
  • Turn over all Hamas cadre who participated in October 7th
  • Identify all intact Hamas tunnels and operational bases and weapons caches

Do that and it all ends.

Fail to do that and Gazans will continue to die... Hamas cadre, and the civilians that those chicken$hit pu$$ie$ hide behind.

After October 7, 2023... after voting-for and enabling and supporting and staffing and cheering Hamas for years...,

After all that, Gazans want us to feel sorry for them?

Phukk 'em.


Death to Hamas.

Go Team Israel.

You Nazis have killed hundreds and arrested thousands in the West bank since October the 7th, you have also murdered 54 Palestinians in your jails.
Most Palestinian dead are women and kids
This is War.

Civilians die in War.

Just ask the ghosts of the dead from London, Coventry, Warsaw, Dresden, Hamburg, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki...

Your beloved Hamas started it.

And now they're losing Big Time.

Eat $hit and Die, Achmed.

that's your level
Nope. That's Hamas' level, raping and beheading little girls and their parents on October 7, 2023. Phukking lowlife scum.
i see you have not had the balls to invade Lebanon since 2006 that's when you had to face Men.

Are you talking about your pu$$y Hezbollah cousins and their pi$$ant Iranian Revolutionary Guard advisor-faggots?

You're funny, Achmed.

Oh, and... by the way... they're next... :auiqs.jpg:
This is War.

Civilians die in War.

Just ask the ghosts of the dead from London, Coventry, Warsaw, Dresden, Hamburg, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki...

Your beloved Hamas started it.

And now they're losing Big Time.

Eat $hit and Die, Achmed.

Nope. That's Hamas' level, raping and beheading little girls and their parents on October 7, 2023. Phukking lowlife scum.


Are you talking about your pu$$y Hezbollah cousins and their pi$$ant Iranian Revolutionary Guard advisor-faggots?

You're funny, Achmed.

Oh, and... by the way... they're next... :auiqs.jpg:
Achmed? do me a favour Zio Boy.
This is War.
But only one side has jet fighters, tanks, artillery, bombs, shrapnel bombs, phosphorous bombs, bulldozers, armored personnel carriers. Therefore this is not well described as a "war". It is a massacre.
Civilians die in War.
Then why all the fuss over Oct 7th?
Just ask the ghosts of the dead from London, Coventry, Warsaw, Dresden, Hamburg, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki...

Your beloved Hamas started it.
Hamas started WW2?
And now they're losing Big Time.

Eat $hit and Die, Achmed.
That's about the options two million people have right now in Gaza, at least you got that accurate.
Nope. That's Hamas' level, raping and beheading little girls and their parents on October 7, 2023. Phukking lowlife scum.
Civilians die in War (as you just pointed out)
This is War.

Civilians die in War.

Just ask the ghosts of the dead from London, Coventry, Warsaw, Dresden, Hamburg, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki...

Your beloved Hamas started it.

And now they're losing Big Time.

Eat $hit and Die, Achmed.

Nope. That's Hamas' level, raping and beheading little girls and their parents on October 7, 2023. Phukking lowlife scum.


Are you talking about your pu$$y Hezbollah cousins and their pi$$ant Iranian Revolutionary Guard advisor-faggots?

You're funny, Achmed.

Oh, and... by the way... they're next... :auiqs.jpg:
RE: Israeli Apartheid
SUBTOPIC: Insensarity
※→ Sherlock Holmes, et al,


I don't hear much of a measure of "sincerity" in your answer.

But only one side has jet fighters, tanks, artillery, bombs, shrapnel bombs, phosphorous bombs, bulldozers, armored personnel carriers. Therefore this is not well described as a "war". It is a massacre.

When you attempt to connect the concept of "WAR" with the various activities involved in the Israeli-Arab-Palestinian Conflict, you have to understand the connections. The term "WAR" is not truly defined. It becomes an undefined and obsolete term in this concept. "WAR" is not a true legal term. The application of this term in connection with the conflict is made through the basic law that is being imposed. That basic set of laws is the Fourth Geneva Convention (GCIV).
International humanitarian law distinguishes two types of armed conflicts, namely:
  • international armed conflicts (IAC), opposing two or more States, and
  • non-international armed conflicts (NIAC), between governmental forces and non-governmental armed groups, or between such groups only. IHL treaty law also establishes a distinction between non-international armed conflicts in the meaning of common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and non-international armed conflicts falling within the definition provided in Art. 1 of Additional Protocol II.
Then why all the fuss over Oct 7th?

Article 51 of the UN Charter and the Act of Aggression A/RES/3314 (XXIX).
Article 8 bis. Rome Statutes
Crime of Aggression: Definition:
For the purpose of this Statute, “crime of aggression” means the planning, preparation, initiation or execution, by a person in a position effectively to exercise control over or to direct the political or military action of a State, of an act of aggression which, by its character, gravity and scale, constitutes a manifest violation of the Charter of the United Nations.

No matter what you call it, the actions of the Islamic Resistance and the associated terrorist organizations on 7 OCT 23 were simply wrong.



Most Respectfully,

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